ROSMAN NEWS MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correspondent B. Y. & U. SOCIAL - IS ENJOYABLE Members of the B. T. P. U. of Zion Baptist church held a social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. GUzener on Main street Tuesday evening. Games and contests weie en joyed. Refreshments of chicken salad, sandwiches, cakes and iced tea were served. Guests present were as fol lows: Misses Ruth Ramsey, Inez Oats, Edith Clark, Pauline Moore, Beatrice Woodard, Ethel Manley, Edna White, Emma Jane McLean, Ella Mae Collins, Anto Lockman, Faye Glazener, Louise Glazoner, Pauline Leathers and Messrs Randal* Lydav, Everett Whitmire, Walter FVece Jr., Carrell Manley, Homer Manley, Bruce Reid and Douglas Eldridge. ► MORROW-MOORE NUPTIALS Miss Ruth Moore and Mr. Sidney B. Morrow were «iuietly married at Biack Mountain at 8:00 o'clock Sat urday morning, August 18th. at the home of the bride’s unde and aunt, Mr and Mrs. Freeman McCall. Mrs. Morrow is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C’haiTe Moore, a gradu ate of Bosnian high school, finishing with the class of T.'d.i. She was very active ir. B. Y. 1’. U- amt Sunday school work, having taught a class i:. Sunday school for a number ot years. She was al>o a leader l"; social activities here. | Mr. Morrow is a native of Ten-; aessee. residing at Black Mountain, where the couple wil make their home. BAJ'TIEMAL SERVICE TO PE A l EAS l FORK Baptismal service, will be held a1 East Fork Baptist church next Sun day at 10 o’clock. The public is in vited. Rev. r. A. Rains and Rev Mr. Wolf of South Carolina wrili conduct the t.vival which will continue through the week. A large numbei of candidates have already presented ^ themselves lor baptism. REVIVAL SERVICES A l 'll OS CHURCH Revival service.- began at Zioli Baptist church Sunday night conduct ed by Rev. A. .1. Manley and Th>- Rev. Mr. Broom of Jacks' n county. Sei v.c.'S are held each evening. The pub 1,, i.. invited. Rev. J K. Burt has has bed, pastor of the church u> a number oi years but resigned a lew days ago and as yet the church has not elected a past r. REV. UURT TO Eil.L REGULAR APPOISTMES I Rev. J. E. Burt will fill his regular appointment at Oak Grove Baptist church at Quebec Sunday night at 8 o’clock. The public is invited. GUESTS AT THE ! HUTCHES HOME The following guests have been registered at Lo-Vern. home of Mr. I and Mrs. C. C. Hutches, during the I Mist few days: Mr. and Mrs. Coliiver and daugh t rs Virginia and Betty of Saraso ta, Fla., were week-end guests and the following were registered callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hutches. Mi- Frank DeVane. Greenwich.) Conn.: Mrs. Chas. Cook Jr. and Mrs. W. Wood, Florence, S. C.; Mrs. R. C. Orr and son Rufus, Brevard; Mrs. O. J. Wheeler. Miss Eleanor Wheeler and Miss Helen Samain, Biloxi, Miss.; Mrs. Ralph Zachary, Mrs. Emma Zachary. Mrs. Ethel Harris, and Mrs. Julian Glazener of Brevard. Miss Helen Turner, Bradenton, Fla.; Mrs. Jack Zachary, Green ville; Clifford loins and Homer Whitmire. St. I.ouis Mo.; Thos. H. Smith, Memphis, Tenn.; Mrs. Anna Walters, Columbus, Ga.: Wm. R Miller. Baton Rouge, La. Miss Ruth Green. Balsom Grove; Miss Hattie McCall, Gloucester; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sitton, Brevard; Lirs. Margaret and Emery Pierce, Mrs. Geo. Wallace, Mrs. S. Frank Perkins and son George and daugh ter Nancv Jane, Miss Esther Hinck ley, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Earnshaw, and children Mary Louise and Dor othy. of Bradenton, Fla. i i A TIP! COAL^ Purity Products Co. baptismal services AT MT. MORIAH CHURCH Baptismal services were held at Mt. Moriah Baptist cfcurch, Calvert, Sunday afternoon. Five new members were added w the church. The revival services closed Tuesday night and were conducted by the pastor. Rev. J. E. Burt. Special music for the baptismal services was rendered by Clifford lorns of St. Louis. Mr. Iorns is stopping with Homer Whitmire at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Whit mire. PASTOR RE-ELECTED ROSMAN, August 22—ftev, A. J. | Manly was re-elected pastor of M'd- j | die Fork Baptist church Sunday. The j ! Rev. Mr. Manly served this church as pastor Iasi year. He resides with his! family in Rosinar. *_ j Glen Galloway of Brevavd spent' ! Saturday night as guest of Randall j Lyday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.1 R T. Kimzey. Miss Ophelia White, James. Paul and A. M. White returned home Sun- ! day night, having visited relatives for several days near Statesville. Rev. J. E. Burt marie a business’ | trip to Ashevlle the first of the! j week. W. R Lewis and daughter, Ruth, j I were Sunday guests of the former’s j parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Lewis at 1 Pickens. Mrs. John Jackson, who has been spending several days with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. S Galloway, ! returned to Enka Friday. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Lewis and two 1 children of Easley, S. C., are spend ing a few days as guests of the for- . nier’s brother, W. R. Lewis and Mrs. ] Lewis. Thomas Glazcner returned home the latter pait of rhe week, having spent several days visiting his father, I 1). L. Gla/.ener, at Willetts. He was accompanied home by his father who spent the week-end here. j R. T. Kimzey. R. F. Glazener. 1 A. Whitmire and Randall Lydav attended the field day at Swannanoa Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. White and laughter Miss Edna and son Earl eft Friday to spend several days | visiting relatives near Statesville. ! Mrs. Eliza Hines of Easley arrived 'Sunday to spend a few days visiting relatives nee. Mr. and Mrs. 'John Butler of Ninety Six spent Sunday as guests j T the latter’s parents. Rev. and Mrs J. E. Burt. .1. J. Cantrell of Greenville attended I he singing here Sunday and spent the night visiting friends. Charlie Butler and Mr. Etrom of N’inetv Six, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nel son were Sunday guests of Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Burt. | Al Jordan of Spartanburg is erect-, ing some cabins on the Price Moun- j tain near George Holcombe1 in the i Sin al Creek section. Wash Whitmire of Big Ivey spent, the week-end with his family here. | Mr. and Mrs. B. B. White and son , Bo ice, and Albert and Allen 'Whit-j mire visited relatives at Easley Sun I day. , , . I Rev. Nathan Chapman preached at . Glady Branch Baptist church near; Brevard Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Glover Jackson and ; ■hildren of Brevard, Miss Ada Lynch lof Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher and two children, Miss Belle Fisher and Wash Fisher, enjoyed a trip and picnic to Jackson county Sunday. The occasion was in honor of v\ ash Fisher’s birthday anniversary. Mrs. Estie Thomas, who has been . iguite ill for several days, is slightly j improved. , Mr.' and Mr3. Oscar Petit and children spent Sunday at Jocassee as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayman Chapman. _ A. M. Paxton returned home Sun day from a business trip to Jellico, i Term. He was accompanied home by Mr. ad Mrs. Wade Garren of Ashe ! ville- , . Miss Frances Edens returned to I Enka Saturday night, having spent ! th’. past week as guest of her par ienis. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Edens, i Mrs. John Kilpatrick and daughter ' Dorothy Jean and son Chester of Bre vard. spent several days last week as guests of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Edens. Miss Agnes Hughes of Simpson ville, S. C., spent several days last week as guest of Miss Frances Edens. . . , Mr. and Mrs. Claud Shipley ot Asheville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Edens at Rosman Hotel. | Miss Bessie Ulazener reiurneu | home the latter part of the week, hav i ing spent several weeks visiting rel ! itives at f’elzer, S. C. Kathleen and Doris Wilson of Bre vard are spending several days as guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Sumeral. Miss Edna Jamison returned to her home at Franklin Sunday having ;pent the past week as guest of Miss Elsie White. ‘ Miss Agnes Hughes of Simpson ville, S. C., is spending several days •is guest of Mr. and Mr. M. C. Sum eral. . S. W. Tracey and son of Chicago were guests of R. L. Hogsed and fam v at Calvert last week. The Traceys left Sunday for their home. * Mrs. Vess Galloway and children and Mrs. Lee Morgan and son spent he week-end at Old Toxaway as guests of Mrs. Hal Chappell. Mr. and Mrs. D. 11. Win^hestei snd sons D. II. Jr. and Stanley at tanded church services at Selica .Methodist church Sunday night. Mrs. Dewitt Bryson of Brevard visited her grandmother, Mrs. L. M ! (ilazener, Sunday. Mrs. J. R. Keith and Mr. and Mrs. J. Keith and baby of Pickens aceom | panied Pan Edens to the .home oi his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Edens, Monday, Mr. and Mrs. I). H. Parson and son J. C. and daughters Margaret, Emily and Ruth returned home Sat urday, having spent the past three weeks visiting relatives in Ind.iana and attending the World’s Fair at Chicago. They were accompanied home by Mrs. M. M. Parson who will sptnd an indefinite time with her son and daughter. Mrs. Henry O. Tapp and two sons of Charleston, W. Va., arrived the latter part of the week to spend sev eral weeks visiting the former’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jackson. G. M. Israel was a business visitor to Asheville Monday. Miss Ruby Glazener spent Wednes day as guest of Miss Mary Single tary at East Fork. Mr. and Mrs. Winston Ashworth of Brevard were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Glazener. Mrs. M. G. Duncan is reported quite ill at her home near Rosr.ian. Mr. and Mrs. Bannie Stewart of Georgetown spent Wednesday night as guests of Mrs. D. L. Glazemr. On Thursday Mrs. Ella Lockmau anil daughter, Miss Anto, of Lockhart, S. C., were also guests of Mrs. Glaz ner. Edwin Singletary spent Tuesday night as guest of Chas. Giazencr. Miss Anto Lockman of Lockhart, S. C., is spending several days visit ing relatives here and in Brevard. Miss Leota Randolph and Miss Dorothy Wilds left Thursday for Newport, Tenn., to spend several davs. Mrs. Oliva Galloway and son Allen and Mrs. J. M. Bowen of Wolf Mountain spent Sunday night as guests of the latter’s daughter, Mrs. E. D. Randolph. Miss Ruth Ramsey returned home the latter part of the week, having spent several days visiting in South Carolina. I Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rogers and small son and Girtha Watkins attended the Merrill 1 e-union at Fletcher Sunday. Bud Phillips and son and John Simpson of Greenville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mahoney Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Mull ana l daughter. Miss Viola of Brevard] were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Guest, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Chap j man. , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scruggs and son of Brevard were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore. Charlie Moore, Gene Moore, J Colie Ow^n and a party attended the Moore re-union near Inman, S. C., Suday. Mrs. Jesse Love, who has been ill. is much improved. Mr. ard Mrs. Robert Zachary ot Asheville spent a few days the latter part of the week as guests of the lat ter’s parens, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Watkins. . Mr. arid Mrs. Charlie Whitaker and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Whitaker of near Asheville were Sunday guests of Mr. ami Mrs. W. N. Stroup. Rev. J. N. Hall was a business visitor to Asheville Monday. Wayne Hall of Bryson City visited friends in Rosman Sunday. Miss Emma Lee Galloway and Glenn Galloway attended decoration services at Shoal Creek Sunday. Mrs. Betty Hamm and three chil dren, Max, Sybil and Ruth of Iva, S C. spent last week as guests of the former’s sister. Mrs. Calvin Gallo "aMiss Helen Whitmire returned home Sunday, having spent several weeks visiting relatives at States ville- i „ Mrs. W. E. Hall, who has been very ill and a patient in Lyday Memorial hospital jn Brevard is im proved and left the hospital Friday and is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Horace Keaton, in Brevard. Kermit Hall spent Sunday visiting her mother, Mrs. W. E. Hall, in Bre vard. , ... Mrs. Waiter Hamlin and Miss June McCall of Brevard were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Shophel Saturday. Mrs. H. N. Blake, and daughter Mabel and son Harry of Selica were Sundav guests of Mrs. C. J. Eldridge. Miss Ruth Jordan spent Thursday visiting Mrs. C. J. Eldridge. Mrs. Wm. White and daughter Jo Ann returned home Sunday, having spent the past two weeks at Cherry field visiting the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Whitmire. Misses Mamie Hayes, Myrtle Whitmire, Paul Whitmire and Glenn Whitmire returned home Friday, hav ing made a trip to Chicago to attend the World’s Fair. Mrs. Ethel Summey and children are moving this week to Brevard, where the former has employment. Mrs. John Lockman and daughter of Lockhart, S. C„ spent Wednesday night as guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M Paxton. Mr. and Mra. Jeff Smith left their home in Tampa, Fla., the urst of the week, having visited the lat ter’s brother, A. M, Paxton and Mrs. Paxton. ' Mrs. H. G. Stophel spent Wednes day night in. Brevard at the home of her sister, visiting her mother, Mrs W E. Hall. Rev. W. F. Sandford left for his home in Asheville Monday, having closed a revival at Rosman M. E. church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Staton and ihildren, Luther Staton and children, Mr. ad Mrs.. Moestella and daughter ’lid John Moestella, Mr. and ^ Mrs. limms and three children of Green ille were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Staton. ■ Misis Daisy Galloway of Old Tox iway is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ed win Staton. . , Miss LaVerne Whitmire spen Thursday night as guest of her aur.t, Mrs. G. M. Israel. , Mr. and Mrs. Volley Clayton of East Fork have moved- to the Bag • ■•! apartment on Main street here. Walter Rogers of Salem, S. C., is Local and Personal Items! Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Brown and daughters, Misses Louise and Char lotte, returned Sunday from a trip to Chicago and the World’s Fair. Mrs. M. J. Owings and Mrs. Rob ert Taylor, of Owings, S. C., are spending several weeks at their sum mer home here or Thomas street. Mrs. Ida F. Moore, Mrs. W. T. Taylor and daughter, Wilhelmina, of Washington, D. C., and Miss Maxine Malone of Roanoke. V-a.. are stopping at the Moore cottage at Lake Sega. Mrs. J. T. McGehee has as hei guest her sister, Mrs. Coin Speurs, of Atlanta, Ga. Or. and Mrs. Hunter returned inst wiek to their home in Simpeonville, S. C., after spending the summe:1 at their summer home here on Frank lin avenue. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Dowling or at. Petersburg, Fla., are spending their vacation in Brevard, stopping at the home of Mayor and Mrs. J. C. Wiks. Mr. and Mrs. Sloan and family have returned to their home in Foun tain Inn, S. C.. after spending some time at Peter Pan cottage on Pro part street. Watson Hunter and friend of Simpsonville, S. C., spent the week end at the Hunter summer home here. Mrs. John Pledger, Misses Jewel, Ruby and Lyda Henderson, of St, Petersburg, Fla., are guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Scruggs, and other relatives here. Miss Nida McGehee returned Mon day from Macon, Ga., where she motored last week wiffi her father, J. T. McGehee, who spent several clays here with his family the pre vious week at their summer home on Franklin avenue. Mrs. J. R. riamlin and children, of West Asheville, were guests las t week of Mi . and Mrs. J. E. Loftis, and fam ily. Ernest Merrill, who is a member of the faculty of Tulane university, New Orleans, is spending his vacation with his mother, Mrs. UacHel Mer rill. Miss Rachel Williams left Monday for Bryson City to begin her teaching duties. Mack Allison and Henry Carrier returned last week from a week’s motor trip to Detroit and Pontiac, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Saltz of at. Petersburg, Kla., are spending their month’s vacation in Brevard with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Saltz, and at the for mer home of Mrs. Saltz in Amherst, Va. Miss Winifred Nicholson visited relatives in Hendersonville last week. Mr. and Mis. R. H. Ramsey and little daughter are visiting relatives in Sumter, I.atta and Myrtle Beach, S. C. ... Mrs. Mable Payne ana .wiss aiim Ashe of Charlotte are guests of their sister Mrs. S. M. Maefie and famuy. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Everett and daughter. Miss Dorothy, have return ed from a visit of several weeks with relatives in Great Barrington, Mass, j Miss Ruth Perry is at Kanuga Lake, Hendersonville, this week. Miss Nancy Maefie leaves Sunday for Mt. Holly, N. J., where she will enter training in the science labora tory in Mt. Holly hospital. P. M. Verdery, of Charlotte, visiteu relatives here Sunday. Misses Mary Earl and Alyee Mor gan and Mr. and Mrs. John Holson, of Washington, D. C.. who are unending the summer in Brevard, were week-end visitors in Charleston, " f' C. Champion of Henderson was a Brevard visitor Thursday. Mrs. Cos Paxton was a Henderson ville visitor on Monday. Miss Mildred Williams, who * mending the summer m Ashevine, S friends in Brevard Saturday. Miss Blanche Medford, operator at Jean’s Beautv shop, was called to her home Tn Waynes^hlle Sunday on account of the death of her grand-, E. Breese has been confined etj his home the past week on account , illness. __ spending a tow days here visiting r6Rev * W F. Sandford, Re\n. J- N Hal land Mrs. Elizabeth Hall were j dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. g, Whitmire Friday. f' Mrs. Alma Ginn »nd three children of Greenville spent last week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. K **Mrs Henry Wells of Forest City spent last week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Staton and sis ter, Mrs. S. K. Owen. Mrs. C. G. Greene and Mnss b-ta Honeycutt of Greenville are spendmg several days -visiting theurbrother, Mr. and Mrs. Honeycutt here. Predict End Of World 7ion 111—Wilbur Glenn Vohva has Jd Athfu. that come to Zion on about September 10 On the day of the feast of rum pets the loyalists of *hen r\ colony Here will gfltner tabernacle to await the coming of ,Lo?*- for the unfaithful — well. imeVrf#SSS^S»«y^ll-° ’ Gi^5S>-S'c.1Bjy*£w .farm er of the Pikeville section, wrote the barrel shot gun Friday. Members o. h?s family said they thought he wor ried'over crop reduction. Kirtfff** A Dicta tor Baton Rouge, I.a.—Louisiana n?_ came a dictatorship in « a land oi democraay Saturday. The ruler wa Senator Huey P. Long, who won his fame by promising* to maK^ ever} man a king and then bent his^ suc cesses to make himself the king fish. | Mr. and Mrs. L. P, Wilson and [children, Gerald and Lais, spent Run ! day in Central, S. C. Misses Mae' aud Louise Hunter returned home with them to spend several days. Claude McGehee returned Monday to his home in Macon, Ga., after spending ten days here with his mother and other members of the family at their summer home on Franklin avenue. Nancy Love Ranson. of Hender ; sonville, was guest the first of the I week of Lilian Zachary. ; Plato Allison, of Asheville, spent the week-end here with his parents, | Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Allison, j Mrs. A. R. Gillespie, accompanied 1 by her father, C. O. Arbogast, and Byron Olney, left Tuesday for a week’s motor trip to Mrs. Giilecpie’s former home in West Virginia, j Celia Shuiord visited relatives in Greenville last week. Prof, and Mrp. C. H. Trowbridge, daughter, Miss Eleanor, and Miss I Carrie Trowbridge moved the first of the week from Weaverville to the Kern house on King street, where they will make they home. Mr. Trow bridge is on the faculty of Brevard college. Mr. ana Mrs. v r. Wilson have i returned from a visit to Statesville, | Morganton and Winston-Salem. Mark Orr visited friends the past week-end in Hendersonville, Marion | and Chimney Rock. ! Mr. and Mrs. Singletarry and fam ily, of Miami, Fie., are occupying the | Gus Gillespie house on the Count.ty | Club road for a month. , Mrs. A. B. Coltrane returned to .her home in Trinity last week, after visiting her brother, President E. J. Contrane, and family for two weeks. Miss Ruth Fonvielle, of Goldsboro, is guest of Miss Annie Yongue. Miss Bobbie McCall visited friends i in. Asheville Sundav. i _:_ MRS. RAIN'ES HOSTESS AT BRIDGE PARTY i Mrs. W. P Raines entertained a 1 number of friends at her home Thurs day afternoon with two tables of i bridge. At the conclusion of playing, re jfreshments were served. 666 vs. MALARIA 1 666 Liquid or Tablets Cheeks Malaria in Three Days. Sure Preventive. C. B. McFEE The Old Reliable WitcMer and Mr 3 ; at King Bldg. Main Street Brevard 9 We can fit any size or shape watch crystal while you wait. WF, BUY OLD GOLD At Any Hour Day or Night MOORE & OSBORNE Undertakers I* Are ready to serve you Day IPhones, 88, 159, 250 Night Phones. 159, 250 BREVARD, N. C. Ill & 119 W. Main St Moore & Osborne Undertakers Scruggs (or Drugs “The Store With Reasonable Pricesfil Fifth and Main Street Hendersonville, N. C. "sPeSaLs"for FRIDAY and SATURDAY” _ $1.00 nc Ovaltine . »vv $i.°o Citrocarbonate . 0 * v 100 Bayer Aspirin ........ tfwl $1.00 Ironized 71/» Yeast. llC 50c Squibbs Milk Ol J of Magnesia .... Syrup Fig.. 40C 60c Fltets’ iA Phospho Soda . . 25c B. C. 17_ Headache . 11 C Modes, OA 2 for _., i $1.00 Value Coty’s Face Powder, with QO. 85c Perfume .... wOC 25c Listerine |Q. Tooth Paste .... l«rv 50c lodent QQ. Tooth Paste .... OIrv 50c Ipana OA, Tooth Paste .... vwv Dr. West’s 1 7p Tooth Paste .... 11 v Dr. West’s Econo- Oft* my Tooth Brush . . 50c Pebeco OA* Tooth Paste .... vvv 50c Pepsodent OQ_ Antiseptic. v«/v VISIT OUR SODA FOUNTAIN ICE CREAM 1A _ SODAS . IvC 50c Prophylactic QQ/» Tooth Brush .... wv 25c Kr Black Draught . . lilL $10° Kic Wine Cardui . . . . V«t 1 Pint Squibb’* CA_ Mineral Oil .... WOODBURY’S I SOAP Formerly 25c 10c 1 Pint A. D, S. . 9C* Milk of Magnesia. 1 Pint A. D. S. OCr Rubbing Alcohol. «wv 25c Mennen’t 1 7* Clapp’o Baby O Food, 2 for .... LOK. 50c TO,* Noxzema . a/tfv f ■' 1 '■ ■— FLORIDA FRESH C FRUIT LIMEADE . . «JV Two Tubes A. D. S. Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste .... 25c J. & J. IQ Baby Talc. isFv Fountain CQ Syringes . vIPv 40c Fletcher's . . 07* Castoria. «I v CASHMERE BOUQUET SOAP Formerly 25c $1.00 VitalU §1 7Q Hair Tonic. IsW# $1.00 Lucky Tiger 70* Hair Tonic. IstV Two pounds Huyler’s f 1 Assorted-Candy .. V * Half pound | C Nestle’* Bars . .. . ldC — Scruggs Cut-Rate Drugstore Comer Fifth end Mein Hendersonville North Carolina

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