QUEBEC NEWS W. B. Henderson attended the three days’ session of the State Asso eiation of County Commissioners at Asheville last week. Mrs. J. H. Reid is spending a few J .lays at Lake Toxaway with, her! daughter, Mrs. Ada Sanders. Miss Louise Owen entertained a large number of her friends at a birthday party Saturday evening. The occasion was greatly enjoyed by all who were present. The refreshments were watermellon slices and ice cream. Broadus Henderson of (IreenviUe spent Wednesday of last week at his; home here. Mrs. Nancy Fisher and Mrs. Ida Whitmire were business visitors in Brevard last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Owen and daughter. Emma Josephine, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Owen. , Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Whitmire and children visited Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson Sun lay afternoon. Mrs. Elizabeth Reece and Mrs. H. T. Whitmire were Brevard visitors Friday. , ,, Mrs. Corsey Brown ot Vvoil Moun tain spent Saturday and Sunday with Airs. Anderson Smith. \iiss Marjorie Hamilton of Bre vard spent tl'.e week-end with MisS| Is 10 inveii. 1 :-s. Mark Whitmire called on Mi W D. H ark Saturday. M ,. Gideon Miller celebrated her Tat birthday with a birthday dinner las' Sunday. \ large crowd of her Ini,hen grandchildren and great grandchildren and a few other special friends were present. Mary ihaigin spent Friday night with Boobio" Whitmire. Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Met all and ■ unity i,m Sunday in Gloucester. Mi. I Mrs. G ne Moore and child:m aii ^pending thi week with teluti'cs m Spa •ai-huig and Inman, S. C. Mi • • |!c 1 Iciiderson and Oao ne 6wen . -sired Mrs. J hn Robinson on Wedno-lav of last week. Mrs. THE KEY 10 SAFETY V I i, : .. ' ,|10 police of i ■ < with hiv-wing , V I ,.i> s ai r- SAKK. Ml' . .. or a hideout you i -.1 theiii at home. , \ i) i..i ■. 'it k*■'■ ]* ' hem. I lie ihim;', i t'.v :'!ie. il'-struc r j, i t'\A i present. Your Valuables Belong In Our Safety Deposit Vaults Fireproof and Burglar-proof j I Transylvania I Trust Company D nository for U. S. I’ Savings Funds Slate >:' North Carolina County >f Transylvania Ton ri of Brevard l Robinson is slowly recovering from the effects of a broken hip which has kept her down for the past few months. She is not yet able to walk. Miss Ailene Owen spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Owen. Miss Louise Owen, Miss Bernice Reid and Miss Marjorie Hamilton were dinner guests of Mrs. B. T. Whitmire Sunday evening. John McCall spent Saturday night with Tommy Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McCall and hildren of Brevard spent Sunday with Mr. McCall's parents, Mr. ar.d Mrs. T. C. McCall. Miss Rebecca Smith spent Friday night with her grandmother, Mrs. John Robinson. Oscar Henderson spent Sunday night with Henry Miller. Miss Mildred McCall spent Sunday with Miss Faye Brooks. Mrs. C. W. Henderson called on Mrs. T. C. Henderson Thursday af ternoon. Mrs. Henry Chapman and son J. H. •ailed on Mrs. M. O. McCall Saturday afternoon. L. C. Fisher of Lake Toxaway ,i-ited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Miller one day last wevk. _ , . .Miss Bernice Reiil spent Saturday night with Miss Louise Owen. Samuel Reid who has employment at Landrum. S. C.. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Willie Reid. Roy Robinson visited Prof. M. D Hardin one day last week. (' \\ . Henderson called on John W. Robinson Sunday afternoon. TaImage Brooks spent Friday nigi.t with Oscar Henderson. The annual Henderson-Peek re. union was held last Saturday at T ine Grove church ah; ut eight mil.s from; Franklin on Highway 28 between; Franklin and Highland. A large ; crowd of the two families from this j and other states was present; and the j ccasion was conceded by all ■o be a great day in the history t I hose two families. Those attending the reunion from this county wore W. B. Henderson, Mrs. L. E. Reece. T Henderson, James Henderson, M" aril Mrs. C. W. Henderson and jMv. aid Mrs. .John Rul'ty. This ic j union is held every year on Ratuiday •before the third Sunday in August. j/.Y MEMORY OF MRS. AU.ISOX ! Mi>. .lam Mackey Allison, who : would have wn s<; years old had she • t:\cil until August 14, died at the 11-. f In r daughter, Mrs. Ill nest W-i h. Monday morning, did;, do, foil wing a stroke of apoplexy on the I' ;r ' f July. Interment we- in n«k i.i .ve cemetery, following simple vice • at the residence. : Mrs. Allison was born on August j : I. 1 S IS, at the old English place, . aow know: as English (’ha p e 1. i I;..ugh h o ii and raised in Transyl j ..uia > unty. -till she lived in three J Hi feiei’t counties. Transylvania, i h mlersi n-miu Buncombe. since .a I ,( : ..iv 1 ion made three vountivs ■> . j ‘ ’.lie original one r unity, il 1 itlo-r. Homy Mackey, i "gilt in tin i. it War and was sir by bu - '.-hackers at what is now known a lu Did Red House, and wa-- lirought . iiis home to die Two ..f her or - In rs wore wom.dfd in the war, dying at i from the injuries. Mrs. Aili-en’ a hand, I-lin 1 . Allison, also . uignt j tin Civil War at the age of 16 He j ,a .-lie of the victims of the. widc ipi-ad epidemic of flu ill HU'.i, which • ulicii in his death in that year. I Mis. Allison hud many interesting ti .'ics to relate of her experiences .a k in the war day-, and of the :• at differences in living between hose times and present days. She ■ njoyo.l the advantages of im dern i i'o,.. o’f living over the f • l let a - of candle light and other cr nie c. des .,f life. ties. Allison was imuricd at the go of 21 to .1 l'li 1 . Allison, and tiny egan their married life in the <n 'gi :ai Si|tiire Allison home on the I roperty that now belongs to Wtn. MeK. Fetxct and C'ump Sapphire. A also family of children was born to In in at this l<l homestead, the oldest 'or whom is Jim Allison, new living m ‘laine-ville, Ala. An interesting fact n the life of this eldest son is that vi ry yt ar he gave his mother a dol or for as many years old as he was • • (k time of his birthdays. 1 i 1020 Mrs. Allison and her a. 'gluer. then .Miss Virginia Allison, moved fvi m the old home place to the armor Brecse property in Brevard, where she lived until the time of her b»nth. Mis. Allison was always known -.or lie1 many charitable acts and d ads of kindness to the poor and distressed. She was never too tiled or • ■ busy to help some one else in OPERA In Asheville lout Gruml Opera (oncerls for Hencfit of BILTMORE and MISSION HOSPITALS MON. - TLES. • WED. Aug. 27,28, 29 McDowell High School Auditorium Wagnerian Festival Opera Company of New York Conductors: ERNEST KNOCH—Dr. KARL RIEDEL (For 12 Years with Metropolitan Opera Co.) Monday Evening .\lda Tuesday Evening .. Rigoletto Tuesday Matinee E« Truvlata Wednesday Evening ... Cavallerla and Paglincrl Popular Prices: §1, §1.50, §2, §2.50 Season Tickets: §6.40 and §8 on&ilie22 Government St., Asheville For Reservations, Write or Call GEORGE COGGINS, Phone 4466, Asheville FIRST GRANDDAUGHTER OF MR. AND MRS. VERNER Mr. anil Mrs. S. P. Verner are the proud grandparents of their first grandchild, in the person of a daugh ter born to Mr. and Mrs. William ¥■ Allston at their home in Miami, Fla., on Friday, August 17. The little miss has been named Laura Beatrice All Mrs. Allston is remembered here us Miss Mary Verner. Mr. Allston was formerly from Flat Rock. CIRCLE NO. Ill MEETS WITH MRS. WEST Circle No. 3 of the Methodist church met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. B. West at the parsonage for the regular meeting. Mrs. Ernest Norwood conducted the Bible lesson, and Mrs. Cordia King, chairman, presided over the metting. Mrs. Oliver Orr, president of the missionary society, was guest of this circle. Seven members were present and one visitor. Refreshments were served st cor.-! elusion of the meeting. regular meeting or CIRCLE NO. I ,! Regular meeting of Circle No. 1 »t the Methodist chinch was held Thurs-! dav afternoon at the home ot Mi;*, Alma Trowbridge, the circle chau man Mrs. Lula Miller, presiding. Mrs. L. K. Rutchford was elected treasurer, filling the vacancy left bv' resignation. It was voted to contn* liutc the circle’s quota on the scholar ship fund for two girls at Brevard 10Miss’ Florence Kern led the Bibb stud>’ lesson, giving an interesting discussion of the creeds of the Metho dist church. Seven numbers and three visitors weie present. The meeting concluded with toe erving of light refreshments and a short social period. e.enefit fridge to fe EVENT OF THE DSD AY ME A benefit bridge party will be held ! tonight (Thursday) in the -bines ! Motor company building, sponsored h,y the 1). A. R. The event wi" begin jat s o’ci >ek. ' : Included in the thirty-five cen •" i admission fee will be rei resnmenls land valuable prizes for the winner.-. Those attending are a-kod t,» hrinu ’ anv game they desire to play, v mg to pims of the ;d;gan.znucu, an ! enjoyable evening will be -pent . I the large lu mber of people osportm | to attend the event. 1 I'OOK TEA IS ENJOYAFLE AFI All. : The book tea held at the r,et”i\ i Fridav afternoon and sponsored l>> cjuild of St. Philip? Kpiscopin , hiircb proved an. enjoyable and ■ l-ofitabi” affair. . , Many visitors attended during ' lua.i - d i to li. scl”< t<d a bank her ■ dadee and were sewed dauity v ' freshmetds by the ■ ommittee m charge. Fancy ni trile- made by m-m lim-s of the iiuild were also on sale. ■ Yisiroiis iinxoi;i:i> 11/77/ /.7i7/h;K 1‘AliTY Ylis-es Until*Pickolsimer a.: \ Enumi I leaver wen- hostesses Wiuiiesdav • aI'tenemii from I t" iH three moles ,.f bridge, i ntortaiiiing at the n '"-e " : Mis- I leaver on West Main -'reel, complimentary t" MK< Jane Pearce ■ and Miss May Jenkins, wht are home their vacation from Xew irk hospital, where tin y are in training. The tables for plav were at ranged !on the pot rit. where sherbet and eake were served at c n< fusion ■ i the g.anu-s. High .core prize wa- won by 'MF- l-’iaiiir s .Morris and eoiisolatmn ),y Miss Ellen Jean Canf. Guest prizes were given the two honorees. Th -a plaving were: Misses Pearce 'and Jenkins'. Mis. tlpal Atwater, ami Sarah H-lcn Smith, ot l"»t 1 a u d e r i a e, Florida. M t s * Frames Morris. Eake City, S. < •• Miss Ellen Jean Cuff. St. Petersburg, Ela.. Mis- Margaret Parnell. Kikcrs villr. Until Perry Alberta Jenkins, Kate Mel.end and Misses 1 leaver and Piekelsimet. ci:i,h:i;i;ATi:s tnesr murUDA) 1‘AIITY Kiltie Marx A nr- Fortune, dangh tei oi Mr. and Mrs Albert Fortune, celebrated her first birthday with a party at hei lv Monday utlev noen. . , Several little m.-ms and trttnds were invited p'.ie'ts. Alter opening t|,e birtluK.y i e..tombranees, refreshments wee served to the, children enjoyinj the i evasion with Mary Ann. need or suflering. Even during her Inst days when not physically able to b- about, she continually wanted to do something to help others. She had many friends, all ol' whom loved and regarded hoi very highly. There is only one survivor in too immediate Mackey family. Huso .Mackey of Davidson River, a brothet of Mrs. Allison. In charge of fb wers at the funeral of Mrs. Allison were her grand children living in Brevard, including Annie, Christine and Jane Yongue, Mark and Elizabeth AMison. and Richard and 1'at‘v Grimshawe. .As sisting- with the flowers also was Elsie Wilson, who so faithfully and ■efficiently cared,for Mrs. Allison dur ing the last 10 months of her life. Surviving children are .Mrs, K. U. Webb. Mrs. C. C. Yoiigu-. Mrs. T. D. Grun-hawe, .T. Mack Allbon, all of Brevard, Mrs. John Weatherford, of Austin. Texas, Mrs. M. G. Garth and Jim Allison of Gainesville. A1 ... and Mr-. J. I Aiken, of Ocala. Fla. Ball board's were' H. Oir. Bob Ycill. Win. MoK. Betzer, 1?. L. Gush. W. E. Breese rml Bred Johnson. Rombs 'Explode In Havana Havana — Two bombs exploded early Saturday night in Havana’s largest department store at a busy fct ;r. killing cne person and weund ing twelve. BETTY JEAN DUCLOS HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY A happy occasion for a number of little folks was the birthday party of Betty Jean Duclos given Thursday afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, 0. Duclos, in celebra tion of her seventh birthday anniver sary. Games were played on the lawn and much fun was had by the children in opening the birthday gifts. Mrs. Ches ter Fenwick assisted Mrs. Duclos in entertaining and serving ice cream, cake and candy and cold drinks to the jolly group of boys and girls. Those present to celebrate the day with Betty were: Margaret Scruggs, Frances Hendrix, Ann Piekelsimor, Jeane Bagwell, Nancy Ann Nicholson, Betty Mull, Billy and Lois Heath, Kenneth Wyatt , Bruce Glazener, Douglas Brown, June, Jack and Dick Fenwick. Taylor and Lee Norton. LITTLE GIRL HAS HAPPY BIRTH DA J' CELEBRATION Little Doris Jean Scruggs cele brated her fourth birthday with a party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Scruggs, in Forest Hills, Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Scruggs was assisted in enter taining the children by Mrs. !>. F. Moore. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served on the lawn. Little guests enjoying the happy event with Doris Jean were: Ruth Games. Lenore Ann Barnett, Peggy Loftis. Dorothy Jean Loftis, Frances Loftis, Mary Alice Hollifield, Betty McCall, Irene Loftis, Mary Jane Wai ktr, Sarah Jane McLean, Hicks Sciuggs, Betty Ann Orr, Jo Ann Poole, Janet Banks, Annie Lee Mull, Jlc Poole, Thomas King McCrary, Charles and Billy Hampton, Bobby l.oftis, Richard Tinsley, Fred McCall, Roy Garrtn Orr, Walter Banks Jr., and Spaulding McIntosh. CIRCLE VO. U MEETS WITH MRS. VARNER Circle No. 2 of the Methodist church held its regular meeting Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. S. E. Varner, with the chair man, Mrs. J. F. Zachary, presiding. Mrs. J. B. Pickelsimer conducted the Bible study lessor., and matters of business pertaining to the work of the circle were discussed Seven members were present. Refreshments served by the hostess concluded the meeting. MISS MoGEHEE RETURNS FROM TRIP AERO AD Miss Fannie McGehee is scheduled to return to Brevard on Saturday, I ijfter a tour of two and a half months 'in many foreign countries and expel I fencing many things of interest, and ' wonder. She will spend the remainder of the season in Brevard at the nim jmer home of her parents, Mr. and \ Mrs. J. T. McGehee of Macon, Ga. Miss McGehee, among the many ! other interesting cities and countries visited, spent one week in Paris and two weeks touring Italy. She sailed on Friday, the 17th, from Cherbourg, on the S. S. Albert Ballin, of the Ham burg-Anierican line. She is to arrive in New York on Friday and in A-he viile Saturday afternoon. She will be met in Asheville by her mother. Mrs. J. T. McGehee, and her aunt, Mrs. Cola Spears, of Atlanta, and other members of her family here. 666 Liquid-!, Tablets, Sv.lva, Nose. 'Dtqg*. 4 Checks Malaria in 3 days, Colds first day. Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 minutes. Fine Laxative and Tonic Most Speedy Remedies Known WE INVITE All oar custornersHa n d friends to make our store their headquarters. We Have A Nice Line Of Fresh Vegetables • • The Very Best Cuts meat! • • STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES • • CITY MARKET S. F. Allison, Prop. Phone 47 We Deliver WHEN SPENT FOP ELECTRICITY A PENNY—one penny—a small copper penny—what cao you buy with it? A stick of gum? A tiny piece of chocolate?. •But when it's spent for electricity, the purchasing power of ft penny is mightily increased. In fact, one cent becomes quite a bift, robust coin. That’s because electricity is so cheap. Look: • -- ’ Alter the consumption of 30 K. W. hours, which is less than the average family’s ivijuiremenfs for lighting alone, A SINGLE PENNY WILL MAKE 37 pieces of golden brown toast. KEEP a 25-watt light burning from dark ’til daylight (12 1-2 BRING in more than six half-hour programs on the average radio. FAN you for six hours. KEEP foods fresh and make ice cubes five hours. OPERATE electric iron for half an hour. VACUUM clean eight room-size rugs (two hours, five minutes). OPERATE food mixer five hours. WASH all dishes for a full week (22 1-2 meals). WASH 3 3-4 tubs full of ciothes. GIVE over six hours relief from pain with a heating pad. Southern Public Utilities Co. \ - I

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