LAKE TQXAWAY (Mrs. H. D. Lee) -Oh. J. H. Reid of Quebec who s Jnt a few days last week With her daughter, Mrs. Ada Sanders, has re turned home. . Miss Lucy Galloway visited Miss, Virginia Gillespie in Hendersonville with Mrs. Lester Thomas. | Mrs. A. B. McCarter of Green ville. spent a few days recently with ; her mother, Mrs. Laura Lafoy. Tom Rogers visited relatives in Hendersonville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Gal'oway and sons Gene ar.d J. V. and daughter Miss Christine, have returned to their home in Gloucester, Oh* after spending a few weeks via-tin*.^ atives in this county anu county. Arthur Oishman and mother are occupying the small Inman house. Mrs. Lewis Fisher, who underwent an operation at Angel Bros, hospital in Franklin two weeks ago, itturned home Wednesday and is reported to. be dcing nicely. * T Lucy Tinsley spent last week with ; her aunt, Mrs. H. D. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Evans of Asheville j are guests this week of her son, M. n. Rigsby. --**•* Mrs. C- C. Hall was tne guest, vs Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Cash at Oakland Sunday. Miss Mildred Williams, Miss Eli-j zabeth Martin of Donalds, S. 0., and Mrs. D. C. Scruggs of Mender- , sonville, spent last week at the Ray cottage. Miss Louise Williams is cxpecteu ( to arrive this week from France i where she spent the summer. She 1 will teach again this year in the Ro*-; man high school. Misses Altha McCall and Gertrude | Breedl've visited Mrs. N, J. Haines Sunday . ,, : Mis.* Donne (Dot) Lee and Mrs. C. G. Roger* and son C. <i. Jr., ot . Cashiers, visited Mrs. R. A. Oldham ; in Asheville Saturday. . j Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stevens of Kastey, S. C., spent last week with Mr. ami Mrs. Riley Johnson. I Mr. and Mrs. B n Owen have an-1 nounced the marriage of their daugh ter Miss Essie, to Ramon Robertson of Hendersonville. Mrs. Robertson has manv friends and relatives m this •county who wish for them a long and happy life. . Mr. ar.d Mrs. Luther Owen of Wolf Mountain were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cole Lee last week-end. Mr* Welch Galloway and son of Bosnian are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bruner. , . , Prayer services were conducted at the h’ me of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sanders Sunday afternoon. Mrs J L Scott and two small sons of Washington. D. C.. and Mrs. Lee McCrarev of Rjchburg, S. C.. who have been visiting Mr. ami Mrs. .N. W. Raw have returned home. . Mis' Pauline Moses visited Mrs. \\. j. Haines Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mckinna spent Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Mckinna. Misses Evelyn and Mildred McIn tosh of Brevard were guest- of Miss Mabel McN’eely Sunday. Carl Owen ami son ot Cherry field were calling on friends here Thurs day evening. . e». Miss Louise Jennings spent Sat urday night with Miss Basel Moses. Mi*. Clifton Mernl ami Mis> Cou i i Melton Ashovilli returned home Saturday after spe i ding sev eral days a* guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ray. Mrs ha Galloway spent seteial days with Mr- Roland Owen in Bre ws, d U>*t week. Mr* Coleman Owen, who was - called m Hendersonville * me time a„, „n arc -unt of the illness and death of her *ister, Mrs. Wili Owen, I ,s ret-uned to her home here. Mr* Allen Dunn of Rainbow Remember There is no Substitute For PURE ICE Safe, Economical, Satisfactory avoid worry Don’t let winter catch you with an empty coal bin. Fill it up new and forget fuel shortage wor ries. Phone 241 PURITY Products Co. Springs is spending some time with Mrs. Lewie Fisher. Mr. and Mrs Leonard Thomas and baby and Chas. Lee Jr. were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Case Jr. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dillard Owen and baby and Misses Clora and Blanche Owen of Gloucester and Mr. and Mrs. Kmmitt Owen and children were dinner guests of Mr .and Mrs. Dock Banther Sunday. Misses Mae and Lucy Johnson and Helen McKlnn* spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Dock Owen in Gloucester. Mrs. F. Y. Wilbaks spent last week in Asheville as geest of Mrs. Carrol White. Cole Lee has been appointed to serve as postmaster filling the vacancy caused by the resignation of Walter McNeely. The post office has bien moved from McNeely’s store to the depot. Baptismal services were held in Toxaway river near the bridge Sun day morning by Rev. Dock Owen, R,v. Clyde McCall and Rev. Broom. Those baptised were Mrs. Troy Owen, Misses Clora Owen, Lucy Johnson, Helen Fisher, Helen Me Kinna, Rebecca Smith, Geneva Jones, Rhoda Clark, Grace Johnson, Addie Owen, and Dollie McKinna. Rev. Clyde McCall filled his appointment at the Baptist church Sunday and preached a wonderful sermon. Teachers of this place who began work in this county Monday morning a.-e: Miss Mildred Williams, Pisgah Forest; Miss Dorene Lee, Quebec; L. H. Thomas, Rosman high school; and L. C. Case, Jr., Lake Toxaway. The Fisher family will hold it3 leunion at the Baptist church Sat urday. PLEASANT GROVE (By W. H. Gray) Alvin Gray was a Hendersonville visitor Saturday. Alden Drake visited friends in Hendersonville Saturday afternoon. Our pastor, Rev. Jesse Owen^by, of Baifour, and Rev. C. E. Blythe, of Pleasant Grove, have been conducting a two weeks’ revival here, which closed Sunday with the baptizing of nine. It was generally felt that it was the most successful revival held here in years. It was one of the old tvpe kind, with shouting and prais ing God. A good number from Pleasant Grove attended the home coming at Little River Sunday, reporting a nice time. ' — Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCall, of Hen dersonville, were in Pleasant Grove Saturday. O. S. Gray will finish his mad dog titatment this week. He is getting along all right, he thinks. Miss Annie Bell Raines of the Beu lah section spent Sunday with Miss Kate Blythe. James Dalt«n of Etowah was a Pleasant Grove visitor Sunday. Allen Woodfin, of Lower Boylston. was in our section Sunday. Rev. C. E. Blythe says he is going to make some 11)34 molasses this week. He says he believes the new model will beat Karo syrup a little. Mrs. Bill Hamilton, of Fruitland Alcoholic-Liquor Is Life’s Greatest Destroyer, Says Temperance Report The following report on temper ance and public morals was given by T. C. Henderson at the Transylvania Baptist association held at Pisgah Forest last week, and by vote of the association for request that same be published in The Transylvania Times, is herewith given: TEMPERANCE AND PUBLIC MORALS In the consideration of this topic, we must inevitably consider the age old question of the effect of alcoholic liquor. ,, It is well known and established that alcoholic liquor is the greatest destroyer of public morals, the enemy of every good. It creates and increases sorrows and makes them harder to bear. It blights the lives of the young, takes from middle age ■ambition and hope and robs old age of ita serenity and peace. It is the thief of character and turns men into mon sters and women into harlots. It in vades the ballot box to corrupt it and weakens the administration of justice. It is the polluted stream which min gles with the current of public af fairs, corrupting public morals and poisoning all it touches. Christianity honors and dignifies the human body which is the habita tion of God, the vehicle of the mir.d, the instrument of the Holy Ghost, and is finally to be conformed to the body of his Glory. Alcoholic liquor degrades the body and defiles the temple of the living God. It has de stroyed more lives than all the wars known to history. More homicides are directly chargeable to it than any other one cause. It shortens human life, and the man who goes deliber ately to the grave prematurely as a willing victim of strong drink is as truly guilty of suicide as though he had fired a bullet through his brain or driven a dagger into his heart. The late Cardinal Manning »»<“> “I have lived in London thirty years and have learned some things, the first of which is this, that there is nothing so destructive to the spiritual life of man as the persistent use ot alcoholic liquor.” Alcoholic indulgence hardens the heart; as Robert Burns said concerning another sm, ‘It n-vdens the heart and hardens a within.” The end is a drunkard's grave and a drunkard’s eternity. Alcoholic liquor has a direct evil effect on the mind. Directly and in directly, alcohol is responsible ior anywhere from one-third to iwo thirds of the mentally deficient and crazy people on earth. No nation ever rises above its aver age home life. Without the sanctity and strength of the family it would be impossible to perpetuate eithei | civilization or the Christian religion. Drink is lesponsible for more broken family life, for more de-humangzed Institute, is visiting here this week. Miss Esther Hamilton is also home for the week. Mrs. J. J. Gray and daughters of ! Etowah spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Gray at Pleasant Grove. husbands, for more debauched womanhood, for more defective and Mpies3 childhood than any other evil known to the modern world; and it is gravely imperiling the morality, the thrift, tho joy. as well as the spiritual and eternal destiny of its helpless and unhappy victims. ' The Church stands against all forms of alcoholic liquors, because it is impossible to Christianize. and al coholize a citizenship at the same time. By common consent alcoholic liquor is the first and worst foe of the Christian church. Our fight against alcoholic liquor is simply one aspect of the age-long conflict between right and wrong, heaven and hell, God and Satan. Tile Bible contains me onty in fallible standard of truth and conduct. It is the final critic, the one true touch-stone of motive, method and permanent victory. In proportion to our fidelity to the Bible will be the measure of permanent victory com ing to the temperance cause. Temper ance, when used in reference to in toxicating liquors, means total ab stinence. The Bible demands total abstinence on the part of the priest,, the Nazarites, the Rechabites, kings and princes, and rewards these rep resentatives of tribal, religious and national life with such special bles sings as clear vision, moral dignity and safe leadership. In proverbs the doctrine of total abstinence is as definitely demanded as it is possible to express in human words, i The Bible teaches that alcoholic drink is responsible for poverty and i shortens human life. It is depicted 1 as a pickpocket, a thief and a robber; and is associated with deception, J mockery and violence. Deception is ! the first quality of alcohol. It makes the fool think himself a Solomon, the j weakling a giant, the pauper u prince land a, millionaire. Jeremiah holds it ! responsible for insanity and moral i madness. In speaking of Baby.on, | which went down through drink, he says, '‘The nations have drunken ot her wine, therefore the nations are ! mad.'’ Habakuk declares that it ■ - Hu f*rinu> and anarchy. 1 The Bible is the first book to ue I clare alcoholic liquor as a ' Mcdern medical science in its bold ! declaration that “alcohol is not a 1 food, but a poison,” is simply coming 'up to the Bible, which declared three ! thousand years ago that “their wine jis as the poison of asps. In his let 1 ter to the Gallatian?, aJsq tXL£ Cor ! inthians, the Great Apostle defimte , ly declares that “no drunkard shall 1 inherit the Kingdom of God.” The Bibie also in Isaiah associates strong drink with greed, depraved ap f petite, sacrilege, morsl blindness,, per , verted judgment, injustice, shame, desolation, captivity and national '• overthrow. . I Respectfully submitted, T. C. HENDERSON. //ope For Talker I Mount Gilead, Ohio—Hope for re covery of Donald Campbell, 30, talk ing sickness victim, was held out by I two specialists last week. PISGAH FOREST NEWS School opened here Monday morn ing with a good attendance, the teachers being re-elected were Miss Annie Mae Patton, Miss Flora Lyday, Mbs Mamie Lyday, Miss Mildred Williams and Mrs. M. Neely. & good school term is predicted. Dewey Edwards who was recently appointed postmaster here assumed his duties Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Davie who have spent the past week visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Patton Jr. and other rel atives here will return to their homo in Baltimore Saturday. Their son, Dowl, who has spent the summer here will return with them. Mr. and Mrs .Henry Mackey and son Richard of Swannanoa spent the week-end with Mrs. Mackey’s mother, Mrs. Dove Sen tell. Mrs. John Seed of Blantyre was a j caller of Mrs. D. H. Orr Friday. Hiram Anders of Greer, S. C., spent several days here last week j visiting Mr. and Mrs. Emmit Reese and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bums and other relatives. Among those from this section at-' tending the Orr reunion at Orr'e camp near Hendersonville Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs, D. H. Orr and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Camp field, Joe Orr and Velly Parker. Mrs. Mint Coval and son Marion of South Carolina are visiting Mrs Coval’s sister, Mrs. Laura Radford and brother, Will Stepp. Master Billy Lyday was a recent guest of Charlie McCall at Little Mountain. Mrs. Glover Seniell and Mrs. Erwin Mullenax entertained with a birthday dinner and party Suday at the home of the former honoring their daughters, Miss Lois SentelT and Miss Louise Mullinax on the occasion of their fifteenth birthday anniver saries. A large number of friends was present and an enjoyable time was reported. Mr. and Mrs. Frances Allen and daughter Elizabeth and Miss Nellie Mackey of Swannanoa spent the week-end with Mrs. Allen’s and Miss Mackey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mackey. Max Butler of Mills River is visit ing his aunt, Mrs. James Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Otho Cairnea and children of Spartanburg, S. C., are visiting Mrs. Cairnes’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cody. Misses Nettie and Ada Orr of Turkey Creek spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Campfield. W. A. Lyday, who is employed in Morganton, spent the week-end here with hia family. Mrs. Annie Corn and Mrs. J. P Cheek, teachers of the Intermediate boys’ and girls' Sunday school classes of the local Baptist church entertain ed the member* of the classes with a picnic at White Pine camp Sunday. LABOR DAT • Monday, September 3 Spend the Week End end labor Day in the Country— the Mountain*—at tha Soedtore, or visiting Friend* and Rela tive* Back Horn*. Our Vary Low Fare* make a Short Vacation extremely economical. Tickets On Sale Daily ' •' Ona Way and Round Trip 4i . p.r Mil* Coach Ticket*....... Ij «*nt* Traveled | ‘Round Trip Ticket* v A . p.r Mil. Return Limit 15 Day* B CCBlef Tr.v.l.d ^ I ‘Round Trip Tickets Ai . p.r Mil. Return Limit 6 Month*.*5 €Cfltf Tr.v.l.d ‘One Way Ticket*. 3 CCtltS P.r Mil. * Good In Stooping ond P.rlor Cort on ptym.nt of prop.r ch.rg*. lor :p»et eeeupi.d. No*. , Compartment, Drawing Room and Open Section Sleeping Carr Modern Coache*—Convenient Schedules Be Comfortable in the Safety of Train Travel Fsr full Informotion eoniulf R. H. DeBUTTS, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Asheville, N, C. ^ Southern Railway System CHEVROLET MASTER SIX SEDAN MANY people find it a good plan, when buying a car, to consider first what it does to make motoring more enjoyable; next, what it costs to operate; and last, its price. Proceeding thus, you find that ‘ Chevrolet alone combines Knee-Action, Body by Fisher, a valve-in-head engine, and cable controlled brakes—definite addi tions to motoring pleasure. Further investigation reveals that owners say a Chevrolet saves on gas, oil, and upkeep. If you now consider price you discover that the Chev rolet is priced extremely low. Your Chevrolet dealer invites you to go over the facts with him. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY R DETROIT, MICHIGAN jj

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