The 'I' Transylvania Times j ___ tKT Estab. 1896 Estab. 1931 Consolidated 1932 Published Weekly on Thursdays by C. M. DOUGLAS __ ■^Ome^TThTNews Building C M. DOUGLAS...Editor MISS A. TROWBRIDGE. Associate SUBSCRIPTION RATES Per Year.*l f0 Six Months - WE'LL SING OUR SONG •HEAD 0’ TIME With starting of the 1)35-315 school term a year hence The Transylvania Times ventures to suggest that citi zens of the county demand, and de mand strong enough thai thoy will *e hoard, the election of teachers at the end of the present school term. We understand perfectly that theie will be the matter facing the officials (!f teacher allotment based on the number in attendance durirg the (then at end of present term) school year, and we Know that no man or iet of men can tell just off the bat to the teacher, just hew many will be employed in 1J35-36, but they will know, or at least they should know, within four or five the total number to be employed, and for a certainty they will know that there are to lie principals in such schools as employ two. three and more teachers. There is no excuse for the principal of any two, or three teacher (or more) schools not knowing within ten days after completion of the term whether or net he or she is to he in charge of the same school for the next tnm. Then, as we sec it. if a principal is to again serve, iie should be consulted as to who the staff will be. We know full well that the law says this, and the law says that, in regard to election of teachers, but.we maintain that if a principal of a school is fit to again be hired on a job. he is certainly fit to help (not dictate) in selection of the teaching staff that will be under him the fol lowing term. Following out The Times’ idea, nearly all, at least, as stated above, within four or five of the teachei load, can be selected and contracts made within a short time after school closes. A teacher, and especially is this true of principals and vocational i .achers, that is only to have the interests of the school and the com munity uppermost in his mind for the i ight months that he is in the 100m, is in our judgment a poor t acher. But on the other hand, no teacher can justify himself in work ing four extra months for a commun ity which he (Ues not know appreci ates the efforts put foith the previous ttrm. School work, if it is to stop in the class room, is not worth the cost, an I when teachers are given t*ie chance we believe they will be glad 11 exterd such influence as they have through! lit the year. L'.t’s make Transylvania schools mere efficient, broader in their scope, and the first step, as we see it, is to give the teachers a fair break. We be!;,--.■«> our teachers will do their part—and if there should be one that does not want to do his part—well, thcic are plenty if teachers who will. government entering DIG B I'M NESS IIFE Just how manufacturers are going to take it when the government gets started on its program of turning out sh<es. clothing, and other supplies is not so very problematical. They w n’t like it. because as the manufac turer sees it, that will be direct com petition with private industry there'll be no losses to charge to stockholders, for the public in general (that is the taxpaying public) will foot the bill whenever there is a loss —and there will be plenty of losses. The same fellow that has been in business for years, ar.d has been buy ing government printed envelopes will start yelling his head off because “Uncle Sam is cutting my throat” with hi- unfair tactics. The same fel low who has been bragging about the wonderfully cheap power that the TYA will bring about, will yell about the unfair competition he has in Uncle Sam. Maybe newspapers that own print shops will b:> yelling about govern ment operated papers and printing outfits, too, but for a certainty they won’t mean like some of the others, for they havs been faced with this printing competition for years, and have begged, pleaded, cursed and worked—to no avail. Another proof of the fact that bet ter times are in the offing for Tran sylvania county is the fact that both Julian Glazener and Randall Lyday have increased enrollments this year in their agriculture classes at the two high schools. JOB Ob' A NEWSPAPER IS OFTEN “DIFFERENT” People, generally speaking, are prone to misconstrue and misunder stand the place a newspaper holds in a community, and this more often true when people do not understand, f, r various and sundry reasons, stands that a newspaper to best serve its community is forced to take. True, newspapers are sometimes mistaken in stands they take, but sel dom. lake other agencies, and like people in all walks of life, newspapers are not infallible. However, commun ity newspapers, those that try to ; build their community and keep intaco the progress already made, fathom questions of import very deeply be fore they take up the cudgel. And now another fellow over in Jackson county is having trouble with a rattlesnake—suspicion is said to point toward ministers after an eigVu ,-attic reptile was stolen from one M. \- Jarrelt. Tests prove that careful drivers ge mote mileage out of gasoline, better service out of their cars, and tor certainty they are not as apt to Had a funeral precession—feet first. Wc found another use for flowers Sunday-beautiful vases seen ,n two Brevard churches, and instead of b in? out of place, they added an . of what most of us hope to see aftu this life-beauty. Startling <??> headline in the Ex tension Farm-News: ** for fairer system of taxation. Sen hearing that at political speak ings lo these many years. Nearly ftW* to mention the fact that Jordan street via the p« i, for cast bound traffic only. OAKLAND NEWS (Mrs. Lee F. Norton) i- r ovnve's the sentiment of I believe I expit » tn Fiphev iMC ir,U f lr bu,° “« 7s. Sanders made a business call • n E. P. Reid Wednesday. I Geoige. son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey I Brvson. had a near-serious accident I Wednesday afternoon w n e n he j stepped from the running board of his Uncle Edwin Reids car while it | was still going His knee was badly Mrs I S- Sanders was at Lake | Toxaway Thursday afternoon on busi ■ ‘ °Mrs Rov McCall, son Sammie and I daughter Edith were dinner guests Thursday of Mrs. I. S. Sanders. Claude Nicholson called Thursday morning on W. F. McCall. Randall Fowler of Horse Shoe and hi< i'riend. Miss Duncan, were dinner guests Friday of his aunt, Mrs. Mary Burgess. Miss Alberta Burgess was in Bre ! varil Friday on business. Charlie Bennett, who has been doing some repair work for his iaihcr-in-law. E. D. Reid, returned to Knoxville Thursday. Rev. J. R. Owen of Asheville, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Anderson and other friends were pienicing in our eom riimitv recently. Paul Jarrett, who has employment at Tellico PJains, Tenn., spent the wetk-end here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jarrett. Ray and L. C. Sanders and Mr. Lemon, a friend of theirs, arrived Friday night to spend a few days here with relatives. Miss Evon Sanders, who has em ployment at Enka, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Sanders. E. A. Reid has been relieved as juror at federal court in Asheville and is home .ready to take his old position at the Lupton summer home at Sapphire. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCall and children and Doyle McCall spent Sat urday night with Mr. and Mrs. Burns Alexander in Cashiers. I Lensy and L. C. Sanders of Lake j Toxaway and Mr. Lemon of Tellico Plains, Tenn., were dinner guests Sunday of Mr and- Mrs. I. S. Sanders. Dr. and Mrs. Parson, of Sapphire, wire pleasant callers at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Rcbevt Wilson Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mis. E. A. Reid and sen Leo were shopping in Brevard Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Paxton and Mrs. L. M. Glazener of Rosman vsited Mrs. S. E. Alexander Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Lockman and daughters, who have been spending -ome time in our community, left Suniia; morning for their home in Lockhart, S. C. Mrs. Maggie Nicholson visited her son Fred and family in Rosman Sun day. T. E. Reid of Brevard called Sun day afternoon on his father. T. B. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Wilborn and daughters Misses Nell, Virginia and Clarice Dean of Clyde, were here Saturday calling on old friends and neighbors. They formerly lived in this community and their old friends wore delighted to see them again. Mrs. Welburn will be better renum bered by her many friends as Miss Alina Bell Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. .1. B. Galloway and Moody of Glenvillc visited friends family, Gus Galloway and Clifton here Saturday afternoon. Ray Sand rs and Paul Jarrett returned to Tellico Plains, Tenn,, Monday L. C Sanders is spending ten days’ vacation with hie father and grandparents. Miss Evon Sanders returned to Enka Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Garvin Ducker returned home Monday after , lend ing some time here with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. E. I*. Reid. Mrs. 8. E. Alexander and Mr:* Lee Norton visited Mrs. E. A. Rein Monday afternoon. Dewey Bryson and son George spent Monday afternoon with T. B. j Reid. j We would like to say to the party or parties who are using Lake Toxa- ' way Baptist church as a meeting J place for illicit conduct that we would , much rather they would repent and quit their evil ways than to be caognt and punished. Last Saturday night the gates to the church grounds and cemetery were lifted off their hinges and thrown back, leaving the grounds exposed to outside stock. Beys and girls, let me, one who loves you (but not your ways) beg you not to do it again. Mrs. Garland McGregor arid children who have spont the summer at Ivy Hills returned to their home in Greenviile Monday, > Miss Helen Bishop and Mrs. D. (’• Henscn of Asheville were guests of the latter's sister and daughter, Mrs. Amie Corn and Miss Catherine Henson Friday afternoon. W. A Lyday and family moved from this section to Morganton Sat urday. Mr. Lyday, former ir.aehinest for Carr Lumber Co., has had em ployment at Morganton for several months. Mrs. Claud Stepp, who has been I suffering with an infected foot, is improving. Mrs. Joe Orr spent last week at ■ Selica visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. G. Parker and daughter Jose phine returned to their home in Ruthertordton Sunday after spending the past two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Allison. We wish for Mrs. W. W. Crou shorn, who recently had an operation in an Asheville hospital, u speedy ! recovery. Miss Mattie Davis of Greenville : spent the week-end with her sister, ’ Mrs. T. E. Patton Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Allison and ' Mrs. H. Hendrick spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Claud Ray on Little River. Ray Neil, who is in the United i States navy, is spending his furlough with his mother at Happy Hollow. Mrs. Margaret Byers and family have moved from this section. I Miss Leota Randolph of Gloucester is staying at the home of Mrs. Amie ! Corn. Lewis Carr of New Mexico is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Crou shorn. , Miss Mildred Williams of Brevard i spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wolf and family. Herman Crow, an enrolee of the CCC at Barnardsville, spent Labor Day with his mother, Mrs. Easter Crow. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arrington and family of Glade Creek spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scruggs. Business Is Better Babson Park, Mass. — Eighteen months have passed since business turned the reco'Ksry corner in March, 1and industrial activity is 31 per cent above that level. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred by Deed of Trust exe cuted by Gerrge Nicholson and wife, Ruth Nicholson, dated the 15th clay of December, 1928, and recorded in Book 27. Sec. No. 2, Page 11, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County, V. S. Bryant, Substituted Trustee, will at twelve o’clock neon on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2ND, 1934 at the Court House door of Transyl vania County in Brevard, North Car olina, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the following land, to-wit: All of that certain piece, parcel r lot of land situate, lying and being in Forest Hills Subdivision in the Town of Brevard, N. C., and more particu larly' described as follows: Beginning at a stake in the East margin cf Main Entrance Drive, said stake standing at the point of inter section of said East mat gin of Main Entrance Drive with the South mar gin of a 10 foot alley, and run thence with the said South margin of said alley, South 63 degs. 15 min*. East 138 feet to a stake in said mar gin, a corner cf Lots Nos. 10 and 12. thence with the line dividing said lot No. 10 and 12, South 42 degs. 07 mins. West 50 feet tc a stake, corner of lots 10, 11 and 12; thence with' the line dividing lots No. 11 ar.d 12, North 71 degs. 04 mins. West 111 feet to a stake in the East margin of Main Entrance Drive; thence with said margin North 13 degs. 43 mins, f East 65 feet to the place of beginning. 1 And being all of lot No. 12 of Block H of the Forest Hills Subdivision as shown by plat recorded in Book l,j page 27 of the records of plats for, Transylvania County, N. C. And he-> ing all of that lot of land described in deed from W. M. Roberts and wife, S. Margaret Roberts to George R. Nicholson and wife, Ruth Nicholson, dated the l£th clay of February, 1927. This sale is made on account 01 | default in payment of the indebted ness secured by said deed of trust, ^ and is subject to all taxes and assess ments against said property whether now due or to become due. I A five per cent (5 per cent) cash leposit will be required of the highest . bidder at the sale. This is the 27th day of August, 1934. ; V. S. BRYANT, Substituted Trustee. I l.oa4i No. 2578. i Sept. 5, 12, 19. 26. RO MAN NEWS MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correspondent A. P.~B6lUw8S called to Herider sonville Saturday to see his brctner < Mai k, who is a patient at Patton Me morial hospital. Rcv. J. 12, hurt was a dinnelr guest j uf Mi. and Mrs. D. G’llespio at Bre- < vard Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Alliion and children spent Sunday at Brevard at guests of the latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. B- L. Allison. Miss Ruby Stover of Pennsylva nia and Brevard was a Sunday guest of Misses Hazel and Anne Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Hogwd oi Brevard spent Sunday at the home oi Mrs. P. T. Masters at Last Fork. Miss Anne Singletary is spending „ month at Albermarle visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Hill. Miss Mary Singletary spent in* pas* two weeks in Greenville visiting her uncie and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sloan. M- and Mrs. Roy Singletary and children of Miami, Fla., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. It. Singletary at East Fork. Mr and Mrs. R L. Phillips, Mr. and M’s. S. Tramble ant! daughter ol Piedmont were Sunday guests, of MV. and Mrs. A! Bryson. Mi«“ Clara Phillips of Pier.mmt spent a few days the tatter part of the week as guest of Mr. and Mr„. ^Mr! and*Mrs. Earl Taylor and. Miss | I m-ille Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. John Tavlor and two children of Central, S ‘C , spent the week-end as guest: of Mrs. Earl Taylor’s sister, Mrs. A1 Bryson. The latter remained for a several days’ visit here. Mrs. Van T:ns5ey of Pisgah rc.i ' est. was a guest of Mrs. Ai Bryson Tuesday* Mrs. Tillie Currie and Callaway Nicholson of Asheville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al Bryson. Mrs. Tarry Cantrell and son Paul of Tryon spent the week-end as gucst : of the former’s sister, Mi's. Jesse Love. , ... t Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Morns cf Black Mountain were Sunday guests of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Moore. Mrs. Morris is the former Miss Ruth Moore. 1 Mrs. J. R- Mahoney is quite in at her home on Church street. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Maniey have moved to the Barletson house on Church street. Janus Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nelson and Mrs. E. R. Galloway visit ed Mrs. Janies Nelson at Morganton Saturday. , , ; Vasco .Manly of Alto, Ca, is spend ing a few days as guest of his par ents, Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Manly. | Rev, A. J. Manley and Rev. Hubert Broom were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Watkins Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl O’Shields and children returned home Sunday, hav ing spent several weeks visiting rel atives at Gage, Ky. They were aceom ; named home by Miss Alda Deaton who will spend several months visit ing here. „ Aubrey Coline and Martha Lou Williamon of Six Mile. S. C.. are spending this week visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Owen and other relatves here. Rev. F. A. Rair.s and Jesse Rains Were vi-itors at the home of Mrs. P. T. Masters Sunday. Jordan Masters was a business visitor to Brevard Saturday. Mrs. Alfred Galbraith left Thurs j day for several months visit to rela i tives in New York City. Miss Fanny Morgan left Thursday for Wilmington, Del., to enter a hos pital to take training for a nurse, i Mrs. Nannie Pruitt and son Carey 'of Chicago arrived the latter part jef the week to visit relatives a* Cal ■ vert. , , I Mr. ar.d Mrs. Chris Grimshaw and daughter Anna of Miami, Fla., will arrive the latter part of the week to visit Mrs. Grimshaw’s mother, Mrs. M. N. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Fleming and daughter, Peggy Ann of Bryson City, have moved into the Mull house on the hill above the school building. Mr. Fleming is science teacher and coach at R-smsn high school. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Inman, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Herring, of St. Peters burg, Fla., Mrs. Gardner Hickson of Midv'ille, Ga., Plcmmon Futcb of Nashville, Ga., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Collin*. Rev. Hubert Broom, who is en gaged in revival work at Zion Bap tist church, is staying at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. A J. Manly. Harry Duncan of Knoxville, Tenn., J. B. Duncan of Greenville, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Duncan. J. E. Duncan and sons Herbert and John and daughter Reba of Braden ton, Fla., soent a few days here the fir*t of the week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Winston Ashworth of Brevard and Randall Lyday were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. jjuncan. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. White and daughter Margaret, and son Braxton, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White and daugh ter J»-Anne spent Sunday in Ashe ville visiting relatives. Miss Agnes Hughes returned to her home at Simpsonville, S. C., Tues day, having spent several days as guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Humeral. Mr. and Mrs. John Locknan and daughters Ruth and Ant.o, Mrs. B. Stewart of Lockhart, S. C., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Glaze ner. Mrs. Lee Fisher and daughter Belle and Jean Bales and Spencer Wilborne were visitors at the home of Mrs. D. L. Glazener Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Glazener visit ad the former’s mother, Mrs. L. M. Glazener, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Moirison were Sunday visitors of Mr and Mrs. Van Honeycutt. Miss Ma”ie Wilds spent Sunday at :he home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Galloway. Mrs. Will Mitchell, who has been ! riticslly il let the Mission hospital! •1 Asheville for several days, is j lightly improved. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. EUiridye were j Sinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry hrrowoed at Lake Toxaway Sunday .£ Roy Eldridge was a dinner guest >f Lewis Sims in Brevard Sunday. ; Mr. arid Mrs. Henry Arrowcod af Lake Toxavay were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Eldrit'f. i Thursday. Ralph Elldridgc, who has bet;:' , employed in Newport, Term., this i summer, returned home Wednesday to enter Brevard College. Mr. ar.d Mrs. A. M. Paxton anti . Mrs, L. M. Glazener attended the Fisher leunion at Lake Tcxaway' Saturday. Bill Hamilton of Whittier was a , guest of Mr. and Mr3. D. L. Glazc ner Sunday. Miss Marie Moore has accepted work at Fairfield Inn. Vernon Searcey of CCC in Geor gia is spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. Harve Searcy. Mr. and Mrs Jim Summey and Eari Petit and W. H. Summey spent the week-end atr Wallahalla visting the latter’s daughter, Mrs. Paul Volratb. Mrs. Spencer Wilboriu- of Cycle, N. C., spent, the past week as guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher. She was surprised Friday by hei husband and three children who spent the week-end here. Mrs. Jack Fisher and two children returned home Sunday, having spent the past, week visiting relatives at Sylva. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Mull of Bre vard were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morrison. Mrs. Eck Sims of Brevard was a Sunday guest of Mrs, C. J. F.ldridgc, Mrs. Hugh Boley visited Mrs. Wm. Bird Sunday. Miss Ethel Raxter of Brevard ts spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. R. S. Winchester. L. D. Lockwood of Boone was a guest cf her brother, G. H Woodard and Mrs. Woodard Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Woodard and children attended the Fisher reunion at Lake Toxaway Saturday. Mrs, H. G. Stophel spent Saturday in Brevard visiting her mother, Mrs. W. E. Hall. The latter has been quite ill for several weeks but is slightly improved. REVIVAL SERVICES TO CONTINUE THIS WEEK The revival services being held for the past two weeks, conducted by the Rev. A. J. Manly and Rev. H. Broom will continue through the week. MANY GUESTS AT LO-VERN DURING WEEK Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hutches were Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Miller of Bradenton, Fla., and their daughter. Miss Naomi, of Chi cago. Callers registered during the week at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Hutch: included: Mrs. J. T. McGehee end daughter Fannie, Macon, Ga.; Mrs. Cola Spears and son Francis, Atlan ta; Mrs. Mrashai Huggins, Calvert: Mr. and Mrs. Owen, Calvert: Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Russell, Mrs A. II. Russell, Mrs. A. B. Scruggs, Jacksonville: Mrs. C. II. England, New Market, Tenn.; Mrs. Meal; Rob inson, Louisville, Ky.; Miss Me Pheeters, St. Louis, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sullivan, New York City; Mr. and Mrs. Craig Whitmire and jhildrcn, Miss Annie Davies, Ros nan. Mr. end Mrs, Tim Cowan, Pissah ~. Forest; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Christo pher and son, Harold Johnson, Pete Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Walker and daughter, Mrs, Elien Edwards, Miss Neilc Edison, L. C. Harm, Bobby Link, of Greenville. Mrs. John keiiy, Margaret Kelly, Sumter, 3. C., Mrs. Belle Vickers, Martins Ferry, 0.; Mr. nnd Mrs. T C. Proctor, Columbia, S. 0.; Mrs. E. N. Jenkins, Summerville; A. B. Carter, Brevard; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gates, Bradenton, F!a.; Mrs. G. H. Hutches and daughter Martha Jean, Bradenton, Fla. Leslie Owen of Shelby fs vis; ling relatives and friends here and in Gloucester. Born to Mr. and Mrr, S- K. Owen » son, Lcdand David, Thursday, Aug ust 29th. Mrs. Claud Galloway ana cnu'»c.. are spending a few days visiting the former’s mother, Mrs. Bud McDowell at Burnsville. Dr Joe E. Osborne was a business •visitor to Charlotte Thursday. Miss Nellie Wilds .-pent Thursday night as guest of Miss Arlene Owen at Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Galloway and ehilden, Mrs. Manning Moore, Aveiy Moore, Mrs. Tom Galloway, Miss Inez Dunn, Miss Nellie Milds, '.has., Clarence and Riley Galloway and J. A. WUds spent the week-end at BurniNdlie. . Mr. and Mrs. D- H. Winchester and sons D. H. Jr. and Stanley, dan Whitmire, M:ss Dovic White, A. M. White Jr., Earl White, l.a/err.e Whitmire ana Inez. Oats spent Sun day at Frozen Lake in the 0:0 Tox awav section. . Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Lewis and daughters Ruth and Velma, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Sigmon attended the snip ing at Greenville Sunday and tang at Liberty Second Baptist church in the morning. „ . Mrs. Julia Brock ad son, Mr. an<1 Mrs. Ed Samples and children of Tryon were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher Saturday and attended the Fisher reunion. Miss Helen Sitton and Miss Fanccs Edens cf Enka spent Monday at Rosman hotel as guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Edens. Eric Edwards of Pampa, Texas, visited friends in Rosman Sunday. i _ __ Shaves Hair Cuts All Barber Work We believe we’ll be uble to please you with the type work we do....give us a trial. "TINSLEY BARBER SHOP LOALIA TINSLEY W. B. HEAD ED OWENBY Two doors above Bank Main Street USE THE WANT ADS Get Real BAYER Aspirin Now at lowest Prices in History! So as to put the safely and quick action of Genuine Bayer Aspirin within the reach of everyone, the price you pay has now been reduced. Reduced so low that nobody need ever again accept some other prep aration in place of the real BAYER ASPIRIN that you’ve asked for. 15c now for tins of 12 tablets. 25c now for bottles of 24 tablets. And the bic, family size, 100 tablet bottles have again been re duced in price. These new low prices are now in effect throughout the United States. So—Always say “Bayer” When You Buy And remember, when you ask for Bayer Aspirin at these new low prices it’s unnecessary now to accept any other preparation in its place. So—never ask for it by the name “aspirin" alone when you buy, but always say B-A-Y-E-R Aspirin and see that you get it. Remember, too, that doctors ad vise it, for it DOES NOT HARM THE HEART And that scientist* rate it among the fastest known safe reliefs for pain. (See illustrations , below.) Why Bayer Aspirin Works So Fast » Crop a Bayer f I Aspirin Tablet ’ f into a glass of I ..aUf. By the time it hits the bot tom of the glass it is disinte grating. IN 2 SECONDS «Y STOP WATCH A Genuine Bayer AspiriiyTablet starts to disintegrate and go to work. What I! ;ven» ip These Glasses Happens m Your Stomach—Genuine lUYt'R Asoirm Tablets Start “Taking Hold" of f ain a Few Minutes aiur Taking. ALWAYS SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" NOW WHEN YOU BUY

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