Still Warm Enough To Use PURE I-C-E For Food Protection COOL Enough to use ou'* good burning <&em& Phone 241 PURITY Products Co. Renew Your Subscription Home Owned Home Products Home Operated AND Western Government Inspected MEATS • • Phone 47 We Deliver • • S. F. Allison, Prop. FISHER REUNION IS ATTENDED BY MANY Several hundred relatives and friends of the Fisher and Norton families gathered for an enjoyable day at the l.ake Toxaway Baptist church last Saturday, it being the occasion of the annual Fisher reunion. C. R. Clarke presided over the business ses ion held ;n the morning, with the Rev. Clyde McCall in charge of the devotionals and giving the welcome address. Songs and short 1 talks were heard after the business I . sion with W. E. Breese of Brevard I delivering address of the day on the i topic of “What family reunions mean j to a community.” At the noon hour a sumptuous pic I nic dinner was spread on long tables in ihc chirch yard, which added much to the enjoyment of the occasion. Visitors were present from many sec tions of North Carolina and South Carolina. TEACHERS TO ATTEND SCHOOL AT CULLOWHEE All unemployed teachers who cx uu.a to work in adult and children’s schools under the ERE are expected to attend a week’s training course at Cullowhee during September 24-29, according to W. A. Wilson, ERE dir ector here. These who attended the course held last fall for the same type of work will not be required to attend, Mr. Wilson said. Teachers eligible to attend the tchool and teach in the countv are those who have beer, ap proved bv the director, county super intendent and state board. Around fifteen have applied. Bank Robbery In South Carolina City j Lake City.' S. C.~ Three men 1 robbed the Palmetto bank of Lake 1 city of approximately $100,000 Wed nesday after kidnaping J. R. Car i ter the bank president, and his wife ! from their home and tying Carter s ! three children to their beds. The rob ibers invaded the Carter home at ! 8:15 Wednesday morning, held up jthe family with pistols tied the three i children in bed, forced Carter and 1 his wife to accompany them to the j bank, where they found the cashier I had already arrived and had opened jthe vault. Taking what money was tin the vault, the robbers then forced j the two bankers and Mrs. Carter in '■their car, driving out about three J miles where they released Mrs. Car ter, who ran home and notified effi '-p,^ About 30 miles out from Lake i Citv the two bankers were released from the bandits’ car, unharmed and then the bankers returned to Lake City._ Renew Your Subscription Liquids, Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops Checks Malaria in 3 days, Colds.ftrst day. Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 minutes. . Fine Laxative and Tonic Most Speedy Remedies Known A Hint To The Wise Is Sufficient Ladies... YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to inspect our new arrival of FALL DRESSES, COATS, SUITS and HATS It will pay you to look at them before you buy. Men... With the season changing to fall clothes it would be wise for you to come in and look over our NEW LINE OF SUITS They are all-wool, highly tailored, hand made button ffoles, single and double breasted, consisting of blue serge, cashmere, fancy worsteds, and all new patterns and fabrics. The FASHION MAIN STREET BREVARD WHIRL AT THE WORLD OF NEWS Items; interest gleaned during the past week Extort Xn I t reat Meant. Jail New York— Benjamin F:\-.nklin Yarn—accused as the author {if n ••crank” throat note to Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt—was in Bellevue hospi tal in the psychphatic ward for obser vation Friday night, less than 24 houi3 after his arrest. Predicts Recovery London--Governor of the Bank of, England says: “It is not long before| we will see the light, at the end of the tunnel.” Trrtcc Loams In Chato War Buenos Aires—A truce in the Chaco war seemed near Friday after four years of bitter, bloody iunglt fighting. . . Paraguay had accepted and Bolivia was considering the proposal made by three big friendly nations, Argentina, I Brazil and the United States, to cease hostilities for peace are discussed at Buenos Aires. Huey poetesses New Orleans New Orleans—Huey Long, an ogr. to some and a hero to others, came into New Orleans Friday with a blast of war trumpets and the rattle of soldiery armed with the powers of the ancient, kings to investigate the no i tical and personal affairs of his poli tical opponents constituting the city government of New Orleans. Turner Sets New Mark Brooklyn— Col. Roseoe Turner, dashing speed deamon of the air, set a new record for a flight from the Pacific to the Atlantic today of 10 hours a,nd two minutes. He roared into Floyd Bennett field in his orange monoplane like a streak of fire from a rifle barrel at 4:00 eastern standard time, shading the j record he made last year of 10 hours I and four minutes. Austria Virtually Bankrupt Vienna—Two revolutions in six months have absorbed all the spare change in Austria. Moreover, they have brought on conditions which have impaired seriously the revenues of the state and the income of indi viduals, so that recovery seems to many Austrians to be a vain hope. Holdup Nets Three Dollars Concord—Two unidentified high waymen held up the bulk branch of the Standard Oil company at Kanna polis late Friday and got little lor their pains. Only $3 was in the cash register, a deposit having been made only a few hours earlier. Rejyort On Rate Studies Washington—Report schedules for the electric late survey, whicjl^m coVcF'every community*' served by electricity in the United States, are completed and will be sent to all elec tric utility companies, private or municipal, Vise Chairman Basil Manly of the federal power commis sion, announced Saturday. University Student On Trial Norman, Okla.—The tragic end of a carefree campus romance will be told this week at the trial of Neal Myers on a murder charge in con nection with the death of Marian Mills, 19-year-old University of Okla homa beauty queen. Exports Not To Be Affected Washington—American exports of textile products probably will not be affected by the strike ot textile workers unless the walk-out extends over a period of several weeks, com merce department officials said Sat urday. Road Contract To Be Let Raleigh—The Soco Gap-Cherokee road, located in Haywood county, which forms North Carolina's eastern entrance into the Great Smoky Moun tains national park, will be included in the September 18 lettings, the state highway and public work?' com mission decided Friday. Renew Your Subscription WANT ADS E. L. HALSELI, will sell his place at Davidson River. See the property I or write E. L. Halsell, Pisgah Forest,, N. C. 18 acres, good five room house, three room annex, garage. Ag 16-4tp FOR SALE—Two houses and three lots in the town of Rosman, N. C. Part cash and easy terms on balance or will exchange for other property in the county or outside if desirable. J. W. Glazener, Granite Falls, N. C. Ag 28-2to WANTED TO EXCHANGE—Cot tage in Brevard for a vacant lot or acreage. Orr & Hamlin, Brevard. MOVING and GENERAL HAUL ING—reasonable prices, every load insured. Se? Charlie McCrary at McCrary Auto Service, Phone 200, Brevard, N. C. Mch 8 LOST—Strayed or stolen, small fox terrier, white with brown mark ings. Had on red collar. Reward if returned to Times office or to Mrs. R. S. Ligon, Caesar’s Head. 2tp FOUND—Wedding ring on Main street Wednesday. Owner may have same by identifying and paying for this ad and reward to finder. Inquire at Times office. WANT TRANSPORTATION — For one in car leaving for Atlanta, Ga., on the 10th or Uth. Sam McCullough, Brevard, R-3. It-P May Socialise Steel-Iron Weymouth, Eng.—A scheme for the ! socialization of the B'< itish iron and i steel industry will be one of the chiei j matters before the sixty-sixth annual 1 conference of the trades union con gress* The union delegates will con s.der also resolutions condemning war and Fascism and demanding the 40-liour week for labor. May Invoke Orders Washington—The disclosure that the senate munitions committee had been forced to threaten contempt pro ceedings to get information it wanted led to predictions that the govern men will take over manufacture of all arms. Escape From Bandits Harbin, Manchuria—Nine men, one an American, rescued from their Manchurian kidnapers by the Japa inese gunboat Konei, came to Harbin [Monday to tell how narrowly the} escape. One of the nine was an American. Children Criminally Assaulted Sacramento, Calif.—Two sisters,, six ar.d seven years old, were crimi nally assaulted before they were lock ed alive in an icebox at their ranch [home near here and left to suffocate, an autopsy revealed Monday. The children fought to regain their freedom as they slowly suffocated in the ice box. Hunting Kidnapers Abbeville—Sheriff F. B. McLane said Monday night his department was following all available clues in the kidnaping of ar. 18-year-old girl • of Calhoun Falls, who was found late Monday blindfolded and unconscious in a field. Ransom of $1,000 had beer, demanded. Hoover Speaks Out Philadelphia— Condemning peli 1 cier- of the Roosevelt administration, ; which he inferentially labels ‘Will | o’-the-wisps,” Herbert Hoover in the I current issue of the Saturday Even ing post, the ex-president declared the American people are faced with “the issue of human liberty.” Shark Eats Girl Susqk, Yugorlavia—A giant man eating shark weighing 3,800 pounds devoured Agnes Novak, beautiful 18-year-old blonde, while she was swimming in the Adriatic sea Mon day. The shark was captured after fish ermen fought it three hours. Its huge stomach, ripped open, disclosed the girl’s mangled body. The big fish was put on exhibition. ^ _ „!( German government Friday announced the agreement be tween Germany-ltaly for exchange of commercial credits will be ended September 15. A new agreement is under negotiation. Heads Salvation Army London — Commander Evangeline Booth, descendant of the founder of the Salvation Army, v/as elected to head that orgaization Monday night. Alcatraz Gets Eight More San Francisco—Eight more des perado prisoners were lodged in cells on Alcatraz island Sunday. Ford To Make Steel Dearborn, Mich.—Henry Ford is today in full swing on the final move that will give his industry an abso lutely independent supply of the 36 different kinds of special steels which it requires. The move involves the building ot two huge new steel mill.0', installation of a vast amount of special machinery and sufficient additions to his present power equipment to drive the new mill. 4 *' Volcano Threatens Lassen Volcanic National Park, Calif.—When the weather is best, Mt. Lassen, the most recently active yol icar.o on mainland United States, "be comes angry and startles residents for miles around. This peculiar natural phenomena was confirmed by Ranger Natural ist Russel Farmer, after park resi dents, an encampment of 400 CCC workers and park service employes land tourists became alarmed at men acing steam clouds arising from the crater. For 3 Days ■ OH :■ 'u Your Choice of Books At WARD’S NEWS STAND The latest fiction, novels and books of adventure. . including! best known authors. Complete line of news papers and magazines. Save these pennies and put j them in your baby bank. It | you haven't a baby, or the J baby hasn’t a bank, use them j to buy picture show tickets, j DIXIE’S) Big 6 Sate I MMMMMSM9HM .Ji -—---—---— TOMATOES < * «mS 6 U 45c 1 CAN 8 l-2ci||, SAVING *c VAN CAMP’S--GALLON CAN TOMATO JUICE COCKTAIL.39c --— PHILLIP’S OR GERBER'S Pork and Beans 6™ 28c 1 CAN Gc_ ,, M SAUSG 2c THIN SHELL BUTTER WAFERS lb. pkg.15e Made with pure creamery butter AMERICAN SARDINES .... 6 «» 24c 1 CAN 4 l-2c SAVING 3c j .. ■ .. 1 ARGO SLICED PINEAPPLE, large 2 1-2 cans 6 cans . . $1.20 j ONE CAN 23c _SAVING ISc FRESH PEARL WHITE Grits 6 lbs.17c SAVING 3c PICKLING Vinegar.25e BULK GALLON GREAT NORTHERN— BEANS 6 - 40c 1 lb. 7 l-U saving »c KELLOG’S CORN FLAKES, 6 pkgs.43c i PKG. 7 l-2c SAVING_2c FANCY BLUE ROSE RICE 6 - 27c 1 LB. 6c SAVING 3c SjfCTED SODA ' " CRACKERS lb box . 10c CARNATION MILK . . . SS1' 38c SAVING 2c LIFEBOUY 1 CAKE SOAP 7 1-2c 6 cakes 40c SAVING 5c OCTAGON SOAP or POWDER, 6 for.14c I PKG. 2 l-2c_^_SAVINGJc ARGO GLOSS > RRG. STARCH 5c 6 pkgs. 25c SAVING 5c WALDORF 1 R0LL __ TOILET TISSUE > ,i 5c; 6 rolls.25c SAVING 5c I ——— maxwell HOUSE 1 CAN 0 CANS Coffee 33c $1.80 LB. CAN SAVING 18c 1 Buttle « Betties Catsup 15c 82c j 14 OZ. BOTTLE SAVING Sc | -I FANCY TALL PINK SALMON 6 66c 1 CAN 12 l-2c—NO-2 CAN SAVING OKRA and TOMATOES, 6 cans.• 60c 1 CAN 12 l-2c _ _SAV1NG 15c SAUER KRAUT ... 6 “s 55c LARGE 2 1-2 CAN-1 CAN 10c SAVING 5c MIXED „ rA VEGETABLES. No. 2 cans, 6 cans.t>0c SAVING 10c 1 CAN 10c DEL MONTE FRESH PRUNES ... 6 95c LARGE 2 1-2 CAN—1 CAN 17c SAVING.jt white: house ~a APPLE SAUCE, 6 cans.SAV1Nf£ NO. 2 CANS—1 CAN 10c SAVING 10c