Transylvania County Fair Will Be Heid At Rosman October 6th & 7th (Continued from pafii’ one) Best ten ears pop-corn any variety. Best staik pop corn, any variety. Wheat Best peek of wheat, any variety. Best peek of buckwheat, any var- , iety. Bye . j Best perk or rye, any variety. Oats Best peek of oats, any variety. Parley Best p ek of burfey, any variety. Soy Lit a ns Best gallon < i ,-oy beans, any var iety. Con-peas Besi gallon of cowpea seed, any variety. Peanuts Best gallon of peanuts, any variety. Best bunch of peanuts, any var iety. I' obucco Best stalk of tobacco, Burley var ietyl !!esr stalk of tobacco, any otner variety. Best Imr.d of tobacco, Burley var iety. ,, Best iiatnl of tobacco, any other va etv H ay t half of legume hay. I t bale of mixed hay. ; bah- of grass hay. Lcgutnea l ■ t I utteh of soy beans, mammoth yi.; w variety. Best bunch of soy beans, Laredo variety. , . . Best bunch of soy beans, Virginia brown variety. Best ! uneh of soy beans, any other variety. Ben bunch of cowpeas, any \ar 'West iiunch of red clover, common WlBcst bunch of red clover, mammoth i i- sapling variety. Best hunch of lespedeza, Korean variety. , _ . „ Best bunch of Lespedeza, Seneea. Bis-, display ->f growing winter legumes. Shaves Hair Cuts All Barber Work We believe we’ll be able .1 please you with the ;ype work we do... .give j.' a trial. TINSLEY B ARBER SHOP I.OAMA TINSLEY W. B. HEAD ED OWEN BY Two doors above Bank Main Street Sorglmm Cam B.;st three stalks of cane, any var .i. i y. Depart malt D—Vegetables First Prize, Dim Ribbon—Second Prize, Red Ribbon Irish Potatoes Best puck of Irish potatoes, Cob- | bier variety. Best peck of Irish potatoes, Green j Mountain variety. Best peck of Irish potatoes, any | .her variety. i Sweet Potatoes Best peck of sweet potatoes, Porto Rico variety. Best peck of sweet potatoes, Nancy Ball variety. Best peck of sweet- potatoes, any her variety. Turnips Best peck of turnips, Rutabaga variety. Best peck of turnips, purple top variety. Best peek of turnips, any other . ariety. Garden Crops Best plate of string beans, bunch. Best plate of string beans, pole. Best head of cabbage, any var iety. Best plate of tomatoes, any variety. . , Best plate of lima beans in the pod. . , Best plate of onions, any variety. Best bunch of carrots, any variety. Best plate of sweet peppers. Best plate of hot peppers. Best plate of okra. Best plate of table beets. Best bunch of celery. Best plate of parsnips. Best eollard. Best plate of squash. Best quart of shelled beans, any variety. MiscelUi neous Best and largest pumpkin. Best and largest watermelon. Best and largest citron. Largest sunflower. Department C—Fruits first Prize, Pine Ribbon — Second Prize, Red Ribbon Plate Five Each .4 pplcs Best plate of Delicious. Best plate of Albemarle. Best plate of Staymen. Best plate of Ben Davis. Best plate of Virginia Beauty. Best plate of l.imbertwig. Best plate of Golden Delicious. Best plate of Rome Beauty, it st plate of Winesap. Be t plate of any other variety. Pea rs Best plate of pears, any variety. Grain's li st plate of grapes, any variety. .Yu s Best plate of black walnuts. Best plate of native hestnuts. Dr/nn-twent l)—In stock pi i: . [line Ribln ■ — Second Prize, Red RH '"Hl Reef Cattle Best bull calf under six months. Best bull calf six to twelve months. Best bull calf twelve to twenty* . ur nvnths. Best bull ever two years. Best heifer calf under six months. Best heifer calf six to twelve mths. Best heifer calf twelve to twenty tr months. _ Financial Statement TOWN of BREVARD North Carolina AS OF JUNE 30, 1934 NUtHH* Assessed valuation (1933) .31.584,041.00 Bonded Debt. 701.000.00 1933 Tax Levy. 26,416-56 Uncollected Taxes, 1933 Levy. 17,107.44' Uncollected Taxes, 1932 Levy. 20,325.00 Uncollected Taxes, 1931 Levy . 16,851-o4 Uncollected—All Other Years. 26,517.61 Miscellaneous Revenue other than Taxes 16,275.73 Deficits: Debt Sendee Fund. 119,992 50 General Expense Fund . 3,030.73 Cash on hand. 1,199.21 Estimated Tax Rate for 1934: General Expense Fund .. .36 Debt Service Fund .... 1-34 1.70 I hereby certify that the above statement is true to my best knowledge and belief. H. H. PATTON, ! Clerk & Treasurer. , I Pest cow. Best steer under twelve months. ] Best steer over twelve monlhs. Dairy Cattle Best bull under twelve months. Best bull under twenty-four months. Best bull over twenty-four months. | Best heifer calf under six months. Best heifer six to twelve months. Best' heifer twelve to twenty-four months. Best cow. Swine Best boar pig under six months, any breed. Best boar, six to twelve months, any breed. Btst boar ever twelve months, any breed. . Best gilt pig. under six months, : any breed. Best sow over one year, any breed. Best sow and litter, any breed. Best barrow under one year, any breed. Best pen of three barrows, any breed. Sheep Best ram, under one ycai, any breed. , Best ram over one year, any breed. Best ewe, under one year, any breed. , Best ewe over one year, any breed. Best ewe lamb, any breed. Be-t ram lamb, any breed. Best wether under one year, any breed. Best wether over one year, any j breed. Horses nod Mules Best draft horse under six years. Best draft horse over six years. Best mule under six years. Best mule over six years. Best dual-purpose horse any age. Best team of horses any age. Best team of mules any age. Be«t horse colt under one year. Best horse colt over one year. Best mule colt under one year. Best pony. Deportment E—Poultry First prize. Blue Ribbon—Seeond Prize, Red Ribbon. DEFINITION OF TERMS COCK—Male bird one year old or older. , ,. _ HEN—Female bird one year old or 0l<COCKEREL— Male bird less than one year old. ,. , , PULLET—Female bird less than one year old. , OLD PEN— A male and four ! females one year old or older. I YOUNG PEN—A male and four females '.ess than one year old. Burred Plymouth Rod; Best cock. Best hen. Best cockerel. Best pullet. Best old pen. Best young pen. The above classification will apply to all other heavy breeds that are pure bred. White Bighorn Best cock, i Best hen. Best cockerel. Best pullet. Best old pen. i Be st young pen. The above classification will apply ! all other light breeds that are pure i bred. Mh ci tin neons ]’ •: ; trio of turkeys. (T rio to con t nf tw females and one male.) J I*, -t trio of guineas. | 1- >t trio of ducks. . !'.'• * pen of four capons. Depart n>< ut F , Ff■><rers mat Plants pirn, Prize, I Urn Ril'b",i — Second Prize It'd Ribbon xhibit of <'111 flowers, I Be--t bio tiling plants, i; 1 a display poited plants. Best collection ferns. ( Be: t single fern. R. st display roses. Rest geranium. Be-t Sultana. i lie st eollccti 11 petunias. Rest display cut gladioli. Rest potted Colena. Rest collection begonias. ■Rest collection g. raniums. Rest display dahlias. Rest display zinias. Rest display snap-dragons. Rost display asters. Best display cosmos. Rest basket of garden flowers. Best basket of wild flowers. Deportment. G—Conned Goods Pin t Prize, Dim Ribbon. — Second Prize. Red Ribbon Score card fur judging the quality of canned fruits and vegetables: 1— Appearance . 25 points a. Color, 15 points. b. Clearness, 10 points. 2— Texture . 10 points ;!—Flavor . 20 points 4— Uniformity . 15 points a. Ripeness, 10 points. b. Appropriate size, 5 points. 5— Pack arrangement - 15 point3 0—Container . 15 points a. Appropriate packages, 5 points. b. Neatness, 5 points. c. Label, 5 points. TOTAL . 100 ooints j Quart .Jars Peaches, pears, blackberries or dewberries, strawberries, apple sauce, string beans, cherries, soup mixture, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, kraut, rhu j barb, beets, pumpkin, tomato juice, grape juice. Pbits Corn, lima beans, field peas. okra. English peas, pimento, squash, car rots. Jams and Marmalades Peach, plum, apple, blackberry or dewberry, pear, strawberry, rasp berry, grape. Jelly Apple, dewberry, grape, scupper none, blackberry, plum, crab apple, mint. Preserjeg Peach, pear, strawbenry, water melon, apple, cherry, tomato. Meats , Pr.rk rr-k sausage, fried chicken, steamed chicken, beef. Pickhs and Relishes Cucumber pickles, gveen tomato . pickles, Dixie relish or pepper hash, I peach (tweet), pear (sweet), water melon rind (sweet), spiced grapts, beets, chow-chow. gingered pears, spiced apples, onions. Department h Pantry and Dairy Suppliep Bread first Prize, Blue Ribbon — Second Prize, Red Ribbon Loaf bread. Steamed Boston brown bread. Ciaham bread or whole wheat. Corn meal muffins or corn sticks. Yeast rolls. Cinnamon roils. Baking powder biscuits. Soday biscuits. White and graham flour muffins. Rye bread. Beaten biscuits. Nut bread. Cake—Loaf Angel food cake, pound cake, yel low .-ponge cake, black fruit cake, white fruit cake, marble cake, deco rative or artistic cake. Cake—Layer Devil’s food, caramel, chocolate, cocoanut, jelly roll, marshmallow, Lady Baltimore, lemon, Japanese fruit, decorative or artistic cake, spice Cookies Doughnuts, ginger snaps, tea cakes of any kind, cookies of any kind. Candy Molasses candy, white taffy, cara mels peanut brittle, macaroon*. French candy, fudge, divinity fudge penuehe. Department l Clothing and Fancy Work First Prize. Blue Ribbon — Second Prize, Red Ribbon Handkerchiefs—Plain and fancy. Children’s clothing, infants’ cloth ing adults’ clothing. Pajamas, negligee, nightgown, apron, sofa pillow, boudoir pillow, boudoir lamp, bridge lamp shade. Rugs, quilts, spreads, tabid and bid linens, towels. Miscellaneous Vinegar, honey, molasses. Says Lightning Not Can e Havana—Commodore J. E. Jones of ! the Ward line fleet, told newspaper men that, it was impossible lightning ci uld have caused the Morro Castle disaster. OLD TOXAWAY NEWS ifflDiiiasagfflH Mrs. Gaston Chapman and daugh ter, Mildred, were week-end guests of the former’s mother, Mrs. W. M. Meece. Mrs. Julc Anders was Monday guest of her daughter, Mrs. Dollie Cantrell. Messrs. Jake and Joe Cantrell oi the CCC Georgia tamp were week end guests of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Meece were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roarke Staneel of Nimmons, s. c. Mrs. Jane Hendrix of Roman was guest one night last week of Mrs. eld Hendrix. Mrs. R. P. Aikens and children were Sunday afternoon guests of the former’s mother, Mrs. W. M. Meece. Mrs. W. V. Holden was visiting in this section Sunday. Mrs Addie Rice and I daughter, Mrs. Wiley Meece, called on the for mer’s sis', r Wednesday afternoon. Mr. U. Cantrell attended the funer al of his uncle, William Cantrell. Thursday at Joeassie. 3. C. Italian.-! Warned of War Taranto, Italy—After telling the Italian people to “be ready for any . eventuality," Premier Mussolini let it! be known that he has called a confer- ' encs of generals and divisional com- j manders of the entire Italian army, j _ Near Trad End St. Paul. Minn.—Police and federal agents are nearing the end of the j trail in their search for the gang chief who plotted the kidnappings of, William Hamm Jr. and Edward G. i Bremmer. - Sjxiin Has Riots j Madrid—Seven were killed and a i score wounded after political rioting. ■ Farmers came to ask for legislation j and the riots ensued. Race Riot In Maryland Princess Anne, Md.—A race riot j began in this small town Saturday j night. A negro cursed a white man. The white man beat the negro severe- . ly with his fists and soon a battle j ! royal was raging. The negroes were 1 driven out of town. 666 Liquid->, Tablets, Salve, West Drops Checks Malaria in 3 days, Colds first jday.. Headaches or Neuralgia in 3$. I minutes. $2 JEJ® ' v Fine Laxative and Tonic Most Speedy Remedies Knt/wn ;-— Don’t Sell Your Old Gold IgrTo Strangers bring it to us and get , best prices and HONEST WEIGHT C. B. McFEE The Old Reliable Watchmaker anil Jeweler ! King Bldg. 1 Main Street Brevard CHOICE MEATS ~ Fresh VEGETABLES Complete Line GROCERIES • » Phone 47 We Deliver City Market S. F. Allison, Prop. COMPLETE ONE-STOP SERVICE. AUTO REPAIRING AT MONEY-SAVING PRICES On All Makes of Cars W- carry a II line of genuine replacement parts and have the very •ales', tools and testing machines with which to do the following repair work on your car— BRAKES - CARBURETOR - MOTOR REBUILDING -RADIATOR CLEANING AMD REPAIRING | WRECKER SERVICE g Day or Night g Day Phone 290 Night 29! ! fc _I p Electrical Service I Starter and Generator • FitafriKiitor. Etc. Washmg--Greasmg*-Simonizing QUAKER STATE and GULF PRIDE MOTOR OILS 11111111)111111111 Tires . Tubes . . Batteries i I Spark Plugs ing j .“““IMIMMlWMM't ^ BODY and FENDER i ( Painting and Striping j A11 our work done by SKILLED 1 abor and the FINEST materials < obtainable are used in our BODY and FENDER repair work. ................ McCrary Auto Service j CHEVROLET^ SALES and SERVICE | ~ REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR FORDS AND CHEVROLETS j

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