L,ocal and Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nyburg re turned last w'eok to their home in Niagara Falls, N. Y., after visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Kyle. Miss Martha Bosweli left this week l;>r Peabody college, Nashv.lie, Tenn., where she will :;tudy this year. Hazel Ramsey of Stateburg, 8. C., is stopping with his brother, R. H. Ramsey and family and attending Brevard College. Mrs. Elizabeth Murray is leaving this week for her home in F^tchez Miss., after spending th9 past sev-! erai months at her summer home here* Peter Pan. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sellers left Monday for a vacation motor trip to Chicago and the World’s Fair and) to visit Mrs. Sellers’ sister and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Thiessen in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. McKee of Sylva were guests last week of Mrs. Carrie McKee and Mrs. A. H. Kizer, attending the formal opening exer cises of Brevard Collage Friday i morning. Miss Carol P. Oppenheiiner and Miss Margaret Fullbright returned Monday from a week’s visit at the former's home in Savannah, Ga. Miss Oppenheiiner is again at her summer home at Eagles Nest camp. Mrs. Roy McCall and Miss Ruby Whitmire have returned home after « three wetks’ visit in Charlotte, Monroe and Myrtle Beach, S. C. Miss Mae Cur.ningham asd Koy McCall spent the week-end with Mrs. (i. li. Levy in Monroe Miss Helen Wright of Htnderson ville is spending the winter at the j home of her uncle, Dock Wright, and : family and attending Brevard Col lege with her cousin, Justine Wright. J Mr. and Mrs. Crtne Wright and Mr.' and Mrs. Albert Dixon and children! of Hen lersonville were Sunday! guests U' Mr. and Mrs. Dock Wright! and family. Mrs. E. J. Bogen has returned j from a two weeks’ visit with rel ativos and friends in Augusta, Ga. j R. S. Osborne and little son R. S. j Jr., of Norris Tenn., were week-end| gutsts of the former’s parents, Mr.J and Mrs. C. K. Osborne. Mrs. C. K. Osborne and daughter, | Mrs. Eck Sims, were visitors in J Asheville Tuesday. ’ Drnrv M. Phillips, wife and son, of I Huntsville. Texas, W. B. 'Phillips and wire, of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Rev. S. K. Phillips and wife, of Col umbia. S. C., have been recent guests of their cousin, S- P- Verner, and family on Probart Street. Mrs. Charles V. Verner and heri mother, Mrs. Huggins, of South Carolina, are spending some time at Mrs. Case’s. ' Mrs. Z. K. Justice, of Davidson, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. K. Mills, and other relatives. j Mrs. Walter Banks and Mrs. John McLean aro attending the FERA( teacher training school at Cullowhee. | Mrs. A. H. Kizer visited Mrs. Harry Buchanan in Hendersonville last week. Mr. and Mrs. David Ward have moved from their temporary location | on Rice street to the Marr cottage! on Maple street, while their home on F.ast Main street is being teased. 666 Liquids, Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops Checks Malaria in 3 days. Colds first day. Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 minutes. Fine Laxative and Tonic Most Speedy Remedies Known T • VVTtVI J. It. Cobb has returned from a visit with his uncle, Dr. J. A. Long, it Mt Olive. Lamar Lewis, of Raleigh, scent the past v/eek in Brevard with relatives. Mrs. Annie Geer and daughter, Mrs. Mary Whitlock, of Belton, S. C., were guests last week of Mrs. J. I.. | Cobb and family. I Plato Allison, of Asheville, spent ;thc week-end here with his parents. | Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Allison. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McCrary and | Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Wiisen left ; the first of the week for a two weeks’ trip to Chicago and the World’s Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Emmerson, of Asheville, were week-end guests of Mrs. Einmerson’s mother, Mrs. J. E. Clayton and family. I Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Galloway and children visited Ralph Galloway at Jars Hill college Sunday. Coach and Mrs. Ralph James spent Sunday in Belmont. Mrs. Margaret Bromfield of Green ille visited her mother, Mrs. A. W. I Barnette, here the past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Knox of New York I City are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Twiggs, at their home at Davidson | River. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Allen of Charleston, S. C., who have spent nany sflfnmers in Brevard, are pending the fall and winter here, -.topping at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Bromfield. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hogsed attend 'd the Indian Fair at Cherokee last veek, continuing their trip through he Smoky mountains and on into -.everal parts of Tennessee. They report an enjoyable trip. Miss Marie Tinsley, of Duke hos pital, Durham, is spending her vaca tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Tinsley. Mrs. Charlie Patton is attending the state university at Chapel Hill, taking a six weeks’ course in social service work. A. H. Kizer, of Greensboro, spent the week-end here with his family. Albert Lyday, who has been em ployed at the Sally Tire company, Asheville, has returned home and is quite ill. „ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beane Sr. left Saturday for their home in Augusta, Ga., after spending the past three months in Brevard. They divided their time at the homes of Mr. and Mr3. 0. L. Erwin and Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Macfie. OAKLAND NEWS (Mrs. Lee F. Norton) We enjoyed a family reunion Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Galloway in Glenville. All the living children of the old couple were present, with a number of! •grandchildren and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Galloway, who is j 86 years old, helped to prepare tho . dinner for the immense crowd, and apparently enjoyed it. Mr. Galloway J is quite feeble but jolly and seemed ! to greatly enjoy the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jarrett were called to Brevard last week on ac-j count of the serious illness of their t son Killian, who is a patient in i Lyday Memorial hospital. W. F. McCall was in Greenville, last week and reported the market to be dull. Mrs. Clarence Norton visited Mrs.1 Claud Reid at her home in Brevard ; Wednesday. Those who raised molasses cane j this year in this community will be ' glad to know that W. W. Reid is now ^ Do’nt Be Foolish i Read This Before You Buy Groceries It’s an evident fact that some people are paying mere for what they buy than they would if they’d only go around and get prices-—here are some of the articles: IRISH POTATOES 100 LBS. SUGAR LARD, FLOUR BANANAS CORN FLAKES PINEAPPLE WHY NOT GIVE ME A CHANCE AT WHAT YOU BUY AND SAVE YOURSELF SOME MONEY? i .. MULL’S MARKET -HOME GROCERY Broad St. PHONE 201 Main St. LAKE TOXAWAY (Mrs. H. D. Lee) Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Arrowood have announced, the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mary Blanche Arrowood, to Mr. Walter -jlazener of Rosmar., which occured in Green ville, September 20th, with the pro bate judge officiating The bride js the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Arrowood of this place and is a popular member of the young se . Mr. Glazener is the son of Mr. ana Mrs. C. H. Glazener of Rosman. botn Mr. and Mrs. Glazener attended the Rosman high school a few years ago They have many friends wno wisn for them a long and happy life. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy McCall and iittle daughter Molly Ann, of Eduto, spent the week-end with Mr. ana Mrs S. L. Sanders. Mrs. Riley Johnson spent r riaay , with Mrs. W. J. Raines. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thomas and son Deane were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Thomas Sunday. Miss Gertrude Breedlove spent the week-end with Miss Hazel Moses. C. J. Moltz is visiting relatives in Williamsport, Pa. Miss Lucy Hall was the dinner guest of Mrs. Ed Tolley Sunday. Miss Dot Lee and Tom Lee with a party of friends from Cashiers at- j tended the Cherokee Indian Fair at j Cherokee Friday. Miss Inez Owen is spending some time with Mrs. Paul McCoy, Miss Louise Williams of Rosman spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Wil nams. Mrs. William Vakos and children, who have spent the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hall, will leave Friday for their home in Norfolk, Va. Miss Glendola Mathis of Wolf Mountain is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Cole Lee. Miss Lucy Galloway spent Sunday with Miss Helen Fisher. Mrs. Walter McNeely is very ill at her home here. Mrs. Carl Breedlove and Mrs. Fred Breedlove visited Mrs. Laura Lafoy Monday. Mrs. Alfred Owen of Quebec, C. G., I Rogers Jr., of Cashiers, Jack Wil-j j liams of Waynesville and Frank j I Tinsley were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Lee Sunday. Prof. Hardin of Quebec was the j guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Thomas j Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Raines visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Raines in Brevard Saturday. Mrs. C. J. Moltz has returned home after spending several days with her daughter, Mrs. Johnson, at. her home in Biltmore Forest, Ashe ville. 1 Mrs. H. D. Lee spent Monday ■ with her sister, Mrs. Lewis Tinsley, j Posie Owen and M. H. Rigsby; visited in Glenyille Sunday. They j were accompanied home by Mrs. ! Nancy Breedlove, who will spend this week visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Payne of Ashe ville and H. C. Payne, Richmond, Va„ spent the week-end with Mrs. Ida Bryant Payne. Mrs. Jack Aiken and son Bob and Mrs. R. A. Oldham and little son K. A. Jr. of Asheville visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lee, recently. Mrs. Leo Case and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fisher were guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Fisher Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Arrowood and , son Charles were guests of Mr. and i Mrs. Nick Teague in Pickens Sun-, day. While there they motored to I j prepared with a new cane mill for I making syrup. Clarence Norton was in Brevard I Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson and; son James T. and Miss Laura Shep-j herd were shopping in Brevard Wed-; nesday. ! Mrs. S. E. Alexander, who has been visiting in Asheville the past two weeks, returned home Sunday and was accompanied by her daugh ter, Mrs. Robert Noland ar.d Mr. Noland. | Mrs. Mamie Fowler and sens Randall and Kenneth and daughter, Miss Hester, and Mrs. Cora Foster, of Horse Shoe, called on Mrs. Mary Burgess Sunday morning. Leslie Nicholson of Rosman spent the week-end here with his grand mother, Mrs. Maggie Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilson, Pink Thomas and daughter Miss Mary, of ; Central, S. C., were guests Saturday of Mrs. Maggie Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Iteid, of Sapphire* icalled Sunday ^ afternoon !on Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Reid. Mrs. Laura Shepherd returned ' home Sunday, after spending two ! weeks here with her sister. I Mrs. Leota Lanning and Miss I Othaline Reid visited their si3ter, | Mrs. Dewey Bryson, Sunday after noon. . . , , ! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nicholson of i Rosman spent Sunday evening here with the former’s mother, Mrs. Mag gie Nicholson. Claude Nicholson is visiting his brothers, Lee and Fred, in Rosman. , Ray Rigdon spent Sunday after-1 noon with Lane and Cecil Sanders. Clarence Norton visited the den tist’s office Monday and had some of his infected teeth extracted. Mrs. Mary Burgess, Miss Aloerta Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mc Call, Mrs. Lee Norton and Kile Gal loway motored to Glenville Sunday and spent the day with the former s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J- Gallo way. Textile Strike Over Washington — The great textile strike is ended. Hundreds of thous ands of workers who responded to the call of union leaders Monday were back at their looms, _ ordered 1 there by their leaders. Their decis i ion to terminate the most gigantic walkout of modern times followed a study and discussion of a settlement plan advanced by President Roosc 'velt’s mediation board. Jrwnville to visit their friends, Mrs. Harrison Harper and daughter. Mias Caroline, who are in the St. Fran cis hospital suffering from severe burns which they received twc weeks ago when their homo was burned Miss Mabel McNeely, who is at tending Bwivard college, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter McNeely. , Welch Galloway, Jim Dishman end Jr*9 Davis of Rosman and Arthur Dishman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Brunner Sunday. Mike Kizer, son of Charlie Kizer,' was sent to a hospital in Morganton Wednesday. Mrs. Anna Breedlove was called to Bosnian Sunday on account of the illness of her father, Baxter Whit mire. Harvey Rogers of Hendersonville is spending this week with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. Spalding McIntosh and children of Brevard visited rel atives here Sunday. Rev. Clyde McCall filled his regular appointment at Toxaway Baptist church Sunday and delivered a soul stirring sermon. We Agree I with Oakland writer that too many folks are staying away from church and too many children are out of school Wo see very little hope of success fer children who- do not have a Christian home and who do not at tend church and school. Head Pray. 3:33, Exodus 20:8, Prov, chapters 2, 3, 4, end i. Mr. aud Mrs. Lewis Tinsley and sons Frank end Julius and daughter Lucy spent Friday at the Cherokw Indian Fair, Cherokw. Mu. J. H. Lee and members of her Sunday school claw enjoyed a picric near Toxaway Falls Sunday. Oscar McCall of Lenoir spent sev eral days recently with his sisters, Mrs. L. H. Thomas and Mrs. L. C. Case, Jr. . Mr and Mrs. Ramon Robertson of Hendersonville spent several days recently as guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Owen. The Toxaway and Quebec school boys played an interesting game of baseball in the “lake bed” Friday afternoon. Toxaway won over Que-1 bee_J AT THE „ N THEATRE —a In "The Barrett* of ■ Wimpola Street," scheduled for next Monday and Tuesday, the Clewton Theatre ie offering one of the best pictures to be made during the year. Norms Shearer, Fredric March, Charles Laughton and a group of other stars of the screen, tola picture is destined to be outstanding. On Friday and Saturday of this week, "The Dude Ranger," a western picture showing good horsemanship, magnificent scenery. George O’Brien' is nter performer, with Irene Hervey, LeRoy Mason and Sid Saylor also appearing in the cast. The theatre will be closed on Wed needay of next week, with a Will Rogers picture for Thursday and Fri day. TRY OIJR WANT ADS N. C. SALES TAX Included In All Prices on Merchandis __ STRIKING! THOSE NEW FALL FABRICS New Cotton Crepe# 36 in. wide FAST COLORS This material makes ex pensive looking dresses 29c Yd. All Wool Crepe 54 in. wide Colors—Black, Wine, Brown, Navy, Green $1.39 Xd All Wool Tweed* Just, Received Twenty Beautiful Patterns In Eighty Square Prints, Plaids, Strikes Checks and small designs 22c yard Other Prints At 15c and 19c m m m Balbriggan pa jamas and night' k» by Munsing wear—just what the smart woman wears for loung ing and sleeping. So practical, so snug, so comfort able.They'reknit with unusual care. They're tai lored to fit. They wear for months and month#, launder in a moment.They come in the charm ing dainty colors. You must see them today ... you'll be snooyng in them tonight. $1.59 $1.89 Men’s DRESS SHIRTS Featuring Phillips - Jones’ exclusive “Melody in Blue” and Noveltone. Guaranteed in every respect, $1.55 Other Dress Shirts 79c and $1.00 Men's New Fall Suits All Wool Serges, Homespuns, Wor steds and Cheviots The best in fall colors and styles. 8.95*18.50 Men's New Fall Felts The new fall blocs—wide and narrow brims. Colors—Navy, Brown, Tan, Oxford Grey, Steel and Pearl Grey and Black. 1.00 to 4.95 One Rack Of Mm Ladies’ Dress and Walking Oxfords Values up to $3.95 Odd Sizes 159 pair Just Received A new shipment of Wolverine WORK SHOES AND BOOTS Guaranteed all leather and to st&y soft and flexible throughout their lifetime. Your Size Is Here 2.95 to 7.25