FIRE PREVENTION WEEK PROCLAIMED FOR STATE! RALEIGH, Oct. 3 - Governor Ehringhaus has proclaimed the week of October 7 to 13 “Fire Prevention Week” in North Carolina. Eire Prevention Week was de clared “in order that the people ox ' this state in every community shell, individually and Through our various organizations, discover and correc* existing fire hazards, promote meas ures of public and private fire pro tection, extend instruction in fire prevention among adults as well as school children and arouse the people generally to the need for habits of greater care. To this end, 11 appeal to our citizens to thoroughly) cooperate with the various fire de partments throughout the state, the proclamation stated. WANT ADS MOVING and GENERAL HAUL /.VG—reasonable prices, every load insured. See Charlie McCrary at McCrary Auto Service, Phone 290, Brevard, N. C. Mch 8 WANTED—White oak cross ties, delivered at any point on Southern railway between Brevard and Lake Toxaway. Highest maityet prices j paid. For particulars see or write W. J. Moore, Rosman, N. C. 2tp 1 MAN WANTED for Rawleigh route of 800 families. Write immediately, j Rawleigh, Dept. NCJ-180-SA, Rich-, mond, Va. WANTED—Passengers to County' Fair at Rosman Friday and Satur day 50 cents round trip, for five pas sengers or more. Meet at Dixie Cleaners. Phone 54 or 118. Brevard Taxi company. JtP ] FOR SALE—Water Spaniel dog. ] Reasonable. Call phone 260. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD—Buy now. Stove wood $2.50 per load. Block wood $2.50 per load Fire wood $2.50 per load. Dry kindling $2.50 per load. Siniard Transfer Co. Phone 118. Itc FOR SALE—Twenty-five or 30 fine Juniper trees. Four to six feet tall. See T. H. Hampton. ftp FOR SALE—Battery Radio good condition, Atwater-Kent. Cost $86. Will sell at bargain, xzy care Times. FOR SALE—Purebred spotted Pol and China pigs, three months old. L. V. Sigmon, Rosman or Brevard. FOUND — Brindle Jersey heifer, about two years old. Cross-eyed. Tip of each ear cropped. Owner may have s"T.: by identifying and paying for keep for month. J. G. Barton, Brevard, R.3. LOST—Wrist watch with metal band near B & B feed store. Reward for return to Carrie Lee Powell, Bre vard. ftp LOST—One S5 bill nr.d four $1 bills near K & M repair shop. Reward for return to Clyde Pittman, at Standard Filling station. Broad St. MAKE EVERY MEAL A PLEASURE! Growing strong and sturdy is always pleasant for the children when it conies through drinking Sunnyside Milk, and Mothers enjoy knowing that the milk they serve is always prepared under the best conditions. Serve it often, between meals and with meals. SUNNY SIDE DAIRY The Glazeners MISS OPPENHEIMER IS WINNER OF CASH PRIZE Mins Caro! P. Oppenheimer, owner and director of Eagles Nest camp for girls, near Brevard, has recently been awarded a prize of $20 in a national contest sponsored by the Hawaiian Pineapple company of San Francisco. The prize contest was for the best letter submitted by any camp direc tor telling how pineapple juice is used for camp purposes. Miss Oppenheimer has been re quested by the San Francisco con cern for permission to use her letter and name in their national advertis ing, which request she has granted. DAVIDSON RIVER SCHOOL HONORS First Grade Perfect Attendance Jimmie Orr, Alvin Cooper, Floyd Goodson, Jane Gray, Betty Jane Holden, Lavenia Norris, Frances Orr, Margaret Reece, Carolyn Sen telle, Ruth Sentelle, Eloise Marcum, Inez Stamey, Edna Street. Perfect Attendance Second Grade Henry Curto, Gaden Galloway, Clyde Galloway, Fleet Holden, Jack Mackey, Frank Parris, Maureen Burnette, Josephine Curto, Mary ; Anne Daniels, Lucille Marcum, Helen Mullenex, Helen Pressley, Lessie ! Pressley, Betty, Roller, Alma Searcy, | Frances Walker, Ruth Norris. , Honor Roll Second Grade t Frances Walker, Betty Roller, 1 Mary Anne Daniels, Marguerite ! Frady. ! Perfect Attendance Fourth tirade I Charles Benefield, Ned Barnett, I Charles Edmundson, Victor Hollings I worth, John Norris, Lindon Orr, 'Robert Owen, Jack Patton, Forest | Reece; Elizabeth Allison, Artie Me- j : Call, Helen Norris, Sue Elizabeth | Orr, Stella Parris, Helen Ray, Fay, ; Sentell. Honor Roll Third Grade ; Stella Parris, Sue Elizabeth Orr, Lyndon Orr. , _ , ' Perfect Attendance- Fourth rGaae \ ! Alfred McCall, Glenn Arrington, Franklin Campfield, Bill Galloway, Annie Mae Cooper, Nora Jones, j Gladys McCall, Delia Parker, Nora Lee Rhodes, Ellen Sentell, Mattie i Sheppard. I Perfect Attendance Fifth Grade f Rillv Arrington, Paul Benifield, Bob T. Gash, Hcrshell Galloway, Ralph Holden, Dixon Lyday, Alva Sentell, Frazier Sentell, Elizabeth Burnette, Billie Jean Duncan, Thelma Daniels, Bonnie Galloway, Myrtle Norris, Helen Orr, Reba Owens, Otellia Parris, Inez Edmund son. . , _ , Perfect Attendance Sixth Grade Sidney Barnett, Hicks Barton, Robert 'McCall, Willie Cody, Jackie Corn, Elsie Marcum, Edna Nicholson, ! Elizabeth Carter, Christine Gallo ' way, Zell a Mae Orr, Wilda Recce, | Ralph Allison, Eli Allison, A. J. Parker, Harvey Souther, Jr. i Perfect Attendance Seventh Grade 1 Ruth Duncan, Annie Lee Sentell, Carmen Curto, Willa Mae Rhodes, Martha Albert, Eva Sentell, Rose Wolfe, Edpar Meece, Harry Sentell, . Joyce Sentell, Herman Hollings . wi^th, Ray Benefield. BIG CROWD ATTENDS lEAST FORK PROGRAM (Mrs. W. C. Gravely) Last Sunday was home coming day at East Fork and early Sunday morning folks from everywhere, it seemed) began gathering on the East Fork Baptist church grounds and they continued to ,come all the day. Between eight hundred and a thousand must have been present. It seemed good to see so many familiar faces of the long, long ago, and equally as nice to see new friends, lots of whom we’d never met before. In fact, there were no strangers there. During the day a real interesting program was carried out. We wish we had space to mention every speak er, also some of the good things they said, but the substance of all their talks was they were “mighty glad to be here’’ and we really do believe they were. During the whole day we never saw a dissatisfied look on any lone’s face. We heard a wonderful | sermon by Rev, T. C. Holtzclaw, a i former pastor for twenty years oi | the East Fork Baptist church. We ] heard good singing from various I ■ choirs of the county and we’d feel! I like we were cheating some one if j | we didn’t say the song by i Uncle Joe Orr was especially enjoy-j i ed as well as the old time singing by ; told time singers. Lots of lunch was served picnic style at the noon hour. In the afternoon the church was filled—folks eager to hear more talks and more music. It was all good, every bit of it. We must hand it to Rev. W. N. Gillespie fo.r his untiring efforts to make the day a grand success. It was announced there would be another home coming day at East Fork Baptist church next year. We hope that all present Sunday will meet again a year from now and that others can attend also. New Shipment Ladies Novelty Ties and Ozfords $2.95 The Fashion Brevard’s Largest Dent. Store _ - _i- -i t ■ j _ ii ■ ——r——^ Scientists Obtain 6 Months * Corrosion Results in 3 Hours SAVING time is an old trick in chemical laboratories. But .sel dom are chemists able to save six months in three hours as they are shown doing in the above picture. These scientists at the labora tories of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey are seeking to learn the corrosive effects of gasoline. It would require six months actual operation of a motor car before this could be determined on the road. To eliminate the necessity for such a time-couDuraing study chemical engineers have evolved a. test which can obtain the same results In three hours. As a result, gasoline Is always tested for corrosive properties be fore It leaves the refinery. Because of this It Is rare that such delicate parts of a motor car as the carbure tor require replacement even after years of service, during which thousands of gallons of gasoline are consumed. This modern refining method has resulted in develop ment of motor fuels that are vir tually entirely free of corrosive effects. <• r NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust, dated the 31st day of December, 1930, by T. H. Shipman and wife, Elizabeth B. Shipman, to the undersigned Trustee and Record ed in Book 25, at Page 287, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County, North Caro lina, securing said indebtedness therein set out and default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured, and demand having been made for sale, the undersigned Trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at tewelve (12 o’clock noon, on the 3rd day of November, 1934, r.t the Court House dior in the City of Brevard, North Carolina, the fol lowing described pieces and parcels of land, sale subject to all taxes and prior liens: TRACT NO. ONE: Being the same tract of land de scribed in a deed from G. W. Town send and wife, Addie Townsend, to T H. Shipman et al deed dated the 1st day of February, 1912, and regis tered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Transylvania County, N. C., in Book 32, at page 36, to which said deed reference is hereby made and same made a part hereof for the purpose of description. TRACT NO. TWO: Being the same tract/of land de scribed in a deed from Welch Gallo way, Commissioner, to A. M. Verdery and Thos. H. Shipman, deed dated the 10th day of April, 1919, and registered in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Transylvania County, N. C„ in book 42, page 69, to which said deed reference is hereby made and same made a part hereof for tho purpose of description. TRACT NO. THREE: Being ttie same tract of land de scribed in a deed from Welch Gallo way, Commissioner, to Thos. H. Shipman, deed dated the 10th day of April, 1519, and registered in the office or the Register of Deeds of Transylvania County, N. C., in book 42, page 67, to which said deed reference is hereby made and same made a part hereof for the purpose of description. TRACT NO FOUR. Being the same tract of land de scribed in a deed from Welch Gallo way and wile to Thos. H. Shipman, deed dated the-day of January, 1909, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Transyl vania County, N. C., in book 39 at page 277, to which said deed refer ence is hereby made and same made a part hereof for the purpose ol description. J TRACT NO. FIVE: Being the same tract of land de scribed in a deed from W. S. Ash worth and wife to Thos. II. Shipman, deed dated the ltith day of August, 1920, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Transyl vania County, N. C., in book 41, at page 484, to which said deed refer ence is hereby made and same made j a part hereof for the purpose of description. TRACT NO. SIX: Being the same tract of land de-i scribed in a deed from J. W. Duck worth and wife, to T. H. Shipman, deed dated the 15th day of March,) 1927, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Transyl vania County, N. C., in book'59, page, 78, te which said deed reference is ( hereby made and same made a part | hereof for tne purpose of description, j TRACT NO. SEVEN: j Being the same tract of land de scribed in a deed from the Brevard Development Ccrporntion to Thos. H.| Shipman, deed dated the 12th day of March, 1926, and registered in the, >ffice of the Register of Deeds for, Transylvania County. N .C., in book; 58. at page 72, to which said deed j reference is hereby made and same nade a part hereof for the purpose j if description. i rRACT NO. ^TGHT: ^ I’eiag. tile sine tio^t of lain1 j described in a deed from Chas. B. Deavcr, Trustee, to Thomas H. Ship man, deed dated the 5th day of Jan uary, 192J, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds foi j Tiansvlvania County, N. C., in book I 43, page 555. to which said deed ! reference is hereby made and same ; made a part hereof for the purpose ; of description. TRACT NO. NINE: , Being the same tract of land in scribed in a deed from Nancy Axim, , Widow, to Thos. H. Shipman, deed dated the 1st day of May, l'J-*., and 1 registered in the office )i the Reg13 ter of Deeds of Transylvania Conntj, N C„ in book 44 at page 452, -o , which said deed reference is hereby : made and same made a part here 1 'for the purpose of description. TRACT NO. TEN: Being the same tract of land de scribed in a deed from W. S. Ash worth and wife to T. H. Shipman, deed dated the 2nd day vf April, 1929 and registered in the oft ice oi the Register of Deeds of Transyl vania County, N. C., in book 61 at page 248, to which said deed reiet ence is hereby made and same made a part hereof for the purpose of de | scription. 'TRACT NO. ELEVEN: j A one-third u n d i v i den in terest in the tracts of 1 an a 'described in a deed from Mrs. IM. R. Worsham, widow, and A. F. I Armstrong, unmarried, to Jos. i>. I Silvers teen and Thos. H. Shipman, deed dated the 10th day of March. ! 1926, and registered in the office of i the Register of Deeds of Transyl ' vania County, N. C., in book 53 at 'page 541, to which said deed refer ence is hereby made and same made ! a part hereof for the purpose of de j scription. TRACT NO. TWELVE: ! Being a one-half undivided mter ’est in the tract of land described in |a deed from Fred Harris and wife to T W. Whitmire and T. H. Ship man, deed dated the 22nd day of October, 1928, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Transvlvania County, N. C., in book i 61, at* page 163, to which said deed l reference is hereby made and same ! nlade a part hereof for the purpose I of description. TRACT NO. THIRTEEN: Being a one-half undivided interest in the same tract of land described in a deed from H. W. Wilson and wife, to Thomas H. Shipman, deed dated 9th day of August, 1926, and registered in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Transylvania County, N. C., in book 61, page 276, to which said deed reference is hereby made and same made a part hereof for the purpose of description. TRACT NO. FOURTEEN: Being the samp tracts of land sub ject to a certain mortgage to Conti nental Mortgage company, described in a deed from Southern Stock and Farming company, to Thos. H. Ship man. deed dated the 3rd day of Oct. 1911. and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Transyl vania County, N. C., in book 30, pap. 573, to which said deed refer ence is herebv made and same made a part, hereof for the purpose of de scription. TRACT NO. FIFTEEN: a me-third undivided interest in the same tract of land described in ,!,.( <! ; ram T. B. Allen and wife, and J. J. Allfen and wife to Thos. H. Shipman and J. S. Silversteen, deed dated the 18th day of January, 1926, and registered in the office of the register rf deeds for Transylvania Countv. N. C., in book 54, page 265, to which said deed reference is here by i„;ije and same made a part hereof for the purpose of descrip tion. This is the 2nd day of October, 1934. W. E. BREESE, Trustee. rry’ (\VP JUV* ST. LOUIS CARDS WIN FLAG RACE ST. LOUIS, Sept. 30—Baseball's most amazing pennant rush since the campaign of George Stallings and! his “miracle men'’ of Boston ended in glorious triumph Sunday as the St. Louis Cardinals nailed the' National league flag to their mast head with a rousing 9 to 0 victory over the Cincinnati Reds. The stirring drive, started on the morning of September 7, when tb? Cardinals trailed the then formidable looking New York Giants by seven full games, had a double barre’. t finish as the Brooklyn Dodgers ■iinched it by beating the Giants, 8 to 5, just as the great Dizzy Dean was settling it all beyond a doubt in the ninth inning of his great hurling p.rfcrmance against the lowly but bristling Reds. r inish Most Dramatic If a showman had arranged it, he I couldn’t have staged a more dra-| metic finish than that of today. Given his wide lead, the great Dizzy was pitching his heart out at the start of the ninth for his seventh shut-out of the year. As Pool singled Schulmerich doubled and Comorsky | walked to fill the bases with none j out, his dream of becoming the shut-j out king of the major leagues faded.' Then came the final flash from the Brooklyn-Giant game. The Dodgers , had won; the pennant belonged to, the Cardinals for sure. Grinning in j that cocksure way of his, Dizzy arose to the heights then. He struck out Clyde Manion and Ted Petoskey, a pinch-hitter for Frey; and then pumped a fast one down the middle to little Sparky Adams, who fouled : out to Bill DeLancey. As the bal Istuck in DeLaneey’s glove, Dizzy ran over to his battery mate, snatched the ball and just barely succeeded in reaching the dugout before the frenzied fans surged over the diamond, cheering him for his 30th victory cf the ceasi n ! and the first pennant since 1931. Renew Your Subscription ' 9 ««6 Liquid or Tablet# Check# Malaria | in Three Dayn. Sure Preventive. jUSE TIES WANT ADS _ ,, ----- M— -- CHOICE MEATS ’ Fresh VEGETABLES Complete Line GROCERIES SOUTHERN COOKING • • Phone 47 We Deliver City Market S. F. Allison, Prop. It Will Pay You To Visit Patterson’s Store Wide HARVEST SALE Here are a few items in new fall goods now on sale: Chiffon Hose 39c Pr. Specially p u r chased for this event _ these chiffon hose are the season’s new est in styling and shades. Unbleached Sheeting Good Quality. Limit 10 yds. to a customer. Yd. Cotton Print 9jc Yd. This fine ..uality print is one of the big \ allies of this e v e n t. Choose yours in the pattern that pleases you most. SILKS and WOOLEN Af) AA DRESSES \/ MX Styled more beautifully than ever. La I W W Name your color* and »tyle#. Choice SILK PRINT See these smart prints in silk. All the newest color combinations of the coming season. They're simply lovely and will make very charm ing frocks. Select yours now. One Lot Of Children’s SHOES And Oxfords- Ideal for school .—Pair New Versions In Boys’ SLIP-ONS _f«W Every' boy wants at least one of these nifty slip-cn sweaters. They are smart and very wearable. SUIT VALUES They’re new, they’re well made and of good cloth, too. And if you are looking for a nice suit at a lower cost this is the suit to buy. Come in and let us r<5uit” you. $12.69 Men’s Full Cut OVERALLS _ Get A Supply At 87c All New Fall Goeds At A Savings! PATTERSONS store Hendersonville

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