ROSMAN NEWS MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correspondent A. R. McGuire of Asheville, Fred C. Rankin of Belmont, Bert Duncan and Clifford Williams of Greenville, Tenn^ government |enginqers wfto have been stopping at the homeol T P. Galloway Jr., while locating tome property in the Pisgah reserva tion, have been transferred to Blow ing Rock. T. P. Galloway Jr. ami J Gillespie spent Thursday and fnciay in Greenville, S .C. Mrs. A. R. McGuire of Asheville spent some time last week with hei husband at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Galloway Jr. Miss Helen Summey of Brevard spent the week-end as guest of Mis Helen Galloway.’ Henry and Johnnie Summey of Brevard spent Friday night visiting Jack and Dan Edens. Miss Carolyn Garren, who recently underwent an operation, was ab.o 10 return to school Monday . Mr and Mrs. Frank Morgan were business visitors to Asheville batur dav They were accompanied home bv their son Harry, wh > spent the past week visiting relatives in Ashe ville. , _• ...oc o Bill MCUinms T «nnre guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Moore ihursdav He was accompanied home tv hi' wife and children and Miss Anne Moore. The latter will entei school at Gastonia to take a specia c urse in studio work. Mrs. Houston Dishman of Lake Toxaway spent Saturday night as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chari leGreen. 8 Mrs. Sarah Black of Michigan spent Saturday night at the home of Mrs. T. t • Smith. Wilds Misses Dorothy and Nellie " • )• and father. J. S. Wilds George Rl« • ml daughter Vmetta, Holmes Puce, Ray Parker and Hershell Neece en joyed a camping trip to Max Patch, <• ,• during the week-end. Mr" and Mrs. Ira Robinson spent Sundry night as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fisher m the Glouces '"a^m'0 White Jr. and Everette Whitmire were visitors to Silvio, SU\'l'!fJ'l.ois Wilson cf Brevard spent the week-end as guest of her cousin, Miss Ruby Glazener. Randall Lyday was a dinner guest of Chas. and Thomas Glazener Wed iKsday night. . ., . Coolidge Powell had the misfortune to get his arm broken by falling off a cement wall at the school building J last week. . Sidney Morrow and Mr. Morris ot Black Mountain were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Moore. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Mo re and small daughter Marv Lou who will spen da few days. Mrs. Gene W hitmire and daughters Ruby and Lois were Sunday guests of Miss Tommie Reynolds. Misses Joe and Frances Bryson, Dot. and Junior Poole and Billie Beasley of Brevard were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bryson. J. Wade Dickson of Selica was a dinner guest of Rev. J. N. Hall and mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hall, Friday. Mrs. B. P. Merrill and son Frank of Little River were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Watkins. Mrs. Martin Shipman and Miss Celia Jane Shuford were guests ot Mr. and Mrs. L. M. WatkinSyluring the week-end. I Miekler Lusk and daughter Nolle, Jean, Dock Lusk and Mrs. J. W. Owen, were Sunday guests of rela tives at Six Mile. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred King, a daughter, n Thursday, October 4th at their home in the East hoik section. I. V. King is reported quite ill at the homo of his mother, Mrs. E. J King at East Fork. Mrs. S. E. Whitmire > returned home Sunday, having spent the past week visiting her son Carr and Mrs. Whitmire in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Warren and Mr. and Mrs. Doris Corn of Asheville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Glazener. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Galloway moved Monday from the Whitmire apartment on Main street to the Nath Passmore house near Rosnian. Henry Clay of East-!a-Porte was a Rosman visitor Friday en route to Hickory. RIDE BUSES FARE TO £A ASHEVILLE 0UC Leaves Brevard For Hendersonville Asheville 10:30 A. M. 3:15 P. M. Lv. Hendersonville For Brevard 12:01 P. M. 7:45 P. M. GREYHOUND LINES Anywhere in U. S. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis and daughters Ruth and Velmc and Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Sigmon, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harmon attended the : singing at Mt. Gilliard near Hender : sonville Sunday. I T. C. Henderson of Quebec was a j dinner guest of Rev. and Mrs. J. E. ; Burt Friday. Mrs. L. M. Glazener returned to the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. M.! Paxton, last Thursday, after having spent the past two weeks visiting her daughters, Mrs. Jesse Allen at Hen dersonville and Mrs. Wade Gerren in Asheville. Mrs. Ethel Stoner and daughter Guyma spent Friday night as guest of Mrs. D. L. Glazener. Mrs. L. M. Glazener was a dinner | jiuest of her son I). L. Glazener and Mrs. Glazener Sunday. Mrs. Jeff Sineth of Tampa, Fla., was called here the first of the week on account of the illness of her mother, Mrs. Lance, who is ill at the ’ home of Mrs, Wales Mull in Brevard. Rev. Carl Cox ot Slater, a. . spent a few days the latter part of j the week visiting friends here «n route to Cleveland, Tenn., to attend school. Milas Galloway of Wolf Moun tain visited Mr. and Mrs. E. D. i Randolph Sunday. Mrs. Mary Randolph is spending, several days visiting Mrs. King at j East Fork. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Thomas left I Tuesday to spend several days visit ing relatives near Salem. S. C. The Riverside Quartet, composed of James and Edwin Staton, Charlie Gant and Clarence Crew, sang at Oakland Sunday at the unveiling ser- j vices. , „ j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wells of For-1 est City spent Sunday as guest of the j latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Staton. Mrs. Willis and children of Green- , ville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Randolph Saturday. E. 1). Randolph spent several days last week visiting friends at Green-, ville and Slater, S. C. i Rev. Ramsey and Rev. Carl Cox of . Slater were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Randolph Friday. Mrs. Ed Harbin, who is on a visit to her daughter at Ft. Hoyle, Md„ is reported very ill. ' Mrs. W. E. Hall.spent a few days the latter oart of the week visiting her son Kermit and Mrs. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Cleon McCall and Mrs. Jane McCall of Swannanoa were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. j 11. G. Stophel. Mrs. Jim Henry and daughter: Freda of Brevard were Sunday guests of Mrs. H. G. Stophel. j Miss Bobby Henderson of Quebec | spent Friday night as guest of Mrs. j H. G. Stophel. Misses Ora Owen of Cherryfield and Ruth Rice spent Wednesday | night as guest of Mrs. H. G. 'Stop hel. Mr. and Mrs. Leon McCall and son . of Pickens passed through Rosman Sunday en route to Brevard to at-: tend the McCall reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Waldrop and , son of Calvert were guests of Mr. , and Mrs. Doyle Moss Friday. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Woodard and | children were visitors to Glenville j Sundav. They viere accompanied , home by Mrs. Woodard’s mother who : will spend a few days here. 1 Blythe McCall and Clarence Gal-1 ____<- i STANDARD ONE-STOP STATION Corner of Broad and Jordan Washing Greasing Polishing Tires Tubes Batteries STANDARD SERVICE C. C. GIBBS, Mgr. | ’Phone 109 '.(■way spent Saturday night ai guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Clark. Mrs. Tom Cor.Iey is reported quit* ill at her home here. Lewis Sims spent Friday nigh visiting Roy Eldridge. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Eldridge weri business visitors to Asheville Thurs day. Austin Hogsed, E. M. Collins, Mrs L. M. Watkins, Misses Beatrice Sisk Lennie Manly, Mae White and 01s Paxton attended funeral services foi Mrs. J. E. Ockerman at East Flat Rock Monday. Leslie Owen returned to his horns at Shelby a few days ago, having spent several weeks visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boley were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Boley Sunday. W. H. Summey was a dinner gueRt at the home of Mrs. W. S. McLean Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher and children and Miss Belle Fisher and Miss Eva Pharr were visitors to Lake Toxaway Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. White and Mrs. Cor I'ening of Hendersonville, judges at the Transylvania County Fair, and Miss Slagle were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Kimzey Friday. Leon Lyday of Penrose spent Fri day and Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Kimzey. John Lvday was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Kimzey Saturday. Tom Paxton returned home Sun day, having spent several days at Forest City visiting friends. Miss Lina Heath and Gerald Wil son of Brevard visited their aunt, Mrs, Jordan Whitmire, Friday. Charlie Moore and daughter, Miss Pauline Moore, and Mi-s Pauline Leathers attended the McCall re union at Brevard Sunday. Eddie Towns, Mrs. A. D. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Stroup were shopping in Greenville Friday. Mrs. Walter Reece of Pisgah For est visited her grandmother, Mrs. S. F Whitmire. Monday. Miss Josephine Mull of Brevarci visited Miss Klla Mae Collins Mon Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nicholson and children, Wallace Collins and Miss Josephine Mull attended the unveiling services it Oakland Sunday. Miss Lorena Galloway spent the week-end as guest of Mrs. Boyd Moore. Mrs. Gaston Whitmire spent Sat urday as guest of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. White. Mrs. Tom Gillespie and daughter, Mrs. Frank Orr and son Boyce of Brevard, were guests of Mrs. Richard Rice Saturday. Ilobert Barrett spent last week visiting his brother, Oscar Barrett, ind Mrs. Barrett. J. R. Neil! of Brevard was a Rob man visitor Friday. MRS. J. E. OCKERMAN DIES AT HOME IN FLAT ROCK FLAT ROCK, Oct. 10—Mrs. Mary Carter Ockerman. wife of Professor j. S. Ockerman, former principal of he Flat Rock school, died Saturday i morning at i l :25 o'clock at her home here. She had been ill for about ' four months. Funeral services were held at th6 ; home iMondJty hfte/noon, following which the body was sent to Batavia, Ohio, Mrs. Ockerman e birthplace, , for burial. Mr. and Mrs. have resided in Henderson county for ' about ten years. The Ockermans taught school at Rosman for a number of years, and ' were instrumental in buildings the ] first brick building here, which is J now being used as the primary de partment. They had many friends in i the county. ' FORMER ROSMAN GIRL IS MARRIED i Miss Ruth Lowe and Mr. Noland 1 Scott were married in Ashevilie, 1 Thursday, September 27. Mrs. Scott is the daughter of Walter Lowe of | Canton, formerly of Rosman. She has visited her aunt, Mrs. N. S. j Gallowsy, a number of times here, _ Mr. Scott is a northern man resid | ing in Canton. ; CLASS MAKES ■ VISIT TO DAIRY ; Randall I.yday and the junior and senitr agriculture classes visited the Sunnyside Dairy near Brevard iast I week. The party was shown every j courtesy by Paul Giazsner, and every step in dairying and how ; Grade A milk is produced. ! PASTOR EXPRESSES THANKS FOR GIFT | R-v. J. E. Burt of Rosman wishes to thank tne ladies of Mt. Moriah ; Calvert church for the new Bible they presented him. The Rev. Mr. i Burt is pastor of Mt. Moriah Calvert church. DINNER HONORS TWO BIRTHDAYS Mrs. J. A. O’Shields entertained with a dinner at her home in the Middle Fork section Sunday honor ing her busband’3 fifty-sixth birth- j : day anniversary, also the eleventhj 1 birthday of her daughter, OU:e Mae Guests present for the occasion were as fellows: Isaac O’Shields. Mr. and Mrs. B. O’Shields and children of Dacusville, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. Grover Gant and baby, Oscar Chastain of Pickens, Mrs. Harve Searcy and daughter Miss Cora, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse O’Shields and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob : Clubb. BIRTHDAY DINNER IS ENJOYABLE OCCASION One of the most enjoyable occasions . held here recently was the birthday I dinner given Mrs. J. R- Glazener,] age 83 years, at her home Sunday. | “Aunt Lou,’’ as she is better known, resides with her son Grover and grandson, Wiley Lowe. The dinner was served picnic style in the front yard of Mrs. Glazener’s home and everything good to eat was found on the table. Guests for the ocascion were as follows: Mrs. J. R. Glazener, Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher and Jean . Bales, Ed Glazener, Mr. and Mrs. Quebec News Items Mr. and MrB. Ralph Whitms^t of Rosman spent Saturday night with Mt. and Mrs. B. T. Whitmire. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy McCall and : daughter, Molly Ann, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sanders of Lake Toxaway. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomas and Mansel Thomas of Greenville were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Owen Sunday. Samuel Reid left Sunday for ai visit to Landrum, South Carolina. ; Mr. and Mrs. Galileo Galloway and ] children, Miss Ruth Thomas and' Bert Brown were visiting relatives' and friends here during the week end. Misses Lucille Henderson, Lillian! Dodgin and Opal Dodgin were dinner guests of Mrs. Charlie Green of Ros-| man last Friday. i Mrs. Less Loving spent Sturday night with Mrs. Ida Whitmire who was seriously ill. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Garland Whitmirf and children have moved into their j new home at Reid’s Siding. Miss Irene Owen spent Saturday | night with Miss Opal Dodgin . Mrs. C. W. Henderson spent sev-' eral days at Enka with her daughter, Mrs. Elvin Edney, whose baby, Laura Jane, has been quite ill but is reported to be 3ome better now. Miss Beulafi Heid and Charles Reid spent Friday night in Rosman. W. B. Henderson and Miss Lucille Henderson were dinner guests of R. F. Glazener, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Eldridge, Mrs. Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Porter Owen, Mr. ami Mrs. R. P. Craft, and daughter Madge, Mrs. Annie Whitmire, Charles Whitmire. Greenville; Wiley Glazener, Hender sonville; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Glaze ner and daughter, Miss Faye, and Mr. and Mrs. Claud Glazener. Mr*. Less Loving one day last week. Mise Opal Dodgin spent Sunday with Miss Virgie Thomas. Mr .and Mr*. Rufus O'v.n spent last Saturday night with Mark W hit mire. Mr. and Mrs. Jud McCrary and son Jud Jr., and Mr. and Mr*. Mitchell Neely of Brevard visited Mrs. L. E. Reece last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Woodard visited relatives and friends in this community Sunday. Community schools have been or ganized in this community by W. B. Henderson and at Lake To.xaway by T. C. Henderson. About 25 have en rolled for each of these schools. Classes in this community will meet in the 3tore building at Quebec and in the residence of Elbert Whitmire at Reid’s Siding. At Lake Toxaway the cottage of Mrs Ray will be used for this work. Next Sunday i> to bo home com ing day at Oak Grove Baptist church. All tbc member- of the chinch, all former members and all thou fri-:rda are expected to be present. The wel come address will be delivered by the pastor, Rev. J. E. Burt, response by E. R. Pendleton The principal ad dress of the day will be delivered by Ralph H. Ramsay of Brevard. Music on a multicipl'city of musiiai instru ments will be furnished b; F. A. Raines and family of Middle Fork, together with singing by the local and other choirs As i- commonly said, “Everybody bring n well filled basket.” 500 second sheets for 30 cent* if you hurry — at The Time* office—only 20,000 to sell at this price. CAREWORN! -AND THEN SHE SMOKED a CAMEL! DURING THE DAY when you feel tired and "out of '"rts,” just try this: Smoke a Camel, and as you enjoy its mild, rich flavor, you’ll get a delightful "lift” iu energy. \ ou ate your real self again! You can smoke Camels steadily. For Camel’s costlier tobaccos never ruffle the ntrscs “Get a LUX with a Camel P \\FOUND A BIO WORDl TO MAKE'EM BELIEVE . GIVI MORE MILEAGE/1 mrm found! |f A SWELL ONE TO W MAKE 'EM THINK L bVe cot a MOKE POWER/ J fsHuacs! iUjust^ I ADD SUPER, EXTRA, I OR PUIS TO WHAT j I YOU SAY AMD BEAT J L YOU both/ J The owl confides, he’s much amused fl At what pretentious words are used « By those who want you to believe Their fuels a strange newpotver achiev'd^ This eign identiiaa {he .10.000 Esso Station* and Dealer* from Maine to Louisiana who represent Che services and.' products of the world’s leading oil organization. _ w1 . We never have implied that Essolene possesses any mysterious qualities. We have avoided all claims of what it could be expect* ed to do. What we ask is that you try Essolene in your car and judge it entirely by your own findings. Knowing Essolene as only its makers can*' we feel Shat it is well able to speak for itself. Opr. 1984, Eito, Inc. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY