(Mrs. Lee Norton) We were indeed sorry when we learned that K. D. Lee was moving his business establishment back to the old stand at Lake Toxaway. We j l'eel sure that we are expressing the i r.entimt-nt of all our neighbors when we say we were sorry to have him move his business from our commun ity. Mrs. Kmma Posey, of MillsRiver, spent several days last week visiting her brother, W. F. McCall, and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Waite Reid, Alford j Miller and Dr. Parson, of Sapphire, were Brevard visitors Friday. W. , Neely I Mrs. Mary Burgess and daughter' Miss Alberta were in Brevard Fri- j day on business. Luo Reid attended the county fair j at Rosmun Friday and Saturday and reported seme nice exhibits in all de-1 partments. Not many attended from this community on account of the, rainy weather. E. A. Reid made a business trip to j Brevard Friday and was accompan ied by Mrs. Reid, who spent a few ; hours'with her sister, Mrs. Scruggs, j Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nicholson and ; Mr .and Mrs. Fred Nicholson, of Rosman, visited their mother, Mrs. __' lhaves 1 lair Cuts All Barber Work We believe we'll be able to please you with the type work we do....give us a trial. TINSLEY BARBER SHOP 1,0 A LI A TINSLEY W. B HEAD ED OWENBY Two doors above Bank Main Street AT THE | CLEMS0N THEATRE — Showing last times today is ‘-'The Outcast Lady,” starring Constance Bennett and Gerbert Marshall, a Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer picture .... a woman torn between two relentless emotions_the magnetism of the man she loved....and the loyalty of the man she married. On Friday and Saturday of this week arc stellar players in “Happy Landing" an action picture, of dope runners, smuggling gangs, and a romance interwoven. The week’s spectacular showing will be on Monday and Tuesday of next week—“Caravan”—said to be .spectacular in its lavish splendor, nappy in its reckless gayety, and -stirring in its, musical rhythm. Charles Boyer, Loretta Young, Jean i’arker and a bevy of stars in their own rights appear in the production. On Wednesday and Thursday of next week, James Dunn and Alice Faye will be co-stars in "365 Nights .n Hollywood,” a story of the life, love, and trials of the movie city. Maggie Nicholson, Sunday. W. F. McCall will leave the first of next week for Miami, Fla., where he exptcts to spend a few weeks. Clarence Norton visited Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander 'Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Reid of Bre vard visited the former’s father T. B. Reid, Sunday afternoon. Miss Flora Reid, of Brevard, made a short call on friends here Suhday en route to Boheny, where she is teaching. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Chappell had as guest the former’s mother the past week. A near-serious accident occurred Saturday night in our community, when two cars that were running without lights collided. Another ex ample of what violation of'the law ! leads to. No one was killed but they i barely escaped, it was reported, j The unveiling services at Reid’s cemetery Sunday of W. H. Nichol 1 son’s monument by the Woodmen was i interesting. While the occasion 1 aroused sad memories, it brought old I neighbors and friends together again j and created sympathetic feelings which otherwise would have been a | forgotten past. We think a get-to gether is good for us even if it does bring us sad memories. Next Sunday is our regular preach ing service. Let’s give our pastor a nig congregation at Lake Toxaway baptist church. • •BETTER LIGHT ..BETTER SIGHT • • Convenient • • Economical The New Three-lite Indirect Floor Lamp Equipped with the Mazda three-iite bulb which per mits a variation in illumi nation from a high level to medium level or to a low level simply by turn ing one switch. <>ne turn provides a high level *>.v operating the two filaments in the lamp which utilizes a total of SOU watts. On our new residential schedule of a cent an hour to operate after a total of 1" Kwh have been used. The second turn of the switch will cause the 200-watt filament to burn. The operating cost in this case will he six-tenths of a cent per hour. The third turn of the switch will operate the 100-watt fila ment. The operating cost will then be three-tenths of a cent per hour. Price Complete With Bulb $1295 95c Cash *1 5s BMP —* Tune In .. WSOC 11:45 a. in. Tue*. . WBT 0:45 a. m. Hoa.-Tcd.-Frl. Southern Public Utilities Co. Day Phone 116—Night Phone 16 Local and Personal items Me. and Mrs. L. K. Ratchiorcl and family fca.-e moved from their for mer residence on Turnpike road to the former Jenkins house on Maple street. Mrs. Lewis Osborne and children spent the week-end with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. ?. Mason, at Lei cester. The latter family is moving this week to Hendersonville. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wyatt and children returned Sunday from Irvington, New Jersey, where they: attended the funeral of Mr. Wyatt’s ; fsthcr. John 1. Allen, father of Mrs T. P. Ward, left Saturday to spend the winter with his son in Spindale, after spending the summer in Brevard with Mr. and Mrs. Ward. Mrs T P. Ward, Juanita and Vir ginia Ward and Rachel Hamlin spent Friday! »in Hendixsonville. Miss Annie Jean Gash is attend ing the state U. D. C. meeting m Chapel Hill this week. W A Wilson, Mrs. Florence Ryan and Mrs. B. D. Franklin attended a district welfare meeting at Newland on Wednesday. Clyde Shuford is attending a zone, meeting of Standard Oil dealers this week at Winston-Salem. Julian A. Glazener and Randall Lyday were judges of the field crop exhibits at the Henderson county fair at Hendersonville Tuesday. L. V. Neill of Johnson City, Tenn., is visiting his brother, J. R- Neill. Straub Clayton has retnrneairom the Patton Memorial hospi.al in Hendersonville where he has been i seriously ill for some time. I Mrs. Tom Wood spent the week end with her family here, after I spending the past two weeks in Ashe ; vUle with Mr. Wood s sister. Mrs. J. H. Case, who is critically ill. ] Miss Louise Wright and Mi*® ] Katherine Griffin were guests bun-, day of Mr. and Mrs. Marsh and . daughter, who are occupying the Smith house °n Tu™P'He ’P®1.; Fri Mrs. Madge 0. Wilkins left *r, day for Baltimore and New York, where she will do the buying for the Nobby Shoppe. The shoppe during the’YbicTof Mrs. Wilkins is ,n charge of Miss Bobby McCall. A party including the following left Monday for a week’s ™otor.^'P to Chicago and the Worlds fr‘u£ Mrs Charles Pickelsimer and daugh ter' Ethelvn, Mrs. David Culver, Mrs. E. J Bogen, Mrs. Cordelle Russell land Edwin English, i Miss Mary Ward and Mrs. Edith Mr. *5 Mr,. I>s'.''lpWUP>*y returned Sunday t« ZBASsft&Jt ■’•tflA.SSSf- the VjJgr Springs school in Buncombe county, spent the week-end here with Miss i R»*ubenia Nicholson. . ; Mrs. Lawrence Holt was the wee - | end guest of Miss Katherine Loftis and Mrs. Lewis Haslam and Mrs Beulah Zachary motored to Ashe ivillc for the day Monday. Prof, and Mrs. M. G. Pangle and Rev. and Mrs. R. D. McNeer and family have moved into the John Smith house c-n Maple street p>*«« stir and Mrs. Pangle and the Rev. Mr McNeer are all members of the faculty of Brevard College, the latter being a brother of Mrs. 1 angle. fif. and Mrs. Charles Guy and son anti Mr- Guv’s sister and three children left iast week by m°tor..fPI Oregon, where they will make their home. , j.u.,„. Mrs. A. M. Mng „ j " „ Mrs. Carl McCrary, were Hendeison ..ill,, visitors Thursday. Mrs. Cos Paxton of Greenville was a Brevard visitor last week. Misses Mattie and Eloise Lewis returned last week from Baltimore' where Miss Eloise has been confined in Johns Hopkins hospital for some time, undergoing major operai'ons. She is said to be improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neely, of Elkin, W. Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Neely of Asheville attended the funeral here on Monday of their grandmother, Mrs. M. J. Neely. " NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to the laws of North Carolina, the undersigned Liquidat ing Agent will offer for sale, and sell to the highest bidder (FOR CASH) on Monday, November 5th, 1934, at 12 o’clock M., at the Court House door in the Town of Brevard, North Carolina, the following securi ties : Certificate No. 325 for Five (5) shares of the Preferred Stock of the Henrietta Mills of Caroleen, N. C. Certificate No. 2691 for Ten (10) shares of the Preferred Capital Stock of Riverside and Dan River Cotton Mills of Danville, Virginia; Certificate No. 1981 for Fifty-two (52) shares of the Common Capita! Stock of the Riverside and Dan River Cotton Mills of Danville, Vir ginia; Certificate No. 1026 for Two (2) shares of the capital stock of Efird Manufacturing Company, Albemarle, Albemarle, N. C. Certificate No. 392 for One (1) share of Class “B” Capital Stock of the Efird Manufacturing Company, Albermarle, N. C. The above mentioned sale is sub ject to the confirmation of the State Banking Department and the Super ior Court. This the 6th dav of October, 1934. PAT KIMZEY, Liquidat ing Agent), Brevard Bank ing Company. Oct. 11 4t. 500 second sheets for 30 j cents if you hurry —> at The Times office—only 20,000 to sell at this price. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Beck of Asha ville wore week-end guest?, of Mrs. Beck’s pseenta, Mr and Mrs. R. P.j Kilpatrick. Mrs. Flynn Jenks snr! daughter Ollie 3ellc have returned from a visit with Mrs. Jenks’ father in Elizabeth ten, Tenn. Ralph Galloway, a student at Mars Hill college, spent the week-end litre with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Galloway. Walter Wooo spent the week-end in Greenville with Jimmie Paxton and attended the football game on Saturday. Mrs. J- W. Starnes and children were called to Gastonia last week on account of the illness of Mr. Starne3, who has employment there. Mrs. W. M. Cloud was called to Washington, D. C., Saturday on ac count of the illness of the three children in the family of her daugh ter, Mrs. Egbert Stowers. Jerry Payne left last week for Ocala, Fla., where he will spend the winter. Miss Lillie Holcombe who 'has been critically ill in Mission hospital, Ashe ville, was said at last reports to be ‘‘holding her own.” Miss Emma Lee Bryson, of Akron, Ohio, and Misses Virginia and Ger trude Bryson, of Asheville, were guests last week of Mrs. A. H. Kizer. Mr. and Mrs. John Kilpatrick and family have moved from their former residence on Wiison drive to the Pax ton house on West Main street. Mrs. Eric Rawls spent several davs last week in Asheville. A. H. Kizer, who has headquarters I in Greensboro, spent the week-end i here with his family. Mrs. Carolyn Holcombe is with her i son in Charleston, S. C., while her daughter, Miss Lillie, is seriously ill in an Asheville hospital. H. V. Smedberg left Monday for Atlantic City, where he will attend the two weeks’ session of the Epis copal triennial general convention, to which he is a delegate. Rev. and Mrs. Harry Perry were guests the first of the week of the Episcopal rector, Rev. New, and Mrs. New, at Waynesville. Miss Maybelie McKee, of Charles ton, S. C., is spending several weeks as guest of Mrs. Ethel McMinn. Mr. and Mrs. George Sullivan, of New York City, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Neibragall, of New Orleans, and Mrs. Mildred Walker and daughter, Jean, of St. Petersburg, Fla., have returned to their homes after spend ing some time at Walnut Inn, with the Misses Shipman. Mrs. Herbert Allen Reed, of Pittsburgh, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brockenbro, of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., will remain at Wal nut Inn for some time. COLLEGE STUDENTS GUESTS AT PRESBYTERIA.Y CHURCH Tuesday r.ight of this -week will be remembered for some time by the Presbyterian enrollment at Brevard (College, as well a- those enrolled ■ there with no church representati n I in Brcvrvd, and the local young peo ple of the church. A delightful social was enjoyed by all in attendance; this social being I made possible by the heads of the young jpeople'd division of the Presbytierian church, namJy: Rdv. J. P. Simmons, J. W. Smith, R. L. Gash and Mrs. S. P. Verner. During the course of the evening many interesting games were played in which the students of the college made their acquaintance with the ycung people of the church. At the close of the evening’s entertainment a delightful refreshment course was served and enjoyed by everyone. Approximately sixty persons were [r attendance at this delightful:' social, including Prof. Jack Dandy, connected with the Biology depart-! ment at Brevard College. J The pastor of the church extended i! a cordial invitation to all students anc members of the faculty at Bre- ■ vard College to attend the Presbyter- ' iar. church. < _. I JR. B. Y. P. U. HAS 1 ENJOYABLE PARTY The junior 8. Y. P. U. of the ‘ Baptist church had an enjoyable,' party Friday evening at the home of Virginia Ward- 1 The games were in charge of Miss ! Garren and Nell Case, the leaders. ; Refreshments were served during the | evening. SARAH TAYWR CIRCLE TO MEET FRIDAY A called meeting of the Sarah Taylor Circle was held Friday after noon at the home of Mrs. Ada Tea gue for the purpose of reorganiza tion. At this time it was decided to hold a regular meeting on Friday afternoon of this week at the home of Mrs. Goode Loftis, at 3:30 o'clock, to complete the reorganization. All former members and any young women of the Methodist church de siring to join the circle are requested to be at the meeting Friday after noon. SR. B. Y. P. V. GIVES DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM\ Members of the senior B. Y. P. U. gave a demonstration program at Cathey’s Creek church Sunday, meet ing with the union of that church. Miss Beulah Garren presided over! the meeting, and Allison Moore was in charge of the program. Those tak ing part on the program were H. S. Stroud, Miss Lillie McCrary, Miss Clara Garren, Miss Evelyn Baynard, Karl Bosse and Hazel Ramsey. A duet was sung by Misses Marie Gal loway and Edna Nelson. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS ELECTS OFFICERS Annual election of officers featur ed the regular meeting of the Daughters of Wesley class of the Methodist Sunday school, held Tues day evening in the ladies’ parlor. All officers were re-elected for the ensuing year, as follows: Presi dent, Mrs. E. S. English; vice presi dent, Mrs. J. E. Loftis; secretary, Mrs. D. L. English; treasurer. Mrs. Roscoe Nicholson; class teacher, Mrs. L. R. Hayes; Sunday class sec retary, Miss Alice Hayes; assistant, Mrs. A. R. Gillespie. After transaction of routine and other class business ,a social hour was enjoyed, during which refresh ments were served by the three hostesses of the evening, Mrs. Cordia j King, Miss Sadie North and Mrs. i D. P. Kilpatrick. GIRL SCOUTS HAVE MEETING ; (By Arbutis Aiken, Scout Scribe) ! The Girl Scouts held the weekly i meeting Tuesday laft.ern.oon in the ; Si out roam. The two troops, Robin 1 Hood and Gypsy, have combined into one troop. A name for this troop has [net been decided. Leaders for this year are Misses Mary Sue Jennings, Lena Allison and Elizabeth Duck-1 ear and an active interest in ({HP touting ia being shown by all. We are sure that we have the iearty approval and ^-operation of he citizens of Brevard, and we aln erely hope to have a better trojop hi# year than there has ever been c Brevard. ?OOD SALE TO BE {ELD SATURDAY A food sale will be heid Saturday f this week, beginning at 9 o'clock, n the Women’s Exchange room on dain street. Cakes, pies, chickens tnd other good things to eat suitable 'or Sunday dinner will be on sale, iponsored by the Daughters of Wes ey cls:s of the Methodist church. Death For Killing Sweetheart Wilker, Barre, Pa.—A jury of miners Saturday condemned Robert Edwards to death for murdering >ne sweetheart so that he would be free to marry another. MASONIC MEETING Regular communication of Dunn’* Rock Masonic lodge will be held Fri day night at 8 o’clock in the Masonic Hall. All members are urged to at tend and an invitation is extended to visiting Masons. T Jerry Jerome, W. M. Henry Henderson, Secy. CHOICE MEATS — Fresh VEGETABLES Complete Line _ GROCERIES Phone 47 We Deliver City Market S. F. Allison, Prop. NEW SHIPMENT OF ATTRACTIVELY STYLED COATS See Them Before Buying at $8.50 to $16.95 The Fashion Brevard's largest Dcjit. Store CORDUROY PrS NEW TWO PIECE KNITTED COCKTAIL SUITS Designed for these cool days The Fashion Brevard’s Largest Department Store

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