Society News and Club Activities V. D. C. ELECTS OFFICERS FOR YEAR ! Officers for the ensuing year were elected at the regular meeting of the U. D. C., held Saturday afternoon at the library. Following were the officers elect ed: President, Mrs. Roy Long; vice president, Miss Annie Jean Gash; secretary, Mrs. C. L. Newland, treasurer, Mrs. Ralph Zachary; registrar, Mrs. J. M. Allison; chap lain, Mrs. Laura Miller; historian, Miss Florence Kern; childrens leader, Miss Sherrill Bromfield; librarian, Miss Sattie Parker, Miss Annie Jean Gash gave report j of the state U. D. C. meeting which j she attended last week at Chapelt Hill, giving helpful suggestions fovj future work. FORTNIGHTLY CLUB IN REGULAR MEETING I Regular meeting of the Fort1 ight-I ly club was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss Alma i row bridge. One guest, Mrs. J. It- Ham lin, was present, in addition to the members. Several letters pertaining to the; tlub work were read by the sec re- j tary. Routine business was in charge, of the president, Mrs. Cordia King.: Mrs. J. R. Hamlin was elected a member of the club. i The program was in charge of. "Mrs-. J. S. Nicholson, who gave an j entertaining andj Iprofitablu /discus- j sion of three topics, an educational -ubject on “Nature Invented Them First," a hjman interest topic on “Sellridge of London,” and a clever ly presented humorous feature, in which a joke or wise saying .enclosed in a peanut shell, was read by each member. Refreshments were served at con clusion of the program .after which the club adjourned t > meet in two weeks at the home of Mrs. J. K. Loftis. MRS. HAMLIN ENTERTAINS W EST ASHEVILLE CIRCLE Mrs. J. R. Hamlin entertained Monday at her home on Rice street, sixteen members of the circle of the West Asheville Methodist church, of which the hostess is a former mem ber. An inter!sting and helpful feature of the all-day gathering was a re view of the study book. 'Christianity in Industry in America,” given by j Mrs. Hamlin. The ut of town visitors brought with them their lunch, which was spread together at noon, and served with hot coffee, provided by Mrs. Hamlin. Mrs. J. B. Pickelsimer, Mrs. J. K. Loftis and Mrs. W. L. Aiken were invited to meet with the visiting dadies. HILH SCHOOL CLASS EX JOYS PI CHIC Members of the high school de-l partment of Brevard College, of which Miss Eleanor Trowbridge is teacher, enjoyed a picnic on top of Mt. Surprise Friday afternoon and evening. The jolly group of young people, chaperoned by their teacher and her mother. Mrs. C. H. Trowbridge, hiked to the top of the mountain, where a picnic supper and various games were delightful features. In addition to Mis- Trowbridge and her mother, members of the class present were: Misses Eugenia Col trane, Katherine English, Jane Hamlin, Lucy White, Helen Kelly, Frances Frye, Nell Sturkey, J. L. Moore. Mack Feaster and Jesse Oats. Each member of the class was allow ed the privilege of inviting a friend. 666 Liquids, Tablets, Salve, Hose Drops Checks Malaria in .'! days, Colds first day. Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 minutes. Fine Laxative and Tonic Most Speedy Remedies Known mi You’re Next . . Sir! —a neat HAIRCUT and SHAVE Expert barbers to serve you. . . .to cut, trim and shade your hair as you like it. Tinsleys Barber Shop LOALIA TINSLEY W. B. HEAD ED OWENBY Two doors above Bank Main Street ftcav.-rtr /our Subscript)^ MRS. NORWOOD HOSTESS TO MATH AT ASIAN CLUB Mrs. Harold Norwood was hostess to members of the Mathatasian club Thursday afternoon at her home on Park avenue. In addition to the members, two guests were present, Mrs. C. M. Jenkins and Miss Eleanor Trowbridge. Mrs. J. L. Cobb was in charge of the program of the afternoon, giving an interesting discussion of James M. Barrie, his life and works. Adding to the interest of the talk was the reading cf one of Barrie’s plays, “The t'welve-pound Look.” Mrs. C. H. Trowbridge was wel comed into the club as a new mem ber. The business session was pre sided over by acting president, Mrs. J. B. Jones, in the absence of the president, Mrs. Pat Kimzey. Following the serving of a salad course by the hostess, the club ad journed to meet on October 25, with Mrs. Ethel Harris. METHODIST CIRCLES TO MEET THURSDAY The three circles of the Methodist church will hold the regular meet ings today (Thursday) in the differ ent homes, it has been announced. Circle No. 1 will meet at the home ,>f Mrs. Lula Miller on Whitmire street; Circle No. 2 at the home of Mrs. J. E. Waters on Park avenue; »nd circle No. 3 at the home of Mrs. B. W. Trnntham on West Main street. It is urged that all members attend ;he circle to which they have been issigned. SARAH TAYLOR CIRCLE KLECTS NEW OFFICERS Reorganization of the Sarah Tay or circle of the Methodist church vas perfected at a meeting held Fri Jay afternoon at the home of Mrs. Soode Loftis. New officers were elected, as fol ows: President, Mrs. Leon English, j Ir.; secretary, Miss Annie Mae Hen-; Jerscn; treasurer, Mrs. Frank Os-! borne; chairman of the local work, Mrs. Ada Teague; membership chair-, nan, Mrs. T. T. Loftis, Jr. It was decided to hold meetings on :he second Friday afternoon of each j month. The study for the year will ie on the parables of Christ. Mrs. Dliver Orr, leader, met with the, young ladies on this occasion. The hostess served refreshments,! if ter which the circle adjourned to, nett next with Mrs. Leon English, j DISTRICT OFFICERS | 1T !>■ A. R. MEETING At the regular meeting of the iVaightstill Avery chapter of the Daughters of the Americaft Revolu-' ion, held Monday afternoon of last veek at the home of Mrs. J. S. Sil .■ersteen, two district officials were present and made talks. The out of town guests were Mrs. Gilbert Mor ris, district chairman, and Mrs. Asbury JBarnett, district secretary, both of Asheville. Mrs. Morris gave words of en couragement when she-said that the local chapter excelled all the chap ters in their historical work, and she also complimented the chapter for the splendid entertainment of the dis trict meeting held here recently. She spoke also of matters concerning the siate work and said that Mrs. W. H. Belk, state regent, would be present at the November meeting here. Mrs. Barnett made a few remarks con cerning different phases of the D. A. R. work, suggesting among other things that the local chapter confine their historical work to records and facts in their own state of North Carolina. The program was in charge of Mrs. E. W. Blythe, who discussed the United States navy, reading an address by H. L. Roosevelt, assistant secretary of the navy. Interesting facts about Crossnore school, which is under sponsorship of ■ the D .A. R., were given by Mrs. R. H. Ramsey, Mrs. J. S. Siyver steen, Mrs. T. A. Berg and Mrs. Cole man Galloway, who visited this school recently. l ne mteung, presiucu uvn uy mv regent, Mrs. R. H. Ramsey, opened] with the flag salute and prayer. The . treasurer reported that all bills had ; been paid, leaving a balance of around $71. Several letters wore read j by the regent regarding different phases of the chapter work. It was decided to give history medals this year to five schools in the county, Brevard, Rosman, Pisgah Forest,; Penrose and Lake Toxcway, and also, to give a Good Citizenship medal to; Brevard College. Mrs. L. E. Brown asked for a de mit and Mrs. C. P. White for resig nation from the local chapter, both now residing elsewhere. The outlined program for the year ; was given out, as follows: November, statistics and facts concerning the army, Mrs. Alvin Roekwood, leader: December, statistics concerning the marines, Miss Florence Kern, leader; January, statistics and facts concern ing aviation, Miss Annie Jean Gash, leader; March, Ellis Island, Mrs. crime, Mrs. Coleman Galloway, leader; February, suppression of J. P. D e a v e r, leader; April, information and facts on the merchant marine; Mrs. T. A. Berg and Mrs. Laura Miller, leaders; May, student cooperation and good citizenship clubs, Mrs. J. M. Allison and Miss Annie May Pat ton, leaders; June, patriotic and adult education, Mrs. J. S. Silversteen and Mrs. H. V. Smedberg, leaders. It was decided to hold the Novem ber meeting on Thursday, the 15th, instead of the regular date on the 12th, in order to observe the birth day celebration of the president general on the former date. Refreshments were served at con clusion of the meeting. PISGAH FOREST NEWS Quite a few people from this sec tion attended the annual home com ing day at English Chapel Sunday. They reported an enjoyable day. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wolf and children, Rose, Howard and Char les, returned recently from a trip to Chicago to view the World’s Fair. They reported an interesting and en joyable trip. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Townsend have moved from the G. W. Hall place to the W. A. Lyday place. Mrs. 0. P. Anders of Greer, S. C., was visiting relatives here last week. Mrs. C. F. Allison spent Friday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. Claud Ray on Little River. Miss Rebecca Patton, who is at tending school at Montreat Normal, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. T. E. Patton, Jr. G. T. Frady returned Thursday from a trip to Detroit where he visit ed his daughter, Mrs. W. W. Clark, and also attended several World Ser ies games. The small child of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Marshall has been seriously ill with whooping t^ugh and pneu monia. Master Richard Tinsley of Hen dersonville has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Van Tinsley. Walter Reece is ill. Several workmen are busy reno vating the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Carr. The Carrs, who have spent the past year in New Orleans and Morganton, are returning here where Mr. Carr will be connected with Carr Lumber company, D. H. Orr and Mr. and Mrs. H. Sexton and Mr. and Mrs. Curto of Glade Creek were visiting near Asheville Sunday. W. W. Pruett accompanied by his son Chad of Greenville spent the week-end with Mrs. Pruett at Wea verville. Ina Mae, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Burns, who has been ill with pneumonia, is recover ing and was able to return home from Lyday Memorial hospital where she was taken last week. Albert Lyday expects to leave this week for Chicago where he will visit the World’s Fair and other points of interest. Mrs. Tom Barnett and sister, Mrs. Sitton, recently purchased the pro perty of the former Brevard Tan ning company. The Carat The carat, a measure of weight or fineness, Is used by Jewelers to express both. A carat weighs four grains or the one hundred twentieth part of n Troy ounce. In determining the fine ness of a precious metal 21 carats is considered the standard of purity. Hence an eighteen-carat gold ring would he one containing eighteen parts In 24 of pure gold. SEUCA NEWS The Nicholson family had its annual reunion at the home of Mrs. Doxie Dunn here .A large crowd was in attendance and enjoyed themsel ves immensely. Uncla James Nicholson, of Sap phire, who is of an advanced aged, visited Henry Barton, who is a paralytic and is not able to talk. He and Mr. Nicholson, with loss of eyesight, made an impressive scene. Mr. and Mrs. John McKinna cele brated their 43rd wedding anniver sary Sunday with a number of friends around them. The many friends of Willie Dunn, who went away to the CCC camp some time ago, will be glad to know that he is well and likes his new job fine. Walter McKinna, Newton Teague and Nolan McCoy, of Lake Toxaway. were visitors in our section Sunday, wearing the same smiles. Rev. J. N. Hal: was a business visitor in our section recently. He will preach next Sunday night. Our folks who grew cane are finishing making molasses and. say the crop is far short in production. As far as we have been able to learn Clyde Sitton is champion, with his three acres of good cane. The Bartons held their annual reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elihu White, with a large attend ance. Rev. Judson Corn preached the sermon. Rev. Sherman Pearson preached a splendid sermon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Barton Sunday afternoon. Seasoning the spontaneity of youth and making it responsible for details is one of the hard jobs of employers. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND The Town of Brevard will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash on Saturday, November 3, at 12 o'clock noon at the City Hall Door in the Town of Brevard, North Carolina, the following described parcel of land. Lying in the Town of Brevard, Transylvania County, North Caro lina, on the west side of Broad Street, being part of the old jail lot Beginning on a stake on the east margin of Broad street and the northeast corner of a 10-foct alley, which point is 130 feet from Main street, and runs with the, margin of said 10-foot alley North 04 deg. West 75 feet to a stake; thence North 26 deg. East 134 feet to a stake in the South margin of the boundary alley; thence with the South margin of said boundary alley South 64 deg. East 76 feet to a stake on the West margin of Broad street South 26 deg. West 134 feet to the Beginning. The Town of Brevard reserves the right to reject any and all bnls if n< t satisfactory. This Oct. 3, 1934. TOWN OF BREVARD, Bv J. C. Wike, Mayor. 4tc. Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25. Don’t Sell Your Old Gold To Strangers BRING IT TO US AND GET BEST PRICKS AND HONEST WEIGHT C. B. McFEE The Old Reliable Watchmaker and Jeweler King Bldg. Main Stieet Brevard DON’T GIVE IN to that "all gone" feeling! When fatigue and irritability show up —light a Camel. Quickly your natural energy comes flooding back! Camels may be enjoyed as often as you please. For Camels, with thoir finer, costlier tobaccos, never (angle vmir nerves. ^Jli jL_ ^ JE^_. » E <■ TWO GREAT LINES OF p? LOW- PRICED CARS THE STANDARD CHEVROLET THE MASTER CHEVROLET 465 SPORT ROADSTER *465 COACH. 495 COUPE. 485 STANDARD SEDAN 540 STANDARDSEDAN DELIVERY (fo be announced soon) Above are list prices ol passenger cars at Flint, Mich. With bumpers, spare tire and tire lock, the list price of Standard Models is $18 additional. Lis t prices of commercial cars quoted are f. o. b. Flint, Mich. Special equipment extra.'Prices subject to change with out notice. THE world’s lowest-priced Six . . . full brother to all Chevrolet models in fundamental quality and reliability! It’s a big, full-size car—169 inches from bumper to bumper—bringing you Chevrolet’s many' great advantages, including a smart, roomy Fisher body with No Draft ventilation system. THE deluxe car of the low-price field . . . Chevrolet’s offering to those who desire economical transportation in cars of exceptional size and luxury, with the famous Chevrolet Knee-Action wheels! Remember: One ride is worth a thousand words. Visit your Chev rolet dealer and have that ride today! CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DMKUll, MiLUBrw Compare Chevrolet's low delivered prices and easy G.M.A.C. terms 4 General Motors l alue ONE RIDE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS McCrary Auto Service CALDWELL STREET BREVARD, N. C. PCAL.HO AOVCRTlSEMEffT s540 - SPORT ROADSTER $540 COACH. 580 TOWN SEDAN. 615 SEDAN. 649 COUPE. 560 SPORT COUPE 600 CABRIOLET.665 SPORT SEDAN . .. 675 Above are list prices of passenger cars at Flint, Mich. With bumpers, spare tire and tiro lock, the list price of Master Models is $20 additional. Prices subject to change without notice.