Local and Personal items Miss Martha Davis, of Greenville, 4ml Miss Rebecca Patton, who is at ■ mtine Montreat Normal, ' were - eek end guests of their sister and mother, respectively, Mrs. T. L. Pat ton, Jr. Miss Fra net's Green ,of Shelby, is spending the winter with Prof, and Mrs. J. B. Jones, and attending Bre vard College. Miss Green is a sister of Mrs. Jones. Dan Merrill, Ed Kilpatrick Bdl Bridges. Dick Aiken and Walter Clavton attended the all-star base ball game in Asheville Sunday after ixoon. . , Miss A unit* Yonguc is visiting in Tartxuo f r loti days, the guest of Mr and Mrs. T. G. Moody, the latter formei iv Miss Marion Yonme. Mr- Baumgarner of Asheville is cuest of her brother, John Dermid. " Spencer Macfie, who is connected with the United States navy, station ed a. Norfolk. Vu., is spending h 3 •wo weeks’ vacation here with his oaicnts. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Macfie. Mis't ^ Agnes, .luck nnd Josephine Ulavtoi,; -Mrs. W. M Cowan and Mrs. Prescott were Asheville visitors ^ Mr." and Mrs. Jack Reaber, of B;\! imore. Md., and the latter s f«ti . Will Waters, of Virginia, are visi relatives here. Mrs. Reaber is - former Miss La Verne Waters Wt, t I, and Mrs. Ernest Tilson w, . ,sitor> in Asheville Sunday. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND limln am! hv virtue of the author ity conferred by tleed of trust exe eiiletl b\ J. L. Whitmire and wife, Betty Whitmire, dated the 15th day „f Fehi • irv. 1928, and recorded in Honk 22 Page ’>70. in the office of lhe legist, of Deeds for Transyl Vania (Hunty, Bryant, Sub stunted Trustee, will at twelve o'clock noon on THURSDAY. NOV. 1ST, 1934 ,v ,l,i* Court House door of Transyl vania County in Brevard, North S'm ,>liiia sell’lit public auction for c : h to the highest bidder, the follow ing land, to-wit: Situated in Brevard. North Caro tin and BKlilNM.Mi at a stake m me ,s, till margin of Varsity street, said stake standing S. 01 dogs. 10 mins. K L>an feet from the point of inter vn i nt the South margin of Var siti Street with the Hast margin of Broad Street, and runs theme with the said South Margin of Varsity Street. S fit degs. 10 milts. E. 2a -fe, c to a -take in said margin ; theme .till witii aid margin S. 20 K. 5 s 1-2 f .a to a take in said margin; tlienee y \\ lAP feet to a stake; theme V |ti itgs. !a mins. W. 21 1-2 feet to U slake: i in nee N. 52 E. 120 feet to i . , It(11NXIN(i. BRIM' vi.|. ill' I (>T No. S and a part of \,i. •, af the Maple drove Subdi ismn. , .. . A- ! being all of that lot described ,, i.«...j ; hi:, Chas. K. Orr. et al, to 1 . Wiiitni'iig dated the itli day ol f brimiy. li'20. and rte riled in Book , . |>;u. •' |.-» .f ihe records of Beeds ania C mnty, N. C., and „ >t ii'' that lot f land described in Transylvania County. N. C. f Tfi - mi\(U‘ on aeour.i fanil in pavment of the indebted .,cured bj lid deed of trust. ,i..,l i- s-ibji et to ’. taxi mil assess r-t :u agaiusi said property whether in w due or to beiome due. A fix e h i cent (5 per cent) cash ,.I, ; u : Ii renuired of the high t hiddm ai the sale. Tin i. the 20th day f September. V. S. BRYANT. Substituted Trustee. Roan No. 1115, if)c* it. IS. 25. Nov. 1. Miss Mildred Thompson and John Marchant, /of Gr.enville, Visited friends in Brevard Sunday. Miss Alma Trowbridge and Miss'; Eleanor Trowbridge were visitors in Asheville and Weaverville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wood Paxton and ,baby. Wood Jr., have moved to the Henning Inn, where they have an i apartment. 1 Mrs. Carrie Dorsett is visiting relatives and friends in Asheville several days this week. 1 Mrs. A. H. King lias been quite ill | at her home, See Shore, in the Cedar I Mountain section the past week. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Emmerson, of 1 Asheville, spent the week-end here i as guests of Mrs. J. E. Clayton and 1 family. i Miss Sarah Teague and Miss Tina Allison were Asheville visitors Fri day. . , . Miss Rowenn Orr is visiting friends ip Miami, Fla., this week. Mrs. W. A. Thomas, who has been quite ill with flu at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. F. Zachary, is said to be improving. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Allison and children motored to Asheville for the day Sunday. .drs. James Sherrill and son Jim n,ic and sister, Miss Essie Squires, and Miss Lula Williams, all of Char , b tte, are spending this week in the Squires cottage on Mapel avenue. Mrs. C. II. Trowbridge visited friends in Weaverville on Monday, and presided over the Asheville dis trict zone meeting, of which she is chairman, convening in Leicester on Tuesday. Mrs. Jasper Orr attended the mar v.age of her niece, Miss Margaret Kimzey at Mills River on Saturday. Milton Sellers is visiting friends in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., this week. Dr. J. F. Zachary spent the week-, il with relatives at his old home, lace in Cashiers. Marshall Kilpatrick and James i l'ickelsinier were v.1oek-end -\tvisit°rs I ,i Asheville, and attended the I II. S.-Farm School football game j Saturday. _Mts. J. Ij. loud anu son jinuiuv. ... ere week-end guests of Mr. Cobh in j Tryon, where he is connected with n . rug store. ,, , . Joe Morrow, of New York, is visit h i s friend here, Blanton Mitchell. ' Charles Smoak. a student at Bre • 1 College, spent the week-end at hour, in Black Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Langley and . Miss Ruth McKinney, of I avoid s Rest, S. C., were guests j week of Mrs. Cordia King. Mrs. C \V. Pickelsimer and daugh-' i Ethel.vn, Mrs. Cordelle Russell, . David Culver. Mrs. E. J. Bogen ' •id Edwin English returned Satur iv ti. in u week's mo >r trip to Chi- | and the World’s lair. Miss Lillie Holes nibe. who .lias, n critically ill in Miss 1 hospital, •du-ville .is reported to i ,• showing . i.i' ruble improvement. Miss Margaret Bosse returned week from a vi it with friends ^ i Columbus, Ohio. M. Y. Bagwell visited his son, v K. Bagwell, in Spartanburg, the week and attended the fair in .nit city. Eugene Dickson of Andfrson, s C.. visited friends and relatives !u re Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Moore visited heir home in Kannapolis over the • n'k-eml. Mr. Moore is a student at Brevard College. Mrs. J. S. Silversteen attended a di-trict D. A. R. meeting in States ville Tuesday, in her capacity as i • e recording secretary. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Henry had ib their week-end guests their daugh-, tu and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. (K ar A. Vaughn, of Gastonia, and Mrs. Henry’s sister and t w o d:.lighters. Sir-. V. E. I.athem and Misses Ruth and Annie Lathem, of MADAME ELDA VETTORI who will sing at Brevard College auditorium here Friday eve ning of this week, at eight WHIRL AT THE WORLD OF NEWS Items of interest gleaned during the past week , I-- _ Plan Saver Planes London—Great Britain’s drive for safer aviation includes a two-way radio set for every passenger plane and plans to establish new net works of radio beacons. Work Week Cut Washington— President Roosevelt has ordered a 36-hour week for the cotton garment industry. New War Predicted New York—A new world war will be started by next summer, it is as serted by Johannes Steel, many of whose predictions in international af fairs have proved correct. May Turn Pro New York—Les Stoefen and Geo. Lott are considering offers by Bill Tilden to turn professional. Oppose Short Week Washington—Big business is flatly opposed to the 30-hour week, accord ing to the United States Chamber of Commerce. Rain of Fish Aberdeen. Wash.—An unusual surf condition threw thousands of fish to the shore here Friday and the whole countryside stocked up for the winter. fcVpccf New Strikes Washington—Several leaders of organized labor have indicated that they expect a fresh wave of strikes unless President Roosevelt is able to arrange the industrial truce he has proposed. To Change l mom San Francisco—The form of unions will be charged to include industries instead of crafts. Carolina Factories To Be Good Washington -The federal trade com mission has announced that two X. rth Carolina hosiery makers have agreed to slop method of unfair com petition. Kasley, X. C. Mrs. Kdwin T. lladley. Miss Pau line Hadley and Ray Hadley, of Charlotte, spent the week-end with the Misses Xhipman at Walnut Inn. Mr. ■ m! Mrs. .1. 1!. Jollay. of C.e ■> sria, w is a pupil at Salem Academy, U';nston-Saleni, turned in the o:,ly perfect English paper in the first month’s test. The Saicm Academy is one of the larger schools ol the state, and teachers at Brevard schools lare dated ov