ROSMAN NEWS MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correspondent T. 0. Topp of Charleston, W. \a-> arrived Saturday to spend the week end with his family here. Mrs. W. H. Jackson, Mrs. Lloyd, B'-vson Mr. and Mrs. Henry O. Topp and sons Bobby and Jack were visitors to Greenville Monday. Mr .and Mrs. Topp and Lloyd Bry- | son were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meece at Sunset Monday. I Mr .and Mrs. Henry 0. Topp and two children left Wednesday for their home at Charleston, W. Va. Mrs. Charlie Moore and daughter, Mary Lou, returned home Tuesday, having spent a few days visiting rel atives at Biack Mountain. Billy Moore of Fort Bragg arrived Sunday night to spend a few days visiting his father, W. J. Moore. Mrs. W'alter Love, Miss Ola Hol land, Mr. Adams, Miss Ida Nichol son. Miss Elsie Brown Mr. and Mrs. W. J Nicholson, Mrs Mm. Parker and children, Mrs. K■ Miller and children, Mr. and Mis. John Keener, Mr. and Mrs. James T. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. oohn Jack son and daughter Derneta, Mr. and Mr-. N. S. Galloway and daughter Miss Thelma attended the Nichol son family reunion at the home ot Mrs. Roxey Dunn at Sclica Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Moss and daughter Helen and son Charles, Leon and Blake McCall of Pickens were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Houck at Cherryfield Sunday night. *'****! Broadus Duncan a n d Arthur Mitchell have returned home after spending several weeks at Braden E a. Glazener and daughter Miss Ej vo were visitors to Greenville Thursday. v. p. Masters. Jordan Mas ters. and Miss fc.llu Mae Masters spoilt Saturday night at the home ot .hi. and Mr-. Frank Rains. Mi s Lena Stewart of Six _ Mile, S. C.. was a week-end guest of Miss Fave Glazener. Sir and Mrs. Jack 1 isher and two children attended the home com ing day at Quebec Sunday. mm ■■ ■■ A True Story of tllrr HOW A WOMAN I It E» L BECAME RICH A postal card request will brinq vou this remarkable story, which is toid in her own words, and over her real name. Also other surprising and inspiring financial successes, all easily accomplished by USING (NOT SELLING) that remarkable mm n After leading thia trua ttory paw it on to lomt unemployed man or woman. It can catily itart them on lha highway of •uccaa, and affluence at it ha, done for othart. P With tha ttory we will alto r rCC MQ Certificate No. 1026 fer Two (2) shares of the capital stock of Efird Manufacturing Company, Albemarle, Albemarle, N. C. Certificate No. 392 for One (1) share of Class *'B” Capital Stock of the Efird Manufacturing Company, Albermarle, N. C. The above mentioned sale is sub ject to the confirmation of the State Banking Department and the Super ior Court This the 6th day of October, 1934. PAT KIMZEY, Liquidat ing Agent Brevard Bank ing Company. Oct. 11 4t. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a Deed in Trust executed on the 21st day of Decem ber, 1927, by F. E. B. Jenkins and wife, Mary C. Jenkins, to H. E. Martin, Trustee, which said Deed in Trust is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Transyl vania County, N. C., in book 21, page 216, and indexed in said office and to which said index and record reference is hereby made and the same made a part hereof for the pur pose of description, and default hav ing been made in the payment of both principal and interest on the note secured by the said Deed in Trust and legal demand having been made for the payment of same by the holder of said notes, and all other legal notices having been duly given, the undersigned Trustee will, on the 12th day of November, 1934, at 12:00 o’clock M., offer for sale at Public Auction and sell to the highest bidder FOR CASH at the Court House door in the Town of Brevard, County of Transylvania, State of North Caro USE TIMES WANT ADS lina, the following pieces, parcels, or lots of land, and all interests therein, as described and set out in said Deed in Trust, said lands being more particularly described as fol lows: Being the same tracts of land described in a deed in trust dated Dec. 21st, 1927, from F. E. B. Jenkins and wife to H. E. Martin, Trustee for J. V. Bowers, of Henderson County, said Deed in Trust being registered in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Transylvania County, North Carolina, in book 21, page 215 to which said reeord reference is hereby made and same made a par hereof for the purpose of descripti Said sale being made for the pur pose of satisfying said debt, interer.. cost and expenses of said sale. This is the 10th day of October, 1934. II. E. MARTIN, Trustee. Oct. 11 6t>__ NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to the laws of NorCt"^ Carolina, the undersigned Liqui dating Agent will offer for sale, and sell to the highest bidder (FOR CASH) on Monday, the 22nd day of October, 1934, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House door in the Town of Brevard, North Carolina, the follow ing securities: Certificate No. 149 for forty-five (46) shares of the Capital Stock of the Citiaens Telephone company of Brevard, North Carolina, The above mentioned sale is sub ject to the confirmation of the State Banking Department and the Super ior Court. This in the 20th day of September, 1934. PAT KIMZEY, Liquidating agent Brevard Banking Company. Renew Your Subscription NOW! GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN AT DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRICES! Cut on Bayer Aspirin!_ I POCKET TINS OF 12 NOW NOW—Pay Less and Get Real BAYER Aspirin! n> as to put the reliability and quick iction of Genuine Bayer Aspirin within the reach of everyone, the i price you pay has been drastically I cut. Cut so low that nobody need ever again accept an unknown prep aration in place of real BAYER j Aspirin. 15c Now For 12 25c Now For 24 i For instance, the pocket tins of 12 real Bayer Tablets have been cut to 15c. The popular 24 tablet Dottles — - - have been cut to 25c. And the big. family size, 100 tablet bottles have again been reduced. So—Always Say “Bayer" When You Buy These new low prices make it a folly to accept unknown brands in order to save a few cents. So—never ask for Bayer Aspirin by the name "aspirin’’ alone when you buy. but always say B-A-Y-E-R ASPIRIN and see that you get it. « ALWAYS SAY “BAYER ASPIRIN” WOW WHEN YOU BUY The Democratic Candidates for the county offices, and also other speakers will be at the following places in Transylvania County on the day and hour as printed, namely: Enon School House. Oct. 22nd. . . 7:30 P.M. Little River School House . . Oct. 23rd.... 11:00 A.M. Cedar Mtn., Watson’s Store Oct. 23rd. . . . 2:00 P.M. Dunn’s Rock School House. .Oct. 23rd. . . . 7:30 P.M. Old Toxaway School House Oct. 24th. . . . 2:00 P.M. East Fork, Jack Heath’s . . . Oct. 25th. . . 2:00 P.M. Shoal Creek School House .Oct. 26th. . . 11:00 A.M. Silversteen School House . . .Oct. 26th. . . . 2:00 P.M. Quebec School House.Oct. 26th. . . . 7:30 P.M. Rosman School Auditorium .Oct. 27th. . . . 7:30 P.M. Bohany School House.Oct. 29th.... 11:00A.M. Oakland, T. B, Reid’s.Oct. 29th . 3:00 P.M. Lake Toxaway School House Oct. 29th. . . . 7.30 P.M. Selica School House.Oct. 30th. . . 7:30 P.M. Pisgah Forest School House .Oct. 31st. . . . 7:30 P.M. Brevard Court House.Nov. 3rd.... 7:30 P.M. Brevard Court House.Nov. 5th. . . . 7:30 P.M. The citizens and tax payers are cordially invited to be present at these meetings and hear political issues discussed. The question of reduction of taxation will be explained and discussed. The good women of the county are especially in vited to be present. * Respectfully, Democratic Executive Committee