NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs.— F. E Shuford and wife, Mrs. F. E. Shuford, Defendants. AH persons claiming any interest in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, tor the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one i or more tax sale certificates for taxes for the years 1931-1930 on Property in Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: Being the same lot of land de scribed in a deed from W. W. Aiken and wife to F. E. Shuford, dated Seiit 7 1903, and recorded in Book 28 page 109, records of deeds for Transylvania County. Except from above two lots first described in a deed t,rom .H • £ Shuford and wifei to Gene W. Stan berry and wile, dated May L19-*: rtcorded in Book 55, page 232 and the second described in a Deed o wT.m F K. Shu^d .nd .rf. of T'nst for Transylvania County. All such persons are further "°tbj tied to appear present, set. up ™ defend their claims in said actm within fix months from the 15th ot November, 1934, or at any time before the order to makei d«d\ w made, otherwise they will b< 1 - barred and foreclosed of any andla ■nterest or claims in oi to said property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof Phis 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Supeno Court, Transylvania County, N. U xriYTTrv OK -VC l lUIS STATE OK NORTH CAROLINA. COl'NTY OF TRANSUAANIA. Ill The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD. I mmtift. Vs.— Sutton Wilson ami wile, Mrs. but ton Wilson, Defendants. All persons claiming any interest m the pronerty hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled a above has been begun m the 'Superior 0 oi.rt of Transylvania Countv. North Carolina, for the pur 1,0-c of foreclosing the lien of one ' ,■ more tax sale certificates tor taxes for the vears 1931-1930 on property in Brevard! North Carolina, described Same "and described in deed from 1 ottie Duckworth to Sutton Wilson, i . (*, 1921, and recoided in SSfiWi.: *,■«.* for Transylvania County. All such persons are fuitlui mu f ied to "appear, present, set up and defend their claims m acUo within -ix months from the lotti uay of November. 1934. or at any m before the order to make devd >s made. • t her wise they will be tome barred and foreclosed ot any and a interest or claims in or to sail property or the proceeds received fr m the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander. Clerk Superior (Yurt. Transylvania County, N. C NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COL'NTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. Hi The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD. Plaintiff. -Vs.— Will Ballard and wife. Mrs. Will Ballard, Defendants. All pers ns claiming any interest in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superb r C o u r t of Transylvania County. North Carolina, f r ihe pur p. sc of foreclosing the lien of one or more tax sale certr ieates for taxes for the yiars 1931-1930 on property in Brevard. North Carolina, described as follows: Being the same lot described in deed < l tru-t from W. W. Ballard and wife to Pat Kimzey, Trustee, dated March 1. 1939, and recorded in book 34, page 100, records of deeds of trust for Transylvania County. Lots 15 and 10 of the Duckworth and Verdery lands as shown on plat recorded in Book 30, page 04. and being same lands described in deed from X. M. Hensley and wife to T. B. Clary, dated Mar. 34. 1935 and recorded in Book 50, page 95. Rec ords of Deeds for Transylvania County. All such persons are further noti fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in said action within six months fi< in the 15th day of November, 1934, or at any time before the order to make deed is made, i therwise they will be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This isth day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County. X. C NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs.— Mrs. Z. W. Nichols Defendant. All persons claiming any interest in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been bfgun in the Superior Court of Transylvania County. North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one or more tax sale certificates for taxes for the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: All of Lots 53, 57 and 58 of Frank lin Park Improvement Co., as shown on plat recorded in Plat Book 1, page 71, Records of Plats for Transyl vania County. All such persons are further noti fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in said _ action within six months from the 15th day of November, 1634, or at any timej before the order to make deed is I made, otherwise they will be forever* yarreti and foreclosed of any and all . interest or claims ii) or to said . property or the proceeds received .’rom the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. C. NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs.— B. E. Nicholson and wife, Mrs. B. E. Nicholson, Defendants. All persons claiming any interest n the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en tic’d as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Transylvania V.untv, North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one ,r more tax sale certificates lor taxes 'or the years 1931-1930 oif property in Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: All that lot described in deed from , Rad Nicholson and wife to B. E. Nicholson, dated January 5, 1911, ,ml recorded in book 27, page 470, Records°of Deeds for Transylvania ;CTn such persons are further noti i i to annear, present, set up and Wend OT ciaSns in said action .vithin si* month.. from the 15th day ; irtftdR ^ iSSy0or^mSproceeds received ' Thigh 18th'*dav^'oT October, 1934, ! Otu, Alexander. Clerk Su^ C'urt, Transylvania County, in. I ____ ~ ...vv vtrvPTrF OF AC llUIN 1 sT- TK OF NORTH CAROLINA, ' COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. 'town oTbS'Sd'; _Y g.-— 1 , s Nicholson ‘ and wife, Mrs. 1 s Nicholson, Defendants. 1 i i ..1 m above has been begun in the t.t.ed as jwee i" Transylvania r'^’tv Nonh C^olina. for the pur ' of foreclosing the Hen of one Pl:se ot force in f “lificates for taxes or n'”lpe “ar.‘1931-1930 on property in Brevard' North * Carolina, described aSAnno7lot described in deed from \V 1’. Whitmire, et al.. L' • an(j Nicholson dated April Ree ^Xdof ‘ De®d°s for Transylvania C°S^ucb persons ^notL fied to appear, P'esen . ^ P^.^ defend dien dw11- n • l5th (iay within ->x months Oom ^ any timc before' the order’ to mabe '“ rt-ssasV-js «* fr Thifmi* jK'VuSri., otto Alexandei. Cleis- i C urt, Transylvania County. N. \ATi7r OF ACTION (General) STVTeV NO,?™ CAROUSA. COUNTY OF lRANsGo-“V|n' 1m The Superior Court. , TOWN OF RREV.ARD. Plaintiff. Elizabeth Ramseur, Defendant. All persons claiming any intoiest in the property hereinafter described wil! take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superior 0 oiirt < f Transylvania County. North Carolina, for the pui iM.-e of foreclosing the lien of one 1 or more tax sale certificates for taxes for the years 1931-1930 on property m Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: . Being all those lands described in l deed from E. S. English and wife to I Elizabeth Ramseur, dated Nov. 19. 1929. and recorded in Book 03, Page 1202. Records of Deeds for Transyl : vania County. AH such persons are further ncti j fied to apnear, present, set up and ! defend their claims in said action 'within - is months from the L’>th oay f November. 1934, or at any time i before the < rder to make deed is ; made, otherwise thev will be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said property or the proceeds received , fr m the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior C urt, Transylvania County, N. C. NOTICE OF ACTION (General) ! STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In Tlu> Sunerior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs.— C. C. Kilpatrick. Mrs. C. C. Kil oatrick. E. F. Gillespie and Mrs. E. F. Gillespie. Defendants. All persons claiming any interest n the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action on itled as above lias been begun in the Superior C o u r t of Transylvania County, North Carolina, for the pur nose of foreclosing the lien of one >r more tax sale certificates for taxes •'or the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described is follows: I.ots 9 to 10 of C. C. Kilpatrick kinds, as shown on plat recorded in Book 33, Page 53. Also all that lot described in deed Tom F. P. Owens and wife to E. F. Gillespie and C. C. Kilpatrick, dated \ugust 28, 1920. and recorded in inok 57, page 148, Records of Deeds 'or Transylvania County. All such persons are further noti 'ied to appear, present, set up and lefend their claims in said action vith'ii six months from the 15th day if November, 1934, or at any time icfore the order to make deed is nade, otherwise they will bo forever ♦ai red and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said i iroperty or the proceeds received Tom the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. C I NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF TRANSYLVAA. [n The Superior Court. roWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs.— Hugh Hall, Defendant. All persons claiming any interest m the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in uie ! Superior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one ! or more tax sale certificates for taxes ■ for the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described us follows: Being same lot described in deed from William Farr and wife to S. D. Hall and Hugh C. Kail, dated Nov. 9, 1927, and recorded in Book 60, Page 163, Records of Deeds for Transylvania County. Also all of that lot described in deed from L. R. Scruggs and wife to C. A. L. Johnstone, dated Aug. 05 1925 and recorded in Book 52 page 33,’ records of deeds for Tran sylvania County, N. C. All such persons are lurther.noti fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in said action within six months from the 15th day of November, 1934, or at any time before the order to make deed is made, otherwise they will be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 18th dav of October, 19.>4. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. C. NOTICE OF ACTION' (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA, In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs.— Pole Killian and wife, Mrs. Pole Killian, Defendants. . All persons claiming any intere.-t in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en it ed as above has been begun in the r n H r t of Transylvania Stv North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one f nv certificates 101 taxe. ?r mt?.„ vcar« 1931-1930 on property in Brevard* * North Carolina, described as follows: described in Being the same lot ^scrib deed from I'• fj- , wife, dated 2£ 29, im -cdorrofdeDeidabfoi 43, page 476, Kecoros Transylvania Coun >• {urthcr r.oti All such persons a ^ up and | fled to appeal, | in said action defend their dam 15th day within ««. m°nt1hoyf„ at any time of November, makc deed is before the order u forever interest or ^ proCeeds received from the saic thereoL her, 1934. This 18th day ot Supcrioi ! COUNTV OF TBASSVLVAN'A. ... R„v Whiteside anil wife, Mrs. Roy Whiteside, Defendants. All persons claiming any interej in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superior r „ u r t of Transylvania Countv. North Carolina, for the pur p se of foreclosing the lien of one r.r more tax sale certificates for taxes for the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: . Being same lot described in deed from ,1. C. Bagwell and wife to Roy Whiteside and wife, dated March 7. 1927. and recorded in book 59, page 57, Records of Deeds lor fransyl vnnia County. Except from above lot described m deed from Roy Whiteside and wile to Earl Thompson, dated Oct. 11. 1927. and recorded in Book 29, Page 155, Records of Deeds for Transyl vania County. Also that lot described in deed from George* Parton and wife to Roy Whiteside dated Aug. 1, 1913, and recorded in Book 32, Page 300, Records of Deeds f r Transyva: ia County. Except from these lands that lot described in deed from Roy White side and wife to Victor Betsil, dated Oct. 23, 1929, and recorded in Book 02, Page 522, Records of Deeds for Transylvania County. All such persons are further noti fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in said action within six months from the lath day of November, 1934, or at any time before the order to make deed is made, otherwise they will be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said nroperty or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This IRth day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. C NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD. Plaintiff. —Vs.— Loge I.ogan and wife, Mrs. Loge I.ogan, Defendants. All persons claiming any interest in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Transylvania County. North Carolina, for the pur-1 nose of foreclosing the lien of one ir more tax sale certificates for taxes! 'or the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described is follows: Being the same lot of land de cribed in deed from A. R. Benja nin and wife to Lege I.ogan, dated illy 'll, 1914, and recorded in book 9 at page 458. Records of Deeds for ,'ransylvania County. 4 0 such pors'U'- .. further noti ied 'o appear, present, set up and ■ defend thsir claims in said action < within six months from the 15th day ) of November, 1934, or at any time i before the order to make deed is I made, otherwise they will be forever j barred and foreclosed of any and all j interest or claims in or to r.aid i property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. Thi« 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior . Court, Transylvania County, N. C. ; NOTICE ^>F ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ‘county OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs.— T H. Shipman, Mrs. T. H. Ship man and W. E. Shipman estate, De fendants. . titled as above h.^ ^ f Tran8yWania , Superior C®u 0 for the pur- , County, N°rth,„«in “ the lien of one pose of.f"r^ie certificates for taxes | or more tax • -0014930 on property in , *-***! «. .h„ ,„t describ'd in**1, Co»n‘V; not!;1 !1 All such persons are ^ ^ and ; 1 fied to appear, P Raid action , ! defend their ^ from the l5th da\ ; I within six month- ^ #t any t.m* i„# November, ,13° > ^ derd is Crred and foreclosed ^0, any^ interest °r ct^bproceeds received .. -ys"Tfc Mrs. James Iames Poor and wife. wrtl I Poor, Defendants. interest ! AU Pt‘rson,rt/hereinafter described I in the property her ^ action cn ! will take not/L*been begun in th I titled as above ha. Tl.ansylvani.i | Records nt Uceu i C°AU^ch persons are- fw^>er a,ul I ,. -V'to appear, present, kX P^. „ j defend the lW» g !;j's,sr .*«■,-j* <&n before the 0T.der/° will be forever interest or “/v .0CCeds received IroT^e Jalc there^. tober, MSiM* ;l;;1ST?r,%/et:... Avery Benjamin ami w'fe, Mrs ! averv Benjamin, Defendants. ■All persons claiming an.v inteu t in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun .n th ! Superb r Cou rt of Transylvania I County. North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one ! or more tax sale certificates for taxes | for the years 1931-193# on property .n J Brevard. North Carolina, described as follows: . , .. . . Bi’in^r the* same land desenbed in deed from A. B. Benjamin to A very I Benjamin, dated May 19. 192-1. nnfl ! recorded in B ok 01, page ’10> records of dc.ds for Transylvania I County. Ali such persons are further noti fied to appear, present, set up and I defend their claims in said aeti m within six months from the 15th day of November, 19.34, or at any time before the order to make deed is j made, otherwise they will be forever I barred and foreclosed of any and all I interest or claims in or to said property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. C. I NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. — Vs.— Julian (Julius) Whitesides anil wife, Mrs. Julian (Julius) White sides, Defendants. All persons claiming any interest in (he property hereinafter described will take noticevthat an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superior) Court of Transylvania County. North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one or more tax sale certificates for taxes for the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: , , , .... Being all of that lot described in deed from R. L. Gash and wife to Julian Whitesides, and wife, dated May 24, 1920, and recorded in Book 00, page 171. records of deeds for Transylvania County, N. C. . Also all those lands dtscribed in deed from R- L. Gash and wife, to Julius WhiteMdes and wife, dated April 24, 1916, and recorded in Book 37. page fiSd, records of deeds for TVansvlvania County, N. C. All 'such persons are furl her noti fied to appear, present, set up and Jefend their claims in said ■’<•(■ u vithin si:: months front the 15th day - >f November, 1934, or at any time tefore the order tc make deed iu nade, otherwise they will be forever larred and foreclosed of any and all nterest or claims in or to said moperty or the proceeds received rom the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. C MOTIOE OF ACTION (Genorr!) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA, in The Superior Court. rOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs— D. Cleve Hall and wife, Mrs. I 1 Cleve Hall, Defendants. All persons claiming any interc ' J in the property hereinafter dsserih.'. j will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in th Superior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one or more tax sale certificates for taxes for the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: Being the same lot described in deed of trust from Cleveland Hall arid wife to Pat Kimzey, trustee dated March 1, 1929, and recorded in bcok 24, page 161, records of deeds of trust for Transylvania County. All such persons are further noti fied to appear, present, set up ar.d defend their claims in said action within six months from the 15th day of November, 1934, or at any time before the order to make deed is made, otherwise they will be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. C. NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs.— Joe Hemphill and wife, Mrs. Joe Hemphill, Defendants. All persons claiming any interest in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled ns above has been begun in the Superior Court of Transylvani: County, North Carolina, foi- the pur pose of foreclosjng the lien of on. or more tax sale certificates for taxe: for the years 1931-1930 on property it Brevard, North Carolina, describee as follows: Being the same lot described ii: deed from R. L. Gash ar.d wife t; Joe K. Hemphill, dated Aug. 22 1925, and recorded in Book 51, page 198. records of deeds for Transyl vania County. All such persons are further noti fied to appear, present,' set up am: defend their claims in said actioi within six months from the 15th da;> of November. 1934, or at any time ■ before the order to make deed h made, otherwise they will be forevei barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 18th day of October. 1934. \ Otto Alexander, Clerk Superioi Court, Transylvania County, N. C NOTICE OF ACTION (Generali STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA, i In The Sup rior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD. Plaintiff. —Vs.— Eil Reynolds and wife. Mrs. E< ! Reynolds, Defendants, 1 All persons claiming any interes I in the property hereinafter 'describe! j will take notice that an action en 'titled as above has been begun in the ! Superior Court of Transylvani: I County. North Carolina, for the pur | pose of foreclosing the lien of om < r nv re tax sale certificates • taxe for the years 1931-1930 on pmpertv in Brevard, North Carolina, describe as follows: All those lots described in dted from B. W Trantham and wife to E. D, Reynolds and wife, dated March 24, 1930, and recorded in bool: 02, page -118, records of deeds f:i Transylvania County. All such persons are further noti fied to appear, present, set up rm! defend their claims in said action within -ix months, from the 15th day o,' November, 1934, or at any time before the order to make deed is made, otherwise they will be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest cr claims in or to su'd property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 18th day of October. 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, X. C. NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. Ill The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs.— R. E. Norton ami wife. Mrs. R. E. Norton, Defendants. All persons claiming an'.' intere-t in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in tljf Superior Court of Tram vlvania County. North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one or more tax sale certificates for taxes for the years 1931-1950 on property in Brevard. North Carolina, described as follows: Being lots Nos. 45. 43. 47 and 43 of the Ashworth Subdivision, plat of which is shewn in Book 33, page 32, records of deeds for Transylvania County. All such persons are further noti fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in said action within six months from the 15th day of November 1934, or at any time before the order to make deed is made, otherwise they wil\ be forever barred arid foreclosed of any and o'! interest cr claims in or to said' property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. TV; lPth dnv of October, 1931. aipvofifjov, p|pi»v. SuptfiK'i' Court, Transylvania County, N. C. NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs.— Lewis Smith and wife, Mrs. Lewis Smith, Defendants. All persons claiming any interest in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Transylvania Ccur.ty, North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one or more tax sale certificates for taxes for the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: .... , , Being 3ame lot described in deed from Roland Owen et al. to Lewis Smith and wife, dated Feb. 26, 1926. and recorded in book 65, page 277, Records of Deeds for Transylvania County. „ All such persons arc further n<>ti fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in said action within six months from the 15th day of November, 1934, or at any time before the order to make deed is made, otherwise they will be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. C. NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, i COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs.— 1 Ernest Smit and wife, Mrs. Ernest Smith, Defendants. ' All persons claiming any interest in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, f->r the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one ' or more tax sale certificates for taxes for the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: Being same lot described in died from F. E. B. Jenkins and wife to Ernest Smith and wife, dated March 10, 1930, and recorded in bonk '53, page 122, Records of Deeds for Tran sylvania County. All such persons arc funner n ti fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in said action within six months from the loth day of November. 1934, or at any time before the order to make deed is made, otherwise they will be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. NOTICE OF ACTION (Genera!) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD. Plaintiff. —Vs.— J. W. Smith and wife Mrs. J. VV. Smith, Defendants. All persons claiming any interest in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one I or more tax sale certificates i'"r taxes for the rear- 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: Being same lands described in a deed from Sallie J. Shut >rd to J. \\ Smith and yvife, dated March 24, 1919. recorded in hook 41. page 110. .records of deeds for I ran-ylvania County. , . , , j Also all that lot described ia del from Laura M. Puctte to L.a Pucttc Smith, dated Oct. 8. 193(1, and rec orded in book 02, page 399 records ’hi' deeds for Transylvania (• unty. i Also all that lot describe I in a deed from W. J. I’uUte at: ! wife to !.). W. Smith and wife, dated May ill. 1926, and recorded n book on, I page 227, records of deeds : Tran I sylvania County. AH such persons arc further noti j fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in said _ action I within six months from the loth day r November, 1934. r* at any time before the order to make deed is made, otherwise they will )>• forever barred and foreclosed of r.r.y nnd alj interest cr claims in to said property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This lfith day of October. 1934. Otto Alexander. Clerk Superior j Court, Transylvania County. N. C. NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs — Mose Bailey and wife. Mrs. M- -i Bailey, Defendants. All persons claiming any inteiv-t in the property hereinafter described xvill take notice that an ac' ion en titled as above has been b-go ■ in th< Superior Court of Trar-vlvania County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one or more tax sale certificates lor taxe: for the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: , Being the same lot described in deed of trust from Moses Bailey and wife to T. H. Galloway, trustee, dated Aug. 1, 1920, and recorded in book 21. a(re 14, records of deeds of trust for Transylvania County. All such persons are further noti fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in said action within f ix months from the 15th day of November. 1934. or at any time before the order to make deed is made, otherwise they will b? forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. Tliis 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County. N. C,

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