ROSMAN NEWS MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correspondent CLASS ELECTS SUPERLATIVES The junior class of Rosrnan high school elected senior class superla tives for the year ’34 and ’35 on Monday. October 22. The class superlatives are as fol lows: Best all around boy, Charles Lee; best all around girl, Ella Mae Collins; most beautiful girl. Pauline Moore; class baby, Augustus Norris; future president, Ted Harbin. Most handsome boy, Blanton Whit mire; most dignified, Mae Cash; man hater, Nellie Wilds; most ath letic girl, Ruth Green; scholarship, Thelma Galloway; originality, Mar tin Arrowood; most capable, Mildreu Galloway. .. VT , Bist sport, Walter McNeely; wit tie-t, Martin Arrowood; best dressed boy. Victor Sigmon; biggest flirt, Ruth Green: most popular girl, Eva Pharr. Most popular boy, Oliver Morgan;, class pet. Ella Mae Collins; most at tractive, Thelma Galloway; most nus chievous. Martin Arrowood; cutest, Warren Case; neatest, Pauline Moore; class monkey; Them Cassell; prettiest eyes, Eva Pharr. PICS 1C DISSER HOSORS JOIST BIRTHDAYS , A birthday dinner held at the old home place of Mrs. S. E. Whitmire on Sunday honored the joint birth day anniversaries of H. P. Wrhitmire and son Archie, Mrs. Marion Glaze ner and daughter Miss Margaret, .1. M. Hand, of Pickens, S. C., Cor nelia Gillespie and Reba Gillespie. The dinner was served picnic style. About 40 guests from the two Carolines were present to enjoy the delightful occasion. SI SO I SO OS SI'S DAY TO BE AT OLESVILLE Thci will be an all-day singing at Glc ilie next Sunday, conducted by Prof. E. D. Randolph, of Rosman. Picnic dinner will be served at noon. The public is invited to attend and bring well filled lunch baskets. ISJl'RED IS A C TO WRECK ROSMAN, Oct. 24—Quite a ser um- accident on the Pickens high way occurred about two miles from Rosman Sunday afternoon when a m , 111 • 1 - A Ford roadster failed to make a ci e near the home of 11. F.. Guyer. I ('. Grant of near Pickens suffered a P ictured skull and other ■ injuries. He was removed to Six Mile j hospital. Th Other two occupants t were only slightly injured. | I "Hey, Mai j WHERE’S THE BULD FOR THIS SOCKET?" ! MPTY sockets any place in the house cause inconven ience. Empty sockets in the cellar, attic or on stairway | may cause danger. Empty sockets anywhere often result in eye strain. There’s only one thing to do about it. Fill up the empty sockets with good, dependable lamps of the cor rect size. Then you will be sure of plenty of light when and where you want it. To get lamps that will give you good light at low cost, look for the name or mark of a reputable manufacturer on the end of each lamp. I / Better ! light, Better tight J Ou>' annual Special Offer on Mazda Lamps is now on. If our representative has not called upon you telephone No. 116 ami we will gladly deliver your lamps. SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES CO. .UK. OSBORNE IN FLORIDA ROSMAN. Oct. 24—Dr. Joe E. Osborne left Monday for St. Peters burg and Miami, Fla., to recuperate from a recent illness. Dr. Osborne was a patient for several days at Shelby hospital. He returned to Ros man a few days ago, but was un able to r.tume his practi'e. Remsen Bauknight and Miss Har I per of Pickens and Charleston were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Craig Whitmire. Claude Glazener was a business visitor in Greenville Monday. Mrs. Paul Rogers returned home Sunday, having been a patient in Lyday Memorial hospital for several days. Mis3es LaVerne Whitmire, Irene Pharr, Elsie White and Allen White, students at W. C. T. C., Cullowhee, spent the week-end with their par ents here. Miss Grace Rigdon of Pickens, S. C., visited friends here Sunday. Miss Rigdon is a student at W. C. T. C., Cullowhee. mia. r. ctcjiucxsuii anu unusuwi Miss Marion, of Brevard visited Mrs. Jordan Whitmire Sunday. Mrs. T. H. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. James Staton, Miss Lulu Manley were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Watkins and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rogers. A. P. Bell visited his brother, Mark, who is a patient at Patton Memorial Hospital in Hendersonville, Sunday. Mr. Bell is improving from a leg crushed three months ago. Mrs. E. A. Ward, son and daugh ter of Hendersonville, spent last week as guests of Mrs. Ward’s mother, Mrs. P. T. Masters at East Fork. Miss Ella Mae Masters, Eugene md Edna Ward spent Saturday /isiting the former’s sister, Mrs. Leo Brittain. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Patterson and children spent Saturday as guests of Mrs. P. T. Masters. Mrs. J. S. Wilds and Exie Wilds were called to Newport, Term., Fri day on account of the critical ill ness of the former’s father. J. W. Phillips. Rev. H. Broom of Jackson county, recently called pastor of Zion church, preached his first sermon here Sun day night to a large audience. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Cunningham and children of Calvert attended the home coming day services at Mount Moriah, Calvert on Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Morgan and J. F. Hayes. Miss Selma Morgan and Burean Huggins left the first of the week to spend several days in Fletcher visit ing relatives. John L. Wuldrop of Cleveland spent the week-end with his family at Cherryfield. Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Galloway and children and Miss Ruby Love spent Sunday at Frozen Lake visiting Mr. and Mrs. Van Honeycutt. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Frazier and daughter Carolyn of Asheville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. j Ernest Gillespie. Mi s Ruth Green spent Sunday as guest of Miss Stella McCall in Glou cester. Mrs Kilith t.raveiy spent ounuaj as guest of Miss Mary Gillespie. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Orr ami daughter of Asheville were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Whit mire of Cherryfield. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Galloway and children spent Sunday at Campo bello, S. C., visiting Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Kilpatrick. Misses Donnie ami Lowe Fisher spent Sunday night as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Smith and children of Quebec were Sunday' guests of Mrs. T. V. Smith. Miss Margaret Waldrop spent Sun day night as guest of Miss Kate Waldrop. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Reid. Miss Beulah Reid and Charles Reid were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. 11. Woodard. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bryson spent the week-'ml in Asheville visiting Mr. and Mis. Jim Burgess. Luther and John Taylor of Cen tral, S. C., spent Sunday night as guests of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bry-on. Dock Lusk spent the week-end visiting relatives at Six Mile, S. C. Mrs. Sarah Black, son Harry and daughter Carrie of Detroit and West NOTICE Of Sale of Real Estate NORTH CAROLINA, Transylvania County. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust dated September 14, 1929, executed by A. E. Hampton and wife, Lina I). Hampton, which Deed of Trust is , ccorded in book 24, at page 294, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Transylvania County, default having been made in the payments of the indebtedness thereby secured, and more than five days notice having been given the debtor, and the holder of the note evidencing said debt hav ing directed the undersigned trustee to sell lands described in Deed of Trust, on Saturday, the 24th day of November, 1934, at noon at the court house in Brevard, North Carolina. T will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidders for cash, the follow ing described property: Lying in Cathey’s Creek Town ship, lands owned by the late J. E. Duckworth at the time of his death. The interest of the parties of the first part being one-half of an undi vided 1-16 interest and 1-16 of nr undivided 1-16 interest, known as the uld J. E. Duckworth farm near Is land Ford bridge. Sale made to satisfy said debt and ■osts and expenses of sale. This the 24th day of October, 1934. R. L. GASH, Trustee, i It Oct. 25, Nov. 1, 8 & 16. iT»ion, S. C., were Sunday guests oi Mrs. T. V. Smith. Bill Collins visiteu his mother Mrs. Sarah Black, at Lake Toxawa> Sunday night. Bob Tritt and son Henry of Pis gah Forest were guests "at the home of Mrs. T. V. Smith Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Collins were Sunday visitors in Quebec. Mrs. Dorothy Smith visited Mrs. Mickler Lusk Sunday. J. A. Smith visited Quebec friends last week. Mrs. Wade Garren and son For rest of Asheville spent the week-end visiting the former’s mother; Mrs. L. M. Glazener at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Paxton. Mrs. Glaze ner is quite ill. James White and A. M. Pharr left Monday for Statesville to spend sev eral weeks visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Kimzey were visitors in Asheville Saturday. Misses Louise Williams ana gie Green spent the week-end visit ing friends in Asheville. J. W. Glazener and son Hugh of Granite Falls 'spent the week-end visiting friends at Calvert. William Cantrell, who has been in South Carolina for several weeks, returned to his home here Monday. D. L. Glazener of Willits spent the I week-end with his family. J. B. Rogers was a business visitor in Asheville the first of this week. D. L. Glazener, daughter Ruby and son Tom were Sunday guests of E. M. Collins and visited Mr. and Mrs. Jess Galloway and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Heath in Brevard Fred Seapoek of Hickory and brother of Highlands were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. D. L. Glaze ner. Mrs. William Brittain is a pati ent at Lyday Memorial Hospital in Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. Eek Sims and Mi“s Dillard of Brevard were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Glaze ner. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Thomas have returned from a week’s visit with relatives at Salem, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. James Staton and son Joe were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gant Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Staton and two children and Mies Daisy Gallo way spent the week-end at Old T'ox awav visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Galloway. Luther Staton of Greenville was a visitor at the home of Mrs. L. R. Staton on Sunday. Rev. J. E. Burt returned h .me the latter part of the week, having spent several days visiting his daughter, Mrs. John Butler. Mi. and Mrs. Arthur Cox and children of Greenville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. 1). Ran dolph. Miss Louise Glazener, a student of Asheville Normal, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Glazener. Mrs. W. E. Hall returned to the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. G. Stophel. Thursday having spent sev eral days in Brevard vi-iting rel atives. Saturday Mrs. Hall left for Greenville to spend the winter wit! hir daughter, Mrs. Dewey Hunter Mrs. Hall was accompanied to Green ville by Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Huntei and Mrs. Sam Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Glazener ar<: moving this week to the apartment at the Oats house on Main street. Miss Eva Israel is reported quite ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Israel. Mrs. J. R. Owen of Gloucester spent Friday visiting Mrs. H. G. Stophel. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell and children, Mrs. Lorean and children, Mr. and Mrs. Roman Powell, Miss Christin1? and Robert Holcombe, Oliver and S. T. Galloway were visitors in Salem, S. C., Sunday. C. E. Leathers is quite ill at his home on Church street. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Callahan of Seneca, S. C., spent Sunday as guests j of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Leathers. | Miss Pauline Leathers spent Sun | day visiting Miss Opalec Green. Mr. and Mrs. Leon McCall and son of Pickens were Sunday guests of the former’s sister, Mrs. Doyle Moss. Mrs. Richard Rice visited her 1 mother, Mrs. J. T. Gillespie in Bre vard on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Everette of Easley were guests of the former’s sister, Mrs. W. R. Lewis, on Satur day. Miss Wilson ol Easley spent sev eral days last week visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Crittent Galloway. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Galloway and daughter Miss Thelma spent the week-end at Sapphire visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bramlett and son Billy of Taylors, S. C., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Owen. Jack Kirkland and Greenburg I.aney of Proctor were week-end guest's of Prof, and Mrs. Fleming. Misses Maiden and Rebecca Jen kins, Mr .and Mrs. Gossett of Pied mont, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Duncan. Rev. Nathan Chapman returned Monday, having spent last week in Clayton, Ga., engaged in revival work. , . E. M. Collins is quite ill at his home on Church street, suffering from a severe case of flu. Dr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Owen ot Eastern Carolina spent Monday night here visiting the former's sis ter, Mrs. Joe Galloway. F. L. Wilson of Brevard was a business visitor here on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wilson and son Gerald of Brevard visited relatives here last Sunday. Ernest McFaul who has been quite ill for several div’s, is improving. Vast Powar ia Air Electrical energy sufficient to pro vide 100,000,000 horse power for every person on earth Is said by scientists to exist between the atmosphere and stratosphere. The world Is like a dynamo, with its negative electrical Hold in the earth and earth’s atoms pin-re. and lls positive held in the h ■: fjjjri r <>•' tlio -tiller. Handicap to Mt. Everect Accent The conquering of Alt. Everest Us hindered because the peak, called in Tibetan Chomo-lnng-ma, Goddess Moth er of the World, Is an object of sacred worship. The Rongbuk valley that leads to the glaciers of the mountain Is reserved as the retreat of the Holy Hermits alone. The area Is one of complete seclusion from the outer world. # Renew Your Subscription NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA, Transylvania County. Under and by virtue of the power ;of sale contained in a Deed of Trust (dated January 5th, 1931, executed by ■Frank Jenkins and wife, Mary C. (Jenkins, which Deed of Tru-t is re corded in book 28, at page 113 in the office of the Rfgister of Deeds of Transylvania County, default having | been made in the payments of the ; indebtedness thereby secured, and more than five days notice having been given the debtor, and the holder of the note evidencing said debt hav ing directed the undersigned trustee' to sell lands described in said Deed | of Trust, on Saturday, the 24th day of November, 1934, at noon at the, court house in Brevard, North Caro- j lina, I will offer for sale and sell to; the highest bidders for cash the fol lowing described property: I Lying in Cathey’s Creek Town- • ship. Lands owned by the late J. E. Duckworth at the time of his death, j The interest of the parties of the | first part being one-half of an undi vided 1-16 interest purchased by A. E. Hampton and Frank Jenkins, and the undivided 1-16 interest for merly owned by Spann Duckworth. Sale made to satisfy said debt and costs and expenses of sale. This the 24th day of October, 1934.1 R. L. GASH, Trustee. ! 4t Oct. 25, Nov. 1, 8 & 15. You’re Next . . Sir! . $1 -a neat HAIRCUT and SHAVE Expert barbers to serve cut, trim and shade your hair as you like it. Tinsleys Barber Shop LOALIA TINSLEY W. B. HEAD ED OtVENBY Two doors above Bank Main Street USE THE WANT ADS When YOU feel dispirited or "low,” smoke a Camel. Smok ing Camels produces a return of your own natural, vibrant energy. Camels are made from finer, MORI IXPINSIVI TOBACCOS than any other pop* ular brand of cigarette. They never upset healthy nerves. ^SAY MILEAGEl ''"say's, PERFORMANCES dfsag super!) ' extra! PIUSIJ IiOY AT THIS SION This sign identifies the 30.000 Esso Stations and Dealers from Maine to Louisiana who represent the services and products of the world's leading oil organication. The owl soys: “It's too deep for me 4 To figure out how gas can be As different as the sponsors claim When all their claims sound just the same!” Regardless of claims, your own experience with a motor fuel determines your opinion of it. That s why wc advise you to make your own test and find out first-hand how much Essolene will actually contribute to the performance of your car. We are content to abide by your judgment. [.Etsolube Motor Oil in the crankcase enables Essolene to do its best] ‘ S T A N~D ARD OIL COMPANY