In me superior x oui i. TOWN OF BRKYARD. IMaintiff. Y a. F. E. Shuford and wife, Mia F. K Shuford, Defendant*. All persona claiming any niteveat III piv^Huty ilws'vibwl will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superior 0 o u t t oi Pvanaylvunlu County. North r'aivHna, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one or move tax sale ceil if nates tor taxes for the veuvs 11181-1930 on property in Brevard. North Carolina, described as follows: Heine the same lot of land de ser&d in a deed from W. W. Aiken and wife to F. E Shuford dated Sent 7 1903, and recorded in book 38, page 109, records of deeds, for Transylvania County. Except from above two lots, first described in a deed from F.. *• Shuford and wife to Gene W. Stan bevrv and wife, dated May 1, ■193t>, recorded in Book 55. page 232! and the second describeei in a Deed oi Trust Trom F. E. Shuford and wife . to L. E. Johnson, Trustee, dated Oct l 1927, recorded m Book page 318, records of .leeds of Trust for Transylvania County. All such persons arc fu^th"n°‘1; fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in ^id action within fix months from the 15th day of November. 1934, or at any time before the ovder to made, otherwise they will be fo*?ver barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims m or to saicl property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 18th day oi October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court. Transylvania County, N. t. X'OTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BRK\ AKD, I lainttff. Sutton Wilson ami wife, Mrs. Sut ton Wilson. Defendants. All persons claiming any interest in the property hereinafter described will take 'notice that an action en titled as above has been begun m the Superior Court of Transylvania County. North Carolina, foi the' P«r pose of foreclosing the hen of one . r more tax sale certiucates foi taxe. for the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described aSSame "land described in deed from ! ottie Duckworth to Sutton W «ls>0"' i ,.,,1 it and recorded in Book i k Page 127. Records of Deeds -‘A^'SSn^rther noti vied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in said action within mx months from the 15th day of November. 1934. or at any time before the order to make deed is made, otherwise they will be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims m or to saiu property or the proceeds received lY in the sale thereof. This 18th day of October. 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. C. NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD. Plaintiff. —Vs.— Will Ballard and wife, Mrs. Will Ballard. Defendants. All persons claiming any interest in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superior t' o u r t of Transylvania County. North Carolina, fer the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one or more tax sale certificates for taxes for the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: Being the same lot described in deed ot tru-t from W. W. Ballard and wife to Pat Kimzey, Trustee, dated March 1, 1929, and recorded in book 24, page 160, records of deeds of trust for Transylvania County. Lots 15 and 16 of tho Duckworth and Verdery lands as shown on plat recorded in Book 30, page 64, and being same lands described in deed from N. M. Hensley and wife to T. B. Crary, dated Mar. 24, 1925 and recorded in Book 50, page 95, Rec ords of Deeds for Transylvania County. All such persons are further noti fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in said action within six months from the 15th day of November, 1934, or at any time before the order to make deed is made, otherwise they will be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in o>' to said property or tho proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. C. NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD. Plaintiff. —Vs.— Mrs. Z. W. Nichols, Defendant. All persons claiming any interest in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one or more tax sale certificates for taxes for the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: All of I ots 53, 57 and 58 of Frank lin Park Improvement Co., as shown on plat recorded in P'at Book 1, page 71. Records of Plats for Transyl vania County. All such persons are further noti fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in said action within six months from *he 15th day < November. 1934, or at any time In fore the order to make deed is otherwise they will be forever ,w«rred ami foreclosed of any and all imereat or claims In or to said property or the proceeds received from the sule thereof. This 18th day of October, 1984. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court. Transylvania County, N. C. NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs.— B. E. Nicholson and wife, Mrs. B. E. Nicholson, Defendants. All persons claiming any interest in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en itled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one nr more tax sale certificates for taxes j for the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: All that lot described in deed from Rad Nicholson and wife to B. L. Nicholson, dated January 6,1911, md recorded in hook 27, page 470, Records of Deeds for Transylvania County. _ . All such persons are further noti fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in said"g within six months from the 15th any n* November, 1934. or at any time before the order to wake deed is undo otherwise they will he forever barred and foreclosed of aiy and interest or claims in or to saw mwi-ty or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. i This 18th dav of October, 1904. | Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior ! court, Transylvania County, N. L. vnTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. : In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. _Y _ I .1. S. Nicholson and wife, Mrs. ' .1. S. Nicholson, Defendants. Ml persons claiming any inteiert in tiu> property hereinafter desenbed i "ill take notice that an action en ! (’"untv" North Carolina, for the pur ! ; f or foreclosing, the lien of one nr more tax sale certificates for taxes for he vears 1931-1930 on property in Brevard' North Carolina, described ‘VlfoTtot described in deed from W. P. Whitmire, et al., to iNiohfrindaBook 35 page 51,’Rec Deeds for Transylvania CaKuc1, persons ™ . fied to appear, present, -e P ,.on defend t.heir l'tu"'frmi the 15 th day within six month f time ssr- ^ fn m the sale thereof. rivs 18th dav of October, 1934. , otto Alexander, Clerk Superior : Court, Transylvania County, N. C. VOTICE^OF ACTION (General) STATF OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. Tn The Superior Court. , TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs.— Elizabeth Ramseur, Defendant. Ml persons claiming any interest 'in'the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Transylvania ! Countv. North Carolina, for the pur I pose of foreclosing the lien of one I or more tax sale certificates for taxes I for the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard', North Carolina, described i as follows: , „ , . ! Being all those lands described in | deed from E. S. English and^ wife to Elizabeth Ramseur, dated Nov. 19, 1929, and recorded in Book 63, Page 202, Records of Deeds for Transyl vania County. All such persons are further noti fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in said action within six months from the 15th day of November, 1934, or at any time before the order to make deed is made, otherwise they will be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said property or the proceeds received firm the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. C. NOTICE OF ACTION (General) 'STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs. C. C. Kilpatrick, Mrs. C. C. Kil patrick, E F. Gillespie and Mrs. E. F. Gillespie, Defendants. All persons claiming any interest in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one <>r more tax sale certificates for taxes for the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: Lots 9 to 10 of C. C. Kilpatrick lands, as shown on plat recorded in Pook 33, Page 53. Also all that lot described in deed from E. P. Owens and wife to E. F. Gillcspii and 0. C. Kilpatrick, dated August 28, 1920. and recorded in b ok 57, page 148, Records of Deeds for Transylvania County. All such persons are further noti fied to apocar, present, set up and defend , their claims in said action within six months from the 15th day of November, 1934, or at any time before the order to make deed is made, otherwise they will lx1 forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, X. C. NOTICE OF ACTION, (Oneral) STATE OF NORTH , CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVAA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs.— Hugh Hall, Defendant. All persons claiming any interest in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Transylvaiui County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one or more tax sale certificates for taxes for the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard. North Carolina, described as follows: Being same lot • described in deed from William Farr and wife to S. D. Hall and Hugh C. Hall, dated Nov. 9, 1927, and recorded in Book 60, Page 163, Records of Deeds for Transylvania County. Also all of that lot described in deed from L. R. Scruggs and wife to C. A. L. Johnstone, dated Aug. 25, 1926, and recorded in Book 62 page 33, records of deeds for Tran sylvania County, N. C. All such persons are further noti fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in said action within six months from the 15th day of November, 1934, or at any time before the order to make deed is made, otherwise they will be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. C. NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs.— Pole Killian and wife, Mrs. Pole Killian. Defendants. All persons claiming any interest in the property hereinafter described I wiU take notice that an action en 1 titled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Transylvania i Countv, North Carolina, for the pur ! nose of foreclosing the lien of one j or more tax sale certificates for taxes for he years 1931-1930 on property in j Brevard^ North Carolina, described :aSBeingWthc same lot described in it p .Tonkins, and I wife to °Pole Killian and wife, dated ;''111 ,nia and recorded in book I fied to appear, P| said action defend their dairnsj h day within six months from i time :*-&•**,£* ""hrf from.the ^'^^J/october, 1934, Juo * Alexander. Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. ■ vnTTTF OF ACTION (General) STATEEOF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. TOWN OFPBREVARD,' Plaintiff. —Vrs.— Roy Whiteside and wife, Mrs. Roy ! Whiteside, Defendants. . All persons claiming any interest j i,, the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Transylvania County. North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one or more tax sale certificates for taxes for the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: , , . , . Being same lot described in deed from J C. Bagwell and wife to Roy Whiteside and wife, dated March 7, 1927, and recorded in book 59. page 57, Records of Deeds for Transyl vania County. Except from above lot described in deed from Roy Whiteside and wife to Earl Thompson, dated Oct. 11, 1927, and recorded in Book 29, Page 155, Records of Deeds for Transyl vania County. Also that lot described in deed from George Parton and wife to Roy Whiteside dated Aug. 1, 1913, and recorded in Book 32, Page 300. Records of Deeds f. r Transyvar.iu County. Except from these lands that lot described in deed from Roy White side and wife to Victor Betsil, dated Oct. 23, 1929, and recorded in Book 62, Page 522, Records of Deeds for Transylvania County. All such persons arc further noti fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in said action within six months from the 15th day of November. 1934, or at any time before the order to make deed is made, otherwise they will be forever I barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. C. ___ NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. Loge Logan and wife, Mrs, Logo Logan. Defendants. All persons claiming any interest /n the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one nr moie tax sale certificates for taxes for the y ears 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described ns follows: i Being the same lot of land de- . scribed in deed from A. B. Benja- . min and wife to Lege Logan, dated : July 11, 1914 and recorded in book!' 29 at page 458, Records of Deeds for Transylvania County. . li '->1 such persons arc further noti fied to anpeav, present, set up and 11 defend their claims in said action within six months from the 15th day of November, 1934, or at any time before the order to make deed is made, otherwise they will be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. C. NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs.— T H. Shipman, Mrs. T. H. Ship-1 man and W. E. Shipman estate, De- j fendants. I All persons claiming any interest • property hereinafter described | '"intake notice that an action en will taKe . n b£gun m the titled as a^vejia t ^ Trflngylv8nia Superi . Carolina, for the pur-1 C0Unt^f forSosfng the lien of one 8SBei!rali that lot described indeed from W. ^dFo^sy^Shipman, dated Shipman and • recorded in uATfl Mge 201. Records of Deeds book 51» P ^ . PnilTltV for Transylvania CouW- oti. All such persons are ^ an<1 | fied to appear, P - sai(f action defend theirnntCi!a from the 15th day interest or c1^' proceeds received 1934. _“! n ! N0TiCvEnFFNORTH CAROUNA, ^tforSNSVLVAKU. Vown of’Svakd: James Poor and wife, Mrs. James i Poor, Defenc an s- any interest All persons c!airii^fter>described in the property here n t en will take notice thatean(Kun in the i titled as abo' of Transylvania Superior C °urr ; iina for the pur County. N°rth,S the Ben of one pose of ^or^ T e'erti fieates for taxes ; nr more tax sa1{m_i930 on property in I as follows: described in deed i Being same lands^ ^ Hi, iard from Nanc>.fp dated June 9, ^27, I Poor and wife, daw ^ 376 land recorded in Bf^k Transylvania i Records of uee'1' County. are further noti AU such per*0"® arnt, ^ up and fied to appear, presen^ „ Mend th,.r clnnnsjn ^ day within six months from ^ &ny e 0f November, 193 > makc deed is before the oidei to ^ . . forever made, otherwise they 1 an(j aR ^rred and foreclosed ^f any to ^ interest or c a’n 'pr0Ceeds received ^ % haf^ October, 1934: This l»th uay ui Superior ! Otto Alexander, Clerk oui Court, Transylvania County, N. __ vTvnrF OF ACTION "(General) ATF OF NORTH CAROLINA, ^COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA, in The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD. Plaintiff. Averv Benjamin and wife, Mis ! Avery Benjamin, Defendants. ! All persons claiming an> mteie. t ! in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the ! Superior Court of Transylvania : Countv. North Carolina, for the pur i Dtse of foreclosing the Ben of one ; or more tax sale certificates for taxes i for the years 1931-1930 on property in I Brevard, North Carolina, described las follows: , , , . Being the same land described in deed from A. B. Benjamin to Avery Benjamin, dated May 19. 1924, and recorded in Book 04, page d40, records of deids for Transylvania County. All such persons are further noti fied to appear, present, set up and ] defend their claims in said action within six months from the 15th day of November, 1934, or at any time before the order to make deed is made, otherwise they will be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. C. NOTICE OF ACTION (Generali STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs.— Julian (Julius') Whitesides and wife. Mrs. Julian (Julius) White sides, Defendants. Ail persons claiming any interest in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Transylvania Countv, North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one or move lax sale certificates for taxes for the vears 1931-1930 on property in Brevard" North Carolina, described as follows: , , . Being all of that lot described in Iced from R. L. Gash and wife to Julian Whiteside>. and wife, dated Vlay 24, 192G, and recorded in Book 50,‘page 171, records of deeds for Transylvania County, N. C. Also all thor 2 lands described in ;eed from E. I. Gash and wife, to Inline Whitesides and wife, dated \pril 24, 191(5. and recorded in Book 7. page 583, records of deeds for [Yansvlvanin County, N O. All such persons are further noti ied to appear, present, set up and cf'end thri" claima in -aid actmr ,'itnin s’x inou.ks Ircm the. 15th day e®'® aBKiSSMKaBhKBa — of November, 1984, or at any time before the order to make deed i* made, otherwise they will be forevev sarred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said property or the proceeds received From the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. C NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs— D. Cleve Hall and wife, Mrs. D Cleve Hall, Defendants. All persons claiming any intere t in the property hereinafter describe will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one or more tax sale certificates for taxes for the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: Being the same lot described in deed of trust from Cleveland Hall and wife to Pat Kimzey, trustee dated March 1, 1929, and recorded in book 24, page 161, records of deeds o' trust for Transylvania County, fw All such persons are further noti fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in 3aid action within six months from the 15th day of November, 1934, or at any time Wore the order to make de-l is made, otherwise they will be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superim Court, Transylvania County, N. C NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs.— Joe Hemphill and wife, Mrs. Joe Hemphill, Defendants. , All persons claiming any interest in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en , titled as above has been begun in the : Superior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one or more tax sale certificates for taxes for the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: Being the same lot described in deed from R. L. Gash and wife to Joe K. Hemphill, dated Aug. 22, 1925, and recorded in Book 51, page 198, records of deeds for Transyl vania County. All such persons are further noti fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in said action within six months from the 15th day of November, 1934, or at any time , before the order to make deed is made, otherwise they will be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. C. NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. | COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. I In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs.— Ed Reynolds and wife, Mrs. Ed Reynolds, Defendants. All persons claiming any interns' in the property hereinafter described I will take notice that an action en-: titled as above has been begun in the j Superior Court of Transylvania County. North Carolina, for the pur- j pose of foreclosing the lien of one j or more tax sale certificates for taxes : for the years 1931-1930 on property in ' Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: All those lots described in deed from B. W. Trantham and wife to E. D. Reynolds and wife, dated March 24, 1930, and recorded in book 52, page 418, records of deeds f ir Transylvania County, All such persons are further noti fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in said action within six months from the 15th day of November, 1934, or at any time before the order to make deed is made, otherwise they will be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. C. ■ NOTICE OF ACTION (Genera!) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. R. E. Norton and wife. Mrs. R. E Norton, Defendants. All persons claiming any interc*' in the property hereinafter describee will take notice that an action on titled as above has been begun in th‘ Superior Court of Tronsylvanir County, North Carolina, for the nur pose of foreclosing the Hen cf on< or more tax sale certificates for taxer for the years 1931-1930 on property ir Brevard, North Carolina, describe' j as fellows: Being lots Nos. 45, 46, 47 and 48 of the Ashworth Subdivision, plat of which is shown in Bock 33, page 62 records of deeds for Traitsylvank County. All such persons are further noti fied to apoear, present, sot up am' defend their claims in said av.ioi within iv months from the 15th da: of November, 1984, or at any tim< before tin- order to make deed u made, otherwise they will be forever barred and foreclosed of any and a!’ interest cr claims in or to sab’ I property o- the proceeds receive: I from the sale thereof. This 18th dev of October. 1934. J Otto Aievnnder, Clerk Suneruv j C< urt, Transylvania County. N. C • NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRAN8YLVANIA. In The Superior Court. TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs.— Lewis Smith and wife, Mrs. Lewis Smith, Defendants. All persons claiming any interest in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one or more tax sale certifieates for taxes for the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: Being same lot described in deed from Roland Owen et al. to Lewis Sinith and wife, dated Feb, 26, 1926, and recorded in book 66, page 277, Records of Deeds for Transylvania | County. . . All such persons are further noti fied to appear, present, set up and ; defend their claims in said action 'within six months from the 16th day 'of November, 1934, or at any timo | before the order to make deed in 'made, otherwise they will be forever [ burred and foreclosed of any and all ! interest or claim;-, in or to said ' property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior j Court, Transylvania County, N. C. NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA, (n The Superior Court, TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. _Vs — Ernest Smit and wife, Mrs. Ernest Smith, Defendants. All persons claiming any intm-t in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one or more tax sale certificates for taxes for the years 1931-1930 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: Being same lot described in deed from F. E. B. Jenkins and wife to Ernest Smith and wife, dated March 10, 1930, and recorded in boot: 03, page 122, Records of Deeds for Tran sylvania County. All such persons arc further noti fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in said action within six months from the 15th day of November, 1934, or at any time before the order to make deed is made, otherwise they will be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said property or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 18th day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. 0. NOTICE OF ACTION (General) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. In The Superior Court, TOWN OF BREVARD, Plaintiff. —Vs.— J. W. Smith and wife, Mrs. J. W. Smith, Defendants. All persons claiming any interest in the property hereinafter described will take notice that an action en titled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of one or more tax sale certificates for taxes for the years 1931-19.30 on property in Brevard, North Carolina, described as follows: Being same lands described in a deed from Sallie J. Sfiuford to J. W. Smith and wife, dated March 24, 1919, recorded in book 41. page 110, records of deeds for Transylvania County. Also all that lot described in deed from Laura M. Puette to Eva Puette Smith, dated Oct. 8. 1930. and rec orded in book 62, page 593, records of deeds for Transylvania County, Also all that lot described in a lieed from W. J. Puette and wife to J. W. Smith and wife, dated May 11. 1926, and recorded in book 55, page 227. records of deeds for Tran sylvania County. ‘ All such persons are further noti fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in said action within six months from tho 15th day of November, 1934. or at any time before the order to make deed is made. otherwise they will be forever jarred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to said oroperty or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 18th day of October. 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. C. NOTICK OF ACTION (Ccncrul) STATE of NORTH CAROLINA, Hwe uaiio.v ami wire, ;, and book 21, age 14. records of deeds of trust for Transylvania County. All such persons are farther noti fied to appear, present, set up and defend their claims in said action within six months from the 15th day oi November. 1934, or at any time before the cider to make deed is nade, otherwise they will be forever jan-ed and foreclosed of any and all n.terest or claims in or to said sropertv or the proceeds received Tom the sale thereof. This lSth day of October, 1934. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County, N. C.