ROSMAN NEWS MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correspondent RAMSEY ADDRESSES ROSMAN SCHOOL • Mr. R. H. Ramsey, North Caro lina’s new senator, delivered a very interesting talk on certain phases of education to the Rosman schools Friday, November 9th, of National Education week. Mr. Ramsey brought out coveral good points concerning the educational system of today and the changes that might be made by the next legislature. The points of highest interest were as follows: Health and safety, worthv home membership, master of tools tech nique and spirit of learning, citisen ship and world good will, vocational and economical effectiveness, wise use of leisure time and ethical char These points were highly stressed by Mr. Ramsey and the good we might do by keeping these seven rules. POPULAR COUPLE IS WED IN SOUTH CAROLINA Miss Dorene Lee, oniy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Lee. of Lake Toxaway, and Mr. C. G. Rogers Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Rogers of Cashiers, were married on Saturday, November 3, by the Rev. J. E. Willis at his hc«me in Greenville, S. C. Mrs. Rogers is a graduate of Ros man high school, attended school at W. C. T. C., Cullowhee, and is at present teaching at Quebec. LOCAL COUPLE MARRIES IN BREVARD Miss Lottie Pearl Rains and Mr. Valley Powell were quietly married in Brevard Saturday, November 3. Mr\ Powell is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raines of Rosman while Mr. Powell is the son of George Powell and the late Mrs. Powell of the East Fork section. Ends a Cold i SOONER - I I SHOWER HONORS | RECENT BRIDE I Mrs. J. E. Burt and Miss Pauline Leathers were joint hostesses at a miscellaneous shower given Mrs. Jack Nelson, the former Miss Ruth Burt, at the home of Mrs. J. E. Burt, Thursday afternoon. Guests present Iwere as follows: Mrs. Oscar Barrett, I Mrs. M. C. Sumeral, Mrs. J. B. ' Rogers, Mrs. ..Eddie Towns, Mrs. R. I S. Winchester, Mrs. James Staton, ! Mrs. T. H. Thomas, Mrs. Edwin Staton, Mrs. L. R. Staten, Mrs. C. E. | Leathers, Mrs. Rachel Rice, Mrs. J. E. White, Miss Elizabeth White, Miss Mae White, Mrs. William White,, Mrs. W. R. Lewis, Mrs. Allen Sisk andi Miss Beatrice Sisk. Refreshments were served. SINGING TO BE HELD SUNDAY Attention is called to singers that the five' county singing convention will meet at Valley Springs in Bun combe county next Sunday for an all day singing. All singers are invited. YOUNG PEOPLE ENJOY PARTY Thomas Glazener entertained with a party at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Glazener, Friday night. Refreshments were served. Guests present included Misses Vir ginia and Inez Oats, Ruby Glazener, and Belle Fisher, Austin Hogsed, Roy and Coy Fisher, E. M. Collins, Billie Moore, A. M. White Jr., Earl White, Girtha Watkins and A. M. Paxton Jr. LOCAL BOY ELECTED TO COLLEGE OFFICE Earl White, a student of Brevard College, was elected treasurer of i Transylvania club at a meeting held at the college last week. Mr. White is a freshman at the cc liege. A. M. WHITE JR. HEADS COLLEGE GLEE CLUB , A. M. White Jr., a student of Bre vard College, was elected president of the Glee club at a meeting held last week. Mr. White is an accom- j plished musician and very active in musical circles. REV. BURT TO FILL REGULAR APPOINTMENT Rev. J. E. Burt will fil his regular appointment at Mt. Moriah Calvert next Sunday night at 7:30 o’clock. The public is cordially invited. MISS RANDOLPH IN WEEKLY BROADCASTS Miss Leota Randolph, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Randolph, has j been broadcasting as piano accom panist during the children’s hour at Greenville , S. C., through station j WFBC for the past three week*. She broadcasts at 6:00 o’clock Saturday afternoons. Many friends in Rosman ha«Ve heard Miss Randolph over the radio. ARMISTICE DAY IS OBSERVED WITH DINNER Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Whitmire en tertained with one of the loveliest dinners ye scribe has seen In many months at their home Sunday Armis tice day. Mr. Whitmire is a World war veteran, serving with the 30th division. The dinner was given in honor of the day. One special article at food was a bear ham cooked by Mrs. Whitmire and very delicious. The table was groaning under its heavy load of everything food to eat. Guests present included Mrs. S. E. Whitmire, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. GJaz®' ner, A. M. White, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. White and daughter Miss Ophelia and son Boyce, Buddy Oats, Braxton White, Lewis Summey, Helen Whit mire, Frank Whitmire, Archie Whit mire and Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Whit mire. _ . In the afternoon the party visited the beaver dam at the Zachary place. Mrs. H. N. Blake and daughter Mabel and son Harry were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. *• Eldridge. E. D. Randolph spent several days last week visiting his daughter, Miss Leota Randolph, in Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis and daughters Rut hand Velma attended a birthdav dinner at the home df Mr. and Mrs.' R. K. Lewis near Pickens SlWdaRi Lewis was a business visitor to Columbia, S. C., Monday. Wm. Cantrell visited Billy Perry Masters at East Fork Monday. Mrs. J. M. Powell is spending sev eral davs visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Powell. Ernest McFaul and a party oi friends attended the show in Ashe ville Sunday. . , ... I Miss Annie Gillespie spent tnej week-end visiting Miss Margaret ( White. _ I Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ferguson and Miss Aileen Glazener ot uud were week-end guests of Mr. and | Mrs. Carr Glazener. . „ ! Misses Dorothy Wilds and Thelma j Galloway were week-end guests oi Miss Mae Cash at Oakland. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Fleming and | small daughter spent the week-end at Proctor visiting relatives. Thej . were accompanied home by Mrs. Ktta « Kirkland, who wil lspend a few days | here. . . „ ■ Miss Rosa McLean was a business visitor to Hendersonville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Hayes and son Billie of Brevard were Sunday ; guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Glaze- j ner . j Miss Odell Aiken 'pent the week-j end in Brevard visiting her grand-j mother, Mrs. P. A. Aiken. ] Mrs. Annie Whitmire and daugh ter Dorothy and Mr. and Mrs. Porter Owen of Greenville were guests of , -—---i S^Don’t get caught by a sudden cold snap Let us service and inspect your car today. You’ll find our service complete. Replacement Parts For Fords and Chevrolets We have a complete stock of genuine parts and can give you the best of sendee in this line. Parts : Accessories GAS OILS BATTERIES * CAN'T BE BEAT — Thim new 13-plate ti*m* BATTERY vfVt'd For only— ** —.and your old battery ggPJll Antifreeze for your radiator—chains for your tires that will make driving safe on slippery roads—glass for your car replaced by experts —oils for winter use to keep your motor functioning smoothly—every thing vou need. • SlWf -- !■ ■ ■ iiMiT—min—■ —Bi'—n—niinriTun— ~ n^— tthitwi tires tubes fllWOlIt LINING McCrary Auto Q CHEVROLET SALES and --_ WRECKER SERVICE—DA’ PHONE 290—NIGHT _2I I Mrs. J ,R. Glaxener Monday. The for mer remained for several days' visit Miss Mary Waldrop spent Sunday as guest of her sister, Mrs. Elmer Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bryson and Guv Bryson were visitors to East Fork Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Poole and children of Brevard were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bryson. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gillespie, Mrs. J. Tom Gillespie and Boyce Orr of Brevard were Sunday guests of Mr .and Mrs. Richard Rice. Tom Mahoney and F. A. RainMl were visitors in South Carolina Sun day. Mrs. Perry Fullbngnt and eon Wayne of Blantyre were Sunday guests of Mrs. Fullbright’s mother, Mrs. L. M. Glazener. Mr. and Mrs. Fonnie Allison and children of Pickens county were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell. * Charlie and Malcolm Burton of Tryon spent the week-end visiting their brother Dewey and Mrs. Bur ton. J. D. Harbin and son Garland, Frank Pressley and Sam Jenkins of Gastonia were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harbin. Ira Melton and Frank Crawford of Jackson county were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben West and Wal ter Crawford at East Fork. Miss Rosa McLean, Miss Beatrice Sisk Floyd Callahan and Rev. J. N. Hall attended church services in Greenville Sunday night. Miss Lucy Galloway spent Friday nght visiting Miss Hazel Moore. Misses Ola Paxton and Ella Mae Collins visited Miss Josephine Mull in Brevard Sunday. They were ac companied home by Miss Mull. Miss JSffie Owen returned home Friday, having spent several days visiting in. Gloucester. Mrs. Weldon Mooire and children of Inman, S. C., were guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore. Chas. Glazener attended church services in Brevard Sunday. Mrs. W. E. Galloway and son Cecil of Old Toxaway were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Staton. _ _ Rev. J. E. Burt and W. L. Harmon attended church services at Ander son, S. C., Sunday, the former preaching at the night service. Warrior Mull, who was injured in a tree accident several days ago, is recovering nicely. _ _ _ W. L. Harmon and Rev. J. E. Burt attended a singing at Park Street Baptist church at Easley Sunday, PsutWhitmirs left recently for Ft Bragg where he will take mili tary training. .Ed Hendricks of Kannapolis spent a couple of days visiting hi# parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hendricks at Old Teoaway the latter part of the wack. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morrison were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Glacener. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Chapman and son Ralph wore week-end guests 01 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Chapman at Lib erty, S. C. A. HtSTtogers, J. R. Mahoney, W. N. Stroup and Girtha Watkins camped out at Boheney Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Berkshire spent the week-end in Jackson county visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Chari** cant ano; children were dinner guests of Mr.{ and Mr*. Clarence Crow Sunday. Mr and Mrs. M. C. Sumcral spent the week-end at Spartanburg visiting' Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Sumeral. Ed Harbin left Tuesday for Asbe-j ville on h business trip. Mr.' and Mrs. Ollie Rice, Charlie - Hendrick*, Furman Galloway of t Kannapolis spent the week-end visit-1 ing relatives at Old' Toxaway. } Mrs. Van Honeycutt, Mr. and Mrs. J Wiley Meece visited Mr. and Mrs. James Passmore in Brevard Wednes day' night. Dewey Winchester was a business visitor to Brevard Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher Sunday. , Mrs'. H. G. Stophel spent several j days last week visiting Rev. and Mrs. j W. E. Rufty and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Morris and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Jones.. Miss Barbara Henderson spent Sunday night as guest of Mrs. H. G. | StJ?rs.C. J. Eldridge and Mrs. H. N. ' Blake returned home Wednesday. | having spent several days visiting in Ashetflle. Spy Fever Gripping Europe Paris—Another epidemic of “spy fever” is seeping through the conti-* nent. There is unusual animation | among those underworld entry who swarm cosmopolitan capitals _ and re-. sorts in Europe, making their living | by spying on national military and ■ industrial secrets. Police nerves are jumpy and, throughout Europe scores of men j and women are arrested each week on charges of espionage*. iCONNESTEE grateful for the pleaunt days wt have had and just pot on ancSher shirt and build a bigger fire instead of shivering. Edgar Glaxener, Arthur and Kb* GiRespiev who left two weeks age for Florida, returned Sunday mam tog to their respective homes. Those calling on Mrs. WiHie Tins ley, who is stul on the sick list, Sunday were Mrs. W. H. Hefsad, Sirs. A. C. Landreth, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Whitmire, Dr. C. L. New land. W. J. Baker, Rev. W. S. Price Jr. and S. P. Verner. About SO immediate relatives and friends of Jake Baker gathered at his home after church Sunday morn ing to celebrate his 59th birthday with him. It being a surprise to Mr. Baker made it enjoyable to all pica ent. A bountiful dinner was spread at 1 o’clock and a pleasant time was spent conversing with kith and kin. Here’s wishing fev him many more happy birthdays. Miss Bertha Master* of Brevard spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Masters. Lambert Baker of Highland* spent Sunday and Monday in this section. News has been received from Ted dy Jennings and Mildred Whitmire of Sarasota, Fla., to this effect: “We landed safely and are having a goad time. While you are having apple* and such like, we are having bean*, oranges and tomatoes. It i* about like June down here.” There was plenty more interesting news but we have no space for all of it now. Warrior Mull, who had the mis fortune of being caught by a tree during the high wind last Monday, was improving nicely at the home of his father Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Brown of Ly man, S. C., visited Mr. nnd Mr*. Elijah Gravely Sunday. Among those on the sick list are Mrs. C. C. Reese. Mrs. Coy Cromp ton, F. P. Tinsley and small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Raines. The Connestee string band made music for a play by some .of the school children last Friday night. It war announced that the club would meet again or. November 23 and it i» hoped that more of the officer* nnd members will be present. Kile Whitmire and children ol Ly man. S. C., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gravely. Largely as a result of' inadequate andI impryer Ilighting m hoi^s and i" schools, 25 Per c?nt °‘ eP*** j!v °P| Icol of vision before they finish high school. A* additional 15 per cent are added to these before college days are finished. 'rippled eves not only handicap your children while thev are in school, but, m most instances, handicap'them for the balance of their lives. You don’t want YOUR child handicapped, dp you? You don’t want your child hobbling through life with crippled eyes. Illuminating engineers have recently designed certain lamps for SEEING. If vour home is not already equipped with an I. E. S. specification floor or table lamp you, should investigate the advantages of these lamps at once. graSfiJ These lamps are not expensive. They are attrac tive. and they do the job for which they were designed. WE ARE OFFERING The I. E. S. specification floor lamp at $12.95—95 cents down and $1 00 per month. The I. E.S. specification study and reading lamp at $7.50- 50 cents down and ?1.00 per month.