WHEREABOUTS OF JAMES • It hupp'ned in India, A yon:," on cer bud been kiUetl l>.v a tiger. Ilia parents in Rnglnnd wanted the l> ».v hurled in the family vantl. ami wired the colonel of hi* regiment: “Please send poor .lame* home to us. All expenses paid." After many months, a gigantic coffin arrived. On opening it the family was horrified to discover a dead tiger. They wired the colonel: ‘‘Some mistake here; tiger In coffin, not .lames." The colonel replied: “No mistake whatever. Tiger in coffin, James In tiger.”—Chase Bank Magazine. Th« Effect Minister—Look here, James; see that carpet you put on the floor of the pulpit? Janies—Yes, your reverence. Minister—Well, what do you think If 1 atep on one of these tacks In the middle of my sermon? James—Well, yer reverence, 1 reckon there would be one point you wouldn't linger on. NO WINNER •'Dili your son grad u a t e with honors ?" "No. lie had good marks in all his studios, hut ho won no medals or letters or sweaters for athletic or oratorical ability.” Modern Version The lonelier had been reading the story of "All Italia and the forty Thieves” to her class of small boys. When she reached the end she closed the book am! proceeded to question them regarding the story. "Now, can anyone tell me." she said, "what All Baba said when tie wanted to open the entrance to the cave?” I One child, an ardent Blia fan, prompt- : ]v replied. "Open, sez me!" — Good Deed for Devils Itodney (after being at Sunday j school)—Say, dad. our lesson told about the evil spirits entering the swine. father- Yes. my son. Y\ lint do you wish lo know? Itodney Was that the wav they got tie- t',1 i deviled ham?—I’atliflnder Magazine. . . _ ... — - I Annoyed • Alt nor," -Mill liille Joan, while* rid ing in l!i -.root oar. ■\.,.*’ - ii. ’!•*:.r?** rijdied the mother. *1 1 J o,-.| my fare In the I'm in*. I ■ ■■ !•> l;a\o my age ills i’ll--oil ii| iml-'io." Poiico Power ■ I m . mi i ,,’i \ are limidl eat*; .1 in • atawe.r •Yes." .iik Mi'- Cayenne.. “Our ■<»*'• - aro wrong. \V * ought u», arm* "ii m* • ■' t v. 'll |v*. ! inii us io rid*' lo.oi.*r o • ’ - .-11:■ 1 carry .six -sin ml or Afar* on the Air ‘in. i..ii hint; ti>- next war will be; fought in tin* iiirY Yos,'' ausw r. >1 S mil'll* Sorghum. “Hut 1 am i i. »j fit I Unit in settling dif ferences. wo won't haw t.. go any fur thor tliali liursli eno. . . .*ru In radio debate." SOME HOPE I _s—m ■■ ■■ “i>ii| you a>k Mr Brown to slog?” "Yes. and he refused." “Good, he seems to |w> getting more obliging every <li:\.' Political WiiJoia “A wise men is sometime,, compelled to admit thai he is wrong," said tin* cautious eons*ltuent. “May he," answered S* nu'.or Sor fhuiu "hut if lie is genuinely wise he'll never admit B until after the ballots are counted." Even Then “Now, lliis, sir.-' said the antique dealer, proudly, “is a very interesting piece, li is a William aud .Mary chair." “It's a hit small, isn't it?" asked the customer, unimpressed. "It looks as thcug.'i Mary mutt have sat on Wil liam's knee." Either Sufficient She—-Wiiy do men wear coats In wjiiraer, anyway? lie—They have one of two rei.soas, either their wives make them, or else they wear them to hide the patches on the seats of their trousers.—Cincinnati Enquirer. That’* Why He Joined Kemdling Sergeant (to seedy-look Ing specimen who wishes to Join the army)—Sorry, but you don't look the type* that could do much lighting. Seedy Specimen—What d’yoi meun, flghtin'7 What's the League of Na tions for? ft ^ •• * F* ' • ' It Stars of New “ Voice of Firestone" Series f, MCHARD CROOKS |f| H GLADYS IWUTHOUT {= I DALY'S oTcHfSTAA || ■■ .. .~^r f t ■ ■■ .W...,1 ■ ^ MTTHMIC CHOMM T NELSON Lift A most significant honor has keen awarded to the “Voice of Firestone” radio program in its award of five stars by the National Board of Review of RADIO STARS .Magazine. This Board is composed of twenty-two of the leading radio editors located from coast to coast, and their judgment is based upon the program in its entirety—enter tainment, advertising, balance, pop ular appeal and good taste. The only other all-musical program to reeive this highest award was the Metropolitan Opera, and only one other program of any kind has ever received it. It is an interesting fact that only twenty-six programs out of both the N.B.O. and C.B.S. rate tour stars or more in this latest reek w. The “Voice of Firestone” new winter series starting November r‘ ;•••: Richard Crooks, leading : • the Me*, .peliian Opera, G... . . r.v.arihout, ly'uding mezzo soprano of the Metropolitan Opera and Nelson Eddy, nationally known • baritone of the concert stage. Mr. Eddy is now in Hollywood at work upon a new motion picture — "Naughty Marietta,” to be released early next year. Another feature of the new pro gram series is a “Rhythmic Chorus” of eighteen voices selected from among the finest choral singer's in the country. William Daly’s sym phonic string orchestra has been greatly augmented, and he will continue to give listeners the orchestrations and arrangements for which he is so famous. • After the opening program, November 12. featuring all of th^ stars, they will alternate, one sing ing each week. The program is each Monday at 8:30 p. m. K.S.T. over the N.B.C. coast-to-coast red network and supplementary stations. WHIRL AT THE WORLD OF NEWS Items ci interest gleaned during the past week To Flu To Auntraiht Lu; Angelo -Plat of Sir Charles King-fore-Smith, At .r-'lian flier, to fly 17,00(1 miles from L»- Angeles to Australia via England h ■ boon dis closed by the trans-Paeil • pilot. Made In Kid p Case Pluenix, Avia.—The government’s ■ ix months search for the men who kidnaped six-year-old June Robles ad left her chained in a desert hole ha resulted in the arrest of a school ■.■hum of her father on extortion charges. Pro mined Quirk Action Washington — Harry L. Ilopkins, ■clief administrator, tonight priyn isc'd Senator Borah “quick action” if the latter would furnish “particulars” to substantiate h i s charges of "shameful waste” in the handling oi relief funds. I‘rot cut Made Washington— Mincing no wends, the United States formally protested to Persia Friday against the report ed discourtesy shown there recently to two American entrants in the Englar.d-to-Australl& air derby. inflation Sentiment Loom* Hy New York — Congressional cur rency inflation sentiment appears to; bo swelling. Cornnidvc Uecovenj Halt Washington—A bold move to spur recovery, under which industry would • be directed to expand production. with the government bearing the risk j of any losses thus entailed, is under , consideration by high administration; aides. Some of those working op the pro posal arc confident a plan can he de veloped by which millions of unem ployed will be returned to work in private industry. Proponents believe] these new wages would provide the purchasing power to absorb the in creased production. _____ llrvakn Air Record Newark— Captain Eddie Ricken baeker. World war ace and commer Icial airline official, broke his own , transcontinental record for transport I planes Thursday by 5>i minutes and j 10 seconds. Pari'!/ Prrxhiiisti'. London — Diplomatic and naval circles are pessimistic over the oul ; look for agreement on a naval limit ation treaty, despite recent British i efforts to brinu about a o niprcmls. with Japan. Computed ii Control t /i Washington- Compulsory control of cotton production, most radical of the New Deal farm plans, will face the test of a popular vole during the second week in December. 1‘roposal Rejected London — Japanese rejection of ugge-ted methods of a compromise for naval limitation treaty will defi nitely invite new proposals whi'-h may go further toward meeting Jap anese demands fur equality. Explosion on Vessel Mobile, Ala. — An explosion be neath she bridge of the coastwise tanker Caliche Friday set fire to tlioi vessel and caused the probable death! of unc seaman and injuries to 11' others. i Denied Child Neglected New York — Mrs. Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt, called back to the wit ness stand Friday in the legal battle over the custody of her daughter, Gloria, denied that she had ever neg lected the little girl. Envoii Wen ns France Paris — The German ambassador-, Poland von K-oester, told Foreign Minister Pierre I .aval Saturday that Germany would consider any French military move in the Saal contrary to the Locarno treaty._ I Brevard (BY NELL STUBKEY) Archaeological Society Formed An archaeological society has been organized at Brevard Collage. Mr. Trowbridge, dean of the college, was elected president. Mr. Trowbridge also teaches Bible and chemistry at the college. Other officers of the society are: Mr. McNeer, vice presi dent; Miss Coltrane, editor; and J off re Coe, secretary-treasurer. Members of the society are: Guy Howell, John Reynolds, John Stro de, David Ashworth, Davis Rogers, Mrs. Cdltrane, Mr. Dendy, Mary Kenney, Mr. Trowbridge, Mr. Mc Neer, Miss Coltrane and Joffre Coe. A survey of Transylvania county has been planned by the members of the society. They have also planned several field trips and they have planned to start a museum at the college. The society has met twice and in the second meeting a constitution was drawn up. A meeting is held the second Thursday df every month. Joint Meeting of Y. W. And Y. M. C. A. A joint meeting of the Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M. C. A. wasjield Novem ber 8 in the auditorium of Taylor hall at 7 o’clock. Members of the dubs were entertained by a talk by Rev. J. II. Brendall, who has been newly' appointed pastor of the Bre vard Methodist church. The opening of the program was unique. A. G. Southerland read a prayer while Mrs. Compton accom panied at the piano. The musical set ting was “The Rosary.” After a hymn, “Softly Now The Light of Day,” Ida Whisenant, president of the Y. W. C. A., read the Scripture. Everyone enjoyed a solo by Mr. Compton, who was accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Compton. Miss Ida Whisenant introduced the speaker.. After Mr. Brendall’s talk Carson Williams, president of the Y. M. C. A., made a few remarks. The benedic tion was pronounced by Mr. Trow bridge. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT NORTH CAROLINA, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, In Superior Court. Mrs. Flax A. Lawrence, —VS— 1F. L. Andrews, T. li. Andrews, It. K. Andrews, G. R. Andrews and Mrs. D. M. Ross. The defendant, G. R. Andrews, - will take notice that an acti n en titled us above hus been commenced in Superior Court of Transylvania I County, North Carolina, for the pur I pose of recovering of the defendants 1 tile sum of ¥75,000.00 for damage . and the defendant, G. R. Andrew jwill iurther take notice that he is le } mired ■ -> apply at the office ct the J Clerk of Superior Court of said } County, in the Court' -use in llre I vard. N. C., on the idtli day t.f December, 1934, and aii wcr or de mur to the complaint in s.d action, In- the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in ■ said complaint. j The defendant. G. R. Andrews, wi'l also lake notit- that a warrant of j attachment has been issued <>n the 13th clay of November, 1934. against < I the property of G. R. Andrews i 'which warrant is returnable before, the undersigned Clerk of Superior j ! Court, Transylvania County, North Carolina, at the time and place above 1 named for the return of summons when and where the defendant, G. R. | Andrews, is required to apply and. answer or demur to the complaint or ' the relief demanded will be granted. Nctiee given this 13th day of November, 1934. OTTO ALEXANDER. Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County. Nov. 15 22 29. Dee. 6. __ HELP ASSETS IF your kiiaeya function badly and you bare a lame, aching back, with attacks of dlalneas, burning, scanty or too frequent urination, getting up at nlgbt, swollen feet and ankles, rheumatic )>alns ... use Doirn't PKlt. Didn't are especially for poorly functioning kidneys. Millions of boxes are used every year. They are reroinmenued the country over. Ask your nei^hborl soars FILLS 1 Seen Her* And There Have you ever tried just peaking in rooms? Weil, you should try it.. . .anyway I was peeking through the keyhole of Helen Kelly’s room and guess what I saw. ...Miss Trow bridge was devouring salty peanuts and gingerbread that Helen had just received... .In the next room who should be all propped up in bed but Enice Arnold gazing first at the pic ture of T. B. Honeycutt and then at the picture of James Crouse. ...I have never seen so many pictures of one boy, namely Jess Oats, in so many girls’ rooms. He must be a ladies’ man. THIS AND THAT....Have you ever noticed how many times Bob Dixon goes in and out of the library? I wish some one would kindly inform me why_I guess no o»ie \jill be tickling Ida Whisenant any more. If you want to know why, send me a stamped envelope and I will answer ! by return mail. Well, I didn’t know ! Lorena Rogers was such a good poet _If you don’t believe me ask her to read the poem she wrote about Jazzy Moore? Who should be here last week-end but Harry Lee from Fur man university. I know we all en joyed his visit, at least I did. Names is names... .John Dillenger is a member of Rev. McNeer’s Bible class_Alice Scott and Bubber Goodin were kind enough to entertain the girls and boys having dates the other night....I wonder where all the boys got those big cigars that they have been trying to smoke-A side to biology lab students.... Mr. Dendy is going to check up at the end of the period from now on. Well, dear gals and guys it is time for jmur dear Aunt Fanny and Philly to sign off and until next week toodle-loo. Davidson County Club Is Organized Students from Davidson county have recently organized a club. Floyd Parks of Lexington, a member of the freshman clasj, was elected presi dnl. Other officers are Lois Miller, vice president; and Enice Arnold, secretary-treasurer. There are six other members of the club, namely: Harry Mock, Paul Leonard, Joe Hornbucklc, Jimmy ilornbuckle. James Reagan and Nell Sturkey. Pre-iddnt Parks appointed Joe and Jimmy Hornbuckle t;> arrange a program for the next meeting, which will be held November 2U. Student Council Being Organized Constitution of the Brevard Col lege student council was to be pre sented last night to the committee, eon-isting of Mr. Cathey, chairman; Mr. Williams, Miss Shore, Jack Wiidey, Ida Whisenant, Tom Gra ham, .1. U. Gibbs and Emily Palmer. In this meeting a constitution was to be presented to the committee, and if they approve it the constitution will be presented to the student body. Play Given At Brevard College “Grandma Pull* the String,” a one act play, was successful? presented to a large audience last Friday at 8 o’clock by the members of the ex pression department of Brevard Col fejfe. i Miss Ruth Rich, the head of the expression department, directed the play. The cast included Mary Vance Proffit, Josephine Jones, Martba Elizabeth Hardin, Jean Thomas, Joseph Goodin and Ann Lucy Goodin. All of the players did their part so well it was hard to determine which one was outstanding. Plan Publication Of College Annual Plans for publishing an annual for Brevard College were interestingly discussed before the student body by Jack Wildey Monday morning in as sembly. Mr. Wildey, who is business manager of the year book, has de cided upon a plan whereby most all of the students will be able to have an annual. At the end of the school year, the students will turn in $4.00 worth of books and in return they will be given the annuals. Seniors will have 18 pages; fresh ! men 36, and the prep department two I pages. Other pages will be devoted to | basketball, football, glee club, dra matic club, snapshots, jokes and advertisements. Guy Howell, a member of the 1936 graduating class, is the editor I in-chief of the year book. Hungry? We can serve you a meal that will satisfy the hung riest man in the county. Sandwiches When vou feel like eating “just a bite between meals” and always COFFEE FIT for KINGS ^ E Doc Galloway, Prop. — Special qualities of Verichrome Kodak Film— .-peed and wide latitude—reduce the danger of ob taining under and over exposed negatives. Verichrome Kodak Film corrects your errors— gets the picture when a picture is possible. Always load with this dependable Verichrome Film in the familiar yellow box. IVe have the proper siae for your camera. At our store it costs you no more than the regular film. We do Master Photo Finishing, the kind you'll like. m. «iafll? ALI UAXOCKWi who tried to find the lost chord BennvZeem* who fried io find the end of space Eustace ralll who tried tb find tke. Milk ofkiwm fadms WtosLow WtfoacHc* who tried i> fad paper in tynmt Shoes

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