0n^rrer| THF TH A N A£Ff«* Transylvania I A " * ^ ^ JL IVlXi 1 Exceptional I °Uny i !A. Newspaper Devoted to the Best Intere st of the People of Transylvania County - VOL. 39. NO. 44. BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA—THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1034 $L00 PER YEAR IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY EIGHTEEN FIRMS ON RED CROSS 100-LIST Roll Cill Expected To Pass Quota of Two Hundred Memberships Red Cross Roll Call Chairman Jerry Jerome reports eighteen Bre vard business houses already in the 100 per cent class, with several addi tions expected to be made before Thanksgiving day when the Red Cross Roll Call ends. Goal of two hundred memberships, Chairman Jerome believes, will oe passed by at least twenty-five .ore Thanksgiving day. Several people who are making canvass ot nie resi dential section of I Bre. „rd ajid teachers of the county s. iioods are still to report, and over ane hundred memberships are alre .uy taken. All school principals will be contacted by Mr. Jerome during the week. Firms who have been given the ‘•We Belong 100 Per Cent Strong signs are: The Fashion Department store, Long’s Drug store, Southern Public Utilities company, Macfie Drug store, Whiteway Dry Cleaner*, Hayes Motor . company; Carr Lum-1 ber company store, The Transylvania j Times, Judson McCrary Insurance | company, McCrary Auto Service; j Transylvania Trust company, W ai-1 ker insurance company, Dixie Stores, j Brevard Bank, Broad Street A & P, j Broad Street Standard Oil station, United Variety Stoics, B & B Feed | and Seed store. i It is believed ihat this will be the j first vear in many that the goal set bv the national organization tor | memberships here will be surpassed, i CLINUARTER FOUND AFTER 2-YEAR HUNT; Negro Who Made “War of His Own” Will Be Tried Here at December Court The long arm of the law reached j out after two years and two weeks, | and last Tuesday afternoon brought Clint Carter, former Glade Creek negro back from South Carolina and | placed him in the Transylvania' county jail. Carter will be tried at the Decem ber term of Superior court here for assault with deadly weapon with intent to kill two people. The negro was arrested near Greer, S. C., by deputies from Sheriff Tom Woods office. Check up on files of The Transyl vania Times after Sheriff Wood had reported capture of the negro reveal ed that Carter was an alleged “bad man of the mountains,” having taken it upon himself two years ago, elec-1 tion day, to shoot Canton Red, for-1 mer Brevard negro athlete, through; the leg and later taking a pot shot at Buster Walker, another Glade Creek negro, through the shoulder. | Buckshot wac used in both instances, j Carter is said to have immediately j fled the scene of the shootings and had his wife to first move to Ten nessee, then to Asheville, and on to Greer, S. C., where he was arrested j by Deputy Tommy Wood. At a hearing before Magistrate Henry Erwin Wednesday morning the negro was bound to court under $3,000 bond which he was unable to make. Bus Walker testified at the preliminary hearing that after Car ter had shot Canton Red he forced him (Walker) to go to his home and get his clothes. Carter changed clothes sitting on the bridge over the creek, and as he got up, Walker said Carter shot him in the shoulder with his shotgun, knocking him into the j creek and after he fell into the | water the negro again shot at him | and missed. LAST COLLEGE TILT j AT HOME SATURDAY Lees- gt»ou first impression on visitors, ac cording to Dr. A. D. Ballentine, of WoJfeboro, New Hampshire, who spoke at the Brevard Kiwanis elub last week. The people are fine, in fact, the doctor said he bad never been treat ed better in any town he had e**r been in, but the surroundings are not in keeping with the cordiality of the people who make up the com munity, he said. Need far more lights on the streets at night, remove some un sightly trash ‘from beck lots, clean up store fronts in the business sec tion, use brighter colored paint* than the black, brown and duty white now in existence, stop ioito from spitting on sidewalks, and throwing litter on the streets, are some of the things Brevard stands in need of if it is ever to mike an attractive place for the visitor* the doctor asserted. • , • _ Dr. Ballentine was .<» guest of C. M. Douglas at the club.^J.^W.^WIK liema was a guest of James. jslg Committees were .. look into the matter of a — tree for indigent children and * full time health officer for tha county schools.