College Team Defeats Presbyterian Eleven By Onesided Score of 26-0 Meeting their second opponent of the year where they were not out weighed badly, the Brevard College _,.otfcn!l team met the Presbyterian „ until- college on the local grid Sat urday afternoon. The Jamesmen iook ‘the game handily by a score of 26 to nothing in a contest that went listless and lacked the fight of pre vious games. I Brevard kicked to Presbyterian. The visitors chalked up a first down and then were forced to kick. Shuford made a first down on a run outside tackle. Walter Clayton picked up 30 on an end play. Prentice, starting at half after a long illness, picked up nine yards on a line play and Shu ford scored from the one-yard stripe. Walter Clayton rushed for the extra point. Brevard immediately decided tnat things were going to be easy and made no progress during the remain ing part of the quarter. Early in the second quarter Pres byterian held Brevard for downs deep in the visitors’ territory. They kicked out to their own 40. A neat play end ing in a lateral to Walter Clayton s', ted a drive that carried to* pay dirt. Shuford tossed to Gaston and the .day wound up on the Presbyter ian *..» yard line. Another fancy id. with much handling of the ball £u ' . in a lateral to Walt Clayton wi arried on to the nine yard line. GrLfin, playing a nice game and sailing plays with the precision of a veteran, took a spin play and went to the one yard line. Shuford crashed tackle for the score. A pass to Gas ton was high and try for point was no g od . , . ’] i., naif ended with the ball in midfield in possession of the Presby terians. Karlv in the third quarter Prentice went 34 yards between tackle and guard foi the score only to have the plav called back and Brevard was penalized 15 yards for holding. Pren tice h id some neat blocking on the play and with the help of a bit of .sidestepping and reversing the field, crossed the line standing and un touched. Presbyterian held for downs following the penalty and they were immediately forced to kick. Line plav.s and laterals carried to the one vavd line for Brevard and Prentice scored on a line play. Griffin ran through the line for the point. plu first play of the fourth quar ter Proffitt intercented on the Pres byterian 30 yard line. Laterals and tackle plays carried to the Presby teriati one yard lint* where they held. St iss' » ran around end for 23 yards for Presbyterian and the three fol l win., ntavs lost yardage. Harms broke through on the play and block ed the punt. The ball was recovered on Pi esbvterinn’s 12 yard line. A lateral to Clayton carried to the three yard line where Prentice took the ball over »*n a tackle play. Try for point failed on a fumbled pass back from center. First downs were 14 for Brevard to four for Presbyterian, one of which was made possible by a pen alty. Brevard was penalized 25 yards, the vis:ti » 2o. Brevard kicked six times tor an average of 30 yards. There was no eturn of a Brevard kick. Presbyter ian kicked ten times, had one try blocked, average 30 yards and had their k'oks returned an average of five yard- each kick. Brevard threw six forward na«ses. ERWIN RESIDENCE SCENE OF EIRE ON WEDNESDAY I-'liviron answered an alarm Wed • , m.rning tikout Ffven-thirty t'i n the II. E. Erwin residence on East Main street, a chimney having caught. However the fire was put out without the aid of the firemen before any damage was done. I.e-s than two minutes wen taken for the firemen to arrive on the scene. !.\ ’{--Tablets Salve-Nose Drops checks COLDS and FEVER first day MEA ACHES in 30 minutes IB WE TAKE " SUBSCRIPTIONS I AND^flH GUARANTEE DELIVERY I:i business here for years, you can rely on us '.o :'.ve you service. We ca ion against giving ■n >nov to strangers v.ho may or may not be repre atives o f magazine Let us send in your !V .gazine Subscriptions I—I completed three and intercepted one of the Presbyterian tosses. Presbyter ian did not complete an aerial. In addition to three completed forwards the Jamesmen handled the ball well on laterals, of which there were many, and not a single lateral was intercepted or incompleted. Presby terian lost ground heavily on at tempted lateral tosses. The lineups: Brevard 26 Presbyterian 0 Wahonick .... LE.Snipes Sitton . LT . Webb H. Kilpatrick .. LG . Malloy Proffitt .... Center . Wicker Grey . RG . Barfield n.. Kilpatrick .. RT . Gaston . RE . Nesbitt Griffin . QB . Hukher Prentice . LH .... McDon&ld Shuford . RH . Beverly VV. Clayton ... FB . Ford QUEBEC NEWS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Noah Whit mire last Friday night, November 16, a son. Miss Fay Breaks ;(pent -Sunday with Miss Lucile Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sanders and children of Enka spent a few days last week with Mrs. Sanford’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Whitmire. J. W. Jones of Etowah spent Sun day with his son, Clyde Jones. Talmadge Brooks- spent Saturday night with Oscar Henderson. Miss Lillian Dodgin spent Satur day night with Misses Nellie and Vir gie Thomas. Miss Lillian Dodgin spent Satur day night with Misses Nellie and Virgie Thomas. Mack Reid visited Leroy McCall Thursday. Mrs. Nancy Fisher and daughters, Millie and Betty Darlene, called on Mrs. Gideon Miller Sunday after ^Mrs. Welch Reid and children visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McCoy Sunday. Mrs. M. 0. McCall visited Mrs. Garland Whitmire one day last week. Dan Waldrop was a Toxaway isitor last Tuesday. Welch Reid and T. T. Miller of Bake Toxaway called on T. C. Hen derson Sunday afternoon. Wayman Thomas spent the week end in Easley, South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Simpson and son Jack of Greenville spent the week-end with relatives in this com munity. ?. T. A. OFFICIALS ARE VISITORS HERE Speaking before t 1; o Parent Teacher association at the regular meeting of this organisation held Monday afternoon at the court house Mrs. Benford, field representative of the State P. T. A., gave many help ful suggestions for future work. Mrs. " Benford’s subject was •Calls." with particular emphasis on alls for various forms of work in he P. 1. A. Her talk proved inter esting and informative, suggesting many ways in which the local organi st ion might improve its activities .or the mutual benefit of the school ami the community. The state representative snake again on Tuesday afternoon before the mothers and teachers at a meet ing held in Mr. Ituftj’s seventh grade room. Mrs. Benfurd’s remarks at this time related to the duties of grade representatives, an-1 proved of 0 helpful nature to the grade iir thers in particular. Mr.-. Benford was accompanied to Brevard by Mrs. Devendorf, district !’ T. A. president. A large number uf parents and 1 teachers assembled in thew court In use Monday afternoon to attend tiie meeting, which was presided over by the president, Mrs. J. B. Pickel . inter. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT NORTH CAROLINA, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, . Superior Court. Mrs Flax A. Lawrence, —vs— jEtam F. L. Andrews, T. B. Andrews, R. h Ardrews, C. R. Andrews and A i s. D. M. Ross. ho defendant, G. R. Andrews, • d lake notice that an action en Lt’vd as above has been commenced ■ Superior Court of Transylvania ' inty, North Carolina, for the pur •' se of recovering of the defendants :,o sum of $75,000.00 foi damages’, T ;he defendant, G. R. Andrews, ■ • '! further take notice that he is re red to apply at the office of the • rk of Superior Court of said Ci unty. in the Courthouse in Bre urd, N. C., on the 13th day of '".her 1034, and answer or de r io the complaint in said action, •r the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in ■ complaint. i (: defendant, G. R. Andrews, will ■’!■•> take notice that a warrant of nil chment has been issued on the 13th day of November, 1934, against the property of G. R. Andrews which warrant is returnable before ■e undersigned Clerk of Superior Court, Transylvania County, North Carolina, at the time and place above ~r,icd for the return of summons ■'•hen and where the defendant, G. R. \ndreW» is required to apply and -vr. er or demur to the complaint or •' rr'ie? <’ .eu-nded will be granted. N'tire given this 13th day of November, 1934. OTTO ALEXANDER, Clerk Superior Court, Transylvania County. 7 :sv. 15-22-29. Dec. 6. CONNESTEE NEWS Mr. and Mrs! Ben^lkudson and children of Easley were #4 eats of Mr. end Mrs; "Willie TinaTey Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Pt*ea"galloway and children spent Sunday with Mm Galloway’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hogsed. Miss Gertice Lance visited Mrs. Jake Baker Sunday evening. Tommy Nicholson was the guest of James Glazener Sunday. Miss Carrie Holden called on Mrs. Porter Tinsley last Thursday. Warrior Mull was able to return to his home Saturday after having pent two weeks at Brevard where ne was treated for bruises caused by a falling tree. He is reported as doing nicely. ' Miss Vera Whitmire spent Sunday ■ evening with Miss Beulah Tinsley, Edgar Glazener visited Homer I Gravely Sunday morning. Halley Zachary was the guest of Lee Masters one day last week. Mrs. W. M. Henry of Brevard and ner sister, Mrs. Mary W. Latham of tiiisley, spent Saturday with Mrp. r'. P. Tinsley. Fred Lanureth killed a big hog last week. Sunday is preaching day. We hope to have a large crowd present to en I joy the worship with us. ! Mrs. Jake Baker called on her mother, Mrs. F. P. Tinsley and Mrs. Willie Tinsley last Friday. I Mrs. Rachel McGaha was visiting i relatives in this community last -Saturday. Mrs. H. B. Glazener visited Mrs. I Elisha Gravely Monday. Mrs. James Raines and children ! spent the week-end with the former’s 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Eubanks. Roy and Annie Lee Gravely are - very sick at the home df their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Gravely. Miss Lois Masters visited Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Glazener Sunday. I Billy and Fred Hogsed were guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. IW. H. Hogsed Saturday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Landreth and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Reese. t Miss Janie Gravely, Monroe Gra Ively and Marshall Reeves of Lyman, 1 s C., visited Mr. and Mrs. J. L. -Gravely Saturday. Mrs. Thomas Payne returned with them to their homes. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wr. W’hitmire visited Mr. and Mrs. Willie Tinsley Friday night. ■ AT LYDAY HOSPITAL Patients at Lyday Memorial hospi tal the past week include: Lyndon Galloway, Killian Jarrett, Clara Jordan,' Robert Scruggs, Mrs: Will | Hunt and Mrs. Jim Hale. ! Fullbright Thanks Voters : I wish to thank the people who voted for me in the general election, and for those people who worked in my behalf. No votes that were cast i for me were bought, and on account ■ of illness, I was unable to solicit the : people. Therefore, I fee! honored in receiving the vote that I did. Sincerely, W. PERRY FULLBRIGHT. It is said that a bee must visit '100,000 blossoms to make a pound of honey. PiSGSWOREST NEWS — The local Intermediate B. Y. P. U. attended the Lower District B. Y. P. U. meeting at Enon Sunday after noon. Miss Belle Frady is visiting riess Thrift and other relatives at Shelby. Miss Elia Hollingsworth who is employed near Selica, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Rebecca Hol lingsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Tipton and two children, Lawrence and Florence, andl R. E. Mackey and son Reuben spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Allen at Swannanoa and ofl Sunday they all attended the five county singing convention at vauey S‘MisTAnnie Jean Gash is ®Peni,P* several weeks with her sister, Mis Margaret Gash in New xorK. vir w pruett spent the week-end Mr', pruett in Weaverville. W Mrs WaSr Reese and children Dotfarid Don spent Monday with Mrs. S XhSrsmn09Khter of Mr. and Mrs. George Sentell, who a® been ill, is improving. q£ G Parker and daughter Lana Rutherfordton were in this section S M«. Mitchell B.rt» moved from this section to the Boyl St°MissC Julia Denver was an Ashe "‘g Frady6arid family spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frady in Hendersonville. ‘"Lee English of Boy Is ton guest in the home of Mrs. Rebecca Hollingsworth Sunday. , . Several young people attended th. musicale and dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Frady Thursday 6™gand Mrs. Bull «f South Car olina spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Townsend and other relatives. G*orge Barton, who has .spent the past several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Bull, returned with them to his home here with Mr. and Mrs. Townsend. , Tr Mrs. Van Tinsley and Mrs. Harvey Souther entertained with a miscel laneous shower Thursday evening at the home of the latter in honor of Mrs. Earl Wyatt, who was before iier marriage Miss Stella Cody. The Gride received many pretty and use ful gifts. „ Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Roller and laughter Betty spent the week-end with Mrs. Roller’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Whitlock at Hendersonville. Ai Thrift of Shelby is visiting rel atives in this section. BLANTYRE BREEZES Miss Ernestine Rahn had as hei guest for the week-end her friend1, Miss Lillie Siniard of Brevard. 0. A. Anders of Hendersonville was a caller in this community Thursday. John Reed was called last week to the home of his brother, E. R. Reed of East Flat Rock, who has had a light stroke. He returned to his home here Saturday and reports that his brother seems to be doing very well. Several children in this section are offering from whooping cough, in cluding Harold and Carr 1! Rick ----- • ... I. J. A. Local and Personal Items . • • » .*. * .1 A .1. J. A .t. A J. A A A A A .* Mr. and Mrs. Jack Toliison ol | Greenville are occupying the Bag I well apartment on Cahiwell avenue. ! .ur, loJIison is connected with the ! ;i <k B Feed and bced company here, j Mr. ami Mrs. Frans King ana j children and Mrs. A. 11. King were j ounday guests ol Mr. and Mr-. Jim ! .dills. J. S. Bromfield is expected to re ! mrn home this week from Mt. Holly Hospital, New Jersey, where he 1ms been confined the past several weeks. Mrs. C. E. Orr and daughter, Miss Kowcna, am! Mrs. Frank UaVane left last week for Miami, Fla., where they will spend two months. Mrs. Hock Galloway anu children spent Wednesday at Mar; liili where Kaiph Galloway is .attending college. Mrs. J. E, Clayton is improving after a serious illness of the past week. Bob Kellar left, last week for Miami, Fla., where lie has a position for the winter. Mrs. Brittner and baby of Ashe ville are visiting the former’s sister, Mrs. Avery Case, and family on' Franklin avenue. Mrs'. Ed Gillespie of Chanel lliil is visiting relatives and friends here. Olga Dermid had her tonsils re moved at Lyday .Memorial hospital last week. •ill's. James a. case ami Mr. ana Airs. Leroy Case and chddre.'JfjJ of Asheville were Sunday guests of Mr. .ml Mrs. T. S. Wood. Lawrence Holt is recovering from :n infected hand, which was injured on a truck. •Ur. and Mrs. Ernest Webb and Mr. And Mrs. Huso Mackey returned Sunday from a week’s motor trip vis ting relatives in Alabama. Miss Annie Jean Gash is spending .wo weeks visiting her sister in New York City. C. H. McFee, who underwent an; peration on his eye last week at a Charlotte hospital, is reported to be ecovering nicely. Rev. J. H. West, Mrs. C. B. West aid son of Lake Junaluska, visited friends in Brevard one day last week. Mrs. Will Hunt is said to be doing lively, after undergoing two serious -perations at Lyday Memorial hospi al Saturday night. Miss Jessie Elizabeth Whitmire has eturned from a two weeks’ visit with Misses Louise and Kathleen Hawkins n Gastonia. She was accompanied tome by Howard Hawkins and Ruby •iav.kins, who spent the week-end here, returning home Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Brendall and C. H. Trowbridge, district lay leader, attended a district meeting of the Methodist church in Sylva or: Thurs ___ I ; Pauline Gille.pic spent Sunday at I Highlands, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Baker. Mrs. M. V. Miller left Tuesday for St. Petmburg, Pitt., where she .will spend the winter with friends, after visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. S. Nicholson and family, i Miss Faye iSoytonrfia! spending a |ieu days in Asheville visiting friend . I Miss Kola Gillespie spent Sunday I night with 1. >• parents Mr. and Mrs. . J- E. Gillespie. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gillespie were week end guest: of Lambert Gillespie at Cherryi'ield. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pickeisimer ana children spent Sunday in Ashe ville guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Shytle and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tatum. They were accompanied by Mr“. P. S. King, who has been visit ing relatives in Brevard for several weeks. Mr.-.. John F. Sprague loft Satur day for Raleigh and Wilmington, l)ol., after spending a month here with Mrs. Ralph Zachary. Mrs. Emma Zachary left lust week for Charlotte, where she will spend some time with her daughters Miss Annie Zachary came up from Char lotte on Wednesday to accompany her mother on the trip. Mrs. W. M. Henry is visiting her sister, Mrs. V, E. I.athem at Easley. T. il. Hampton ieft Wednesday for Gadsaen, Ala., wh we he will spend the winter with his on. D. L. Bramlett Jr. of Simpsonville, S. C.. was Sunday guest of Miss Neva Bramlett. Lawrence Williams visited his sister, Mrs. C. W. Twiford in Golds boro the past week-end and .attended the Pukc-Carolina game at Chapel Hill on Saturday. Mrs. Mary Laheni of Easley, S. C., has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. M. Henry, the past week. Mrs. Mabel Kellar was removed to Aston Park hospital, Asheville, on Tuesday'where she underwent an operation. She was reported on Wed nesday to be doing as well as could ec expecUd. Brevard again upset the dope bucket Friday afternoon by defeat ing the much-touted Swannanoa hign school eleven on the Brevard College grid by a score of 7-0. Brevard executed a perfect triple play in the first two minutes of play to score against the visitors, and completely unnerved their opponents. Brevard kicked off, an end-over boot that was dead on the nine yard line with the Swannanoa safety man nailed in his tracks as he scooped up the bounder. Ensley for the visitors bucked the line for two yards and on his next play fumbled, Brevard re covering. Morris called two line plays that netted a two-yard loss, and using the same formation faked a plunge, handed the ball to Misenhei mer who passed it to Huggins and around end, over the goal line from the thirteen yard stripe before the Swannanoa players and half the fans knew what had happened. Siniard went over his own right guard for the extra point. Hard tackling featured the rest of the game, with several fumbles by both teams, and numerous punts, with Morris booting beautifully for the locals. Brevard managed to keep the ball in Swannanoa’s territory by punts and passes during the first half. As the third quarter opened Swannanoa opened a drive that netted one first down, delayed line bucks being used. man, Louise Nesbit, Bruce and Jack) Justus, T. C. McMurry, Celeste Duncan, and. others. Miss Fred Maxwell called on Miss Irene Davis one day last week. Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Holden were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Frady Sunday. Claude Rickman spent Friday night with Raymond Reed. Miss Fredl Maxwell visited her sis ter, Mrs. J. E. Talley, last week. Walter Shipman called on E. H. Jones last week. Mrs. W. K. Duncan visited Mrs. John Reed Thursday. Mrs. A. C. Rickman was in Bre vard Friday. R. V. Duncan called on P. A. Rahn one day last week. Miss Margaret Gash visited Mrs. John Reed recently. Mrs. W. K. Duncan called on Mrs. J. T. Justus Monday. We are glad to see the Sunday school lesson in The Times. If the teachings of these lessons were lived up to by the people our country wt-uld soon be a much better place in which to live. “The corn is in shock and the frost is on the pumpkin" and Thanksgiv ing is drawing near. WANT ADS 11 MOVING and GENERAL HAUL ING—reasonable prices, every load insured. See Charlie McCrary at McCrary Anto Service, Phone 290, Brevard, N. C. Mch 8 j PIANO—Repossessed mahoguny up right piano almost like new for l saie in this community for balance j duo. Terms to responsible party. Ad* I dress Box 478, Concord, N. C. | - ■ ■■ ,-- -.. ' FOR SALE—High grade band in j strunients. Some aa good as new about half price of new ones. F. J. | Cutter, Brevard’s extinguished band* | ma-tcr. Across King Creek from j cotton mill. 4tp ! MAN WANTED f o r Eawleigh. loute of 800 families. Write today. 1 Rav/ieigh, Dept, NCK-180-SA, Rich ! mond, Va. -- . | PICS FOR SALE—S weeks old, | priced reasonable for cash. See J. ! II. Rnxter, near Powell’s store, ! Greenville load. j ! FOR SALE—Guernsey milk cow with second calf two weeks old. j Mrs. M. S. McKeivey. ltp (FURS WANTED—Bring your furs to Dixie store on Broad street or Gamn’s st .ro, Main street, on Sat urday, November 24. There will l>e sonu one at either place to take care of all furs brought, in. Compton and Miller. FOUND— D. A. R. history medal j pin. Owner may have pin by pay-j ing dime t-.« finder and paying for this advertisement. Inquire at The I Times office. Pisses were costly to Swanmnca, as WfU as reverse backfield plays, at least two men going through from the Brevard side each time to smear the carrier or passer as the case may Swannanoa made their big threat in tbs fourth quarter starting from their own 44 yard line, netting tour successive first downs, and placing the hall on the nine yard line. A pass was tried by the visitors which was intercepted by Siniard on the goal line. Sweeping around the lower side of the field, Siniard clicked off 69 yards on the return. With only minutes to play, Bre vard keeping the ball in safe terri tory. Much of the credit for Brevard's win should go to Everett Huggins, hard hitting all around player, play ing a great game aa an offensive tackle and a defensive end. Morris at fullback made consistent gains through the line behind interference that was furnished by Siniard and 1 the two “little boys,” Pickelsimer and Misenheimer. In the line Grey, Erwin, Watts, Aiken, and for that matter all the fellows, took it like men, getting the hardest licks ever seen in a high school game here. Bre vard had six first downs against five for the visitor*. The lineups: FEEL TIRES, ACHT “ LRfORIOITT” Get Sid of Poisons That , Make You Si g • 13 a constant backache keeping yon miserable? Do yon suffer burning, scanty or too frequent wrintH/w • attaflka of dizziness, rheumatic pains, swollen feet and ankles? Do yon feel tired, nervous —ell unstrung? Then give some thought to roar kidneys. Be sore they function properly, for functional kidney dis order permits poisons to stay In the blood and upest the whole spo use Doesn't Pitts. Doan’s are for the kidneys only. They help the kidneys cleanse the blood of health destroying poisonous waste. Doan’s Pitts are need and recommended the world over. Get them from any druggist a The dose of a liquid laxative can be measured. The action can thus be regulated to suit individual need. If. forms no habit; you need act take a “double nose” a day or two later. Nor will a mild liquid Iczatwe irritate the kidneys. Ttc right liquid laxative will bring a more natural movement, and with no discomfort at the time, cr after ward. v The wrong cathartic may often Cc marc harm ihor. good. An approved liquid laxative (one which is most widely used Inr both adults and children) is Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin, a prescription. It is perfectly safe. Its laxative action is based on senna—a natural laxative. The bowels will not become depend- ffff ent on this form of heln. as (' do in the case of cathartics ing minqpal drugs. Ask yo for Dr. Caldwell's Syni; © To Help PREVENT Cold* At the first sneeze or nasal irrita tion, quick!—a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol. Its timely use helps to prevent many colds —and to throw off colds in their early stages. To Help 5H0P.TEN a CoM At bedtime, ju*t rub on Vick* VapoRub, the mother’* ttandby in treating colds. All through the night, by stimulation and inhalation, VapoRub fights the cold direct. fjf1 To Build RESISTANCE to health that are patt of Vides The Plan has been clinically and proved in home use by of this unique Plan in each Colds: Follow the simple rules of Plan for Better Control of Colds, tested by practicing physicians— millions. (You’ll find full details Vicks package.)

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