ROSMAN NEWS MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correspondent AflRS SNIPES ENTERTAINED AT BIRTHDAY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Snipes enter ftuned with a dinner Sunday honor ing Mrs. Snipes’ mother, Mrs. Jane Hendricks’ birthday anniversary. A number of guests from the two Carolinas were present as follows! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nix and children, Geoorge, Osie and Ruth, of Eastley, S. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Woodie Reeves and children of Pickens and three friends; Mr .and Mrs. Mack Davis and children, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parrot and son of Pickens; Mr and Mrs. Thomas Morrison and children, Victor Sigmon, Mrs. Harve Morrison and daughter Cora of Ros> man and Mrs. Oliver Snipes of Jack son county. • i | LYNDON GALLOWAY BURIED SUNDAY Lyndon Galloway, age 16 years, died at Lyday Memorial hospital in Bre vard Saturday following an opera tion and complications. Funeral ser vices were held Sunday at East-la port. Young Mr. Galloway was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Galloway of the Gloucester section. He is survived by his parents and the following brothers and sisters: Hattie, Ange line Janny, Annie and Ernest Gal loway, all of the Gloucester section. NEW PASTOR GIVEN WELCOME TO ROSMAN Members and other interested citi zens “pounded” Rev. G. A. Hovis. the new pastor of Rosman Methodist church Friday night. The Rev. Mr. Hovis moved here recently from Brevard where he is attending “Brevard college. He served last year at Franklin as pastor. THUMB AMPUTATED AFTER ACCIDENT Craig Whitmire had the misfor tune to get his thumb cut off late Friday afternoon while operating a dog wood mill. The thumb was ampu tated at the first joint by Dr. G. B. Lynch in Brevard. Mr. Whitmire owns and operates the Whitmire Barber shop here and is also night foreman for Rosman Tanning Extract Co. NINTH GRADE PLAY GIVEN LAST FRIDAY The ninth grade oif Rosman high •school presented a play Friday, Nov. •23rd, entitled “Striking Home. The characters were as follows: Barbara Stone, a stenographer, Annice Whitmire; Bill Powers, de tective, Archie Whitmire; Dr. Rals ton, minister, Fred Gillespie; Arthur Dixon, business man, Paul Parson; Jimmie ,his son, Tom Glazener. This play showed how different a situation appears when it happens to concern our own homes, rather than others. Mr. Dixor., a liberal church superintendent, is about to „trp his contributions to the minister or. account of the minister trying to assist young lawbreaker.-.. When Mr. Dixon’s son unexpectedly appears as one of these offenders he Quickly changes his attitude. Meanwhile the stenographer and the detective make some plans of their own. YOUNGSTER HANDY WITH HIS RIFLE . Boyce White, age 9 years, is the] champion marksman of Rosman. Sat-: unlay his father, b. B. White, de cided to kill one of his large hogs, net pounds. Boyce shot the animal, killing it instantly with a .22 rifle.] TO CONDUCT REVIVAL AT ANDERSON, S. C. Rev. J. E. Burt is leaving this week to hold revival services at Union 'church at Anderson, S. C. The meetings will continue one week, beginning next Sunday. COVIL-CHAPMAN MARRIAGE OF INTEREST “Miss Evelyn Covil, daughter of Mr. Earl Covil. and Mrs. Demus Chapman, all of Tryon, were mar ried in Spartanburg, S. C., on Sat urday, November 17.” The above clipping taken from Sunday’s Asheville Citizen - Times will be' of interest here, as Mr. Chap man is a native of Transylvania and a brother of Rev. Nathan Chapman here. BIRTHDAY DINNER 1 ENJOYED THURSDAY Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher enter tained at their home here with a dinner honoring their grand daugh ter, Jean Bales’, second birthday an niversary. A lovely dinner was ser ved. The center piece for the dining table was a large cake with two candles. Little Miss Bales makes her home with her grandparents. She was the recipient of many nice and useful gifts. Guests present were as follows: Jean Bales, Jimmey Bales of Sylva, Averee Fisher, Ray Fisher, James T.l Bales of Svlva. Rov Fisher. Coy Fisher, Miss Belle Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher and Mr, and Mrs. .Jordan Whitmire. PARTY CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY ANNIVERASRY Mrs. D. L. Glazener entertained with a party Friday night honoring the thi’toerth birthday anniversary of her daughter, Miss Ruby. Guests present were as follows: Billy Moore. A. M. White Jr.,\Earl White, Charles Glazener. Tom Glaze ner, A. M. P’xf n Jr., Ruby Glaze ner, Margaret Glazener, Inez Oats, Virginia Oats. Laura Pharr. Eva Pharr, rod Emma I e» G dlowav. Refre bments of hot. chocolate r.nd home nnle e okies were served. Miss Nellie Wilds spent the week end at Lake Toxaway visiting Misses EH- Mae .r::! Ailec-n Owen. I O'SHIELDS INFANT I BURIED THURSDAY Funeral services for the infant of Mr. and Mrs. Melton O’Shields were I held at Ziofi Baptist church Thurs I day. Interment was ip the Whitmire ! cemetery near by. Surviving relatives | are the parents and a number of bro thers and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Eldridge and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Eldridge were visitors to Asheville Saturday. Miss Frances McCall of the Que yec section is reported quite ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. McCall. Mrs. J. W. Eldridge spent Tues day in Brevard visiting Mrs. E. C. Neill. Born to Mrs. Urphie Miller a son, Harrison Eugene, Nov. 10th. Mrs. Jiohn Chastain of Pkjkens and Melvin Dutton, the latter the adopted son of Mrs. Chastain who has been in the army stationed at Charleston, S. C., for the past three years, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher and two .■hildren and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher were Sunday guests of Mr . and Mrs. Frank Fisher at Lake Toxaway. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Towns and sons A. G., Alfred and Fletcher, fom Lynch of Pickens were Sunday quests of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Towns ind Mrs. and Mrs. A. D. Rogers. Mrs. Lorean Kitchen of Gloucester was a business visitor to Rosman Monday. Mrs. Claud Galloway and four children returned home Sunday, hav ing spent the past four months visit ing relatives at Burnsville. Mrs. Warren Galloway returned to her home in Gloucester Saturday, having spent several days visiting her daughter, Mrs. AJma Bruner. Lee R. Fisher spent a few days at Lake Toxaway last week Visiting his son Frank and Mrs. Fisher. Coy Fisher, Claud and Tom Stroup were Asheville visitors Satur day night. Mrs. fcaran uauvwtty ajicm, oatui day in Brevard visiting her sons, Jesse A. Galloway and J. C. Gallo way. Frank Galloway left Friday on a business trip to several points in. Florida. . , Miss Hatte McCall visited, her aunt, Mrs. Marshall Huggins at Cherryfield Sunday. Miss Ethel Hamilton of Fruitland was a week-end gue?t at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carilee McCall. Miss Opal Lee Green spent Sunday visiting Miss Beatrice Woodard. Mr. and Mrs. Furman Moore and children of Spartanburg were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie ^Carilee McCall of the Gloucester section left Tuesday for Frost Proof and other Florida points. Mrs. Sallie Tritt and Mr. and Mrs. Ruffus Rqgevs? of Cullowhee were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Moore. ' Euna Lee and Loise Moore ot Brevard were week-end guests ot their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Allison at Cherryfield. Mr. and Mrs. Van Honeycutt and daughter Esta of Frozen Lake were visitors Saturday of Mr. and Mis. E. R. Galloway. _ , Mrs. W. E. Galloway of Old Tox away visited her daughter, Mrs. Edwin Staton, Sunday. Matvella, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Staton, is quite i» at the home of her p? rents. Mrs. S. K. Owen and children spent Sunday visiting the former’s^ par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Stat0"\, Miss Montaree Galloway spent the week-end visiting Miss Ophelia White. , , . „ Ralph Gillespie, wno » “ .alamcila, Fla., for several months, irrived last week to spend a couple ,f week- visiting his parents, Mi. iml Mrs. B. A. Gillespie. . Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis and daughters Ruth and Velma, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Sigmon, Mr. ana Mrs. W. Harmon were visitors to Pisgan National Forest Sunday. Girtha Watkins returned home from Asheville Thursday, having spent several days in Asheville visit ing his sister, Mrs. Robert Zachaiy. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Fleming and daughter Peggy Ann were shopping Asheville Saturday. Miss Louise Williams spent the week-end at her home at Lake loxa " mVs. Robert Zachary of Asheville visited her parents, Mr. and and Mrs. L. M. Watkins, Saturday. Mrs Oliver Snipes of Jackson county visited Mrs. D. L. Glazene ^ Turn Glazener spent Saturday in Brevard on business. Misses Emma Lee Galloway, Ruby Glazener, Louise Galloway and Glenn Galloway were Brevard visitors bat urday nigni. _ Miss Leota Randolph of Green ville, S. C. spent the week-end visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Randolph. , Walter Whitmire visited Killian Jarrett at Brevard hospital Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Moore and daughter, Betty Jane and son Jimmy end Mr. and Mrs. John Butler of Ninety-Six were Sunday guests of Mrs. Butler’s parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Burt. K. A. Glazener and daughter, Miss i’avo. were shopping in Greenville Saturday. Miss Beulah Moore, ( Miss Maxie Moore and Miss Louise Glazener of Asheville will arrive Wednesday to 'pend Thanksgiving holidays. Rev. H. Broom of Jackson county moved Monday to the Roe Rice house 1 rear Rosnian. The Rev. Mr. Broom j is the newly elected pastor of Zion L ptist church. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Holden and Airs. Clyde Holden were Sunday guests of Air. and Mrs. Joe Wilds. Air. and Mrs. A1 Btyson and Guy rORMER RESIDENTS PRAISE HOME PAPER An appreciated letter is printed below from W. H. Grogan Jr., a for mer Brevard resident now head of W. H. GROGAN JR. the W. 0. W. work for the sUte of New Jersey. The letter follows; Editor Times: Dear Douglas; Your beautiful post card reminder in two colon, calling my attention to the actual flact that niy subscription td your very welcome and appreci ated home paper was about to be no more has been received by yours truly, and I herewith enclose a per fectly good check for one dollar to pay for another year. All you have to do to get your money is write your name on back of check and hand it to my friend Ralph Lyday at the Tran sylvania Trust company and he will hand you one silver certificate whiih you can take with ybu to Washing ton, D. C., and they will giveyou one silver dollar for the silver certifi cate. Be sure and don’t forget to remind the careless Brevard citizens that Jor dan street is still a one-way street. You might tell those few republi cans in Transylvania county that New' Jersey is really a republican ?tate. However, every office has been filld for the coming year, therefore it would be useless to rush up here until a vacancy occurs. I hear Brevard College has brought new life to Brevard. Mayit grow and prosper and accomplish much good in the years that are to come. With in structors like Professor C. H. Trow oridge it cannot fail but will turn out boys and girls equipped with what it takes to make good citizens, and that is much more than book knowledge, it is the foundation for character building, which every boy and girl must have in order to accomplish worth while things in this life. Your paper has been carrying some unfavorable advertising the last few weeks. I refer to tax sales for unpaid taxes. It looks like half the homes in Brevard and Transylvania county will be sold. It only proves that taxes must be lowered and that calls for the best thought and consideration by our county, state and national officers. What* will good roads, good schools and other modern improvements mean to us if we have no home? With kindest regards to you and your co-workers, 1 am, Sincerely yours, W. H. GROGAN, JR. Tventon, N- J. And here’s an appreciated note from Miss Jean Agnes Clarke, for mer Brevard Institute teacher, now at Vashti School, Thomasville, Ga., abrng with a dollar for renewal: “We just cannot Jo without The Times. Enjoy the Sunday School les sion very much, and of course the Brevard College news.” Bryson were Sunday guests of rel atives at Travelers Rest, S. C. They were accompanied home by Mrs. D. Wilson and son Richard and Elaine Bryson who will spend this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bryson. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bryson and Guy Bryson were visitors to Easley and Greenville Wednesday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Towns a daughter, Wednesday. Nov. 21. Mrs. Towns was before her mar riage Miss Genelia Rogers. Miss Pauline Leathers substituted teaching for L. C. Case at Lake Tox away Thursday. Mrs. Case the lat ter’s wife, was removed to a hospi tal in Asheville for an operation. Robert Leathers spent Sunday in Asheville visiting friends. Mrs. Frank Rains was removed to L.yday Memorial hospital in Brevard Sunday night to undergo an opera Bcrn to Mr. and Mrs. Lynch Whit mire a daughter, Wednesday, Nov. Cist. Mrs. Whitmire was before her marriage Miss Mamie Boley. Miss Joe Bryson and Miss Mabel Blake of Selica were g%ests of Mrs. A1 Bryson Wednesday. Mrs. S. M. Towns and daughter, Mrs. Maybelle Hands, spent several days last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Towns. Misses Mae White and Ola Paxton were Asheville "and Burnsville visi t rs Sunday. Ford Optimistic Warm Springs, Ga. — President P'losevelt and Edsel Ford, automo bile manufacturer, git together Sat ’■ ’day for business talk which i.rought a “verv hopeful and cpti mistk ” report from Ford. LAKE TOXAWAY -7—■' * * *•••' 1 * ‘ Mrs. Anna Breedlove has returned home after spending somaitfrae visit* ing her father, Baxter Whitmire, at his home near Rosman. Mr. Whit mire, who has been very ill, is re ported improving. Mrs. Lester Thomas and son Deane visited Mr* H. D. Lee Satur day. Mrs. Essie Sparks and daughter,; Miss Edna, of High Point, are ex-1 pected to arrive this week for a visit I with Mrs. Chas. Lee and other j relatives here. David Greene of Fruitland is visit-1 irg friends here. John Rogers, who underwent an I uperation at Lyday Memorial hospi-| tal in Brevard two weeks ago has I returned home and is doing nicely. FredB Hall spent one night last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hall. Mrs. Clarence Conner of Era Pa., is reported to be seriously ill. The Conner family resided here for a number erf years and has many j friends who will be sorry to learn of! her illness. Misses Ruby Whitmire and Helen I Allison spent the week-end at the home of their parents near Cherry field. Mrs. Leo Case, who underwent an operation at Mission hospital in Asheville Wednesday is reported im proving. Mrs. Alfred Owen of Flat Creek spent one night last week with Mrs. Tolvin Miller. Mrs. Lillie Alexander of Oakland is spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Case. Prayer services were held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Riley J Johnson. C. J. Lee, who has been, drilling [ wells near Asheville, is visiting hisj family here. Earl Lee, who has had employ ment at Rainbow Springs for some time ,has returned home. Leo Case spent several days last week in Asheville. Rev. G. A. Hovis, pastor of the Methodist church, was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Arro wood. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Owen and children spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Case Jr., War ren Case and Mrs. Walter McNeely visited Mrs. Leo Case at Mission hospital in Asheville Sunday. Mrs. W. W. Ray spent last week in Asheville. Mrs. Charles Owen visited her -- -— daughter, Mr*. Jmm Brtedlove/ at Oakland Monday. Mr. and Mr*, C. G. Rogers Jr. Spent the week-end in Murphy. Mr*. Ida Payne visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Owen Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Thomas and little daughter were guests orf Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thomas Friday night. Charles Galloway of , Rosman spent Friday night with Charles Lee. Sam Lusk of Bohaney spent Sat urday night with N. J. Owen. are. Lee Johnson of Old Fort is ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fisher. Miss Inez Owen spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Raymond Rob ertson in,Hendersonville. , Mrs. Preston Taylor of Six Mile, S. C., was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tinsley. ' Mrs. R. F. Williams' and Mrs. Martha Kline visited Mrs. Grant Bruner and Mrs. W. H. Arrowood Monday. Rev. Clyde McCall filled his regu lar appointment at Lake Toxaway Baptist church Sunday. History repeats itself—when you least expect it. By the time a husband will stand without hitching he is hardly worth awning. _ ___ HnxQIHmilBi .WASHINGTON, Nov. 27 — Th* nation*! forest reservation comet is fffl has approved for purchase 2, 0W,1#9 acres to be added to the national forests of the eastern half of the United States, a portion of which is in North Carolina. The following addition to national forests in North Carolina were au thorized: Pisgah, 1,502 acres, cost |6,715; (Jnaks, 44,234 acres, cost 9134,601; Cherokee, 66,775 scree, 9120,440; Nanthala, 11,290 acres, cast 986,456; Crostan, 50,629 sens, cost 9189,688; Uhsrie, 4,068 acres, cost 918,327. Ranaw Your Subacription _ Diversion, under the name "highway holiday", Phas dwalpaud tho money oar owner* paid tor better road*. . , _ by laek^fu^Mp. . . If the legislature doesn't act we can't accept the million* the fedesal government to toady to spend ch our roads each year. TcH your legislators to end the "highway holiday." B*eom* m mmmbtv of HIGHWAY PROTECTIVE LEAGUE •OtorthCOTHM-taM* PREVENT YOUR RADIATOR from FREEZING The use of antifreeze Pres tone, Alcorin, Alcohol, will make your car safe this win ter. Let us fix it up for you and free your mind from worry. AutoBemie | WILL HANDLE B THE Don’t Be Annoyed By BrokenSBH In Your Car There’s nothin# more annoy ing than broken glasses in your car during these ccld day*. We are equipped tn replace broken windshields, doors, and win dows at moderate cost. 1935 LJ I I Tags Go On Safari. December 1st Get vour new tags from us with the same cour- ■» tesy'and dispatch that is always found at Mc Crary’s. Get them from office of the Walker In surance Company on Caldwell street, Clement building. B^^ With the same promptness that is characteristic of the McCra l^BT i fiaBBi Auto FIRESTONE TIRES are KNOWN to be good.... e aeh the other FIRESTONE products. You may use them with the Firestone. We handle a complete line of Firestone_ FIRESTONE BATTERIES A battery that is a bat tery. Worth more than the price we ask. Let us install one in your car and prove its value. • And your Old Battery FIRESTONE SPARK PLUGS Faulty spark plugs can cause no end of trouble. There is a simple, inexpensive remedy .... install new Firestone plugs at only 60 cents each. IRESTONE H TIRES Courier Type 29x4.40 . . $4*45 30x4.50 .. $4.90 Oldfield Type 29x4.40 .. $5.70 30x4.50 .. $6.50 McCrary Auto Chevrolet Sales and Service, Parts and jftessones | Night Phone 290—Day Phone 29 1 Wrecker Service WASHING GREASING POLISHING SIMONIZING Complete Line Of ACCESSORIES Chain*, Show, Spark Plugs* Brake I Lining-Anything * 9 You Ne