CONNESTEE NEWS Miss Frances Gillespie spent last Tuesdav right with Miss Gladys Mull. Mr .and Mrs! Bruce Lewis and lit ;tAi son and Mr. and- Mrs. Jean Lawis end two children of Easley visited their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. . ike Baker Sunday evening. Mx. and Mrs. James Brown of Lyman, S. C., were guests of Mr?. Brown’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Gravely last Friday. We are sorry to hear of the death «f “Uncle” Wash Landers, which occurred Friday. Several from this community attended funeral services at Dunn’s Creek Saturday. Mrs. G. W. Whitmire called on Mrs. F. P. Tinsley Saturday eve ning. Mrs. G. B. Glazener visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hogsed Saturday. Roseoe and Newland Mull were dinner guests of Raymond Nicholson Sunday. Rev. W. S. Price Jr. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Whitmire. Mr. and Mrs. Porter Tinsley and little son Fred were Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Baker. Luther Grey of Brevard passed through this section Sunday evening. ' M". and Mrs. Lloyd Cantrell have moved into their new house on this sidi f the river. We are glad to have them. > and Mrs. Rad Nicholson spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Warrior Mull. M ses Janie Queen and Louise Hog ed 8f Carr’s Hill visited Miss Beulah Tinsley Sunday afternoon. Frank Henry of near Brevard was calling on friends iu this community .Sunday. William Hogsed spent Sunday eve ning with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hjgsed. Edgar Glazener visited his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Glazener, . Sunday. , , i Mrs. Tavlor Hudson and children " and Claude Hudson of Pickens were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Tins lev Saturday. Malvin Allison and Henry Masters were guests of Lee Masters Sunday. The many friends of Mrs. Flem (Granny) Cison will be sorry to hear that she is seriously ill at the home of lies son, Harrison Cison. Lenoir Batson and Blake McCall of Pickens were visiting in our sec tion Sundav evening. Mrs. Roxie Masters and daughters, Mary and Ola, spent Sunday after noon with Mrs. Willie Tinsley and children. Marvin Whitmire and Lewis Grav el were guests of Edwin Tinsley Sunday. Mrs? H. B. Gfazener was hostess at a walnut hulling at her home last Monday night. Several bushels df walnuts v re hulled by the young folks joesont after which refresh ments were served. —this Lhristmas give a I diamond l'he spark ling diamond— j known as the gift supreme throughout the ages. What I other Christmas gift could be suih a splendid token of your love and esteem? We oiler only clear, blue white stones of selected qua iity — priced strictly in ac cordance with their intrinsic worth. We will be glad tc show you our fine collection 15.00 Up a small deposit wUI i,.serve any articla until Christina* Haywood St. at Patton Ave. Asheville, N. C. . e Local and Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ramsey and little daughter, Mary Anne, and Mr. Ramsey’s brother, Hazel Ramsey, are spending Thanksgiving with Mr. Ramsey’s parents in Sumter, S. C. | Mrs. Roy Long spent the week-end in Winston-Salem, visiting her daughter, Miss Ora Halt, who is at- j tending Salem academy. . | Misses Virginia and Gertrude Bry son, of Asheville, were Sunday j guests of Mrs. A. H. Kizer. Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Brinkman i and Mrs. R. D. McNeer fnotored to ! Asheville for the day Monday, i Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence of the ] state highway, are occupying one of the John Smith'' apartments on 1 Maple street. C. B. McFee has returned from a Charlotte hospital, where he under went an operation for cataract on the eye. The operation is said to be suc cessful. Mr. McFee was accompanied ; to Charlotte by his wife. Mrs. B. W. Albea, of Henderson ! ville, is visiting his brother, D. P. 1 Kilpatrick, and family. Mrs. Cordia King and Mrs. Alvin Rockwood and little daughter, Dor othy Gay returned last week from a visit with Mrs. King’s brother in . Mountain Rest, .Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sledge and little son of Atlanta were guests the , past week of Mrs. F. P. Sledge and ' family. .t Mis»\ ‘Gladys Wood has been visit-1 i ing her aunt, Mrs. Cos Paxton, in ! Greenville the past week. ! . Mrs. R. P. Kilpatrick was called to i Asheville last week on account of the illness of her daughter, Mrs. L. P. Beck, who is somewhat improved. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edwards were guests of Mrs. Edwards’ parents, 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Waters, the past 1 week. Fred Holt, of Graham, has return :cd to Brevard with his sister, Mrs. ! Roy Long and family, and is now ! connected with Long’s drug store. Warrior Corn, who has been quite ill, is slowly improving. Miss Eioise Lewis has returned from a two weeks’ visit with her brother, A. K. Lewis, and Mrs. Lewis in Greenville. Miss Lewis was extensively entertained during her , visit. . . Church Morris has returned trom a visit with his daughter, Mrs. Jim j Smith and family in Savannah, Ga. i Mr. and Mrs. George Pope, of ■ Niagara Falls. N. Y.. are visiting Mrs. Pope’s sister, Mrs. J. L. Waters and fami'y. „ , K 0. Flood, of Frost Proof, Fla., was guest several day; last week of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Ul.vs Merrill and iSmily have movedi to Whitmire ' tf-'s Leone Walters, of Weaver-1 ville, was week-end guest of Miss • .leauor Trowbridge. L P. Wilson aiul Elizabeth Case; ■peat Monday in WaynesviUe. ' Mrs. Cos Paxton and Mrs. lorn Wood were guests Tuesday of Mrs. T. li. Case i:i Asheville. , Mr. and Mrs. Wood Paxton and .;,v have moved from the Gillespie navtnieiit to an apartment in the; i |. of M;ss Katherine Griffin on 1, ston avenue. > . _. \|v and Mrs. Theodore Clement little son of Greenville were | ek-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. , erne Clement. , Mrs. John Dermid was an Ashe v die visitor last week. John McMinn and Dick Za-haiy; of Atlanta, spent the week-end at their homes in Brevard. Mrs. Paul Smnthers, Mis. f- ”• Whitmire and Mrs Lawience Ho*t attended the funeral of Grandmother I hvitt in Asheville Monday. Mrs. Clarence Poole aud ehddre i spent the week-end with Mr. P in Morganton. in Roland Whitmire was a vlsitor in Walhalla, S. C., the first of the WMr. and Mrs. John E. Bishop were visitors in Asheville Sunday. Mr and Mrs. P. M. Verdery and son, John Albert. °f CharioUe spend Thanksgiving with relative heMiss Florence Kern is Thanksgiving with relatives in umbia, S. C. _ Renew Your Subscription BLANCHE BARRUS CIRCLE MET WITH MRS. DUCKWORTH The Blanche Barrus circle of the Baptist church held its regular meet ing Tuesday afternoon, November 20, at the home of Mrs. Ralph Duck worth. In the absence of the chairman,, Mrs. Roy Long, the meeting was in' charge of Mrs. Julian Glazener. An interesting program was con ducted by Mrs. Winston Ashworth, giving a review pf the study book “Keys of the Kingdom.” A social was enjoyed following the meeting, during which the hostess served delicious refreshments. JR. MUSIC CLUB HAS REGULAR MEETING , The junior music club met at the home of Edward and Fred Glazener Monday evening. The ones on the program were: Mi cute in G, Jonathan, by Paul Jones; In The Evening, Ganschals, Dorothy Poole; eaxaphone solo, Long, Long Ago, Fred Glazener ac companied by Edward Glazener. Mr. Moore told us about the great violinist, Paganinni, and showed us pictures of the musicians. We decided to meet at the home of Paul Jones on December 10, where we are going to have a Christmas party and program. Mr. Moore is going to write Santa Claus to come and nay us a visit there. Ethelyn Pickelsimer was visitor of the club, and hope she will soon be a member. Delightful refreshments were serv ed before the meeting adjourned. By Edward Glazener THANKSGIVING SALE TO BE HELD TODAY A Thanksgiving food sale will be held today (Wednesday) in Mc Fee’s Jewelry shop in the King building, beginning at 9 o’clock. The sale is sponsored by the Daughters of Wesley c lass of the Methodist church. U. D. C. TO MEET SATURDAY AFTERNOON Decembfer meeting of the TJ. D. C. will be held Saturday faternoon at 3:30 o’clock at the library. All mem bers are urged to be present. MUSIC CLUB HAS PROGRAM OF INTEREST AND SHOWER The Brevard Music Lovers club met at the home of Mrs. J. Mac Alli son Monday afternoon at 4:00 o’clock. The meeting was called to order by the newly elected president, Mrs. Margaret Hampton, who cor dially welcomed as new members Mr. and Mrs. I). S. Trammel! of Brevard College and Mrs. Paul Hartsel!. A very interesting report of t.h< I district meeting of Music Lovers t.lubs which met in Asheville Novem ber tenth was given by Mrs. Knox DeLong, who attended as delegate of the local club. The club members received with pleasure the gracious acceptance of Mr. and Mrs Homer C -mpton of membership in the club, although they were unable to attend this meeting. After discussion of busies- at hand the meeting was turned over to the program leaders. Mrs. Hampton and Mis. Allison, the former read a very interesting paper concerning the life of the famous composer, Stephen Collins : Foster Two of his compositions. Old Jncle Ned” and “Hard Times Comes Again No More” were expressively played by Miss F.lizabeth Allison who played- the violin, and Mac Alliron.'who played the saxaphone, accompanied by then- mother. Gen tle Annie.” another of Fosters well known folk songs was sung by Mrs. \llisen and this was followed by a piano solo by Mrs. Melvin Gillespie who played “Souvenir of Stephen Foster,” which was a meaiey ot some of his best-loved pieces. The surprise of the afternoon^ came when the hostesses, Mrs. a. B. Pickelsimer and Mrs. Delong. ' - vited the guests into the dining room where the center of attraction upon the table was a large wedding cake topped by the traditional minia ture bride and groom. Lighted tapers and a white wedding bell added to the attractiveness of the pretty scene. At the head of the table were gifts brought to Mrs. Melvin Gil lespie, who until very recently was EAST FORK • • r We noticed in last week’s Times that Supt. G. C.' Bush was asking suggestions on how tp save $500 to carry on bus transportation for the school children. We can’t offer any suggestion as to how that amount can be saved but we believe W. C. Gravely has suggested a very good sdlution to the problem. As Mr. Bush seemed to think the schools would be cut one jlionth short, or at least the attendance would be cut short by the absence of school children going by bus, Mr. Gravely suggests that all teachers of the county give a free will $10 donation of. their last month’s salary. He feels sure that" every teacher would rather da that than have not work for that month. Sq We’re just mentioning this as’a probable 'solution, or as-a second solution that; would give the children going by bus.^tb -finish their grades. Ask all high school pupils to pay a small fee the last month, perhaps a dollar or one-fifty, or whatever it takes to make the $500. We heard another real good suggestion, one that several have made, that the county superintendent, out of good ness of heart, give the $500, thereby imaking a clean slate. I Wilson McFaden of Sardenia, fS. 1C-, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gillespie TuestjVy of last week. 1 Miss Ann' Stihgleterry of Green ville spent the' week-end at her home hete., ,. ,, Ralpn Gillespie is nome ior a iwu weeks Vacation. He has been at Islamarado, Fla., for some time. ' Bob Gravely and Ralph Galloway, who are attending Brevard College, spent the week-end at the former’s home here. Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Reynolds have moved to Connestee. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Gillespie had as dinner guests Sunday Mrs. Gil lespie’s mother, Mrs. W. W. Gravely, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heath and daugh ter Polly Kate and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Brown. Mrs. E. E. Gillespie and daughter, Miss Lucille, were Sunday guests of Mrs. W. C. Gravely. Timber contracts in parts of our community are almost through. W. W. Mull will soon have his contract i worked out and Mack Powell says he is quitting the first of January. I. Elmer Gillespie Ikilled a wildcat i last Thursday night Montvale Honor Roll __________ Honor roll for Montvale school, Miss Flora Reid, principal. First grade — L eo n a Brewer, Howard Cash. Third grade—Mildred Cash. Fourth grade — Gordon Brewer, Charles Hinkle. F>fth grade—Ruby Beddingfieln. Ptiyrolls Risr Washington, Nov. 22.—A marked increase in both empolyment and payrolls in industry during October was reported today by the labor de partment. Employment increased by 280,000 workers, the department estimated, while weekly payrolls jumped $’l, 300,000 compared with September. Miss Eva Cail. The bride un-rapped her shower of packages and display ed the lovely gifts (apong which, may it be added, was a '‘man-sized” rolling pin). The bride then ryt the cake while Mrs. DeLong served cof fee at the opposite end of the dining table. The next meeting will be held on December 17th and will be an even ing meeting beginning at 7:30. due to the holiday rush and will be held at the heme of Mrs. Allison again with Mrs. Hampton assisting her as joint hostess. Cliveden Yarns WoolBoucle . » ~ c | 118 Ea9t Main Street j QUEBEC NEWS ———■ ./ Mrs. R. T. Fishar tad Mrs. Elbert Whitmire were HandersonviUe visit ors Saturday. Miss Helen Henderson spent the week-end in Greenville. Mrs. Lula Owen called on Mrs. Willie Reid Friday. Otto Jonea of Etowah spent Friday night with Oscar Henaerson and Oscar went home with him Satur day. Miilie Fisher visited Mrs. T. C. Henderson Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Henderson visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reid Sun day afternoon. Misses. Opal and Mary Dodgin spent Saturday night with Mist Vir gie Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Black of Wil liston, South Carolina, spent the week-end at their summer home here. Misses Lucille Henderson, Lillian Dodgin and Clorene Whitmire visited Mrs. B. T. Whitmire Wednesday af ternoon. Miss Nellie wna o: Kosman spent the week-end with Miss Ifrene Owen. Little Iris Whitmire spent Friday night with her great uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Babe Whitmire. Mrs. Cad Whitmire visited Miss Jessie Fisher last Friday. Miss Rosie Waldrop is at horns for a few weeks after having spent some time at Highlands, North Carolina. Miss Frances McCall spent a few days last week with Miss Gussie Whitmire. Mr. and Mrs. £harlie Jennings and daughters of Glenville and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Robinson and children spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W Robinson. Rev. Clyde McCall and daughter Helen and. Miss Rebecca Smith at tended church at Lake Toxaway Sunday. , „ _ „ Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCoy, Mrs. Fannie McCoy and Nolan McCoy were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson Sunday. Gene Moore has gone to Black Mountain to spend a few days. Mrs. Gene Moore and children spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Moore’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Henderson. Misses Vera McCall and Glenna Jene McCall visited Mrs. J. W. Rob inson Sunday. ’ Rev. J. E. Burt of Rosman preached at Oak Grove Baptist church Sunday evening. His text was: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in to him and will sup with him, and he with me.” Rev. 3:20. The subject of his sermon was, “Some ways in which a church can open the door to Jesus. A few of the'many ways a church can open the door to Jesus, as given ^Second-—Marie Barton, Boy Bar wE" Bmlf’ BrUC* Fourth—Robert MeGaha. Fifth-Elite Brown, Dora Garren, WavUGarren^hartee D. C. Barton. °* Ezpeet Treaty Renunciation Washington — Japan’* blunt an nouncement »f its intention to de ESAS&g sus ment to be prepared to carry out iw treaty-ordained duty to officially end the agreement. _ by Rev. Mr. Burt with grefat spirit ual power, were by the cooperation of Its members, by prsyer, by friend ship, by prayerful end systematic ctudy of the Bible and by regular end systematic giving of our means aa well as ourself to the Lord's work* Why Liquid Laxatives are Back in Favor The public is fast returning to the use of liquid laxatives. People have learned that the right dose of a properly prepared liquid laxative will Bring a more natural movement with out any discomfort at the time, or after. The dose of a liquid laxative can be varied to suit the needs of the in dividual. The action can thus be regulated. A child is easily given the right dose. And mild liquid laxative' do not irritate the kidneys. Doctors are generally agreed that senna is a natural laxative. It does not drain the system like the cathar tics that leave you so thirsty. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is a liquid laxative which relies on senna for its laxative action. It genllv helps the average person's constipated bowels until nature restores their regularity. You can always get Dr. Caldwell's .Syrup Pepsin at any druit rtore. ready for use. _ Shampoo for short hair ...... End Permanents. Eugene Permanent 1312X21 ¥ WH£W = ON MY OTHER. SHo£ Too! t £ay, mister.-That) WOULDN'T HAVE/ HAPPENED IF YOU WOKE SUNDlMs e WELL, YOU JU$T ^ CAN'T GeTStUOU WHEN YOU 6UY) $VHQI\Lry * STYLE is one thing — quality is another Combine these,two things and you have real value. Buying SUNDIAL Shoes is a matter of good business »We are pretty proud of our reputation for good shoes at fair prices. STYLE — - QUALITY — arci FIT. That’s a brief way of describing SUNDirJL, Shoes. Try a pair next time! Main St. f Brevard