' Social and Personal News of Interest to Breva D. A. R. TO MEET MONDAY AFTERNOON December meeting of the D. A. R. will be held Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs'. J■ M. Allison, with Mrs. T. E. Patton Jr., as hostess. The program will be in charge of ~riss Florence Kern .discussing sta tWtics and facts concerning the marines. All members are urged to attend this meeting. SHOWER HONORS .... ! /; RIDE-ELECT The Philathea class of the Bap tist church entertained at the home of Mrs. Marvin Garren Tuesday eve ning of last week, complimentary to Miss Margaret Bcsse, who was to be married the following week to Mr. Anson Loomis, of Columbus, Ohio. The evening’s entertainment was featured by a miscellaneous shower for the bride-elect. Little Marguerite Scruggs, cunningly dressed as a bride, brought in the shower for the tv'ivM-re. An ther interesting feature of the occasion was the presentation to the honor guest of a loose-leat bt tok of recipes, tried and tested by the members of the class. Games ap promiate to the event were in charge of Miss Carolyn Ashworth president of the class. A salad course was served to the twenty or more members and guests present. TWO RECENT BRIDES ARE HONOR GUESTS AT PARTY M>- and Mr?. Clarence Norton en tertained a few friends at their home Friday evening, honoring thei neice. Mrs. Weaver Taylor, formw lv Miss Evon Sanders, and Mrs. C. C. Rogers Jr., both recent brides. fSSWSrt An ' nteresting progiam was pre sented by Mrs. Frank Jenkins at the regular meeting of the Wednesday club held Wednesday afternoon, No vember 28, at the home of Mrs., David G. Ward. Mrs. Jenkins discussed the sub ject. ‘‘Romanticism vs Classicism, dealing with different phases of English literature during the period of Pope, Dryden, Goldsmith and other writers (if that age Theta]* proved both enjoyable and mforma j The business session preceding the program wa; presided over by the president, Mrs. 0. L. Erwin. Following refreshments scrveei W the hostess, carrying out the i uanKS civing idea, the club adjourned to meet December 12 at the home of Mrs. Ethel McMinn, with Mrs. T E., Patton Jr. as hostess. Mrs. Kinu cy will have charge of the pro gran . _ ELECT NEW OFFICERS ASD j Oils E RYE WEEK OF PRATER Special services in observance of j the Week of Prayer for Foreign, Missions were held at the Brevard, Baptist cbuivh this week, sponsorcd; by the Women’s Missionary society.' The first in the series of spec.a! meetings held Monday afternoon j was combined with the regular busi ness meeting ot fhc W. M. S., which included us its main feature the an-. nual election of officers. Following were tb. officers elected: Pycsulent, . Mrs. Julian A. Glnzentr; first vice, president. Mrs. W. T. Bosse: second Vice president. Mrs, RoyLongjthird, vice president, Mrs. T. P. Ward,, secretary. Mrs. A. K. Hampton; and treasurer, Mrs. Avery Case. A program on the Christmas | theme was led by Mrs. John Ash-; worth, asisted by Mrs. A. E. Hamp-, tor Mrs. Thomas Dodsworth, Mrs. ; J. B. Jones and Mrs. M. H. Holliday. The meeting Tuesday afternoon j was in charge of the intermediate Girls’ Auxiliary, of whicn Mrs. Hugh | Hollificld is leader. An interesting program was pre-; sented by the young girls, basing their program on the Christmas | theme and also on foreign mission j suggestions. Those taking! part on the program were Christine Miller, Mildred Henderson, Kathryn Fulton, Mary Hamrick. Mabel Gillespie, Mnrv .'iker P'dlv Hartsell. Eliza-, beth Price, Clara Allison and others , takine- nnrt in the special musical j selections. . . , Tb'' last in the senes of Special v.-rvives held Wednesday afternoon was in charge of three organizations of the church, the Sunbeams, the io-MD" Girls’ Auxiliary and the adult missionary society. The three leaders. Miss Nell McCrary. Miss Mabel Gil lespie and Mrs. M. H. Holliday, were Hoisted hv members of the three organizations in presenting the pro grams based on mission work in for eign fields. A Lottie Moon Christmas offering for foreign missions was taken at this meetng. PEACE Dedicated to the many who worry for a cause or needlessly. (Contributed) Sometimes when we’re quietly think ing Of all that’s passed and gone. We somehow, in spite of ourselves, Worry, fret and mourn. Just look to the future with com posure, And let your mistakes be gone. Smile, be happy and contented; Stand like a giant tree in a stofrm. Let the thoughts that worry you pass As a gentle breeze in the night. Car’t wn only remember the many deeds We knew were right? Of c urse your hearts may be heavy, For reasons no one can know. Forget it, bury your troubles so deep They will never show. LOCAL GIRL WEDS , OHIO YOUNG MAN Announcement is made of the mar riage of Miss Margaret Bosse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs L. H. Bosse of Brevard, and Mr Anson Leroy Lcomis, of Columbus, Ohio, on Wed nesday, December 6, in the Ohio city. Mr. and Mrs. Loomis will make, their home in Columbus, where the groom is connected in business. PATRICIA AUSTIN HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY Little Patricia Austin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Austin, cele brated her seventh birthday Friday with a party given in the afternoon at the heme of her parents, on Pro bart street. A large four tier birthday cake centering the dining table added to the attractive dining room scene. The white iced cake was topped with seven little candles. Cake, ice cream, and candies were served during the afternoon. Many games were played which delighted the children. Forty-three little playmates and schoolmates of Patricia were present to enjely with her the happy celebra tion. JANE HAMLIN HONORS ! GUESTS WITH PARTY Miss Jane Hamlin honored her two. week-end guests from Asheville, Misses Ruth Arthur and Julia Mor ris, with a party Friday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hamlin, on Rice street. Dancing featured the evening’s en tertainment. Punch and cake were served during the evening to twenty >r more guests present. Among those enjoying the oc casion were: Misses Katherine Eng ish, Jean Coltrane, Nell Sturkey, Setty Loftis, Celia Shuford, Ruth Walters and Grace Teague and Messrs Edgar Loftis, T. G. Dar •ough, Henry DuPre, Tom Campbell, Ralph Galloway, Jack Brooks, Jim mie Patncil, Edward Clayton and Ben Shuford. Y. W. A. HAS j REGULAR MEETING , Regular meeting of the Y. W. A. i >f the Baptist church was held at •lie church Monday evening. Mrs. Roy McCall, president, was •i charge of the meeting. A Lottie Moon Christmas program was pre sented, with Miss Marjorie Garren 1: leader, assisted by other mem iers The program was in keeping with the week of prayer services for foreign missions held this week at he church. Light refreshments were served at ur'clusion of the meeting. U. D. C- WILL MEET SATURDAY AFTERNOON The regular meeting of the U D. C. will be held Saturday after noon at 3:30 o’clock at the libravy. This meeting was postponed from last Saturday o Saturday cf this week. Jt is requested that all members make an'eft'ori to attend- the meeting Saturday afternoon. A special fea ture will be a report given by Miss An.:ie J. Gash of the general ctfiwen-j tion of the U. D. C. which Mil's Gash has bee:; attending in New York Citv. PARTY HONORS . j HOLIDAY GUESTS Miss Katherine English entertain-j oil at a party Wednesday evening at I the home of her parents, Dr. and| Mrs. E. S. Engl'h, in honor of Mi?a | Ddvothy Everett and her schoolmate at Salem academy. Mis,; Patsy Hid, who were spending the Thanksgiving holidays here with Miss Everetts parents. Jlr. and Mrs. R. W . Everett. Those enjoying the hospitality of the hostess on this occasion were mainly friends among the college students and a few others, including; Misses Jean Coltrane, Grace Teague, Jane Hamlin, Celia Shuford, Betty Loftis. Jean English, and Messrs Jack Wilkes, Henry DuPre, Mack Feastfr, Mack Allison, Bill Akers, Ben Shuford and Blanton Shenard. RUTH GAINES HAS DIRTHDAY PARTY Little Ruth Gaines celebrated her fourth birthday Friday afternoon with a party given by her mother, Mrs. J. M. Gaines, at their home on Maple avenue. A pretty color scheme in pink and white was carried out in the decora tions and in the refreshments of ice cream and cake. The dining room was attractive with the pink and white crepe paper streamers, and the lovely birthday cake with four little pink candles centering the dining table. BaHorns and crepe paper favors de lighted the children. Mrs. Harry Sellers and Mrs. D. F. Moire assisted Mrs. Gaines in en tertaining the twenty-five or more little tots present. OUT OF TOWN GUESTS \RE HONORED AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Kyle entertain ed at dinner at their home Tuesday evening, complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Paul," of Cleveland, Ohio, house guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Berg the past week. Following the delightful dinner two tables of bridge were arranged | for play. | INT. G. A. MET WITH i MISS GILLESPIE The intermediate G. A. o” the ' Baptist church met Wednesday j afternoon. November 28, at the home I of Miss Mabel GiHospie. Mrs. Hugh Mollifield hat! charge of the program. Plans wove made <“••>• the program this group of vonr" cursl was to present at th- Week of Braver services held it the ehpro1' ithis w^ek. '•* AS "H ':i5 H ! A short social hour was enjoyed j following the meeting. POPULAR COUNTY GIRL MARRIES IN ASHEVILLE Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Sanders an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter, Navada Evon Sanders ,to Mr. Weaver Taylor. The ceremony took place in Asheville, on. November 24. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor will make their home at Candler. James Simpson and son, James Jr., of Piedmont, S. C., have been greats the past week of Mr. and Mrs. W. M, Henry. Mr. Simpson Sr., brother-in law cf Mrs. Henry, was one of the lucky hunter® to kill a deer in the Pisgah National Forest while on his visit here. Mrs. J. L. Cobb and son Jimmie loft Saturday for Tryon to join Mr. Ccbb, who is connected with a drug t. re there. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar A. Vaughn, of lastonia, spent the Thanksgiving ldidays with Mrs. Vaughn’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Henry. Misses Agnes, Jack and Josephine "Muytcm had Thanksgiving dinner at '.he home of their sister, Mrs. Fred Emmet-son, in Asheville. The party attended the Brevard-Mars Hill -amc at Mars Hill in the afternoon. Misses Rose, Mamie ana amuc Ihipman and Roberta Bryant return id Saturday from Tampa, Fla., where they spent a month visiting Mr. and Mrs. A1 Barne* and Mrs. Tudson Scott. They also visited bt. Petersburg, Ocala, Bradenton, Clear water and other cities in the Sun shine state. Dr. and Mrs. Harry Bradley and little son, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Mitchell and Mrs. W. M. Lyday were guests Thanksgiving day of Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. Wells in Asheville. Mr.s Wells is a daughter of Mrs. Lyday. The many friends here of James Waters will be glad to learn that the imergency operation for appendici tis which he underwent last week at Niagara Falls, N. Y., was successful and be is now reported to be doing nicely. Miss Annie Yongue left here last week for Goldsboro, where she has accepted a secretarial position. Miss Mattie Lewis has accepted a nnsition in the office of the state highway, taking the place of Miss Annie Yongue.giBft.-Sk'KIIr Miss Ora Holt Loigiof Salem academy, spent Thanksgiving hol idays with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Eoy Long. Mrs. Carolina. Thrash Dorsett is visiting Actives and frierds w Asheville this week. . , Miss Blanche. Medford, who has been connected with Jeanne’s Beauty shoppe, left last week for Honda to spend the winter. Mrs. Jack Edwards is visaing her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Waters. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Williams, ol Elizabeth ton, Tenn., were Thanksgiv ing guests of Mrs. Williams’ parents Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bracken. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Clark and son, of Spartanburg, were week-enc guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Car rier. Miss Lucy Slagle spent the week end at her home in Franklin. Miss Dorothy reizer and Miss Helen Marrow left Monday for Verc Beach, Fla., where they will spen8 the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sledge and son and Jimmie Sledge, of Atlanta, | wepe Sunday guests of Mrs. F. P. Slcd^c i Rev. and Mrs. Paul Hartsell, | Polly and Harold Hartsell, were visitors in Asheville Monday. Littie Elizabeth Ann Gordy, 3 year i old daughter of Mrs. D. B. Gordy, ! has received a gold medal in the J recent cuntest of Sears Roebuck and company at the Century of Progress in Chicago. * , Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ramsey and little daughter, Mary Ann, returned Sunday from a Thanksgiving visit at Mr. Ramsey’s home in Sumter, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fancher and ! son Fred and Mrs. Alice Pickelsimer, of Greenville, were Thanksgiving guests df Mr. and Mrs. Frank bcruggs. , _ , . . T W Tinsley and son Robert ana Monroe' Lynch, of Greenville, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Tinsley. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sitton have moved to their home at 128 Maple avenue, after spending some time with Mrs. Sitton’s father, K. Hcigsed, at Cherryfield. Plato Allison, who is employed in Asheville, spent Thanksgiving here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. b. r. Allison. , . , J. S. Bromfield, who has been ill for several weeks, was able to be uptown Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Emimerson, of Asheville, were week-end guests of Mrs. J. E. Clayton and family. Mrs. Mamie Verdery, of Hender srnville, is visiting relatives and friends here. , , Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Paul, of Cleveland, Ohio, have been guests several days the past week of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Berg. The latter ac comoanied her friend? to Ashevil.v on Wednesday, en route to their Onto home. Dr. and Mrs. Roy Long, aceom oanied by their daughter Ora Holt and Miss Dorothy Everett and schoolmate Mis? Patsy Hill, If'* Sunday for Salem Academy, Win ston-Saleim, after the young ladies had spent the Thanksgiving holidays here. Dr. and Mrs. Long continued on to Mrs. Long’s hdne in Graham, where they visited, returning to their home here Tuesday night. Mrs. T. R. BtShields, of Hender sonville, was guest the past week, of her sister, Mrs. L. B. Haynes. Miss Dorothy Everett spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Everett. She was accompanied to Brevard by j her classmate, Miss Patsy Hill, of j Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Lewis and daughter Verena of Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Lewis and little daughter, | Katherine Fielding, of Greenville, i were Thanksgiving guests of their j parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Erwin 'and Mr?. Ella Lewis and family. ! Mrs. L. W. Brooks, of Cherryfield, jhas been guest the past week of Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Erwin. J. S. Silversteen returned Monday from a ten-day trip to New York City, on business and visiting his wife and daughter who are spending the winter there. He was accompan ied to Brevard by Nathan Dwortzsky of New York. I Miss Louise Wright has returned I to Augusta, Ga., to spend seme time I after spending the past several I months at her summer home here, | Holly House, on the Brevard-Green ; ville highway. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Macfie, Coach Tilson and J. A. Miller were week end visitors in Philadelphia and at I tended the Army-Navy gftme there j on Saturday. Miss Ruth Arthur and Miss Julia Morris, of Asheville, have been ! guests several days the past week of Miss Jane Hamlin. | Miss Emma Bagwell left last week for Orlando, Fla., where she will spend the winter. Miss.Annie Mae Paxton has re turned home after nursing Miss Bagwell the past three months. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Closson and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Woods, of Wea verville, and Mrs. Elizabeth Holt, of Asheville, were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Trow bridge and family. Vernon Kizer left Saturday for his home in Lincolnton, after spending the past several weeks here with his brother, A. H. Kizer, and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Winkler, of Boone, were guests last week ikf Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Brendall at the Methodist parsonage. Miss Bertie Ballard, teacher at the Valley Springs school, Buncombe county, spent the Thanksgiving holi days at her home here with Miss Reubina Nicholson. G. F. Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. Gedrge L. Marshall and two children, G. L. Jr. and Patrica, of Asheville, were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs .C. M. Douglas. Mr. and Mr?. S. E. Varner and family were week-end visitors in Atlanta. jjj) “Beautify” you for the I r Many gay events on your social i program—and they’ll be all the happier if you look your best, ZZ Shampoo, finger wave and “ d_i.. c_:_l_ Toys for everybody— all kinds—Just from Santa Claus Land.

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