WHIRL AT THE WORLD OF NEWS j Items of interest gleaned during the past week l Soviet Charges Japan Moscow—Charges indicating a vir tual reign of terror on the Chinese Eastern railroad in Manehtukuo ; have been made public here in the form of two letters uf protest written to the road’s Manchukuo president. Plan Extended Airlines Washington—A race between the United States and Japan for es tablishment of a network of regular airlines over the western Pacific has developed as the latest phase of the rivalry between these two countries for military and naval supremacy. Japan’s plans to organize a web of airlines attaching Japan proper to the most important of her mandated islands in the Pacific were matched with plans by American companies to extend regular air service from the Pacific coast to China and the Philippines. The two networks would cross somewhere in the vicinity of Guam. Public Enemy No. Owe. Chicago—Diminutive Hulen Gillis has become unofficially the nation’s first woman public enemy. Hundreds cf federal agents, police, sheriffs anil their deputies are. scouring the highways and byways to ferret out the widow of Baby Face Nelson, killer of three federa agents, who fell mortally wounded by bullets from guns of two dying agents. With her in the dir h away from authorities was believed to be John Hamilton, last lieutenant of the crime-crazed Dillinger mob. Public Enemy In Jail Albany. N. Y.— Public enemy Dutch Schultz, unshaven and scowl ing, locked on silently Friday while the federal government strengthened its campaign to retire him to prison on an allegation he and his mob leaders neglected to pay a tax on an income of a million dollars. Exited Quirk Action Administration officials have sent the word to congressional leaders that quick action is desired on forthcoming XRA legislation in order to assure business about its future under the Blue Eagle. M\C!KS COUGH DRop . . . Real Throat relief! Me heated with ingredi ents of Vicks VapoRub _ Is Your j Face Fit? ('old days and poor razors tend to make sore, chap ped faces... .let TINSLEY’S Barber Shop do your work and have that pleasant feeling that goes with a ( leap, smooth, easy shave. Ladies’ and Children’s Worn .4 Specialty TINSLEY’S BARBER SHOP Two Doors Above Bank Trout Planted Marshall—More than ’2,000 trout, speckeled and rainbow, were Mer ited in Big Creek and Hickey’s For n the Shelton Laurel section of M ad son county last week For the past three years sportsmen >f this section have been diligent in the work of restocking the Laurel streams with game fish. Simmer Flowers in Bloom Albany, N. Y.—December found daisies blpoming in New York state and frogs croaking in the swamps. University Player Honored George Barclay, Brilliant Univer sity of North Carolina guard, is the second Big Five player in history to be placed on the Associated Press All-America football team. The only other North Carolina gridder ever to “make” the mythical eleven was Freddie Crawford, of Waynesville, great Duke university tackle. He was honored with a berth last year. On this year’s All-America five players for southern colleges or uni versities are honored and seven play ers whose home is in the smith were selected by the Associated Press for the “All’S* team. Flowers For Nelson Chicago—At the head of an un blessed grave in St. J°seph s ceme tery stood a wreath inscribed: “To our 1 o v i n g husband a n d ^ It* was the newly sodded grave of George “Baby Face” Nelson, ruth less killer felled by the gum of his own victims, two government agent. Piesuming the hunted woman had sent the flowers, the officers made a strenuous effort to trace the florist who had delivered them. Work Relief To Start Warm Springs, Ga.— President Roosevelt moulded a new and vas work relief program consolidating various existing emergencies in a conference Saturday with his prmci Pa{le'laid down the objective of work in place of unprofitable direct aid grants as reports for this goal were received from Donald Richberg. dir ector of the emergency council, Hw rv L Hopkins, reliej^acniinistvatoi, and Rexford Guy Tngwelk undersec-^ vet ary oi' agriculture and intimate consultant. . . ■ j Mr Roosevelt reserved ms jurtg ment on details as the Saturc ay af cm or. party in the little White House cottage on l’ine MytWtn end . I K,.t it appeared certa n that cu of it would come a huge public works program calling for public housing construction and possibly; ot bonus t» veterans on relief lolls. I Couple Drowned, Ttrvsi'11 CitV — Jack E- Cobun, •viddv known'Swain county business anj Mrs. Coburn were tnivant I killed Friday when their nutomo b lr was side-swiped by a truck am f^oed futo t he wanthahala river. Mereu Killer Sentenced I i eeds England—Mrs. Hay Brwn Lll gray haired and frail Saturday t sentenced to be hanged for the “mercy mu’ dor” of her imbecile son. The' w. man. after 30 years spent nm - ing her imbecile son, gave him ,00 sedative ’ablets and turned on the gas when she learned she faced an operation which would cost hei life. __ Vcw Market For Potatoes London—An effort is being made to familiarize FngLnri with that seucculent American dish, the candied sweet potato. Not one out of ten Britons even knows there is a sweet variety of the spud. A hundred bushels of the best Maryland sweets, the biggest ship ment ever, lecently landed here ana found a ready sale after a tew house wives were induced to give them a tryout. May Produce Own Paper Savannah. Georgia — The fondest dreams of richness in southern forest resources have come true in a gov ernment report which indicates that there is enough pulpwosd in the dis Southern Announces Continuation of Present Passenger Fares On application to the Interstate Commerce Commis sion, authority has been granted Southern Railway for extension of experimental period of present fares from December 31st, 1934, to September 30th, 1935, with continued suspension surcharge for passengers riding in Pullman cars. These fares are on the following basis: One and one half cents per mile one way coach tickets. Round trip tickets two cents per mile for each mile traveled, return limit 15 days. Round trip tickets two and one half cents per mile for each mile traveled return limit six months. Three cents per mile one-way tickets; also 15 days and 6 months round trip tickets are good in Pullman sleeping cars, or parlor cars, upon payment proper charge for space occupied. TRAVEL BY TRAIN—SAFE—COMFORTABLE ECONOMICAL 4 See your nearest agent or address*. R. H. DeBUTTS, Assistant General Passenger Agent SOUTHERN .RAILWAY SYSTEM ;arded pines of the naval stores in iustry in Southeast Georgia alone ti supply two-thirds of the annua needs for paper of the newspaper; of the United States. The report is made by the South ern Forest Survey sta.f, undei charge of I. F. Eldredge, regional director of the Southern Forcrt Ex periment Station at New Orle:ns. It covers the supply of pulpwood in 36 counties of Georgia. Chaco War Continues Buenos Aires —Paraguay, confi dent that the political upheaval at La Paz has demoralized Bolivian troops, pushed her advance up the Pilcomayo niver in what observers here believed might be the decisive campaign of the Chaco war. A Paraguayan claim that her troops had noted slackening in the Bolivian morale was accompanied by reports from the front asserting that numerous Bolivians had been taken prisoners as the drive towards Fort Cururenda and Fort Dorbigny con tinues. Says Jobless Increasing Washington—On the eve of a sig nificant administration decision as to its future relief policy, the American Federation of Labor has reported that a half million more men and women were unemployed than in October a year ago. William Green, president of the federation, interpreted this to mean thftt the relief program over the com ing winter was “the most serious this nation has ever faced.” *iWe are entering the winter of 1934,’ ’he said, “with 660,000 more out of work than we had at this time a year ago.” Royal Wedding London — In the grandest, most gorgeous show London has seen in many years, beautiful Princess Mar ina of Greece Thursday became the bride of the Duke of Kent, King George’s handsome youngest son. A half million persons that packed j this said' old city to the chimneytops I roared cheer after cheer as the young ! couple, parading in glittering ,pro ! cessions from Buckingham Palace to I Westminster Abbey and hack, plight ed their troth in two separate eere ! monies. ! Shipbuilding Rate irtoms | Washington — I n unvarntfshed ! wards the congressional leader on i naval legislation warned last week j that if existing treaties are scrapped j he will insist, in any ensuing naval ' race, upon American construction ol j "five ships for each three laid down by Japan/’ ‘The Japanese already have given notice unofficially that they intend ! to withdraw from the Washington I treaty because the United States and i Great Britain will not sei, aside the ■ existing 54>-3 ration and grant j Japan actual equality on the seas. Ilitrricmtc Return* Manila—Another swath of devas tation was cut through the east vet - : tral Philippines tonight by a typhoon \ described ao one of the wovst in the (history of that area. , » ' - Plan Hounhig Program Warm Springs. Ga.—The govern ment stands committed to a policy of providing adequate housing fot ihe millions of citizens whose low in comes prevent them from obtaining j private credit, it has been revealed by Preside’*! Roosevelt. The administration, it was explain ed, recognizes its obligations to bet ther the standards of living of this enormous group, and sees in such a move a definite "lift" to heavy in ! dustry and to consuming power. Baby Face Nelson Killed Chicago—The naked, bullet-riddled body of George (Baby Face) Nelson was found .ate Thursday in a ditch, a tribute to the unerring accuracy of the two federal agents who gave their lives to bring down the desper ado. His blanket-draped form was abandoned by his wife and a man believed bv government men to be Alvin Karpis, St. Paul gangster wanted for the kidnaping of Edward G. Bremer, after a battle between the outlaw and department of justice men. Favor Job Insurance New York—A group of leading in dustrialists is mustering forces to align with administration officials duing the coming session of congess in shaping an unemployment insu ance program, it has been learned from authoritative sources. Dillmger Shyer Killed Chicago—A federal agent who as sertedly killed John Dilling^r was slain Tuesday of last week. Herman E. Hollis, about 30, fell dead under a blast (if machine gun bullets fired by George (Baby Face) Nelson as federal agents sought to close in on the Dillinger desperado and public enemy No. 1 near subur ban Barrington. Critically wounded was Samnel P. Cowley, 35, chief assistant to Melvin H. Purvis, of the division of investi gation of the denartment of justice. Cowley later died. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator with the will annexed of S. F. Was son, deceased, this is to notify all persons indebted to said estate to make settlement at once, and further to notify all persons having claims against said estate to file their claims within the time required by law, within one year from publica tion of this notice, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Claims may be filed with the undersigned, cr with R. L. Gash, at torney for the undersigned. ECK L. SIMS, Admr. c. t. a. of Estate of S. F. Wasson, deceased. Dec. 6-13-20-27. Jan. 3-10. Actions for Foreclosure of Tam — Actions Instituted October 1, 1934 Final Advertisement In each and every of the actions Hereinafter set forth and referred to and duly filed in the office of the Cleric of the Superior Court of Transylvania County, wherein the plaintiff is Transylvania County, by and through its Board of Commie* rioners, and in each, every and all of said actions the delin quent taxes forming the subject matter thereof are delinquent for the years 1928, 1929, 1930 and 1931, as same appears of record. Now therefore:— - Any and all person or persons, firm or firms, corporation or corporations interested therein will take notice that there >• posted at the Court House door of Transylvania County, in the Town of Brevard, said County and State, and also duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, a notice, summons, and complaint relating to each of said actions, describing the cause, nature and subject matter thereof and requiring all person or persons, firm or firms, corpora tion or corporations claiming any interest in said subject matter to set up their claim or claims within the legal period as set forth by the several Acts of the Legislature, from the date of the final appearance of this general advertisement, or at any time before the order to make said deed or deeds, judg ment by default or other papers as made, which date of final appearance as set out, as is prescribed by law and any and all Acts of the Legislature applying to same. CATHEY’S CREEK Anderson, Luia B. & Isabel War ren et al. Bryson, Oat et ux. Buchanan & Smathers et ux. Cantrell, J. O’Neal. Connor, J. H. et ux. Crane, Mrs. D. L. Duckworth, Mrs. J. E. Est. Duckworth, J. E. Est. Dunn, J. H. et ux. Erwin, 0. L. et ux. Eubanks, Eliza. English, D. L. et al. Fisher, Lee R.. et ux. Fisher, W. C. Heirs. Fisher, R. R. et ux. Grinnell, C. D. et ux. Glazener, R. F. et ux. Gloucester Lumber Co. Galbraith, A. G. et ux. Galloway, W. R. et ux. Galloway, M. B. et ux. ; Hawkins, N. J. et ux. Hensley, John et ux. Huggins, B. H. et ux. Huggins, Eli et ux. Hunt. Henrietta, P. i Hull, mC. & lvibler, W- L et ux. 1 Hicks, Mary J. I;!',. aJonej, M. W. et ux. Jo.nevJ. W. etux. I Jenkins, F. E. B. et ux. ■ Jordan, F. M. Est. j Kenney. W. R. et ux. Kitchen, Mrs. A. 0. i Kizer, A. H. et ux. i Lawrence, R. E. et ux. i Love, Jess et ux. I Mahaffey, B. W. et ux. Minters. Mrs. W. D. ! Morris, J. N. et ux. Mosley, W. A. Est. McCall, Mrs. J. Frank & Roland Owens. McCall, J. Frank et ux i McGaha, R. L. et ux. ! Nichols, Mrs. Eero. | Nicbosor, R. L. et ux. ■ Orr. O. VI. Trustee. Owen, C. W. et ux. Paxton. Ernest et ux. , Platt, J. L. et ux, Powell, L. E. et ux. , Reece, Mrs. W. I. Rosman Imp. Co. Rosman Realty Co. Silversteen,, J. S. et ux. Sisk, A. M. et ux. Southern Eugene et ux. Stanley, J- C. et ux. Staten, L. R- et ux. Summey. George et ux. Teabell, G. J. & Vernon. W. K. et ux. Tinsley, Weslex et ux. Waldrop, W. M. et ux. White, A. M et ux. Winchester, L. L. et ux. Whitmire. M. C. et ux. Wilson. A. E. et ux. Wilson, Mark Est. Weaver, Paul K. et al. , ] eastatoe township Austin, J. II. ct ux. Allen. T. D. et ux. Brevard Improvement: Co. Britton, Mrs Jane. Bagwell, L. E. et ux. Cannon, Dr. J. A. et ux. Carolina Mts. Realty Co. Chapman, B. S. et ux. Chapman, N. H. et ux. Chappell, Geo. et ux. Chastain, W. H. et ux. Chastain, Ed. et ux. Crow, E. L. et ux. Crow, Mrs. Ellen. Cureton, Geo. D. et ux. Daniels, W. F. et ux. Dodson, Mrs. D. A. Dodson, J. W. Heirs. Dodson, Mrs. J. W. English, Dr. E. S. Fox, John E. et ux. Fisher, L. R. et ux. Fisher, R. R. & Roland Owen et ux. Fisher, Mrs. R. R Glazener, D. L. et ux. Gloucester Lumber Co. Graveley, J. B. Estate. Galloway, C. L. et ux. Galloway, Mrs. M. D. Galloway, N. A. et ux. Galloway. Mrs. R. E. Galloway, Mrs. N. A. Galloway, Mrs. M. L. Galloway, Thurman R. et ux. Galloway, Mrs. M. G. Garren & Johnson. Galloway, Mrs. M. G. Garren. W. M. et ux. Graveley, J. H. et ux. Graveley, Will et ux. Gray, Robert et ux. Hendricks, Ed et ux. Hendricks, T. A. et ux. Hinds, Garvin Heirs. Holcombe, G. W. et ux Hubbard, W. A. et ux. Hubbard, Clyde M. et ux. Hubbard, Leon ct ux. Hubbard, M. C. et ux. Holcombe, T. R. et ux. Jarret, W. M. et ux. Kimsey, W. R. et ux. Lance, J A. & Mrs. Mattie J. Lance, Ed et ux. Miller, N. A. & Wilson. Morgan, M. W. et ux. Murr, J. W. et ux. Mott, C. B. et al. Osheildn, Milton et ux. Owen, 15. R. & C. P. Wilkins Est. Owen, 15. R., Cohen & Shipman, T II. et ux. Parson, D. H. et ux. Patton, T. E. et al. Paxton, A. M. et ux. Paxton, Ernest et ux. Paxton & Silverstten et ux. Powell, Fields et ux.' Powell, M. C. et ux. Powell, M. D. et ux. Powell, P. F. et ux. Powell, R. C. et ux. Powell, T. 0. et ux. I Price, W. R. et ux.fl t |l Silversteen. J. S. et ux. Smith, A. B. et ux. Smith, T. V. et ux. Stewart, R. C. et ux. Volrath, J. P. et ux. White, A. M, ev. ux. Whitmire; J. L, et ux. Whitmire, J. M. et ux. Whitmire, Mark. ujEgr Williams & Fulgbam. Yongue, Ernest. F. et GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP Brown, T. E. et ux. Buckner, Esby et ux. Chastain, T. R. et ux. Dev eve, Dewey et ux. Duckworth, J. E. & W. B. et; ax. Duckworth, J. E. r'hher, R. R. et jx. .. Fi; hcr, S. M. et ax. • Gloucester Lumber Co Galloway, (!. F. et ux. Galloway, Carl et ux. Galloway, M. et ux. Housed, Raymond et ux. Kitchen, C. N. et ux. Kitchen R. J. et ux. , Mason, W. M. et ux. McCall, C. A. et ux. McCall, Elzie, et ux. McCall, E. S. et ux. McCall, F. 0. et ux. Jtr , McCall, G. F. & G. L. Owen et un McCall, G. W. et ux. McCall, H. S. et ux. McCall, Jamie et ux. If, McCall. J. F. et ux. sfv McCall, J. L. et ux. fT'l1 McCall, Loonie et ux. McCall, T. N. et ux. jilH McCall, Van et ux. to McCall, W. A. et ux. McCall, Wilkie et ux. McCall. W. R. et ux. McCali. Mrs. Mary. Norris, Chas .et ax. (>won E. M. et u.t. Cweu J. Coley et ux. Owen, Julius et ux. Owen, Lon et ux. HOwen, D. ®et ux. | .y; Owen, Mrs. G. L. Parker, H. S. et ux. Patterson, W. E. et ux Price, A. C. et ux. IgUah Silversteen, J. S. et ux. West, C. L. et ux. HOGBACK TOWNSHIP Breedlove, Fred C. et ux. Breedlove, J. A. Estate. Burgees, Mrs. M. J. et ux. Bradstreet, Mrs. D. D. Chappell, Clyde et ux. Chappell, C. H. et ux. Forest Products Corp. Fisher, G. W. et ux. Fisher, John Heirs. Fisher, Lee R. et ux. Fisher, W. J. et ux. Fisher, Raymond et ux. Gillespie, D. T. et ux. Galloway, Fred et ux. Hinkle, John Estate. Johnson, R. E. et ux. Knight, W. B. et ux. Love, H. G. et ux. Miller, Alfred et ux. Miller, 0. C. et uxt McCall, Clyde S. et ux. McCall, T. C. et ux. McCall, Homer et ux. McIntosh, S. et ux. McKinney, Allen et ux. Neal, Mrs. Rhoda E. Neal, J. B. et ux. Norris, J. S. et ux. Owen, Coleman, J. et ux. Owen, Ben H. et ux. Owen, M. F. Heirs. Owen, Posey et ux. Owen, W. J. et ux. Owen. W. V. et ux. Pace Lumber Co. f Plott, J. 0. et ux. Reid, Willie, et ux. Reid, W. W. et ux. Reid, M. E. et ux. Reid, L. R. et ux. Re vis, Harriet Heirs. Robinson, J. W. Heirs. Rogers, H. G. et ux. Senders, Lindsy. WATCH Till IIIIETS! Be Sate They Properly Cleanse the Blood YOUB kidney* are constantly fil tering imparities from tbs blood stream. Bat kidneys get function ally disturbed—lag in their work tail to remoy* the poisonous body wastes. Then you may softer nagging backache, attacks of dixiiness, burning, scanty or too frequent urination, getting up at night, swollen feet and ankles, rheumatic pains; feel "all worn out" Don’t delay! For the quicker you get rid of these poisons, the better your chances of good health. Us* Doan’t PiTlt. Doan’t are for the kidneys only. They tend to pro mote normal functioning of the kidneys; should help them pass off the irritating poisons. Doan't are rsoommended by users the country over. Get them from any druggist. MAN'S PILLS Southern, Geo. H. et ux. Steinmeyer, Wm. H. et ux. Stikeleather, J. G. et ux. Thomas, Ben et ux. Thomas, W. A. et ux. Thomas, B. P. et ux. Whitmire, Mrs, J. C. Wilbanks, F. Y. et ux. LITTLE RIVER TOWNSHIP Allison, Mrs. Julian. Allison, Malgram et ux. Allison, M. E. et ux. Ashworth, W. S. & Everett, R. W. et ux. Anders, J. A. et ux. Allison, Dorus et ux. Allison, Oat et ux. Baynard, H. C. et ux. Bishop, Jennie L. Boyd, B. M. et ux. Burns, J. A. Heirs. Ball, W. M. et ux. Ball, W. T. et ux. Clayton J. E. et ux. Coxa, Tench Est. Cox, Frank Est. English, D. L. & E. S. et ux. Fisher, John et ux. Hamhy, Lewis E. et ux. Ilcmilton, D. 0. D. et ux. Hamilton, Mvs. Sallie. Hooker, A. B. et ux. Hughes, Poland & Rhea et ux, Jones. S. A. et ux. m il ■ ' Jones, P R. et ux. HKlfiBi Jonc-3. Mvs. Jane, La Jem s, P. K. et us. Jenkinn, F. E. B. et ux. Lee, P. E. at nr d|§ Rif.’nsy. E. H. et ux. Morrill, G. G. cfc ux. Morrill, J. L. et- if.. Merrill, 'I’P* E. et ox. Mor.fforc,, Emidou Si l A ^fieCnll, A. B. -Jt flfflCtdl, J A. et ux. jpBL-. R McCall, M. M. « m i! | j McCall, T. R. et ux. McCrary, A. ’L. et ux. McCrary, Joins & H. H. Briggs. MSKimiey W. J. et ux. i Nicholson. H. P. et ux. Nicholson, Walter & Nadine. Orr, Bylvestev (i V. C. et ux. ! Scott, J. F. et UX. Sfcuford, Uni S. J. i ShifordSD. M Heirs. Siniiord, C. A. lieirs.Spj SIMn, Mfie? Annie. Sir.tell. M/s. D Err Thrash, J. M et ux. Townes,W. K. Est. ! NOTICE OnXRUSTEE'S SALE t|a Default havng beerjfca.lp in '.he * payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain need of tmsfi to North Carolina Trust Company (Now North State Impiovemofit Company) us Trustee tor the Pilot Life insur ance Compnnv by R. E. Luwrnxc and wife. Fh.x Andrews Lawrence, and J. S. Silvereteen and wife, Eliza beth M. Silvers teen or October 1st. 1926, and recorded in the office of. the Register of Deeds of Transyl vania County in Book 16, Page 427, the undersigned Trustee will, under and by virtue of the power of sal# contained in said deed of trust, and at the request of the cestui que trust, and for the purpose of discharging the debt secured by said deed of trust, proceed to sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the courthouse door in Brevard, Transylvania County, North Carolina, at 12:00 o’clock M., on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11th, 1934 the following described land, to-wit: Beginning on a stake in the North margin of Jordan St., said stake standing N. 64 d. w. and 42.12 ft. from tnh intersection of Jordan St. and West Alley, and runs with the North Margin of Jordan St. N. 61 d. w. 40.3 ft. to a stake in the Muil line; thence N. 26 d. e. and parallel to Caldwell St. 100 ft. to a stake; thence S. 64 d. e. and parallel to Jordan St. 40.3 ft. to a stake; thence S. 26 d. W. and parallel to West Alley 100 ft. to the beginning. Also a right to use the party wall on the Southeast side of the jot, namely the wall between the building on the above described lot and the Postoffice building. _ A five per cent cash deposit will be required of the nighest bidder at the above sale. The above described property is to be sold subject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes and assessments against said property. This the 6th day of November, 1934 NORTH STATE IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. TRUSTEE. (Formerly North Carolina Trust Company.) Smith, Wharton & Hudgins, Attys-, Greensboro, N. C. Nov. 16 22 29. Dec. 6._

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