—■■ - —I The farmers in our section are section are puzzled to know what to puzzled to know what to do or say since the government , has contracted to feed. Some have gone to much expense to provide the neces- j sary barn space. We fear the worst is yet to come before the western lice are destroyed. | We believe the sportsmen around here should be thankful for the suc cess they have had this season, as a large number of deer and other game have been killed. One deer visited a man in the corn field and caused the greatest disturbance, but it was over in a shitft time and the skillet was doing its stuff cooking ver.ison. The many friends of Norman Whitmire and family regret their; loss from the community. They have j had charge of the county h;,me for j eight years and did most excellent, services*, sacrificing on every hand i for the county’s benefit and holding ' the biggest job in the county with j credit, which no sober and thought- j ful man can gainsay. We welcome j the new superintendent, Noah C. | Miller, and wish for him and family, as well as the county, as successful, term as was that of Mr. Whitmire,; also H. C. Barton who held the posi tion four years ago. We are glad to report Mrs. Lafay-, ette Osteen, who has been seriously i ill, improving. It was with sadness and regret | that we learne do fthe death oi‘ the j r;n of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Pruett, j T ho was buried at the cemetery here J I st week. Rev. Nathan Chapman preached j * -splendid sermon here Sunday. Rev. G. A. Hovis, pastor of the liethodist church, will preach next Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Teague were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Breed love Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elza Barton are, building a home here. We hope to, set others do likewise, ns there is, a demand for homes very often. The prayer service conducted by the boys from Brevard College is well attended each Wednesday night, considering the weather. Rev. Sherman Pearson preached at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bar toil Sunday to a full house. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence, Eubanks, a daughter. Thu community prayer service at the Methodist church is well attend ed. It will be conducted by Mrs. Lon nie Barton .next Saturday night. Clarence Whitmire, who has had | employment in Brevard for some time, was visiting here Sunday. AERIAlCUPPERS I SEEK NEW TRADE; I NEW YORK, Dec. 12—American aviation within the next few months will project new aerial trade routes over the Pacific ocean to tap the orient’s world markets. Experimental service between the mainland of the United States and Oanton, China, is to be inaugurated this fpring by Pan-American Aair ways in establishing flying routes and schedules that are expected within a year to bring the orient CO hours from Pacific coast cities. Ccmpaiable in trade significance wi'h the advent of the American clipper ships of the nineteenth cen tury, the trans-Pacific transport flights will be the initial bid of in ternational aviatk.n for trnns-oeeanic transport trade. Pan-American, it became known definitely, will launch this ;erVic;e this spring in a series of flights over a route 8,780 miles long. The longest over-water hop will be that of 2,400 miles between California and Hawaii. Pan-American’s projected trade route, it was learnc !. is over six easy legs—California to Hawaii, Hawaii to Midway Island, Midway Island to Wfike Hand, Wake to Guam, Guam to Manila and Manila to Canton. Representations have already been made for the establishment of shops and s:n bases at those land points on the long trans-Pacific route, it was understood. It has not been de termined fully what will be the ter minal on the Pacific coast. ELECTRIC CHAIR CLAIMS 3 LIVES RALEIGH, Dec. 12— A tragedy that was conceived when four men planned the robbery of a bank as a venture in crime was consummated at state’s prison last week, when three white men of the same family went to their deaths in the electric chair in a history-making expiation for murder in North Carolina. The victims in the last chapter of the trayedv and in North Carolina’s second triple electrocution within three weeks were: Bascom Green, 44, the father; Lester Green, his son who.'would have been 23 this week; and R. E. Black, 25, son-in-law of the elder Green. With Mike Stefnnoof. a Bulgarian immigrant who paid the supreme penalty early last summer, the three were convicted for the attempted robbery of the Merchants & Farm ers. -bank of Tavlorsvi'K in which T. C. Barnes, the cashier, was mor tj,ijv wound®;!, nod Polon Little, an other bank official, was s®ri usly in jured. Th" state never had snupf'ed out the lives of three men on the same dev for any crime until November 1fi. when three young negro men paid for murder. CAPO OF tii ivms; W» w>®h to pobl’clv .. our sincere thank5' to^ur nrnnv friends for their kindfieSfjshown "s during the illness and the. death o' our son, Y. 0. J. C. OPR AND FAMILY. if Equipped with the Maida three lite bulb which permit* a varia tion iV illumination from a high level to medium level or to • ■ low level (imply by turning one twitch. One turn provides a high level by operating the two filaments In the lamp which utilizes a total of 300 watts. On our new residential schedule this will cost nine-tenths of a cent an hour to operate after a total of 30 Kwh have been used The second turn 0i the switch will -ause the 200-watt filament to bum. The operating cost In this case will he six-tenths of a cent per hour. The third turn of the switch will operate the 100-watt filament. The operating cost will then be only three-tenths of a cent per hour. Price Complete With Bulb $1295 AF aaal j 4 Per Month With 95C Uasil 1 Electric BiU Until Pah) STUDY THE New Study lamp was designed with one dominat ing purpose in mind: to make study or reading easier and less tiring for young and old. To achieve this result, eyesight specialists and lighting engineers worked together, creating the specifications of a radically new lamp. How well they succeeded is indi cated by the sponsorship given the New Study and Read ing lamp by authorities. Price Complete With 150 Watt per month with Bulb $ I electric bill until paid. THE ELECTRICAL PERCOLATOR New Residential Rate One and One-titth Cents Per Hour. 1 This Universal Per- ^ colator will make a 1 most useful servant. Colonial Highboy design, nickel finish. 5ix-cup capacity. $525 __ THE ELECTRIC HOT PLATE New Residential Rate One and Four-fifths Cents Per Hour. A convenient portable Hot Plate which can be used right on the table. Pleas ing design, light and dura ble and so economical. THE ELECTRIC SWEEPER The New Residential Rate Nine-tenths Cent Per Hour. Wouldn’t this be a labor saver? An electric sweep er to keep those rugs spot less the whole year thru. We handle both the Uni versal and Royal Cleaners with attachments. *38# cash § With Useful and Practical The Gift of something Electrical "Makes a Merry Christmas last the whole year through" . . . Whose mother, sister, sweetheart or friend would not be overjoyed with gifts such as these. Resplen dent, beautiful,—yes, and much more—Electrical Appliances as gifts offer their proud owners unending services, which every day of the year make home life more interesting, more conven ient, more livable. It is, and always will be, the policy of this company to offer to the public electrical appliances of the highest quality obtainable and at the lowest prices possible. Appliances shown here, and many others, can be bought on convenient terms by our customers—a small cash payment and the balance monthly on your light bill. CTbe operating costs for operating these appliances apply after the use of 30 k. w. h. of electricity, which Is less than the average modem home uses for I I lighting alone. THE ELECTRIC WAFFLE IRON New Residential Rate Two Cents Beautiful Universal Waffle Irons with automatic heat indi cators, makes waf fles just right every time. Chromium fin ish with tray at- ^ lached. A real bar- Cjjy $*n20 " The Electric Heater New Residential Rate One And Nine-tenths Cents Per Hour. THE ELECTRIC TOASTER New Residential Rate tenths Cents Per It now costs only Ic to make 37 pieces of ^ toast. 2 •• Hot, crisp, toast made right at the table. Ev eryone in the family | will appreciate this. Nickei finish, pleasing design and so econom ical to operate. .. ■ rf $4^5 and $595 For bedroom or bath this L. & H. Reflector Heater gives instant heat. A real comfort provider these cold mornings. Get one for your own use this win ter and forget about the cold. THE ELECTRIC IRON New Residential Rate One and Four-fifths Cents Per Hour Take a look at that old Iron that’* been In uae for the past five or six years and see If you don't think | it deserves retirement’ j Here’s a new, guaranteed { Universal Iron that’s well £ balanced and easy to use Tune In WSOC 7:45 P. M. Tues —WBT 9:45 A. M. Mon.-Wed.-Fri.