METHODIST PASTOR RETURNS FROM VISIT Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Brendall spent the past several days In Winston Salem, Durham and other cities, where they were on business connect ed with the financial affairs of the Methodist church, and attending a board meeting of church extension. The Rev. Mr. Brendall urges in particular that all church members attend the mid-week prayer services, which are proving of interest and profit in their varied programs, con ducted largely by the church mem bers. The pastor stated that in his opinion the prayer service last week was one of the finest he had attend ed in some time. NEW WAGON DRAWS ATTENTION OF MANY j i• . Back in the day# when "you and { Were young” there was much divided opinion as to just which make of wagons was the easiest run ning, some claiming the J. I. Nissan,' some the Hickory King, others the Hackney. But the argument seemed to die a natural death when the horse was traded for a tractor, the wagon for a truck and flivver, and the long hayricks beside the road were displaced by gas tanks. Somebody in Transylvania county (unable to find the owner) evidently believes a Hackney runs alright, for the first brand new wagon, to come tci attention of this writer was seen in Brevard last Friday morning, end like the editor of The Times, most folk stopped and looked it over. News From Selica Dope Rings Raided Washington— The government is smashing with a heavy fist upon the country’s dupe peddlers and addicts and promises further blows in a concerted nation-wide drive against illicit narcotics. Federal narcotics agents in every major city executed a series of swift raids over the week end and more than 1000 dealers and addicts are in jail. Thousands of dollars worth of contraband narcotics have been cap tured and scores of automobiles used by purveyors have been confiscated. Renew Your Subscription Editor Times: As it has been some weeks since] we have seen anything in The Times from Selica thought it/might be of interest to you and the readers to know that Selica is still on the map and we feel by other communities that are pushing along and doing things worth while like the old peg legged darkie felt when he hollered to his coon dog (Lonzo) who was in a tight chase, he laid “Go fur him Lonzo, I’ll git along as fas as I kin. Now to communities who are really putting things across we say go to it and we will “git along as fas as we kin” The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. J, N. Whitmire and family regret very much having to lose them I from our community. As caretakers I of the county home and they had few equals, as neighbors and citizens they have no superiors. Mr. and Mrs. Whitmire were thoughtful, kind, patient, and affectionate to all the inmates, always administering to their wants in such a way as to win their affection and add to their ccjnfort. Mr. Whitmire made many improvements on the farm and prem ises while there that will be there for many years to come, and while their moving away was one of thope hap-1 pen-so’s that come to all of us alang through life, still we are glad to say j that they left a host of friends here who extend to them their very best wishes. Two of the ministerial students from the Brevard College have been coming out to the Methodist church for the past few weeks to conduct the Wednesday evening prayer serv ice. These are promising young men and we predict for them a bright future. V l; ,:V 'v We are gla dto welcome into our midst Mr. and Mrs. Noah C. Miller, newly appointed caretakers at the county home. Mr. and Mrs. Miller ccme to us well reccimmtnded from, every viewpoint and we hope they will have the full cooperation of I ■riiaiMimillirz'lllllilllllllirZnilllHHIllirA, : I With Gift • Items For The Whole Lj Family at MONEY SAVING PRICES NOWON TubuhIEP THEATRES : Asheville, N. C. Sunday, Dec. 16th i :00 P. M. to 7:00 P. M. 9:00 P. M. to 11:00 P. M. 'I IMPERIAL “Behold, My Wife" Sylvia Sidney and Gene Raymond PLAZA “The Man Who Reclaim ed His Head" Claude Rains and Jean Bennett P A RA M 6 U N T “Cock-eyed Cavaliers" Wheeler and Wilson THE LEADER 10-12 Patton Ave. Asheville, N. C. DSE THE WANT ADS mmm | We Carry Complete Line !■ I SPECIAL FOR | Friday - Saturday - j =§ 24 lb. “Good Value” 24 lbs. = Plain or Ukp “Red Head ' fjj ® Self Rising. t/l/L Plain or Self Rising = 48 lbs. ^1 fiC 48 lbs “Good Value”.tpliOJ “Red Head” . g JJJJJ 2^1 • 111 ■ 11111 ■ III • 11II11M11111 <■ 1111111111 ■ I M M11IIIII1111111111111 III l< • 111II111II11 ■ * .'* II1111111111 IfeedsI i i I For every farm animal— | : : 1 Specializing in the famous | i Purina Chows. Hi __ 2],,.,.....I..III..........Ml.HUM.... USE s MORTON’S | | Smoke Salt j | I —this year— cure your meat I = I to perfection—Ready to use— j g| I nothing to add. ss .........El SB | We Pay GSLSYl For Produce | | B & B Feed & Seed Co. f @ East Main Street - Phone 66 | ^lllllllllll^llllllllllWIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIHIIIIWIIIIIilli'lillllllllll'Illltailltlllllll^llllllllllHlllllltllliifJiS^. every dtiien fo this |«M tori. - gladdest and gmtwlt of all holiday*. Now that we an apyfroaehUiir the (Christmas) lets take a day «f of che toils of the pot year in this world of mishape and misunderstand ings, meditate on the meaning of Christmas, give our hearts time to beat a little slower, sun our souls, get the spirit of cheer, often a word of cheer will balance one who is staggering under a heavy load of difficulties. Let’s bury our short-com ings under the Christmas snow, and let them quietly sleep under the mantle of white .instead of looking down at our toils, lets look up toward the stars and tr/ to catch a vision of the upstretched stairway that leads to Eternal Christmas tide.' Renew our hopes and Faith in the Babe of Bethlehem, in. our country, j in our fellows .that we may bid the world come on. I sincerely, very sincerely, wish every man, woman and child a merry, merry Christmas. Very truly, J. W. DICKSON. • *ss ■ . ■ "■> The federal tax of two eente 00 each bank check will be taken off' January 1, according to an announce ment made by Transylvania Trust Co. This tax was Imposed to nstoe revenue and resulted^ In many bank accounts being closed, it was ex plained. It also entailed a tremendous amount of detailed work for the banks. _ V !"****_ ' *; Renew Your Subscription To Protect Dry Staten , Washington — Special plans for blocking the liquor flow into the coutnry’s 13 dry states were dis closed Friday night by the treasury with a flat rejection ctf proposals for lower liquor taxes. WANT ADS FOR SALE—High grade band in struments. Some as good as new at about half price of new ones. F. J. Cutter, Brevard’s extinguished band master. Across King Creek from cotton mill. 4tp WANTED—Girl's bicycle, must be in good condition and reasonable for cash. Mrs. L. P. Wilson, near Wilson’s Bridge. MOVING and GENERAL HAUL ING— reasonable prices, every load insured. See Charlie McCrary ai McCrary Auto Service, Phone 290, Brevard, N. C Mch 8 MAN WANTED for Rawleigh rout*. of 800 families. Write today. Raw leigh, Dept. NCL-180-SA, Richmond, Va. Dec. 6-13-20-27. FOR SALE- U p r i g h t“ piano in good condition. Will sell for $50. For quick sale. Box 595, Bre vard, N. C. WANTED—Transportation to At-^ lanta for two on the 22nd, 23rd, or 24th. Will share expenses. Write Box G, Brevard. ltc II.., I F"-.- M ■■ ■ 1-1 At Pattersoi Your Dollar Will 6 yds 80 square Pepperill 2 Children’s Blanket Robes 2 fast color Wash Dresses 2 Children’s Sweaters 4 yds first quality Oilcloth 1 ladies’ Pure Silk Slip 4 Men’s Pure Linen Handkee 36-inch heavy Outing, yard..10® Yard-wide Sheeting, yard . 5® Boys’ Leather Boots, all sizes, high tops.. Double bed size cotton blankets.69® One lot Men’s All-Wool Suits. $7-77 Blankets, double bed size, 100 per cent pure virgin wool.... • • 22 98 _