MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correapondent Mias Anne Singletary of Green ville is spending this week with her j garents, Mr. snd Mrs. L. H. Single tary. Miss Louise Fisher of the Glou-; tester section spent the week-end M guest of her cousin, Miss Louise Galloway. Miss Lorena GalWway spent Sun day night as guest of Miss Dohonov Fisher. Miss Fanny Chastain spent Sun day night as guest of Miss Ruth Green in Gloucester. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heath » daughter, Helen, on Thursday, Dec. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan and daughters Misses Ruth and Mary were in Asheville Saturday. They were accvdnpanied home by Mrs. S. N. Foyster, who spent several weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs. Claud Byerly. * J. S. Wilds and daughter, Miss Dorothy, spent several days last week visiting relatives at Pickens, i Carr Glazener has returned home •jfter vKting his (laughter, Mrs. Steve Ferguson at Crab Tree. I Mr. and Mrs. Walker Smith of La France, S. C., were Sunday guests «f Mrs. W. S. McLean and family. .!. D. Morgan and Curtis Chap ■ n were dinner guests of Mr. and ; ?. Gus Aiken. „ Melvin Powell, son of Mr and Mrs. < .nelius Powell, is very ill with * able pneumonia. , ! William G., son of Mr. and Mrs. Yens Galloway, is reported ill with pneumonia at the home cf his par ent’*’. Wade Chapman and Wesley Finley i of K ’('iiapolis spent Sunday night at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. ( Ch»>" an. , ,1 Mr. and Mrs. Van Honeycutt and daughter Esta of Frozen Lake spent Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Chapman. I Clinton Greene was a visitor of Thomas Paxton Sunday. | rhest Colds !; .... Best treated i without "dosing 1 l 1 Hl>l I "TmiAMEVIm I Tom Morrison is reported quite ill i at his home near Rosmao. A. M. Paxton visited his brother I Hilt Paxton Sunday. ! Miss Pearl Price of Gloucester spent the week-end visiting Misses Nellie and Dorothy Wilds. She was I accompanied home Sunday by the Misses Wilds. Miss Ola Paxton, Miss Ella Mae | Collins, E. M. and Wallace Collins were dinner guests of Miss Josephine Mull in Brevard Sunday. ' Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Hovis and 1 daughter Kathryn were in Hender sonville Saturday. Mrs. J. B. Houck and children, Harold, Bobby and Evelyn, of Chcrryfield are spending several lays visiting the former’s sister, Mrs. Doyle Moss. John Cantrell of Pickens visited ! friends here during the week-end. Misses Ethel and Lula Manly, Mrs. Charles Gant and Children, Mrs. Oscar Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rogers were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Towns. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hol den a daughter Hazel, da Tuesday, December 4th. Mr. and Mrs. John Watson of Cashiers visited the latter’s sister, Mrs. Crittent Galloway, Thursday. . Miss Pauline Leathers has accept ed a position, as teacher in the Shoal Creek school. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webber of Chicago are spending several days as guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Gal loway. Miss Kathleen Batson of Pickens is spending several days visiting .Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Galloway and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sisk. Miss Marie Moore and Miss Helen Sitton of Asheville were Sunday guests of the former’s sister, Mrs. Claud Glazener. Ed Gillstrap of Pickens was a business visitor to Rosman Thursday. Mrs. Alice Page returned Thursday fr«m City hospital, Greenville, where she received treatment for a frac tured shoulder. Tom Stroup spent Saturday night as guest of Coy Fisher. Mrs. Roland Fisher and small daughter of Quebec spent Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Le? R. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. John Kilpatrick and ’rrrrrry'ryy ▼ ’ T T T T ’ ’ T ’ ' * • * « ! YOUR HOME IS Y©UR CASTLB ! Admit only clean, constructive newi by reading , ' THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR A Daily Newspaper for the Home Ii gives ail the constructive scriti news but does not exploit crime and scandal. Has interesting feature pages for all the family on Women'e • ' Activities. Houtetnaking. Garden*, (education and Books. Also pages foe * > the Children and Young Folk*. Vigorous editorials and an interpretation of , > news in the ' March of the Nations” Column ore of apecial Interest to man. t -— Aimrai Gets ENGLAND hSPAIN, ^Ei flMER,cs 1935 Model 145 m ~ I THIS amazing 5-tube superheterodyne has 6 tuned circuits. Hears foreign short-wave, all regular broadcasting, police, airplane, and ama teur signals. 3 separate tuning bands on the airplane dial are selectively illuminated to show which band the set is on. An amazing value in up-to-che-minute quality radio. COME IN AND HEAR IT TODAY R. F. THARP PLUMBING ND ELECTRICAL BRE) .-■•111". UJ’"'. " " w childron *a4 VtM >f Brevard ware |»— the lattar'a parent*, Mr. W. H. Edena, Claud Stroup, Coy Fiiher and Bey I Fisher were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Glazener Sunday. W. J. Moore is reported quite ill at his home here. Miss Marie Moore was a visitor at , the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Pax , ton. Mr. and Mrs. Volley Clayton . moved from the drug store apart ment on Main street to a house across the river last week. , Mr. and Mrs. Van Honeycutt and , daughter Esta were dinner guesta of Mr. and Mrs, D. H. Winchester Sun day. Harold Hogsed is reported quite ill at the home of his father, R. L. Hogsed. Leon -Gillespie of Asheville was a buaine?s visitor to Rosman Monday. Miss Faye Glazener was a visitor to Asheville Saturday. E d Wilson, superintendent o f Yancey county, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Glazener Thursday. Lewis P. Batson and Mr. Smith ctf Greenville were guests of E. A. Glazener and Claud Glazener Thurs day. Miss Odell Aiken spent the week end in Brevard visiting Mrs. P. A. Aiken. Labe Chapman and friend, of Gas tonia, are spending a few days visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Galloway. Miss Mary Singletary of East Fork spent Monday night as guest otf Miss Hilda Galloway. T. C. Horton and Ed Beason, students of Brevard College, were dinner guests of Douglas and Ralph Eldridge Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Eldridge were Sunday guests ctf Mrs. H. N. Blake at Selica. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Conner a daughter, Friday, Dec. 7, at their home in the Cherryfield section. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Whitmire and two children visited Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bauknight at Easley Thursday. E. M. Collins, Bill Stroup, Paul Stroup and R. K. Powell visited friend 3 and relatives at Pickens Sun day Mrs. L. M. Watkins spent the week-end visiting her mother, Mrs. W. F. Merrill, at Little River. Chick FRoberts of Brevard College spent the week-end as guest of Gir tha Watkins. Roy Brctwn of Cherryfield was a week-end guest of Archie and Frank Whitmire. HONORS BIRTHDAY OF LITTLE GRANDSON Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher enter tained with a dinner Thursday, hon oring their grandson, Jimmey Bales, fourth birthday anniversary. The family and Austin Hogsed were A number of Jimmey’s friends from Sylva sent presents but could j not be present for the occasion. REV. HOVIS TO FILL REGULAR APPOINTMENTS Rev. G. A. Hovis will preach at Lake Toxaway M. E. church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock, Oak Grove Brevard at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and Selica M. E. church at t :3U | p. m. The public is invited. MT. MORIAH CALVERT TO HAVE SPECIAL MEETING I A special meeting of deacons, Sun day schnol officers, B. Y. P- U. and \V. M. U. workers of Mt. Moriah Cal vert church will be held at the, church next Sunday night tor a( j business meeting. • Rev. J. A. Burl, pastor, will also f;il his regular appointment at the usual hour Sunday night. SPECIAL SERVICE TO BE AT ZION CHURCH SUNDAY ] Installation, services will be con ducted Sunday at Zion Baptist, church at 11 o’clock for the purpose of ordaining deacons. The nominated deacons are as loi l:(ws: James Staton, Carre l Manly, Oscar Barrett and Tom Gillespie. Rov II. Broom is pastor of the church and will be assisted in the service by Rev. A. J. Manly. PROGRAM GIVEN BY EIGHTH GRADE I The eighth grade of Rosman high school had charge of the chapel pro gram Friday, November 6. On the urogram was an amusing speech by Ray Winchester entitled ‘‘My Daugh ter Nancy,” an inter®s^n,? ,£ ?y’ “The Goose-Feather Bed. The characters were as following: Mr. Dodd, Harold Hogsed; Mr. Jinks, Roy Eldridge; Dennis Mc Faden, Hovey Waldrop; Mrs. Flat tery, Blanche Petit. ,. , Mrs. Flattery’s husband had died and she takes washing for a living. A gentleman, Dennis McFaden, wants her to marry him but she re fuses. So she decided she would find a man, she advertised a room for rent and said men were preferred. But something was wrong with all of them. So she at last accepted Den nis’ proposal. New Telescope ' Corning, N. Y.-The world's lar gest telescope mirror, still a mass oi 20 tons of red hot molten glass, was placed in. an electric annealing oven last week to cool. Scientists were unanimous in predicting its success. Makes Valuable Find Rockland, Maine—Young Roderick Crandall of this city is a member of that most exclusive and envied cir cle—the finders of ambergris'. At the same time he became the potential owner of a sum estimated at $16,000. Falla Still Breaking Niagara Falls, N. Y.—The gradual recession that eventually will wipe out Niagara Falls last week had de posited a 200-ton pile of reck in niist -lu: tided Niagara Gorge, result of the third slide at the cataract in three years. No change was visible at the falls'. Mr*. Odell FUher is tmUmtij Ul at her borne this week Mbs Nora Galloway of Eaaley spent the week-end wftb Ur*. Lees Loving. Miss Rosa Waldrop and brother, Dolf Waldrop, spent Sunday night! with Dillie Fisher who is seriously ill at his home. Millie Fisher spent a few nights last week with “Boobie” Whitmire. ! Miss Rebecca Smith spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Helen Hender son. Miss Beatrice Woodard of Bosnian Bpent the week-end with Miss Ber nice Reid. Miss Bertha Golden spent several days last week at Enka. Edmond Owen of the CCC camp at Barnardsville spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Owen. Talmage Brooks Bpent Sunday with Oscar Henderson. Paul Fisher spent Sunday with Leroy McCall. Little Betty Owen is spending some time with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Owen. Rev. J. E. Burt of Rosman was dinner guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Henderson. Mrs. Clarence Owen had a serious operation in Lyday Memorial hospital last week. We understand she is getting along fairly well now. Mrs. R. T. Fisher and daughter Darline are spending some time visiting relatives at Easley and Liberty, S. C. John H. Reid had a wood chopping Friday. Those present reported that enough wood was cut to last during the winter even if the weather re mains cold as it is now. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Moore plan to move back to Black Mountain in a few days. Mrs. Anderson Smith has been suf fering with sore throat for a few days. Mr. and MrB Elvin Edney of Enka spent the week-end with Mrs. Edney’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Berry Robinson of Tryan were week-end visitors of Wayman Thomas. Oscar Whitmire, who worked dur ing the summer and fall in the ship ping business on the Great Lakes, returned home last Saturday. Wilk Reid and son Howard of Tryon visited Mr. and Mrs. John Reid during the week-end. Rev. J. E. Burt preached at Oak Grove Baptist church Sunday, de livering a forceful, message on the importance of knowing Jesus and having His abiding presence with us at all times. The county superintendent recently stated in The Times that there is to b; a deficit of $500.00 in the school funds about the end of this school year and that transportation of pupils will have to stop at the end of seven months unless the extra funds , needed are provided. He asks for sug gestions ar to hew to raise the money to meet the deficit. Some have already made suggestions, one styting that the county superintendent might con tribute that amount “for the good of the cause.” That would perhaps be too liberal a contribution tc1 ask of the superintendent even if he were disposed t; give that amount. Here is our suggestion, one that is fair and reasonable and will give every one who desires to do so an opportunity to help. Let the county superintendent start the list with a contribution of $50. Next let the principals of the two high schools of the county give $25 each, and the two teachers of voca tional agriculture $25 each. Then let the Parent-Teachers Association of Brevard high sch:ol appoint three committees of two members each to canvass the town and county and re ceive contributions from the citizens of the county other than the teachers. After that is completed, if a suffi cient amount has not been received, then divide the remainder among the teachers of the county, not including those mentioned above, on a per cent of salary basis, letting them pay it out of their seventh month’s salary. By this method the amount that will be needed to finish paying the bus drivers for their services can easily be raised. Of course, as we have a state sup ported eight months school term, the schools will not stdp at the end of seven months and thus prevent any of the pupils from finishing their grades and from graduation. It would be undemocratic and the worst kind tif folly, however, to stop transportation at the end of seven months and deprive the pupils' who are transported from completing their year’s work along with the other pupils in the schools. So let’s buckle right in with a bit of a grin, Then take off our coats and go to it; Let’s start in to sing as we tackle the thing That cannot be done, and we’ll do> it. Executions in Russia London— A Warsaw dispatch to the London Daily Express last week said wholesale executions of sus pected enemies of the Soviet gavern nent have taken place in Russia. The iives of more than 200 persons, in cluding Leonid Nicolieff, accused as sassin of Sergei Kirctff, and many women and children, were snuffed put by firing squad '. Rayon From Pine Savannah —The manufacture of ,-ayon y3rn< from pine pulp in the mlp and paper laboratory of the ndustrial Committee of Savannah, nc., was announced by Dr. Charles I. Herty, director. Rayon yarn, he said, has been n&do in one of the greatest rayon dents im the country from pulp pre rnved in the Savannah laboratory, ’his is the second successful experi ment with pine pulp, the previous nc being the manufacture of news print. II TIRES ■ 'Liff a,, t-»■ • ;" For the best service from your Firestone Tires, see that r>u get genu* n e Firestone Tubes. They give mijeage equalled only by Firestone ■ Tires. COURIER TIRE 30x4.60 ... . auto Uli t GLASS WORK We cut and install any kind of glass—Auto, win dow pane, store fronts, and others at very reason able price. iiimiinimmmimhmihumimimuhhmimiiumm'Mommiiimim AUTO § BODYWORK § Such as wood, uphol- » stering, top recovering, jjf I painting, striping, body g i and fender repairing, g IIIMIMMIIIIMMItWIMMWMIlMIIMMMtHMMMMMMMIII* iJjL 0k Heavy 13-Plate ! battery $5.95 And your old battery Free Inspection'Service Drive Ijf In And Let Us Check Your |k Ignition System. |yf iLET. us change your oil Why take chances on improper Lubrication? Sr There is a special lubrication for every moving part about your car, such as wheels, springs, jw ignition, uttering, universal joint, transmission «■ ant) differential. We have the latest equipment M 25 for the lubrication of your car, therefore we jSfc ® lubricate every frozen or stuck part. ft", For a quick hy stop that may enable you to wf avoid n serious ftp 41 accident — use M Genuine Fire- ft stone Bjr a k e If Lining —it Gf stops your ear ft quickly a n d 3f easily. W.

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