hkw - mm pm Only Newspape: Published In Transylvania County A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania VOL. 39. NO. 80. BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA—THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1*34 $tM , _ BROAD STREET JOB . IS VERY UNSUITABLE Town Board S««k» To Socuro Bettor Paving—Work Already Started Work was begun Monday morning on North Broad street by the R B. Tyler company, plans being to straighten, and broaden the street from the square to the city limits across Kings Creek. Labor for the project is being furnished by the local re-employment office. Plans call for laying six feet of crushed stone and bituminous surface treatment on six feet alongside the pavement now in use, making the street 30 feet wide. Effort has been made by the Town of Brevard officials to have the highway department rebuild the en tire street for a distance of approxi mately 2,500 feet instead of the side work for 3,000 feet, but the highway department states that the work is being done with federal funds, and | as the original plans submitted by | the s tate to the bureau of federal j roads called for the six foot stretch j on each side of the present pavement,, it cannot be changed. The town took the matter up sev eral weeks ago with the highway de partment, setting forth the very evi dent fact that the 18,-foot stretch of pavement is in bad state of repair, and requesting the 2,500-foot im- ( proved street. Effort is being made by the town j tci build a sidewalk to the Brevard | College entrance, this to be donej with local funds entirely. basketball! be LOCAL ATTRACTION Basketball practice has been begun on the floor of the uptown gymnas ium. Thirty-five would-be basketeers answered first call for practice under Coach James and many more are ex pected out immediately after the Christmas holidays. The floor of the gymnasium has been placed in good condition, goals have been erected and lights are now being installed. Wire has been placed over windows to prevent breakage of glass. The gymnasium, in the old theatre location in the Erwin building, will have a seating capacity of 260. Ceiling is of generous height for a basketball court. At present there is no provision for showers for the. contestants. According to a statement by Coach I James, he expects to have a large percentage of the students at the college engaged in intramural play and it is from the ranks of these Slayers that the varsity cagers will e selected. Renew Your Subscription RELIEF SCHOOL HAS CHRISTMAS TREE The real kind of Christmas tree will he seen at the court house on Friday night of this week, when families of the Brevard adult ERE school pupils will be given a small treat by the teachers of the schools and the Brevard Kiwanis club. A Christmas tree will be set up in the court room and the bags of candies and fruits hung thereon. Santa Claus himself will be present to dispense the gifts, and will preside at the program to be given by mem bers of the cotton mill section school which is being taught by Mrs. i George Simpson, who is also chair man of the Transylvania ERE teachers group. Mrs. J. M. Day, state supervisor of Asheville, will be pres ent. The program will be a pageant woven around the Christmas season, with 28 pupils of the adult class tak ing part. A cordial invitation to the general public is-extended by the teachers, Mrs. Simpson, Miss Azilee Ower., Miss Carolyn Ashworth, Miss Janie Gillespie, and Mrs. C. R. Townsend. CONFEDERATE VETS GET PENSION CHECKS Only Two Men Who Wore the Gray Are Left On List In This County Transylvania