-!-■- - ..-..MM, h i. A. PROGRAM IS GIVEN HERE MONDAY A Christmas program featured the December meeting of the Parent Teacher association held Monday afternoon in the class room of Mrs. Knox DeLong in the Brevard High school building. Children of the second grade sang two songs, “Hi-0 For Santa Claus” and “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town.” Little George Simpson Jr. sang “The Little Lord Jesus.” . Christmas readings were) given by two young ladies from the expression department of Brevard College, Misa Josephine Jones and Miss Rachel Goforth. The program was concluded with a vocal solo, “Holy Night,” by Mrs. A. H. Kizer. . The room was attractively decora ted with suggestions of the season, inducing a pretty Christmas tree. The meeting, presided over by the president, Mrs. J. B. Pickelsimer, opened with appropriate devotionals conducted by the Rev. J. H. Brendall, pastor of the Brevard Methodist church. Plans were made by the grade mothers for Christmas trees and programs to be in each grade room and gifts distributed to each child, which events took place in the dif ferent rooms Wednesday afternoon. I (JRSERY SCHOOL IN j CHRISTMAS AFFAIR! • ' T^y' ■ > ■ ■>"* ,1 Cooperation of the local high schoui j and community with the relief nur-! sery school made possible a Christ-1 Bias party and tree for the 40 children of the nursery school. The ; happy event took place at the nursery j achctl on Jordan street Wednesday j morning, under the direction of the j two teachers, Mrs. Constance Banks | and Mrs. John McLean. Valuable assistance was rendered in the entertainment by girls of the ninth grade home economics class of the Brevard high school, who, under j the direction of their teacher, Miss Lucy Slagle, dressed the dojis given to each little girl, made and stuffed | the animals and repaired and painted ] the tovs for the children for this, •cession. The large Christmas tree was procured and brought to the nursery school by the high school gil ls and also trimmed by tneir' skillful hands. This assistance with the Christmas party, together with the help and observing of methods ir. the nursery school, undertaken each day by girls in the ninth Itrade h^me economics class, is a part of their year’s project in sewing and child training. Each child was given toys and a stocking filled with fruits and nuts, through the efforts of the home economics girls in collaboration with “Santa Claus” and the local mer chants. Santa Claus, in his gay red and white suit and in jovial manner, distributed the gifts from the tree to each child. Mothers of the children and a few other friends of the nursery school were invited to enjoy the celebration with the children. Over 80 mothers, fathers and nursery children and in vited friends were present, and the event was accorded by all a great success. The enjoyable party was the clos ing event of the nursery school before the holidays, the school to re-open on Monday, December 31. plans are i.ow beii\>T made by the teachers for a chicken dinner to be served the children on New Years day at the school. fff LISTSOPENTO WORLD WAR VETS _ I I CHARLOTTE, Dec. 19—One hun dred and seventy-five white and three negro veterans of the Wvrld war will be accepted for duty in the veterans’ division of the Civilian Conservation ^ corps next month, Major Charles G. Montgomery, contact officer of the Charlotte office of the vteran’s ad ministration, announced Friday. ! Major Montgomery urged that veterans wishing to get in the CCC communicate with the Charlotte office of the veteran’s administration *t once. ... I *\Ve have a number of applications on file but we wish to distribute the quota over the state as much as pos sible and for that reason we are anxious for others wishing serviw communicate with us,” he said. I He urged that immediate action is ( necessary, since the veterans’ admin istrotion will find it necessary to j have its full list of applications on file , at least a week or 10 days before re- j sruiting starts January 1. Renew Your Subscription FTTTTTT^ * • * * . CHRISTMAS dA/» DINNER Jl/t Turkey Soup or Vegetable Soup Roast Turkey Oyster Dressing Buttered Peas Mashed Potatoes Asparagus Tips on Toast Steamed Rice Hearts of Celery Sweet Pickles Fruit Salad Hot Rolls Fruit Cake with Lemon Sauce Coffee, Tea, Milk THE CANTEEN , ....-- - „ .... BREVARD CHAPTER F. F. A. IN MEETING — The Brevard chapter of F.-F. A. held a regulhr monthly meeting Wed. ntsday afternoon in the agricultural class room. The chapter was opened in form and the following program was rendered: Music was rendered by the F. F. A. Ramblers; a talk was made on the scenic highway by Edward Mackey ; talk on wild life in our for cst'1; talk on outside interests by Bobby Tharp; paper on sofil erosion by Charlie Gray and a talk on broil er production by Albert Williams. Hon. W. M. Henry and Hon. Ralph II. Ramsey Jr. were present for the program and made very interesting talks. J. B. Jones gave a very inter esting and instructive report on farm activities as being carried out according to the teachings of the .griculture department. At the close of the program Mr. Glazener gave the boys a little treat a the form of oranges and candy. The class room was decorated in keeping with the season .including a Christmas tree beautifully decorated. —Edward Mackey, Reporter. Renew Your Subscription TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTI A LITTLE OF THIS AND THAT Brevard Has Number of Year Round Samaritans; Town Is Gaily Decorated; Colds and Sore Throats Con^ verge. it ."W - I fl, ilAAAAAAAad AAAAAAAJ By JAZZY MOORE I , As the- Christmas season approach es thoughts turn to gifts. Christmas, ' a season of unselfishness, is featured I by presents to loved ones and to I these in need. Little acts of thought I tulness. representing the gcod wishes •of the giver, make the Yuletide one I of joy. The season stands out as one I cf unselfishness, and one who did ! not know to the contrary might reach the opinion that, in Brevard, for ex ample .there are no gifts at other seasons of the year. Yet with the assistance of Father Time, let us turn back the calendar and think of the gifts made during the year—gifts in most instances denoted thoughtfulness rather than value. That army of Brevardians who are always ready to give their time and often their means in any public movement is toq lengthy for publica tion. Yet there are a few, at least, who can easily be recalled. Mrs. Mack Allison, Jerry Jerome, Rev. Mr. Perry, Miss Florence Kern, members of the Kiwaiv club, P. T. A. I members, and the various book clubs are always ready to ..id in charity movements. They and others here I seem to possess the all-the-year feel ! ing for the needy. ; These are just a few. Let your I memory run back over the year and ! the fact that, in Brevard at least, ! Christmas is not the only season of i gifts. There are many who, for the i>t>5 days of the year, give unselfish I ly of their time and means. | Current Fame Fame, current brand, is interest | ing. Here in Brevard the other day, twelve men and. women, selected as average persons, were asked by the writer ts select from a list of twenty names those they knew. The names 1 appear in print before them almost daily. | Only two on the list were known to everyone—Joan Crawford and Clark Gable. Only two missed on Mussolini and Hitler. I Charles Evans Hughes, on the ' cthev hand, was known toi only three. ' Several distinguished citizens fared even worse. This might give some idea as to fields to choose if you would be cur rently famous. The Time for “Flu" Now is the time when we are usually attacked by the annual epidemic of colds, sore /throats, and the like. Those who work in offices or in doors most of the time should be careful about their room tempera tures. Room temperature should be between 68 and 70 degrees. Experi ments have shown that the very best temperature is 69.9 degrees, but that’s getting the thing down awfully TAXI—Anywhere in the city limits. One passenger 26 cents, more than one 10 cents each. Five passengers to Asheville, round trip $1.00, for 6 or more passengers. Stay three hours. Brevard Taxi Co.ltP rnciicw1 DVfBif c ! COSMETIC FII1I5 y J ^ ,vr' * ■' ■. “. -•"<*<• * • Students . of the Cosmetic Art school, of which Mrs. Nettie Bene dict is teacher, are Observing Christ mas this year by placing baeketB in the homes that have been saddened by death during the year. It was the unanimous decision of the school to do this instead of remembering each other with gifts. Other projects and recreatione) features undertaken by the cosmetic school during the year have been the | staging c(f a style show, cooperation with the Brevard high school In dressing the heads of 30 home econ omics girls for commencement, and featuring an all-day picnic. The local cosmetic art school has been classed amohg the best in the state and the reports have graded 100 per cent. Many officials and j others in position to know have said j that they have noted the fine results from Mrs. Benedict's school, j The classes are conducted on a high plane, and many of the students have received employment in various, beauty shops or in the operation of j their own shops as soon as they have j finished the prescribed course in this | school. The local relief officials, under whose supervision the school is j directly operated, have stated that it: gives them great pleasure to recom mend a woman of Mrs. Benedicts ability nnd they have expressed the hope that she will find permanent! woA otf this type in the state. The school lias been in operation here for j more thaitifc&ar, under Mrs. Bene-. diet’s management. The school closes for the holidays . on the 20th and will reopen for regular class work on Friday, Decern-1 her 28._I HONOR ROLL j The fallowing subscribers have re- j newed their subscriptions to The j Times during ohe past three weeks: ■ W. C. McCall, Brevard B-3. □George Bowen, Brevard, O. E. Shipman, Pisgah Forest. A. K. Otr, Asheville. Lynch Moore, Brevard R-l. Spencer Welborne, Cycle. Frank E. Beane, Augusta. W. W. Pruette, Pisgah. Forest. Miss Carrie Duckworth, Raleigh. Rev. Paul Hartsell, Brevard. V. B. Waldrop, Brevard R-3. John F. Norris, Clinton. . DeWitt Gillespie, Hendersonville. Mrs. H. E. Pickclsimer, Toledo. E. R. Echerd, Taylorsville. J. M. Allison, Brevard. Mrs. Robert Kirksey, (Pickens. F.dmond Breese, Milwaukee. Miss M. Breese, South Carolina. Miss Jane Hume, Asheville. F. J. Cutter, Brevard R-3. A. K. Moore, Lenoir. Mrs. W. E. McDonald, Danvi'le. I Mrs. Laura W. Miller, Brevard. j Miss Elise Walker, Brevard. Dr. H. C. Hardin, Trion, Ga S. J. Summers Jr., Cameron. Mrs. Mae Gravy, Asheville. N E. McMinn, Coahoma, Texas. Mrs. D. L. Galloway, Los Angeles, j Calif. J. K. Mills, R-2. i Fleet Shipman, city. Miss Grace Piercy, city. T. E. Reid, city. Claude Ray, R-lp. Gaston Whitmire, R-3. ^ G, W. Whitmire, R-l. V. H. Galloway, R-3. J. B. Huggins, R-3. II. L. Allison, R-l. J. B. Jones, Brevard. J Mrs. F. V. Batson, Brevard R-l. Lewis Tinsley, Lake Toxaway. W P. Fisher, Balsam Grove. L. C. Case, Lake Toxaway. F II. Kitchen, Balsam Grove. E. A. Reid, Oakland. I S. Fisher, Lake Toxaway. F, E. Lewis, Weaverville. Louise H. Wright, Augusta, Ga. Ralph Gillespie, Islamorada. Ha. C. E. Wilson, Boise, Idaho. E. H. Kitchen, Candler. Bertie Yeung, East Flat Rock. R. F. Glazener, Rosman. W B. Henderson, Lake Toxaway. Gideon Miller, Lake Toxaway. H. B. Kelley, Hendersonville. S. W. Pearson, R-3. R. W. Everett, City. Frank Case, R-2. 0. L. Erwin, City. The Times welcomes the following new readers who have subscribed during the past three weeks: W. E. Bagwell, Spartanburg. W. T. Whitmire, Marion. W. H. Collins, Pisgah Forest. Mrs. L. B. Lyday, Biltmore. Miss F. K. Boggs, Biloxi. Wlallace Bryant, city. W. R. Kirazey, R-2. John S. Patton, Pisgah Forest. Charles King, Rosman. Annie Yongue, Gcldsboro. Paul Whitmire, Ft. Bragg. Clarence 0. Ridings, Forest City. Mrs. Pete Moungridges, Clifton Forge, Va. ... „ Mrs. R. R. Fisher, Marion, Va. Balsam Grove-CCC Camp, Balsam Grove. , Mrs. J- P. Whitmire, Pickens. Mrs. Lillie Eubanks, R-l. Mrs. A. Heath, R-l. fine. Anywhere between 68 and 70 degrees is'all right. When one contracts a cold he or she should be careful of exposure. T«wn Gaily Attired Brevard has taken on a holiday appearance. Store windows every where display article? for gifts and beckon. •‘‘Come buy.” Churches are preparing pageants, musical cantatas or other programs for use at Christ mas. Parent?' are busilv preparing for the coming of Santa Claus, while the children, are very much occupied with being good so old Saint Nick won’t forget to stop at their house. Verily the Christmas spirit is in the air. Mr. and Mr*. Ed WUbanka of Asheville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr*. F. Y. Wilbank*. Mr. and Mrs. Riley Jehnaon had a* their guests last week-end Mr. and Mrs. M. M. McCall and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stevens of Easley, S. C. . Miss Leo Banther spent Sunday night with Miss Helen. McCaU at Quebec. Miss Lillian Dodgin of Flat Creek spent Sunday night with Mrs. Bill Fisher. Mrs. W. J. Raines was the guest of Mrs. Henry McCall Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dillard Owen and Mrs. Sarah Owen of Gloucester spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eli McKinna. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glaaener of Rosman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arrarwood last week-end. Mrs. Chas. Lee spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Miller at Que Mrf. R. F. Williams and Mrs. Martha Kline spent one day last week in Hendersonville. Rev. G. A. Hovis of Rosman was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hall Sunday. Misses 'Ruby Whitmire and Helen I | Mr. and Mrs. b£§1 Lucile Henderson and Owen of Quebec visited one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy McCall and ! little daughter of Edisto wore guests of Mr- and Mrs. Sam Sanders Sun day- _ . , «. Mrs. Lee Johnson spent last week with Mrs. Lesa Dodgin at Flat Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tinslw spent the week-end in Greenville, S. C. . Miss Virginia Brunner, who has been visiting her brother in Trenton, N. J., wi'l return to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Brun ner, Saturday. * Mr. and Mrs. Newton Teague visiting his parents, Mr. and Bishop Teague. Mrs. Teague fore her marriage on Nov. Lucy Nell Corn, daughter and Mrs. Judson Corn of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rains* and , I tor „ and Mra. ward visitor* Thursday. Mias Gertrude Breedlove spent Saturday night with Miaa Haaet Moees ; Mr. and Mra. I. S- Plahar spent ' Thursday in Brevard, i Mr. and Mra. Prank Wilbanks and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilbanks visited Mr. and Mra. Perry Hinkle in | Bohaney Sunday afternoon. I We wish for each and every one a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Renew Your Subscription Cigarettes s ^ s OLD GOLD CAMEL LUCKY STRIKE or CHESTERFIELD 2 pkgs 25c $1.20 carton Christmas) Wrapped I Tobaccos ' M One Pound of Walter Prince Albert ' Half and Half Full Line of & PIPES I 50c to $3.50 nr A PC AU Chriatmaa Wrapped—Hava-Tampa, El ProductoJ UlmUO Nurica, Tampa Nugget, Cortez, Cueata Ray __ MAILLARD’S AND HUYLER’S FAMOUS Randies EXTRA SPECIAL! 2 lbs Huyler’s BEACH’S I *"“• I 3 lbs.89c 1 lb 29c ' -!i HHPW TOILET SETS Hi COTY’S Toilet Sets — for men $1.00 te $6.75 MICKEY MOUSE Watche#— 2t„ $1.50,0 $2.95 PARKER Fountain Pen Set#— $1.95 $3.75 tp,:n.sh:w:: $125 - $2 William.' and Col- . QQaI gate'. Shaving Set.-OI/v| rSt .97c! KSt-—.$5.00j Electric Heating M Qfil Pad.__ CUT RATE DRUG SPECIALS for HOLIDAYS! Squibbs’ Chocolate A Vitanose--™V Squibbs’ Cod Liver 7(1« Oil _ Ivt 55.1_.79c $i.5° ' ei aa Citrocarbonate- «P1»VV 60. M\f Sal Hepatica 25c 17c 1 Quart AH* Milk of Magnesia-‘tit 100 Aspirin Tablets 2t)C 75c Squibbs’ KQ/. Mineral Oil-«JJt Hot Water £Q/i 50c Jergen’s E'ZZZ$i.09 Yardiey*s Soap, 3 for Roger & Gallett Soap, 3 for Woodbury's Soap, 3vX Vapo-Rub 1 Pint A.D.S. Rubbing Alcohol ssSHIij &i.ooWmmk Wine of Cardui — - — 125c Hi Black Draught Two Tube* Dr. Weit'i Tooth Paatol^^^™ Dr. Wett*» Tooth Brash Ipana Tooth Paste Prophylactic Tooth Brush Squibb*’ Tooth Paste 1 ^

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