MRS. JORDAN Whu-™, :v j rr **:»** - » uvAi<s ^ Mr. and Mrs . R. S. WInehaater and Miaa Ethel Raster were shop ping in Graenvilla Satur^y. W. L. Rusaellwaa a vieitor to Wayneeville Sunday. He accompanied his mother to her home there. The latter had spent several weeks visit ing her son in the Cherryfield sec tion. 1 W. N. Stroup, S. T. Galloway and I J. R. Mahoney were business visitora; to Greenville Tuesday. R. K. Powell and Edwin Staton spent Saturday night at the home of j Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Galloway. I Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Wilson passed through Rosman Sunday en route to South Carolina. | Professor and Mrs. Fleming are' leaving Wednesday to spend Christ- ^ mas vacation visiting relatives ati Proctor. _ ... ! Miss Agnes Hughs of Greenville spent Thursday night as guest of j Mrs. M. C. Sumeral. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Short and children of Brevard were Sunday j guests of Mr .and Mrs. Frank Gal-, loway. Misses Elsie White, Irene Pharr,, La Verne Whitmire and Allen White, students of W. C. T. C., Cullowhee, ( arrived home W ednesday to spend; vacation with their parents here. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bur-, ton a son. Maleom Luther, Sunday, | Dec. 16. Mrs. Burton is the former ( Mis? Hortense Fisher. i L. M. Watkins, Charlie Fowler, and Mr. Phillips were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Daniels. Melvin, small son of Mr. and Mrs:. Cornelius Powell, who has been very ill with pneumonia, is improving. I Mr .and Mrs. Grover Woodard and ( children were Sunday guests Of Mr. and Mrs. John Reid at Quebec. Old Faces | Made lSew We can't make you look li e Clark Gable, but we l; n fix up your face and hair so that your wife will be proud of you. Hair Cuts Shaves That will please the most fastidious, and our razors are the kind that don’t pull. TINSLEY’S BARBER SHOP Two Doors Above Bonk Mrs'. Mfttily ‘Poweh’ is quite ill At her home mar potman, ... Born to Ur.-wi JJre. Kim MoCon nel a son on Tuesday, Dec. 11th. Mrs. R. M. .Powell is reported quite ill at her home near Rosman. Mrs. Elmer Peoples, of Fayette ville, visited her ar^nts, Rev. and J Mrs. Lloy Ramsey recently, i Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Stophel were . Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. IMickler Lusk. Mr. and Mrs. Garf Williamson and children of Six Mile were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Owen. Prof, and Mrs. R. T. Kimzey and two children are leaving Saturday 1 for Lake City to visit relatives. Miss Maggie Belle Green is leaving the latter part of the week to! spend the holidays with her mother at Rockingham. Miss Louise Williams was in Ashe ville Saturday. Miss Lula Manly is spending this week in Brevard. Miss Annie Davies was a dinner guest of Miss Geneva Paxton at Cal vert Sunday. Misses Mamie Hayes, Ruth Whit mire, Annie Davies and Miss Be atrice Sisk were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Galloway Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Mull and daughter, Miss Viola, of Brevard, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morrison Sunday. Mrs. Erl Harbin is reported quite ill at her home at Calvert. Miss Ruth Ramsey of Asheville j • pent the week-end with her parents, | Rev. and Mrs. Ramsey. Mrs. Annie Smith qf Jackson county visited her sister, Mrs. John Clark, last week. J. C. Galloway is leaving fur ^ Tennessee to spend Christmas vaca-' tion. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Knight of Highlands were week-end guests of' Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Hovis. Howard Zachary of Cashiers was a recnt dinner guest of Rev. and Mrs.' G. A. Hovis. “Dutch” Bruner and Warren Gal-1 ioway were business visitors to Ashe- j ville Monday. Mrs. Alma Bruner and two ehil-; dren are spending several days in j Gloucester as guests of Mrs. Warren j Galloway. ; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis and (laughters Ruth and Velma were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. i Lewis at Pickens. j T. Bo.ven, Tucker Cantrell and George Keesler of Pickens were busi-1 ne's visitors to Rosman Thursday. , Malcolm Burton of Landrum, S. C.,: is spending several davs as guest of his brother Dewey and Mrs. Burton.! Miss Frances Edens, who has been , hi Brevard at the home of her sis- j ter, Mrs. John Kilpatrick, has re lumed to the home of her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Edens. W. R. Lewis was a business visitor to Asheville Monday. J. W. Winchester of Pickens was aj Sunday guect of his sons, R. S., D.1 H. and L. L. Winchester. 1 Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Hovis and daughter Kathryn were supper guests of J. W. Dicksan at Selica Sunday night. ^ , Glenn Currie of Selica spent Wed-j nesday night as guest of his uncle: ami aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bryson. Mrs. J. A. Cannon and daughters. j Misses Hume Paige and Tot and: HIWI i i 1 A GIFT THAT WILL BE ENJOYED FOR MANY YEARS Atwater Kent RADIO p rwi Small Down Payments easy lerms Balance Easy Terms RADIOS FROM $26.00 UP MANY MODELS NOW IN STOCK . F. THARP Plumbing and Electrical Broad Street Brevard, N. C. IttiF H. P.W! Rev. B. N. Rogers of Fletcher wu e weekend guest of Mr. end Mrs. Eli. Huggins. 1 Mrs. Ell Huggins end ion Buren were visitors et the home of Mrs. Eugene Southern Sunday. Mrs. Furm Whitmire and Mrs. R. Russell were Sunday guests of Mrs. J. C. Cassell at Calvert. Miss Sylvia Huggins was a Bre vard visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon McCall of Pickens were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Moss. Miss Beatrice Sisk was a week-end visitor to Asheville visiting Mrs. Robert Zachary and other relatives. Miss Pauline Leathers, who is teaching in Gloucester, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Leathers. Ernest McFaul and a party of friends were visitors to Greenville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jarrett of Lake Toxaway spent Sunday night at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher. Otto Jones Of Etowah spent last week at Lake Toxaway and Rosman visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Eck Sims and son Lewis of Brevard were Sunday guest" of Mr. «md Mrs. Charles Green. , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan and daughter Mary and son Harry were dinner guests of M. and Mrs. Arthur Whitmire. Freida Jean, small daughter of M.. and Mrs. Ernest Boley of the Glou cester section, is reported- critically ’"‘Mrs. L. R. Staton and Mrs. A. J. Manly were Sunday guests of Mi. and Mrs. S. K. Owen. Edwin'Singletary and a part*J* friends killed a deer in the Chen., field section Friday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sloan ofGreen ville were Sunday gutfte of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Singletary. They weie accompanied home by Miss Ann Si"frf Hy‘ G. Stophel visited her sister, Mrs. Horace Keaton, in Bi vard, Friday._ COUPLE WEDS IN SOUTH CAROLINA ' Miss Blanche Wilson and M^ohn Watson were qui* Wmea Seneca. S. C.,J^the daughter ot .Wr Wilson of Cash Ml, and Mrs0ften visited here, being ,ers and ha. ofte t Gniloway. a sister of Mrs. c Mr. and Mr. Watson is the non o ™ a SofoMt FaPener of Rosm’an. Coming as •«£*; {i[ss Ella ,he wedding jT^/verner Haynes, “^wedding occurred at ft- «£ srjiK-sSS*-^-4 by the Rev. Mr. Burt^ with her Mrs. Haynes * T Masters, in Sri mcK”of *• class of 1335. nvominent farm Mr. Haynes is a om the er of Pickens county, "nele couple will reside^ CHRISTMAS TREE AT ZC ■ Christmas ewj? Sarahs1* vouvg people’s organizations a well as Sunday school members will take part. The public is invited. Miss Beatrice Sisk is in charge of the program. MISS HOLCOMBE WEDS MR. GLENN POWELL Miss Christine Holcombe and Mr. Glenn Pt well were married in Pick; 11s, S. C.,- Saturday, December 15, Rev. J. E. Burt of Rosman offi tUMrs? Powell is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Holcombe of the Shoal Creek section while Mr. Powell is the ?on of Mr. and Mrs. \Y. Powell of Rosman. The couple will probably reside here where the former has employment. REV. BURT WILL FILL REGULAR APPOINTMENT Rev. J E. Burt will fill his regulai appointment at 0ak Gr?Ye’.Qu Sunday night at 7:30 o’clock. The public is invited. REVIVAL SERVICES IN PROGRESS HERE Revival services began here Mon day night at the Church of God, conducted by Rev. C. p-Gal'owa?, °f South Carolina, assisted by Key. Wilborne Galloway Ro,8I“n' public is invited to attend the seiv ices. INJURED IN FALL FROM\ AUTOMOBILE A very serious accident occurred m the Cherry-field section Saturday, when Thad Whitmire of Canton fell out of a car driven by his daughter. The door of the cat came open as the car was making a curve. Mr. Whitmire received a broken arm and leg as well as other injuries. He was immediately rushed to a hos pital in Asheville. Mr. Whitmire is a native of this county, being a bro ther of Tilden Whitmire of the Que bec section. FRESHMEN F. F. A. HOLD MEETING On the afternoon of Friday,Decem ber 14. the Rosman Freshman chap ter -Future Farmers of America held -heir monthly meeting at 3:30. the officers in charge were as follows: •Haskell Hall, president; Hovey Waldrop, vice president; R. J. Lyday, -dvisor; Bill Owen, secretary; John Reid, treasurer; Paul L. Parson, reporter. On the program were John Reid, who reed as a devotional the ninth ; h:'.pt"r of the Gospel of St. John. *Mr. Lyday led us ill prayer. Wayne Several people in our community have bean selling trimming! from their evfegreen bashes for the use of making wreaths. J. F. Scott, who has boon up the sick list, is much improved. Miss Doris Rahn of the BlantyTe section wag guest of Dorothy Mc Crary on Thursday night of last week. Dorothy Shipman visited Martha Cox of Enon recently We are glad to report that Mrs. W. J. McCrary has recovered from a short illness. A. R. Metcalf spent several days in Spartanburg last week. Lucile McCrary spent last Wed nesday night as guest of Helen Hcjtzclaw. Miss Azalea Hamilton visited Miss Morgan gave a short talk on “Pas tures of Transylvania County." Wayne said that the pastures were very poor and should he improved. He outlined a good mixture for the pastures. A debate on the question of whether draft type horses are more adapted for farm work in Transyl vania county or the light type of horse. Auburn Waldrop and Junior Sisk ?tood for the draft type horses, whereas Earl Duncan and Clarie Petit stood for the light type horses. The light type proponents won the debate. The three judges, Rufus Odell, Curtiss Owens and Earl Gil lespie, voted three to nothing. Hovey Waldrop told a few jokes. Puil'Parson gave a short talk on democracy. The program ended with o saint*' to the flag at 3:30.—Re porter. HOME ECONOMICS GIRLS GAVE PLAY FRIDAY The Home Economics department of Rosman high school gave a short play last Friday in chapel, “Keeping Nora.” Characters were: Mr. Randall, Victor Sigman; Mr?’, Randall, Mar garet White; Nora, Inez Pangle. This play was about a farmer who had modern equipment but his home was very uncomfortable. So his wife play ed a trick on him and ordered Rome furniture for their home, and when her husband found out what she had j done, and that it was done in order to keep the maid, he said let the maid go, that with the few things in the house a maid could be procured any where. QUARTERLY CONFERENCE WILL HE HELD ON 30th The first quarterly conference of the year will be held at Rosman Methodist church at 3 o'clock on the fifth Sunday afternoon, Presiding Elder W. A. Rollins will preach. All ! members are u'-ged to be present ami j visitors are welcome. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM TO I1E GIVEN AT M. E. CHURCH j A Christmas program and Christ-j mas tree will be held at Rosman Methodist church, the exact date not j vet announced. j A. M. White Jr. has charge of the music and Miss Elizabeth White, assisted by Mrs. G. A. Huvis, will, have charge of the other parts of the j program. NEAR-SERIOUS MOTOR ACCIDENT OCCURRED What might have been a very ser ious accident occurred on highway No. 28 near Selica Sunday night when one car sideswiped another. One car was driven by Chas. Dickson with several companions of the Selica section, the other car was driven by B. *C. Troy of Highlands and one other occupant of the car. Mr. Dickson’s car, which was an old model Ford sedan, was completely demolished. Several of the occupants received minor scratches and bruises, a few stitches being necessary. NOTICE OF ACTION State of North Carolina, Transyl vania County In the Superior Court. Notice of Summons by Publication, W. R. Price, Vs. W. H. Summey & Laura Summey, Brevard Banking Company and Gurney P. Hood, Commissioner of Banks'of North Carolina, Ralph R. Fisher, Trustee, i J. W. Summey and wife, Dora Summey, M. E. Summey and wife Jessie Summey, Ethel Garren Summey and hus band, Wade Summey, Bertha Volrath and husband, J. P. Volrath, Brevard National Farm Loan As sociation, and Sallie Whitmire. The defendants, Wade Summey, M. E. Summey and Jessie Summey, Bertha Volrath and husband J. P. Vclrath, will take notice that an action entitle^ as a,bove has bqen begun in the Superior Court of Tran sylvania County, North Carolina, and summons issued by the Clerk of the Superior Caurt on the 12th day of December, 1934, for the purpose of foreclosure of a mortgage given by W. H. Summey and wife, Laura Summey, to The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, bearing date of 8th day of June, 1925, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Transylvania County, in Book 11» page 27, said record being hereby referred to for the purpose of a description. Said defendants will further take notice that the summons and com plaint in the above entitled action was duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court elf Transylvania County on the 12th day of November, 1934, and that they are required to appear and answer said complaint within thirty days from the completiun of this publication of notice of summons or the relief de manded in the complaint win be granted. . This 12th day of Dec., 1934. OTTO ALEXANDER, Clerk Superior Court. Dec. 20-27. Jan. 3-10. broadcasts over station W W N C, Asheville, each Sunday afternoon at 3:16. Mr. Myers has spent much time in the study of voice in New York and other places. It will be in teresting to “listen In.” Mite Carol P. Openheimer and Randolph flyers called at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Scott one night last week, Jim Merrill purchased two mules recently. Azalea and Alma Hamilton called on Helen and Dorothy McCrary Tuesday night of last week. The Intermediate B. Y. P. U. of Little River he’d its regular business meeting at the Homo of Katherine Mackey recently With the pveridenfc, Helen McCrary, in charge a Christ mas program and many other things for the development of the union were planned. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lee and smi ! Edward visited Mr. and Mrs. Virpil j McCrary Sunday afternoon. T L. Pickelsimer, who lias been ill, is much improved. Dola and Helen McCrary were din ner guests of their grandmother, Mrs. W. J. McCrary, Sunday. Amos McCall is suffering from a serious cut which he received last week while cutting wood. Mr. and Mr;,. A. B. McCall, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. McCall and children spent the week-end in Greenville. Mrs. Robert Merrill ami children, Mrs. F. B. McCrary, Mrs. L. L Mc cal! and daughter, Mrs. Sallie Ham ilton and Miss Norma Hamilton went shopping in Hendersonville Satur day. L. M. Merrill and U G. George made a business trip to Franklin last weski The Intermediate B. Y. P. U. will give a special program Sunday night. Everybody is urged to attend. The Cedar Mountain B. Y. P. L. presented an interesting program here Sun,lay night, in form of a play, which wras entitled ' Foe Ten Virgins.” KSsln New York City's police department roster contains 19,000 names._ Pink Pie ether ’ wwb trie with 'TuSPUS. jf ^ vv'a1 '■ 1 IRvgmv Yj Mrs. Carpenter of HendcrsonvdV: visited her mother, Mrs. B. ■Tones. Sunday. if Otfeo Se’wtfc called on Malawi Mij| f. T. Ju’tu S’Jfflwf*X^j;:5M fyt-j We ere glad ta fc»v» X? and Mrs Owens move into our community. A A; F'.rhn recently u busi ness tv ip t> Spartanburg. Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Gray spent Sunday night with Mir, Gray'* par etus BuifsisIH Miss Martlet G»4 called on Mrs John Steed Wondayv JfSJfgl; Lee Gash is lay in;? a new roof on his home wwfm Mrs. A. C. Rickman spent Tuesday of last week with Mrs. Join. Reec. ] Mr. and Mrf. Leroy p*vi» hw moved to a enfetage near the Bald win residence. Hfc$j£v ftr, We are glad to report that Mrs. Louis Johnson who has been ill with nn attack of flu, Is improving. Uncle Tom Davis has been spend ing some time, with uU son, A. W ° Wait Fletcher called on Mr. and Mrs, Sdney Sunday afternoon- K Earl Grey called or !>lr. and Km J. T. Justus Sundayjppjf lit Rv JcTin Reed is !%«<* built at his home here. 0**11 Owen is doing the work. . ,, .. , The school children aro delighted to have a bus large enough foe them to get a seat. . \ Lon Davis, who has been ill, is able to be out again._ 24 lbs I • H Good Value .... Plain or Self EUSuP 24 lbs Red Head Plain TURKEYS for CHRISTMAS Send your orders in early for best birds. B | For EVERY Farm Animal 1___

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