TAXPAYERS GROUP TO MEET DEC 29TH Meeting of Committee Named Several Weeks Ago Called By Chairman Paxton A meeting of the Delinquent Tax payers Committee appointed several weeks ago at a mass meeting in Bre vard, is called for next Saturday afternoon, Dec. 29, at two o’clock, the meeting to be held in the county court room. A. M. Paxton, chairman of the committee, in calling the meeting states that it is the aim of the com mittee to make plans for legislative enactment to assist delinquent tax payers in keeping their home' from being sold for taxes. Tharp Wants Thief To Have Complete Outfit R. F. Tharp, who has had a decorated Christmas tree in front of his place on Broad street for the past several days, makes the request that the persons wro stole the colored lights off his tree, come back and get the wiring nnd the tree, as the lights will not be effective without the wiring, nnd without both the wiring and lights, his tree will be of little value, so ho invites the thief who stole his lights to come bad; and get the balance of the outfit. Cement Blocks Placed At Street Crossings Cement markers have been placed at the uptown street intersections in Brevard, calling attention to the fact that U-turns are in violation of the law The blocks, measuring about fif teen inches In height and weighing around two hundred pounds, are also mute reminder’s that motorists arc to steer clear. Avery Case, who built the blocks for the town, asserts that one trial at knocking over the new blocks will convince a motorist that the attempt is futile, and very prob ably disastrous—to the motorist. Rollins To Preach At the Methodist chvreh Sunday njornirg, December 39, the Rev. W. A. Rollins, presiding eldcv of the Waynesville district, will deliver the sermon at. the 11 o’clock hour. The evening service at 7:30 o’clock will be in charge of the young people. Renew Your Subscription Three Hundred Deer Killed In Pisgah Hunt Checkup by Pisgah Nntionl Forest officials and supervisors reveals that over three hundred deer have been killed in the forest during the month of December. Hunters from many states have been here for the sport and over eighty per cent have made kills. Library Open During Holidays Library hours at the U. D. C. library will remain the same schedule during the holiday as previously, it is announced by the librarian. The opening hours will continue each afternoon from 3 to 5 o’clock, and each evening from 7:15 to 9:15 o’clock, with the exception of Christ mas day, when the library will be closed all day. Rosman Children Are Recipients of Cheer ROSMAN, Dec. 22—Mrs. A. G. Kyle and Mrs T. A. Berg were the “Mrs. Santa Clauses” to children of the employes of the Rosman plants Saturday afternoon. Nearly six hundred children were given candy and fruits by Mrs. Berg and Mrs. Kyle, following a custom that has been carried out here for a number of years. GOAL INS r FOR BREVARD SEAL SALE The annual Tuberculosis Christmas Seal sale in Brevard and Transyl vania county came to a close Friday, with the belief by officials of the P. T. A., sponsors of the sale, that the goal of $100 was very nearly reached, if not exceeding that amount. Reports from all the civic and church organizations assisting in the campaign have not yet been turned in, hence it is impossible at this early stage to determine the exact results of the sale. The P. T. A. president, Mrs. J. B. Pickelsimer, and officials of the organization have ex pressed gratification over the splen did response from the public in the sale. The proceeds will be used mainly for promotion of the school lunch rooms in Brevard and the county, and also for fighting tuberculosis and other dread diseases among the indigent of the county. Renew Your Subscription Paper Being Mailed Out Monday Morning The Times is being mailed out Monday morning instead of Thurs day, on account of the Christmas holidays. The force in the newspaper office expects to take a vacation during the first «f the week, and the office will be closed until Thursday. Naturally The Times appears in a rather abbre viated form, but regardless of size of the paper, the employes all join in wishing everyone a Merry Christ mas and a Happy New Year. CARSON CREEK LADY BURIED LAST FRIDAY Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at Carson Creek church for Mrs. J. F. Cison, who died Wed nesday night after a brief illness of pneumonia. The Rev. Flave Holden had charge of the services. Interment was in the cemetery nearby. Mrs. Ciscon, who was 84 years of ; age, had been in failing health for I several years. Surviving are two daughters and three sons—Mrs. A. L. Masters, of ' Greenville county, Mrs. Wesley Bal , lew cf Greenville; Furman and F. J. I Cison of the Carscn Creek section, j and Gilford Cison of Greenville. One I brother, M. B. Bagwell of Brevard, | also survives. ! Scouts See Picture As Christmas Treat j Boy Scouts of the Brevard troop ! were guests of the officials at a pic-1 ture show party last Friday night| following the meeting which was at-1 tended by twenty-seven boys. Scoutmaster John E. R u f t y j announces that there will be no meet ing of the troop on Friday night of this week. New Ford Will Be Here December 29th Joines Motor company expects to j show- the new Ford V-8 car and truck I at their Brevard showroom on Satur-'1 day, December 29. While no accurate information has been received at this time as to new features of the 1935 Ford V-S, it is said that a number have been incor porated in the new model. BREVARD CHURCHES IN FITTING SERVICES Christmas was fittingly observed j in the churches of Brevard on Sun day, with sermons and special music appropriate to the occasion. Further services, programs, parties and trees, will be given on Monday and Christ mas day by the various denomina-1 tions. A Christmas eve party will be ■ given by Mrs. Harry Perry and Mrs. David Ward for their Sunday school classes Monday afternoon from 4 to 6 at the rectory. A midnight service, beginning at 11:45 Christmas eve, will be held at St. Philips Episcopal. On Christmas morning at 10 o'clock the choral celebration of the Holy Eucharist, sermon by the rector, the Rev. Harry Perry, and special music will be given. The Christmas program and tree for the Sunday school children of the Baptist church will be held Monday evening beginning at 6:30 o’clock at the church. Elaborate preparations are being made for this event for the young folks and many are expected to be present. On Monday afternoon at 4 o clock at the Presbyterian church, a Christ- j mas tree and program will be given for the children and young people of the church. Special Christmas features were given at the Methodist church on Sunday, with trees for the children and young people at the regular Sun day school hour, and also special Christmas program for the adults in the auditorium at the Sunday school hour. • Special music by the choirs and sermons appropriate to the Christ mas occasion were given by the dif ferent churches Sunday morning by the respective pastors, the Rev. J. H. Brendall, of the Methodist church, the Rev. Paul Hartsell, of the Bap tist church, and the Rev. J. P. Sim mons, of the Presbyterian church. CLEMSON THEATRE Film showing at Clemson Theatre Monday and Christmas day will be “Sing Sing Nights,” a mystery story, starring Conway Tearle, Hardie Al bright and Boots Mallory. On Christmas morning at 10 o’clock the Clemson Theatre will give the annual Christmas treat to all children cf the community, admitting all school children to the picture show ing at this time free of charge. On Wednesday and ! Thursday Gloria Swanson will have the stellar role in “Music in the Air.” Monday, December 31, and New Year’s day, Shirley Temple, the child prodigy film actress will be shown in “Bright Eyes,” with James Dunn. “The Band Plays On” will be featured Wednesday and Thursday, January 2 and 3. join in for everyone a vlry Merry Christmas and a Prosperous and Happy Notv Year. It has been a pleasure to serve you during the year of 1934, and we look forward with pleasure to the best 'Of relations during th* coming year. jt . i A & P, Main Street, A. E. York, Mgr. A & P, Broad Street, Harry Seliers, Mgr. Austin Studio—Equipped Photographers Barnett's Machine Shop, Pisgah Forest ..i«MinMunWtm»nntiiiiiiiiiiit.nirmnMi»MiMMiinMMtt.Hin>iniM>Mm/rni»ni B & B Feed Co.—Feed, Groceries Bradley's—Clothing and Sporting Goods ... Broadway Motor Co., Dodge-Plymouth Cars ..iiikimjii J. S. Bromfield-Laundry, Fuel, Transfer Brevard Pharmacy-Careful Prescriptionists J ... Canteen Cafe—Good Food Cooked Right ...»|||.mm.mill...........<».. Cart? Lumber Co. Store-General Merchandise ....iml^ll.‘Hill...""HiS*-.ii.iiM.i...«i< City Market-Meats, Groceries, Vegetables .........•• .1.1.......... Citizen’s Telephone Co.-Serving You Always .......*......"......1.. Dixie Cleaners—George Nicholson, Prop.1 ....... frank D. Clement-The Hallmark Jeweler m .......i,‘ Clemson Theatre—The Best In Pictures .Jig.:.fef.—.! Dixio Stores-Grocenes That Please M8MI ........*. ! East View Farm Dairy—The Osbornes ... The Fashion—Brevard’s Largest Dept. Store ....... Hamer Method Beauty Shop-Mable Bramlett ....... Long’s Drug Store-On the Square .mm.—..... McCravv Auto—Chevrolet Sales, Service .....Tr... Tudson McCrary-Real Estate and Insuiance Mull’s Home Grocery—We Save You Money Nicholson Shoe Shop-We Save Soles Nnhbv Shonne—Exclusive Shop for Women .SE...—.:. at & w Cafe—Home oi uooa ruuu IN