MASR1A G E ^ANNOVNCskikT ’ IS SURPRISE AT DANCE An enjoyable holiday social affbir was ths round and square donee given by Messrs Pickens and An drews Boggs at thair home Saturday night, honoring their sister, Miss Harriet Boggs, who was home f*1 the Christmas holiday*. j During the evening, adding to the enjoyment and complete surprise of the guests, was the announcement of the marriage of Miss Ruth Elisabeth . Boggs to Mr. Albert Coggin, of Cui-' Jtowhee, which took place in Pickens, S. C.. Friday mwning, December 21. Music was furnished by the Fisher band of Rosman and by Miss Doro-’ thy Souther, who played several popular selections on the piano. ! Those enjoying the hospitality of the young men were Misses Mamie, Flora, Davis and Inei Lyday, Nel lie MacWoi. Grace Teague, Mary L. Cox Dot Souther, Besa Ponder, Celia Shut'ord, Beatrice Green, Belle and Nettie Townsend .Mildred Wil liams Harriet and Emma Boggs,' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coggin Mr.! ar.d Mrs. George Shuford, Messrs Nat Townsend, Reuben Mackey, Cliff 1 Williams, Ved Parker, Ulys ^ and Leonard English. Val Carter, Lloyd, Hilemon, J. R- Neffl, Floyd Bryson, ( L C Orr Wilson* Randall and John ( Lyday. John Green and Lawrmce Tipton. CHRISTMAS DINNER AND PARTY ARE ENJOYABLE ! Miss Celia Shuford was hostess at a dinner and party Christmas night,' entertaining a number of friends at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shuford, on the Country Club road. , I Those enjoying the dinner with the hostes; were Misses Eugenia Col-. trane Gnue Teague and Nell Case.' Young men arriving later for the ( pleasures of the evening included:; Hinton and Sandy McLeod, Carl. Hendrix, Mack Feaster and Clyde) Shuford. HOSTESS AT WATCH NIGHT PARTY J Miss Marie Galloway was hostess at a Now Year’s eve watch night party at the home of her parents, Mr an1 . Perry Galloway, G*mes and music were enjoyed, and punch was served throughout the Tl ’;\,h group of young people present ert-brated the passing of the ^old year ’ the advent of the new, m ygiir iu i oisy manner, with fire-, work an other f.ritis of observance ; of the event. BAPTIST U’. ’•/. S. HAS PE WEAR MEETING R.guia meeting of the Womens Miss', nan - viety of the Baptist ehuuh wa held Tuesday afternoon in the ch ii eh parlors. 1„ the "a of the president, Mr* Jv! -i Glazener, the business; meeting was presided over by tne vim president. M «. W. T. Bosse, who v ,, • ;h,' committees for tne ^ vear. * * jt,. i h Duckworth was in charge r • urogram, giving the ( intioduct remarks on the topic, , •‘The Bo cf the Cross in the ! and of l ord.” Mrs. Duckworth ► was as- 1 by Mrs. Roy Long, Mrs. IV Hartsell and Mrs. i. t.; Reid. TO \IT" t/’ IS RECITAL BEFORE 1 SEVILLE CLUB Rand, h Myers, baritone, and| Alvin M • pianist and solois*, two i ■ , • ptvA, . talented ymisieians, will | a r, at the Saturday Music j (.|ub <»f \ . ille on Saturday ct this j week. . ! j.\,r ! ctidns ol Jongs M... | Myers ■ sing, None But the] Lonely It t, bv Tschaikowsky, I| jtu«‘ I), to the Seas Again, the popular i .1 by England’s poet lau reate. .J Masefield and set to music by v Densmove, Three For jpek a king sea song by Squire, and end::: with the lovely song. Clouds. 1 ■ Ernest Charles. Mr. Mo w will give a^ fifteen min ute recital of a number of Mac Daw ell i nto compositions, p aymg the 12 Elude:- -f MacDawell. USE TIMES WANT ADS mammu m ■ whiiwwh mi ,mh'Xm PARTY is \ LOVELY HOLIDAY EVENT , , K lowly social event of the holiday season was the dinner party given Saturday evening by Mr. and Mir. Brown Carr at their home In Pisgah Forest, honoring out of town and local friends. The dining table, centered with a doxen American beauty roses and lighted with little red candles, pre sented an effective scone suggestive of the Yuletide. Little Christmas baskets filled with mints, favors with little candles and other suggestions were added attractions in Iceaping with the prevailing color scheme. A delightful six course dinner emphiv sired further the Christmas idea in color arrangement and added to the pleasure* of the occasion. Guests enjoying the dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Carr were: Mr. and Mr?. William C. Pope, of Mars Hill, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McConnell, of Asheville, and Dr. and Mrs. G. »• Lynch, «f Brevard. MASQUERADE DANCE /S COLORFUL NEW YEAR EVENT A colorful and elaborate social function of the holiday season was the masquerade dance given by Mr., and Mrs. H. N. Garner on New Year’s night at their home at Rock-1 brooK. } Christmas decorations in effective) arrangement were used in the spa-j cious rooms. The fancv costumes worn by the guest? added to the en joyment of the gala occasion, and the unmasking later, revealing theiden-| tity of the dancers, also afforded much pleasure. Delightful refreshments were served during the evening to the fifty or more guests present ,inciud ing young people, adults and older ccuples. HELEN CARRIER HOSTESS AT HOLIDAY PARTY Miss Helen Carrier was hostess at a delightful holiday party given at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Carrier, Saturday evening. Progressive games and dancing featured the evening’s entertainment, during which refreshments were ser ved. Twelve or more of the younger set of Brevard enjoyed the occasion with their popular hostess. TURKEY DINNER IS ENJOYABLE OCCASION Mr. and Mrs. Hale Siniard enter tained at their home on Park ave nue with a turkey dinner Wednesday if last week. . Thirty or more friends and rela tives were present to enjoy the boun ty ous dinner and the hospita.ity ol Mr. and Mrs. Sinicrd. Among the honored guests were Mrs. Dora Cornelius, of Liberty Hill, Texas, an aunt of Mrs. Siniard, eod the Misses Madge and Edith Kilpatrick, of Hendersonville, who wove visitors here during the holi days. Ruffin Wilkins has returned from a holiday visit with friends in Wen doll Wake Forest and Raleigh. Coach and Mrs. Ralph Janies are to virg this week from the England Home to the apartment in Ross Hal. on the Brevard College campus. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Siniard and family of Kingsport, Tenn., were CUests for the holidays of Mr. and Mrs C. M. Siniard. They accompan ied Mr. and Mrs. John Tinsley, also of Kingsport, who visited friends and 'stives in Brevard. Paul Bowen was a holiday guest ot relatives in Hendersonville, return ing heme Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. Hale Siniard and Miss Henrietta Siniard were Ashe nip visitors during the week Henry Carrier returned Wednes 'av to Rome, Ga.. to resume his audios at Darlington School, after spending the Christmas vacation here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Carrier. , , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shuford return 'd the first of the week from Lynch burg. Ya„ where they spent the ’•' lidays with their daughter, Mrs. G^ne Stanberry and family. Miss Louise Ramseur,'of Asheville, is visiting her sister, Miss Marie Gal loway. __ 24 lbs Good Flour In Cotton Bags # •' • vOv Scoco LARD d*1 AA 8 pound Carton • • • y 1 *vv ..............«»».. 24% Dairy Feed parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wood* ward. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Allison of Durham, Plata Allleon of Asheville, Joe L*ne of Rocky Mount, and Mrs. Allic Harilee of See Off mountain, and Mr. and Mm. L. D. Martin and children were guests Christinas day of Mr. and Mrs. 8. F. Allison and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grogan Jr and son Ralph of Trenton, N. J, were holiday guerts of Mrs. Grogan’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. 3. McLean, and other relatives and friends here. Miss Geneva Neill returned Mcm day to resume hsr teaching duties at Columbia, S. -C., after spending the Christmas vacation here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Neill. Rachel Williams, Iteachdr in the Bryson City school, spent the holi days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Williams. Miss Juamta freeman was holiday guest of Miss Wilhelmina Hinton in Murphy. Mrs. George Jones returned to her home in New Orleans, La., mat week to join her husband, whoj has just returned from a trip to South America. Mrs. Jones has been visit ing her uncle, R. F. Tharp, and family here for the past two wtercs* Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Tharp and son Bobby were visitors in Green ville last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Hawkins and daughter Betty, of Gastonia, spent the Christmas holidays with Mr, and Mrs. M. C Whitmire at Cherryfield. A. H. Houston, of Hendersonville, woa a business visitor in Brevard the first of the week. . „ Rev. and Mrs. ,i. H. Brendall were holiday guests with members of Mrs. Brc-ndall's family in Norfolk, Va. Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Bernard, of Kannapolis, were guests last week cf Mrs. Bernard's sister, Mrs. W. o. Price, and family. _ , , „ Prof, and Mrs. M. G. Pangie ha:e returned from a holiday visit with relatives in Boiling Springs. Pete Breese, of Memphis. was a Christmas visitor here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. TV. E. Breese. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Beasley Jr., of Atlanta, were guests during the holi days of their parents her?, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Beasley. Mrs. Ernest Norwood left last week to spend the remainder oE the I winter with Mr. Norwood and rel atives in St. Petersburg, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. J. 3. Nicholson and were Christmas day guests of Mrs. Nicholson’s sister and family ir, Hendarsonviue. r. C M Douglas was Christmas guwst .a.tto.a.,i .a.e.e.e e.e.e.e e e » t.e.«.« H eris a lamp that will be the favorite in your home This direct-indirect lamp has the new three-lita bulb which fives you a selective lighting arrange ment from a high to a low level of illumination. ^ Complete—Only 95c Cash and \ $1.00 Per Month on Your Light Bill \ r["S sure to be one of the most useful purchases you’ve ever made, as well as one of the most beautiful—this new low-priced lamp. It is known as a direct-indirect lamp. It throws light directly on your work, and at the same time floods the room with that even distribution of light that you need to keep out harmful shadows and an noying glare. . ■.■ r-^ Guard your eyesight—your health—by having the correct amount of lijijbt for everything you do, , . - • t - i.v * * »*• f jrnnrTmErlH 1 * jUMMSDiihltAi Southern pudiic