|W^ THE TRANSYLVANIA 1§T C°Unty J A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania County ---J VOL 40 NO 39 BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA—THURSDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1935 $1.00 PER YEAR IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY RAY BAILEY JAILED ON MURDER CHARGE Desperado Captured in Vicin ity of Gainesville After Two-Week Chase Hay Bailey, known as Western Carolina’s “bad man,” was arrestea near Gainesville. Ga.. l«st Thursday afternoon and carried to the (' vilie, S. C-, jail where he will await trial the last of this month on a charge of the murder of a Greenville policeman in 11)32. Bailev was captured on the h’b-j wa\ fcv two Gainesville depu.j '.u ;.fs as the much hunted man w .Ikeit along the highway, lie was ph-ved m i il and Greenville otficer earned I him to their jail early Friday morn-. Sag. A reward ot *:io0 was paid to: the Georgia officers by Greenville, for tlie capture. Bailey escaped from the home of | Andei.-en Chandler in tipP'i lial svlvan'.a county early Monday moil - ing. Sept. when bhe'itt Tom, Weed and a group of elticers went . there to arrest him for the_ Green tie officers. Deputy Sir. rd ( • «• j;.,t.f Greenville was wounded ;n , the -t bv Bade; as he escaped m , the darkness, and hucksh.t trom at’ ■(il . in ’* i hotgun in the hands ot am tl". I',:, liville deputy sprayed tin tie, V, mail r - lie e.-eapod. • Dues-hot wounds in Bailey’s back ,in,i a . rat tured elbow when captured ; h„r • evidence that h" was struck as he ran from the Chamber home minus his clothing. Chandler ami !;:s wife will bs tu •■die, - to federal Ottrcrs. Suei \v .1 -aid. and very probably , arrest- will be made by led-■ e l efficers in the ease. Seirli Carolina. Georgia and Tran-j svlvnia i ■ had. Ikoii c ndantlv; ; . i,' l . ;! of the dc-pe-a.bi for two .w ■ 1 Haile told Bheril Word ; ilia la-1 we’ ritet be was; ,' a, " , a h wa • find the chase ; \ i* s over. . ? ■ il’e new-■ ell. -d P« - ti.i-e ai d mws -t ric . • - ■ er-e lor , ^ i ,j• • v ; wevo very u , mV ’li-’e ■ : Sheriff W-od for his j Vat the chase. S': at lie'1 Young folk To Meet On Sunday \ „.t'.r.u cl' tlm center district j. ‘t f v l he hel l sit Uutm s Rock' U-t V a h imd Sunday at - uVloH. All ehun’u of the county j . , , Vjtl..i : , lie represented, c.-nec inllv a1! B. T. i'. oft'-cers are mwtoil . to attend. j The Mil'cv’.na protirani will be: ,i. ... jjr. v- ,,;n ’ corKroKation; | ;i aal. ( uidy i'. ranch; loll cal!.; t,-,,'-.. .... ••• 1 annp .nceimnts: . nee-, ■■ | ■■■ . address, ■ ■ \Y .> at I how hould «aeh B. K. i*. v. a mi n. a. v H/'V! oar him fe> the year,’ by -ph • •• •• , i • and I’. - ‘‘"hr. ’-Th • lie. • of ■). i-.” l'unn_M jfjivh union; speeia! sory, I’arrs, Mill union: play. .. "A ) , (’Ind tian M-ml .-r V.a'te- I’p. »- a" ; vi* 1*11 union. . .. TH ■"_-d Building New , Home For Business __, i ROSMAX. ; -ile the yia mat < iad e- d • :•!m Brooks on Monday by County Accountant Ralph I.yday and the board of county commissioners. The nonces are being mailed this week and special attention is called to the fa, t that one per cent saving mnv be effected on ail taxes paid before November 1st. Dogs are responsible for S74.» of the levy which is estimated to bring in $76,667. ib. Poll taxes aie es timated at $3,222; discoveries $36.69: corporation excess $5.002.0". Mr. Brooks reported that he ha ' collected a little over 5.'! per cent of the 1934 levy, which is considerable over the previous year’s collections ami that with back taxes, he had col lected around $77,000. Ralph Lyday Named as Purchasing Agent Ralph W. Lyday, county account ant, was named as purchasing agent for Transylvania county at a meeting of the board of county commission ers Monday, succeeding Commissioner W. L. Mull in this position. Mr. Mull, who has been purchas ing agent for the county since December of last year, stated to the board that his other business inter ests required so much of his time ;mu he could not give the work of ; ..re hasing agent the time it should -,uve, hence his resignation. Mr. Lyday will serve as purchase I dig agent at no additional cost to the I county. The position has heretofore paid $25 per month. Civic Club Proposes High School Ground Improvement Drive Featuring the October meeting ol ihe Women’s Civic club, held Mon day afternoon at the library, was a nroirram of unu^uul interest iinu profitableness, bearing- on different phases of the club work a- related to ; he home and the community. A large number o1' member-- and vis itors was present, with three new me mb. rs ent (died. Th • business transactions preced ing the program were presided over hv t'- president, Mr-. Oliver Orr. It was proposed by Mrs. Beulah Zacb \ ary, chairman of the beautification committee, that the high school climb* be the next beautification I project (•' be sponsored by the club, jty veto of the club, Mrs. Zachary v.-' - giv, i power to make further in-; c, -ligations and to confer with the ( on per officials concerning this pro-j pe-ed project. In discussing the topic. "Wlu't aj Civic Club Should Mean to a Cont Miss !■'!■" cm o Kent stated (he jc.,-,-no'-c of the local dub, which i-: "To pronto*e social en d philan thropic work along prrcteal lines, to; aid in Cm extension of civic improve- [ meats and to make our ;a bot .!.- m i and mere beautiful • -v hi will It to live ” In it- at-, :« carry oil' tins purpose inej c'til) has acco.-iirdisle-l many \- rth 1 while china's during th pa 10 year- ; its existence. Soim of the uti-mit . 1; diments mentioned i " Miss rCern ; include? Cooperation with city oil:-, vials -n the enur,-cement of law: activity in relief woi k and hospital day observance; beautif-cation proj cU i'i the town, particularly of tb eucrt house grounds and the elenic-n-i i.y and primary school premise: sponsorship of the* ;l v.--. chow.--; a. : j Mticiv ether undertaking- of a. ci< to welfare and beaut)ficath i: nature. An a fitting :C(]Uen.o :o tins open-. ■ c. Ci program, Ihe tonic,1 Why Belong to a C vie Club” wr. ■ v.i i.d by Mrs. C L. N'ewland. ) ,■ it "l.Y. " * 01 cut' Oil**; •. .’.wia'i’i’- 1 rig.mil article oil tii.- subject : print.oil i:i.' with: "It you or your lumbaii I ; a -e busioe: V".to .• in town you should belong . lo t’r.o civic dub. It you air . [ip..rti’.t:ity to give back to the toivn . .nothing' which it ' : riven you ! if you have a home r.r 1 i hire:: you ! ,'jould belong io the .'vie club in I .!. r to help pmnu't" better c-ivi" ’ conditions, better li i• condition j ■ ml better eiiviivr.nu at for y-u " children. In making tin: ■ better lor j i Ci .• cl; ill von. you do •• same thing or your own. If y.m have no ,-i ; ifri u and maintain a homo o j 1 wn, you : hoi.)Id bo a member of the civic dub Home improvements lof| ,|.,cs "•.••• a home improvements for. v ... To ' , a mend r of the co.'i" i'b shows r. desire io cooperate. It mips distribute leadership, con cent rates efforts and power and !>. Ips to create a piril of coonera lion, all of which go a long way in making any town a good place in which to live.” Mrs. J. E. Jones, chairman of the mcricen Heme committee, spoke on To subject, "Reading in the Home.” • Jones pointed out that a cer-1 t in amount of training in the home, is nec'-sary to appreciate good road-j ■■ and tiiat to get vile best out of I,,.;.., ere should begin to read early I ■ | The best guarantee that u I chilli will enjoy and profit by good: rjading, Mrs. Jones stated, is lor th t •r(.liter herself to be a lover of good ' . !and to be a good reader and am :,•!!;• • and to be eager to share with her children the worth while things she has found in books.. The tin i .■ types of reading material as i. d by Mrs. Jones include: The sensational, lurid type of fic tion; the great body of literature ] gown as recreational or light rcad P'g. which includes good magazines .'ml light fiction; ami the highest and best type, the classics. At Lyday Hospital Patients reported on Wednesday to be at Lyday Memorial hospital me: Ted McCrary. Robert Dennis. Clara Barton. Thelbert Wright, I Clegg Baxley, William Philips.! lames Buchanan and Boyce Helms. \7-.Ti' ARRIVAL Born to Mr. and Mrs. Woodford Zachary a son at Biltmore hospital ,n Thursday. October The new | arrival is the grandson of Mrs. Beu lah Zachary. Motor Club Party To Arrive Here at Noon Wednesday of Next Week Sixty or more travel executives representing leading travel agencies of the east, north and northeast, and travel counselors of leading AAA motor clubs of the same sections will be luncheon guests of Brevard here next Wednesday, and will visit points of interest. I.uncheon for the group of travel directors who annually sell many millions of dollars in all-expense tours and have supervision of direct ing travel of several million tourists, will be served on the campus of Bre vard College, with the college dieti tian preparing the lunch and serving being done by students. Civic and business leaders of the community will meet with the party which will he headed by Coleman W. Roberts, president of the Carolina Motor club. Following the luncheon the party will visit Rockbrook cam]) where they will be greeted by Mi. and Mrs. Henry N. Carrier, and shown over the grounds and build ings. The party will then probably visit Camp Sapphire and Camp Car olina. and leave by wav of Pisgah National Forest for Asheville where they will spend the night. Brevard people who attend the luncheon wil he identified by tickets for the event which will he sold the last of this week in order to defray the expense of the food. Preparation and serving will be done by Brevard College at no cost. It is expected that thirty or more people will buy tickets for the luncheon. Tins is recognized as the outstand ing chance of years to sell Brevard a>u! \V. tern North Carolina as a: whole t■ aa area which has not been eontai i l i:i I he past.. Among those who v ill be in the party that will, spend ten davs touring the Carolina* will be Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Mar tin, Martin Travel Bureau. New Voik City: Mr. and Mrs. 101 i Avb wi 'th. Ayls’.vorih Travel Scrvi-o,, In.'.. l'i evidence, ft. I.; Oco. Wh " Thor. < hi!- and Son. New ", ,.rh i itv: Mr. and Mr> C. C. Col i.i;! . (Tlpit:.- Tourist Co.. Boston. M Mi-, and Mrs. Barton F. Plimntoi-. Buttor(ii Id Travel Co.. Best- a. Mas .: Mis I.. !.. .Steven . Crump Travel eviec. Pi .idciic". It. I.: Mr. nr'I M .1, lei \V. Flick. Fhck-(i >itid, [rr.. Syracu-v. N. V.: Frank F. Montgomery. Montgomery Travel Bureau, Harrisburg, Pa.; Geo. E. Gillespie, Osmond - Laurens. Inc.,] Philadelphia, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Beach, Frank Tourist Co.,, New York City; Mr. and Mrs. Wal-| ter N. White, Automobile Club of; Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa.; Mr.I and Mrs. Burt L. Thompson, Auto-| mobile Club of Cincinnati, Cincin-j nati, Ohio; Miss Dorothy Abramson,] Automobile Club of New York, Newj York City. i E. Jenkins, manager, National, Touring, American Automobile Asso-, ciation, Washington, D. C.; Miss] Emma T. Hodes, The Automobile. Club of Maryland, Baltimore, Md.;; M iss Mildred J. Cristall, Automobile! Club of Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y. Reuben E. Mo\vr\\ Delaware Motor Chib, Wilmington, Del.: Mrs. L. P. Hendrickson, The Akron Automobile Club, Akron, Ohio; Mrs. W. A. Car-, per. Palmyra Automobile Club. Pal-] myra, Pa.; Mrs. Marble Weaver,, Bluefield Automobile Club, Blue-, field, West Virginia. Alfred Bcrnheim, Alfred Bern lieim and Sons, Brooklyn. N’. Y.; Mrs. Angus M. Taylor, Taylor Travel Agency. Birmingham, Ala.; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Latus, travel editor, Post-; Gazette. Pittsburg. Pa. W. K. S. Hershey, White Rose, Motor Club of York County, York.] Pa.; Miss Laura E. Beaver, Blair County Motor Club, Altoona. Pa.:, Mrs. i.aura S. King. Motor Club r/ Harrisburg, Harrisburg. Pa.; Miss Eleanor Durr, Trenton Automobile Club, New Brunswick, N. Mi«r Helen M. Doyle. Trenton Automobile Club, Trenton, N. J.; Mrs. Claire Westevman. Johnstown Motor Ciub. John t«wn. Pa.; Miss Martha Lyon.j Louisville Automobile Club, Louis \ ille. Ky. Coleman W. Roberts, director o* tour; Mrs. Coleman W. Robert3: •! H. Monte in char;'*-' of publicity and press relation.*: I.. 1-. !■ roneborge: Jr., in charge of routing, registra tion, and baggage; E. It Spf,>vr. n ore ■enting ho.ci a-sn* iation; .1 E !.. **V. '!o. president the Carolina.*, In speak* r. J, . . T*. Rawlcy, publisher High i‘i Entcrurise r.">d member of, S a,c Cons-. ;••»at ion and Development I Roar*); R. R‘ iie( Ethridge < r _ Han! j Kelly, of State Department of Hon-j servaiion and Development WPA Projects Are Locked Forward ReUivn i f works pvo/rc.v • > <.j■ •• t ■ f.„i„ i he AYoshinirton "'‘fire f o ; Ts an vlvssnia er. intv is •.•xnwl» p-o.ie-1 juusl iie i'4;isl''r(‘f! in Hie ro-envi'.oy mer.! office in Broviini. A total of $255,7K».:.2 m !>io.-: < t - Ik i 11 filed iV.’d okehed by the Ashe, lie olfi.-e mol. r W. K. Bm*sy .,. j th,-. Raloipi' office molec t!. \\. ci’h t1 ■ county and towns to pay sp pio'i'inrttt !v S20.000. Auxiliary ujjet' ci'V aiTectimr neither county nor towns nee paying approximately •'-•’.0, 000. _ Rui’s-. Electric Line Possible In County! Api'Mi-if- us by imlividnu’s and) lly by fveral individuals e,f j■'veil -m iiminitvs may lie ramie foi ; : i kttl'i’ii-ti.m •••tup:, through i :'.).• ■ "'iv ajtcnlV office. Ik v.l. ‘ li-n • f.v seal rim; -'lira! | iiniT through the fed-! ■ ; ! • ■ re mires that at leas' i. i>.-- mil? of !:■•' airvce . .:ni) more where it i ■ ., •. -ibit’. rv i f* ;:t.- • i<• 11 hy vIt C'-un ’ i f th-t ;t U I,: i* *• - ■ » ,rim* cl«t'-ic -tv; - talk <:vt'l at un --.* an. u-tf »!••• 111? community anil 'v:il: ’ :i■ ■ i"A-ntii."... a ronri-sontalivo .f Rural olortrifn :i! ion Ivuv u . t ’ v i'-ucra! r.uvfnnri'':’.l will bo in. Boe va nl ,.cx; week to ebook up on pa.-u.i po>o.ibiiity ■:> f ostaMi.-Uini? rural linos. Brevard Bank Depositors Agree On Trade Plan for Closing Got Assets Nearly five hundred people at tended the meeting of depositors of the defunct Brevard Banking com pany here Tuesday afternoon, and niter hearing plans discussed by Smith Medlin of the state banking' il'.-partmiMit, voted to go into a plan „f liquidation of the remaining assets of that bank that is expected to com plete the liquidation within a shor. time. i*:aa of liquidation was explained : \ W. Pat Kirnsxy, liquidating agent, M -. Medlin and C. J. Taylor, liqui •latina agent and deputy eommission cr of bank.-, as a “trading plan whereby depositors may sell their de posit-. buy equity in bank assets, or use them as a medium ol' exchange as the occasion may arise. A committee was elected by the de positors present to appraise all the remaining assets of the bank and ai • ive at* an estimated value on the entire lump of assets, including notes, judgments, stock assets, real , ante and other holdings oi the bank. G. II. Lyday of Davidson River was named chairman of the appraisal committee, with Leo Case of Oakland, Mrs. T. .1. Wilson of Brevard, Mayor A. II. Harris of Brevard, Wr. R. Lewis of Rosman, and H. If. Patton of Brevard as alternate. It is the plan of this committee for the depositors to go over all the • sets of the bank within a few days, assisted h*r Mr. Kim/.ey, and set an appraised value on such holdings. Then an estimated remaining amount „.;]i a,, m-vlved os to probable payment depositors may expect lo bo ■■creived in the future. Another aiming nl the depositors will he held within a week or ten • leys after the appraisers have com pktfd their work, (due notice oi such meeting to he g veil each s poritor). and report of the e onmi - tee elected here Tuesday heard, to-! gether with their recommendations' as to method of procedure for itnrnc-: diatc liquidation. If it is the wish of' majority of the stockholders that tin j ••trade liquidation plan" 1>'' am . out to completion, then all assets cl the bank will be advertised for thirty days and sold at public auction to the highest bidder, with the court to gi\e official o. k. or rejection of ail such bids received. For this sale, each and every asset of the bunk will be listed aivi advertised through the newspaper and by posting at the court house door, the list to set out each item separately, such as “John Doe one note for St 00.00” or “John Doe, judg ment for S100.” as the case may j be, or the real estate, deed in trust, j equity in property or other asset. i Depositors or ethers will be per mitted to bid on these items at the public sale, and will he allowed to. pav eithe’- jr, cash or with deposit; certificates at their relative values.. Relative values in this case will mean the ratio of value decided by the! appraisal committee, ror instance, it : the appraisal com mi. tec decides after checking the vatiou? remaining as sets of the hank that there is a prob-! ((.'nntimirr! on Unci: Pcif/c) State Lecturer Will Visit Masonic Lodge Jeff Nelson, lecturer for the Grand Lodge of Masons in this district, will spend one weak in Brevard lecturing to the members of Dunn's Rock Lodge, beginning Monday, Oct. 14th. Mr. Nelson will be at the hall each day and night and instruct the members in degree work. Each and every member is urged to make plans to attend these meetings. Regular communication of Dunn’ Rock lodge will be held Friday night at 8:00 o'clock. Old Age Pension To Be Discussed Here and at Rosman 11th The revised Townsend old agi pension plan will be discussed at tsvi meetings in the county Friday o!' this week by W. B. Fisher, oi Andrews, state manager of the. Townsend plan. A meeting will he held at the Iin-1 vard court bouse Friday alteruoon at ; one o’clock, according to announce ment sent in by Mr. Fisher, ami an other meeting at Rosman school on Friday night at. 7:150. The following announcement con cerning the plan is made by Mr. Fisher: “Every person who is interested in getting a pension, come out and hear about our bill; also, the president's $15.00 bill. “Under the revised Townsend Pen sion bill for all over sixty years, \v agree to accept whatever a two per .cent transaction tax will prochn each month on all the groin business, let it be $40, $50, $75 or $100 per month to be prorated among tlv who apply. “We also agree to first put the money into the treasury with this1 tax before it is paid out t'> tire pen sioners; the reby creating no debt-, m>; inflation, no bond issuer., no Unlov ing—a cash and carry, pa;, as “The Townsend pen not movement is a recovery movement intended t'1 fence money into circulation ever | ilO days. “The Townsend bill will turn U j everv .",0 cays iti every county m average gV Drug .-.tore and Ward's News M... d on the ground floor was ablaze when the firemen were called, very Hub damage was done by water, the crew using a small hose instead ol Be large one. Town l ax Collection Up During Past Year Increase in town tuxes collected j last vear was reported by City Cler. Harry II. Ihiilpn to the board of j aldeimen Monday night, over fi!t>i per cent of the 1934 levy having be i collected. Tux books for the new yen: ■ were ordered turned over to lv ; clerk. j Ralph II Ramsey, city attorney j was ordered to proceed with fore closure of 1932 tax sale certificate■■ it being pointed out that under tin ; ,1>135 law suits shall be institute. | prior to December 1st in this mm ter. Notices are being mailed this v: . ’ Lv Mr. Ramsey to all taxpayers cal' iog attention to the fact that tb foreclosure? are being started. Renew Your Subscription FOOTBALL Brevard Hi School Friday Brevard College Saturday FORESTS IN COUNTY ! ARE VERY VALUABLE Care of Woodland Will Pay Big Dividends Says State Forester By R. W. GRABBER, Extension Forester, N. C. State Coliege “Can the 730 fanners of Tr: ns.yl vania county make an abundant liv ing on the 10,278 acres of crop 1 ml and ignore the opportunity of '- e> 705 farmers. If n reasonable stand;- '• afternoon of tbi '.vee1- .:r the ' gains? of the ea on to hr p!ayw< at borne. Intensive trail, in;; i i'-ir-g r the fill.tie wiaa.1 -hi’ im’; by C "eh .Jnirtos in pi tion of tbr game Saturday ami rev play- have been given H|c iigld ba !:fit-id ian effort to li.aice . .mini;; ulays mar? effective. Tl" i ■ ' 1 lighi atvj i .’no 1 • oro nr If experience! irrtt. i-lrv 'ing np eon siiieifbly bet ter :li m the fivrt an or tie -• ■ on. ■ nd with the l-.-.i ■ ■■ :■ 4 n< *i line by t'i- !v .Te.''o--K-ti. a twod game ir '• a!cl ■ iva’-d to Saturday. Probab*.' i • m Pm-un for ' Pat ents last 1 a i! - , .... Coach Tilsois - ys tit..* he in s • t> team is im to p • f. and that ‘he starting lineup wil! be the same a* the one wlm-h he !-! W:.; . .-vil.eu i 6-6 tie tlu re las' Frhla". Light scrimmage an' signs: work will be given the high team Thurs day afternoon, after a hard week 1 training. Carr and Head. Made Leaders Legion Post F. Brown Carr was elected head of the American Legion at a meet ing held last Thursday night at the court house, attended by a targe group of members. M. E. Head was elected vice com mander. Dr. Carl Hardin adjutant, B. H. Freeman service officer. Ralph Duckworth > inance- ot...< r, f... R-v. Harry Peru- chaplain. Ralph H. Ramsey auditor and Frank Merrill sergeant at arms-. the post plans to we.ee an active campaign for membership and lames to have at least fifty enrolled before the first of the year. The new commander is also ait officer in the reserve officers organi zation for Western North Carolina, i3 active in the1 Brevard Baptist church work, and is in business at Pisgah Forest. All officers have taken an active part in legion an< soldier work for several years.