I "SET I THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES I W\ County | Merit A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania County __ _____mmmmt^mw^mmmmmmmmmm■»——* mmmmmmmmm—mnmmmmm■—m^mjmmam———j———wmmma^rmmm.—■— VOL. 41, No. 1 --BREVARD? NORTH CAROLINA—THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1936 $1.00 PER YEAR IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY Heavy Snow Causes Postpone ment—Increased Number Pupils Expected Brevard College will open Monday, January ii, instead ot Thursday, Jan uary as originally planned, follow ing the Christmas holidays, due to the heavy snowfall of last Saturday night. 1’rosaler.t K. J. Cultrane stated Tuesday that many of the stud>" ; had Wired and telephoned the Cel .go Jloudav and Tuesday to the teet | i rads were so deeply cover. : with snow that travel was danger-ms, and rmaested that opening he delayed. Students were notified through newsnapers on Weduesilay ami Thurstlav t ’ the i"loct that the col lege would open Monday ol next week. President Coltrane said that ( ho oxp. ted an increased enrollment mi Monday, adding to the four hun dred students now ill college here. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS QUIET IN COMMUNITY __ The holidays in Brevard were very ettiet. • Id weather adding to the! impe'u 10 Miond the time around; the family tiro uies. ' Ye y !;:th drinking was ill evi-1 me. . avoiding to Chief ol Police ] it. I;, pi,rinaii. and numher of eases j j.> • i: ■ -it’ - i o-iiet 'ii Mot id y night' w-s !•■•!■ w uaial. Christmas Quiet In v?£ * ah Forest Area; ~ .. i’ll!tn>; . passed eit ijuivtly in tin.- i. tivii with the evi opt ion »»f" ( tK' firewi rks. ami a - it lias now ; i nm : tnl gone mi l we are till look- i ing into a new year, we ’ire wishing i i ,u rol ti\ es ami friends, our editor I and his I’-iee, and everyone a very | hap; v and pro.-pet tt- New \ ear tor, M s Rose Welt', who is attending Ft ui t la nil Institute, spent the holi-j dav- with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. .1.1!. Wolf. \ large group of friends and rol-1 rtive- gathered at the home of Ik' O. Parker Christmas day for the i annua, dinner wliieh is held at the home of some member of the Par-. ker family eaeli year. A delirious dinner was served and an enjoyable | time spell,. | Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Roller htul j a- their guests for Christmas the | hitter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W hit-1 lin k of Hendersonville and daughter,! .Mai ill”, of Washington, !>. C. .Mrs. Tam harnott ana *urs. i nu-; lip sitton attended tin* funeral ser- j ,v i(ls at the Mills River Presbyter-1 ► m church Saturday morning -for, ir sister. Mrs. Alice Moore, who | died at her home in Greenville, S. t\. last Thursday. Mrs. Dove Sentell had as her guests for the holiday- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mae key and son. of Swananoa, ,nd Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Grey and sons, of Pleasant Grove. Mis.- Martha Cowan, of Atlanta, spent the Vide season with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Cowan. Mrs. D. M'. Hollingsworth and grandson, Herman, spent Christinas wit1 her daughter, Mrs.'Larry Simn son. and Mr. Simpson, in Greenville. Several friends and relatives of this section atended the funeral and burial services rt Crab Creek last Sunday for A. R. Corn, who died at the home 01 his son. V. S. Corn in Hendersonville last Friday. Frank and Frances Allen and families, of Swarmanoa. spent the holidays here with C. K. Campfield’s and R. R. Mackey’s. Mr. and Mrs. Glover Sentell had as their ttuc.-ls Christmas day N’ieh < las Sentell and family of Mount Underwood. Miss Dorothy Souther, who is em pinye'l in Asheville, spent Christmas • Per p rents, Rev. and Mrs. If. /., S s.ther. f U V. Lyday and family of Mor Ijja..: .ii. spent the Yule season with 1 n Orr’s and other relatives here. \|. and Mrs. I). K. Kdwards had . . ■ heir guests during the holidays the latter's father. Ivlin Buckner, and family ot Beech. Mi and Mrs. Vernon Loudermilk per Christmas with the latter’s par -. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, in Way nesville. Mi and Mrs. Ralphulee Corn and om Pressley have moved from cticn to Rosman., Mr. and Mrs. On* and family from Lear Hendersonville spent Christmas fwith heir daughter, Mrs. George Sentell and family. Morris Makes Third Spring of All-W.N.C. Ralph Morris, hard driving half back on the Brevard high scho >1 team was placed on the third string of the all Western Carolina football team picked by Paul Jones, sports editor of The Asheville Ci izen. C. K. Osborne received honorable mention as center, with James Pick elsimer and Sidney Siniard also in this list for backs. Eight men from Asheville mule first string, accord ing to picking of Snorts \\ riter Jones, and one each from Canton, Wavi^y-.ille. and Blue Ridge. BrcMd fans were disappointed in eg selection, believing that Sin iard. Brevard back, should have made the first string. Resettlement Offers To Lend Money Here Rural Resettlement offices for Tiansylvanin anil Henderson coun ties have been established in Bre vard at the county court house, un der the direction of F. A. Shoe, county supervisor for the two coun ties. Landowners, share croppers, rent ers. or tenants, may secure loans through the resettlement office for a-.vring better livestock, poultry, l‘ lining eqipment or general farm applies. To be eligible a farmer oust be of good moral standing in the community in which he resides, is ;■ pplieat'ons are passed upon by i committee of tanners of the sce , tint from which the application is mule. Application- arc now being recciv d 1. Supervisor Shoe at his office ■in the upstair; section of the county un house building, and bo will gk d to explain the setup to any l i. son interested. LARGE HOG KILLED BY McCRARY WEIGHS 6S0 Largest hog reported killed this (ason was that slaughtered just be ne Christmas by .1. A. McCrary ol Kir Brevard. The large pur-'h'od Mi. tied Pohllid-Cmna weighed *UK> tmds. flic hog w years old. and Mr. McCiary had not kept an accurate .. i mm at the feed hill, hut he is a ■ -.-l.j believer in raising good stock. POULTRY MEETING TO BE HELD ON SATURDAY Several people from Transylvania .-unty expect u> attend the meeting ' p( iilt i/nu n at the Asheville cour' '• u on Saturday of this week, the reeling to start at ten o’cloel:. C. K. Parrish. Alfred Scnrbov ugh. T T. Brown, and K. S Dears u; are among the specialists who will take part on the program, which will lie of vital interest to any per ms interested in raising p tiltry. 31 bright Elected Junior Order Head Vernon Fullbright, popular clerk at Brevard postoffice, was elected mmcillor of the Transylvania Jun : r Order at a meeting held last Saturday night. Harry S. Loftis, ural mail carrier of RED one was utmed vice councillor. Other officers elected include: H \Y. Bcntly, chaplain; Elssie Glnze ner. warden; Karl Bnsse, recording -ccretary; W. 1). Glazencr, financial secretary: Lynch Moore, conductor. The new off icers will he installed at the meeting to be held Saturday night cf this week at 7:'10. Good at tendance has been noted at the meet ings during the past several months. I : O’Conner Land In Upper End of County Involved In Morris-Taylor Deal 1 Announcement was nuule Wednes i day t. the effect that the William | O’Conner tract of timber land in the ' upper end of Transylvania county has 'bun srld to the Morris-Taylor com : natty of Asheville, and that the newly 'organized company plans t.i start : cutting and marketing the timber im ; mediately. The tract extends into three states jus follows: 18.000 acres in Jackson ! and Transylvania counties, North 'Carolina: 19.000 acres in Oconee ; utility, South Carolina, and 4,000 i acres in Rabun county, Georgia. The sale involved the sale of all the timber, mineral and other rights, it ; va explained. Negotiations extended ver several months, and is one of the 'largest transactions of its kind in sev ; oral years. Gilbert H. Morris, vice-president of • the Wachovia Bank and Trust com pany, announced today that he and W. Granville Taylor, prominent Ashe ville lumberman, had formed the Mor ris-Taylor Lumber company of Ashe ville. Inc., to carry on the cutting and i marketing of timber from the largo tract. It is anticipated that 15 years will be required to cut over the entire property, said to bo the largest tract . f available virgin timber in this sec tion of the United States. Several saw mills will be located at strategic paints within the boundary, and a concentration yard, dry kiln 'and planing mill will be constructed at West I'nion. S. C., about one mile I from Walhalla, P. C. More than 200 ! persons will be employed in the initial ■ operations. ( Mr. Morris and Mr. Taylor pur • chared the property—known as the William O’Conner tract—from the Whitewater River Lumber company i f Wellsboro. Pa., for an unstipulated | uni but it is recalled that Mr. O’Con ! icr prior to his death several years ago had refused $1,250,000 for it. The i act has never been cut over, and in hales large quantities of poplar, white oak and other hardwoods, and white and yellow pines W. O. W. Meeting Installation of officers will be special busines of the local camp Woodmen of the World on Monday light of next week. SCHOOLS TO OPEN ON JANUARY 13TH Bsord of Education Decides Condition of County Side Roads Dangerous Announcement is made by the county board of education to the ef fect tiuit all schools of the county wijl no-open following the Christmas holi days on Monday, January Vi, instead of Jan. <). us originally planned. The hoard, together with the county superintendent, "hold meeting Wed-1 no.-da,v, and after checking up on the omliliou of the side raids over which the 'iliod buses mu t tri.vch decided that in order to relieve the i hazards of transportation and l*», •a niomize on mol. the wise plan; would lie to defer opening ol sell ols j intil the i.'ith. \Vlnl“ the date highwry department. • or loon aid; to get the main higli wav > lien to tealTie following th". Iiep snow of Saturday night, yet th siiio roads where the huso haulin'-’ i children would have i. > travel are; considered drngerous. Quebec Items Noted For Fast Few Days Robert I.yda. of Rosnmn, and Miss l.o I a Reid, "of Easley, S. C. were j uarrieil at Easley on December -f They spent the Christmas holidays with the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mi i. Mark Reid, f this community. Jack Fisher, of Reins Siding, mov-1 oil to South Caroling one day last wi ek. Mis. Ruth Whitmire and Miss Frances McCall, who have been work-1 ing at Kannapolis', were visaing their parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. McCall, j during the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Gladys Frcnklm. who has. been employed in Wayncsville for a j •(.w months, hits returned home. Mr. and Alls. Lee Miller and -Miss! Lova Belle Miller were dinner j guests of All*, and Airs. !. ( . Hen derson on Monday oi lust week. I Uncle .Jack Whitmire and grand-! on. Paul Odum, of Greenville, S. (’..! visited relatives here last week. j Bruce Reid and .Miss Bernice Reid.; of Kannap dis, visited their parents.; Mr. and Airs. Avery Reid, during the, Christ mas holidays. It is reported that the western see-1 Hon of the county lias had a real] ••drv" Christmas, thanks to the ex cellent work of Ed Patton and his force. . , . . The hank houses in t his section have failed to protect their contents i ai well as is desirable, and (|uite a tot of fruit and vegetables have been , frozen. Some who prepared then' | bank house? did not expect such cold ■ weather as wo have been huviiijj Lite* | l.v. , . j Gad Whitmire has been seriously! hurt by a kick on his shoulder from the government mule which he is keeping. Rome one remarked that a good Democratic mule ought to he more eareful about whom he hits. Miss Willie Ray Fisher left last Saturday for East Flat Rock, where he has employment for some time Jackson Dav Dinner Be Held Jan. 13th Announcement is made through in advertisement in this paper by K. Ruftv. chairman of the Tran-. ■ vlvania Young Democratic club -hat a Jackson Day dinner will be held at the Waltermire hotel oil Wednesday evening. January 8, be ginning at 7:JO o'clock. A prominent speaker will b; present at the meeting. Mr. Ruftv smtes, and a radio hookup will bo made in order that, the president's address may be heard at ten o’clock. Complete details mav be tound in an advertisement on the back page .of this paper. ROSMAN CHILDREN ARE GIVEN CHRISTMAS TREAT ROSMAN, Jan. 1—Over three bun dled children of Rosman participated in the annual “Santa Claus Day” here 'on December 24, when Mrs. T. A. iterg and Miss Adelaide Silversteen distributed candy, fruit and toys to children of employes of the Rosman : plants. . The custom has been earned out for vest's, and the event is one of the bright events of the Christinas holi days. i _ Beauty Parlor Moves Ruth’s Beauty parlor, a popular ! institution for the ladies, has moved ; oto the Burkmeyer building next door to the former location, on Main | street. | The beauty parlor is under the I management of Mrs. Ruth McCrary, with Miss Edith Mull and Mrs. Ma le Bice as assistants. WPA Employes Will j Resume Work Today WPA employes are expected to re ume their work in the county on Thursday of this week, the work pe > od starting Wednesday, New Year’s !ay, fcr which holiday the workers will be paid. Over two hundred workers are mployed in the county on various 'rejects, the payroll which was dis •ibuted just before Christmas ■.mounting to over $2,000. New Kiwanis Head in:, <. E'/cvard K iwanians To Insta)! Officers Dr. C. i.. Ncwland anti the Rev. .’.•ml Hartsell will be installed as pres ident and vice president of the Bvevr.'d a i wan is club at the meeting to be held the Fnel ml Home on Thursday of this week at noon. New directors who will also be in stalled at the meeting include F. Brown Carr, K. J. Coltrnne, W. D. Cash. Harry H. Patton, Ralph H. Ramsey, Jr. Planning Faim and Garden Is Essentia (J, A. Glazener. Agent) l: is quite true that this kind of j •.vetther calls f\'r more timber work a the wrv of fire wood than any ithrv phase of farm activities; but while sitting around the fire is an iwful good time to do a little farm and garden planning. May I suggest that we begin with h - i*i me garden, for of all the icres on the farm li ne are expect ed to do m're than the one that is to nroduce our family supply of vegetables. Give it serious consid eration from the selection and prep aration of the land to the choosing , , . -i ’ - vegetables that are o i crown. After having decided viie, cgctaldes arc to lie grown ,•;:! the amount, then comes the one mfte.t 'ni thing and that is getting mod seeds or plant- whichever is to be used. Now is a good time to plan the entire garden for by so do ing he will know what to plant and the amount when the planting date arrives. While thinking of plans why not give a little time and thought as to what is to he grown on the dif ferent fields, in the way of soil im provement crops, feed crops and cash crops. The cash crop is one that should have serious thought otherwise one may make a very great mistake for what will best suit one fanner and his soil may spell failure to another. Some time later I plan to discuss garden plans in detail, including varieties of different vegetables recommended for this section and the amount suggested to grow for an average size family. Property Transfers Noted Near Penrose Folks in our community ace glad to have as permanent neighbors Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Whitmire, who have purchased the .Joe l.yday property This place was formerly owned h> Mr. Clyde Blythe, who sold it to Mr. Joe Lyday. The Whitmires have been living on the place for nearly a year. Mr. Whitmire is the son of Mr. Jordan Whitmire, of the Chcr ryfield section. Mrs. Whitmire is the daughter of W. II. Poole of Mar ion and formerly of Horse Shoe. W. Luther Couch of the lower Penrose section has bought the M. L. Hamilton property of Little River and has been doing some consider able repair on the house in anticipa tion of moving to the first of the year. Will Owen is moving to the Couch home at Penrose. Rev. C. W. II demon held preaching services last Thursday and h riday nights, expecting to resume services Sunday but everything of such na ture i's church going was snowed under Saturday night. Mrs. Ed Mitchcm has been rather ill for several clays and is reported still confined to her sick bed at this writing. Her neighbors hope for her a ouiek recovery for the New Year. C. F. Woodfin and son, Davis, made a business trip to Greenville Monday via Hendersonville. To es ane sc much snow they returned by vay of Caesar’s Head and found pore difficulty nulling through the unbroken side of the mountain. Frank Woodfin of Campobgllo, S C., is visiting relatives of Penrost nd Mills River. Mrs C. F. Woodfin and son, Davis, vere expecting to leave this week to visit Mr. Noble Woodfin of Holly wood, Florida, but their decision now is to wait until there is less danger of snow and ice on the roads. Wilson Lyday, student of Wake "Wrest college, and Wilson Middle on, student of Furman university. • re spending their vacation days at heir homes. Few Auto Licenses Have Been Sold Here With only around throe hundred auto licenses issued last Tuesday by the local bureau at the office of Mrs. CaW McCrary, a rush is ex pected during the remainder of the week. There are nearly six hun dred licenses stili to be issued in tin < county. Highway patrolmen have been in structed to arrest atitoi.sts who do not have 19H(3 license plates, instvre- 1 tions having gone out from Captain ft. D. Farner of the state highway patrol to the patrolmen to start making arrests after midnight* De cember HI. Governor Ehringhaus made the statement Monday that be had no authority to interfere v i: h the law requiring !93(’> plates alii"' midnight, December dl l. NEW BUS SCHEDULE IN EFFECT IN HENDERSON New bus schedule for the Grev hound line ea’ls for the first bus ' leave Urevard for Hendersonville ot even o'clock in the morning, the las! too to leave »t six in the afternoon. Returns to Rrcvanl are at nine in the m; ruing and eight at night. Connections arc made at Herd'' sonvilie for all noints via the Grey hound lines, and regular schedule i I maintained at all times. I.ast Sunday when bus service was very poor in most. sections. Joe Neely made hi' regular runs through the snow. Twiggs Buys Canteen Announcement is made by V. Ear! Twiggs to the effect that lie hr. • token over the Canteen C’ if. and is' now operating same at the old In ; tion, corner of Times Arcade and Main street. Formal opening was held Tuesday tveiling when a dinner (lance was g'ven which was well attended. Seal Sale Reports Asked For At Once I Request is made by Mrs. Waller i Banks, president of the P. T. A., that i all money and unsold seals front tie: , Christmas seal sale he returned at! once to the office of Lewis P. Hamlin, chairman of the seal sale committee. It! is necessary that the money be in j hand at the earliest possible date in ! older that a check-up may be made I and one-fourth i f the proceeds sent to state headquarters. All organize-! lion presidents, teachers, school ehil- j di-en and any others who were in charge of sales are urged to respond ; to this call and turn in the money! immediately to Mr. Hamlin. 1 HONOR ROLL j Following subscribers hu\e re newed since publication of- last week's issue cf The Times: T. C. Galloway. Brevard. J. F. McCall. Brevard R-3 \V. Hollingsworth, Brevard R-2. i H. S. Loftis, Brevard. J. S. tjiiversteen, Brevard. Mrs. R. L. McGuire, Mississippi. Jason Huggins, Brevard W, A. Lyday, Morganton. A. H. Caldwell, Arizona. W. D. Giazener. Brevard R-2. Mrs. F. Boggs, Biloxi. Gerald Sitton. Brevard. J. M. Zachary, Greenville. Joe Poole, Brevard. Mrs. YV. D. Langston, Goldsboio. J. K. Mills, Brevard R-2. Joe Crary. \:irginia. Vernon Fullbright, Brevarii. Mrs. L. E. Lewis, Raleigh. Mrs. Y'. Whitmire. Duncan. B. P. Scruggs, Brevard. Mrs. Ella Bryan. Duncan. L. F. Lyday, Brevard R-2. P. Moungrides, Y’irginia. C. E. YY’iison, Idaho. C. E. Ellenburg. Liberty. Otto Merrill. Florida. Mrs. J. L. Hunter, Tacoma. J. H. Parker, Brevard R-2. R. K. Ballard, Florida. Rev. S. R. Robinson. Oregon. D. F. Merrill, Easley. T. P. Owen, Canton YV. YV. Waters, Virginia G. J. Bruner, Lake Toxaway S. T. Lipsey, Savannah C. Y'. Coe, New York J. P. YVhitmire, Pickens Miss Daisy Orr, Alabama R. E. Williams, California E. G. Merrill, California J. C. Owen, Spruce Pine J. H. Raxter, Brevard, R. 1 YV. T. YVhitmire, Brevard. R. 2 0. C. Garren, Brevard, R. 3 Moltz Lumber Co., Lake Toxaway R. C. Galloway, Ohio Mrs. J. C. Hambright, Fla. A. K. Orr, Asheville J. A. Miller, West Point Ralph Lyday, Brevard A. C. Lyday, Brevard R-2 W. H. Olney, Brevard Mrs. M. J. Orr, Brevard R-2 F. L. Wells. Tennessee T. H. Smith, Memphis J. M. Grant, Virginia Ed Hollingsworth, Georgia J. R. Owen. Asheville Mrs. Earl Boyd. Arizona Nathan Morris, Kentucky J. YYr. Glazener, Granite Falls N. M. Woodfin, Florida Mrs. M. L. Shipman, Raleigh Mrs. J. A. Hartman, Florida YV. B. Fisher, Asheville Dr. E. YV. Townsend, Charleston Miss C. Duckworth, Raleigh We welcome the following new subscribers to the Home Paper: Sam McCullough, Georgia Edgar Osborne, W. Forest Billy Nicholson, Florida Reports Indicate Cold Wave Is General Throughout Southern States Heaviest snowfall in many ve:.'.r« greeted residents of Transylvania county Sunday morning, ter, sun! one-half inches being retarded. There was no mail delivered I > Brevard Sunday I ron fit t en idle, 'r e road over Caesar’s Herd mountain being t,radically impassable. Milk deliveries in Brevard were made p1 ]v Sunday morning, ami Asheville daily papers were also deliver i though on a much later >r!v dole tlv.r usual. Very little travel was w.«i or the highways Crttv: oi workmen umler Kn.-o II. Webb, district highway engii"' worked all day Sunday cV ring pathways through the sn v. . i: the main highways. Work of clearing th I wn •''' of the heavy snow I unde:' way Monday mt tying, with lb - highway offiee a sistins in the ini'. The low of zero wn-- reached M.aidav i ■ Col which made handling 'if snow slow er Tuesday. The Frenrii Broad river '.vn ;• ported frozen across in some ;C -t - Tuesday morning, wills <• m ■ ?i«-' dr slush and ice sit other places u th at ream. Iiurf.l mail carrier- from tin it vard pt.stoilire made ilf.''" r ‘-s Monday and Tue-tlay. t. iih roo-iii' able difficulty. Reports from ell -ertions ol 'hr country were to the <''feet Mia1 M " extreme cold wave wa: general Heaviest snowfall wa.- record'd "" Mt. Mitchell 20 inch' . Snowfall in various Car dina citii" were report ed as follow-: Greenville. S. C„ 12 imhc"; Spa” tanburg 11, Anderson II), Ri.rk Hill 10. Charlotte S, Grtensborn, A-i’.’ ville and North Wilkeslmro h- tv -n 5 and t>, Durham 7. and KlizahCh City 5. Oakland News Items Recorded For Week We have had very seven- cold weather the i>.:ct week and our com munity was completely .-rowed under fr.r a few days. Through the kind ness of E. A. Reid and Clarence Nor ton, who made snow plows and plow ed roads from houses t> barns and springs we were able lu get out and get water and feed our live stock. Mr. and Mrs. Ersie Cc.sn, of Ashe ville, Miss Lois Woodard, of Cash iers, .1. S. Wilds and daughter. M'.-? Oneda. of Lake Toxaw;;. and Otto Alexander, of Brevard, visited Mis? Mae Cash Christmas da; . Miss < a-h is recovering from a severe illness. Fred Nicholson, of lb man. v ■ t ed his mother, Mrs. Maii(^ie Niehoi son, one day lust week. Friends here have reci ived notice of the safe arrival in Miami, Fla., of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McCall. They report they had a nice trip downnml that the city of Miami is oversew ing with tourists. Mr and Mrs. Charlie Reid and Mrs. E. A. Reid, Mr. am! Mrs. Clar ence Norton and Misses 11a V, '.Ison and I.auna Gray were shopping « Brevard last week. Robert Wilson, Mack Reid Jr., arm Russell Fisher visited 'be former? father. !). W. Wilson. '• •! family a' their home in Salem, C., dun’s the holidays. . , ... Mr. and Mrs. Mack limp c' and Mrs. Dougins Retd mid daugiit ’7 spent several days durin; the Chri • mas holidays at Quebec with Mr. ami Mrs. John Reiii and other relatiw Clarence Chappell, who has a gov ernment job at Mars Hill, spent me holidays here with friends. K A. Reid and Leo Reid visited Rev.' Clyde McCall and family , at their home at Quebec ■ ne day ias W Conrad Miller, of Sapphire, visited Claud Nicholson Saturday. Lane Sanders returned home from Candler after spending several days last week with his s ster, Mrs. Wea ver Taylor. His brother. Ray San ders, who is now located at Candler, and Weaver Taylor accompanied hint home, returning to Candler the same Afternoon. , , Misses I la and Velma Wilson and Mrs. Frank Fisher visited Mrs. S. h Alexander Monday aftornoon ar.d report her not so well. I S. Sanders visited his parents. Mr.' and Mrs. S. L. Sanders, Mon day. The old folks had as guests dur ing the holidays their daughter, Mrs. Henry Alexander and her son Doyie. Most of our many friends woo sent such lovely Christmas cards to this writer read The Transylvania Times, and please let us say to them through the paper that we sincere.y appreciate their tokens of renien branee. Yes, more than they can ever know. May the coming year briny them all success and happiness. Many Children See Free Clemson Show Nearly six hundred children crowded into the Clemson Theatre on Christmas morning when the Clemson was host to the young folk. “Babes in Toyland” and an “Our Gang” comedy were shown. Following the show, boxes of can dy were distributed to the young sters. The free show is an annual affair at the Clemson.