THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES pf A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania County — - " VOL. 41. NO. 12. BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA—THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1936. $1.00 PER YEARINJTRANSYLVAN1A COUNTY - - —————————————————————————————1^^^^—1mmm REPUBLICANS NAME COUNTY DELEGATES Chairman Meekins Says New Deal Raiding Treasury For Re-Election Declaring that the Democratic na tional leaders were raiding the public treasury in order to perpetuate the rule that is leading toward a virtual dicta torship »f America. AV. I'. Meekins, of Hendersonville, chairman of the State Republican executive committee, open ed the Republican campaign here Sat urday afternoon. Principal speaker at the Republican convention. Chairman Aloekins declared that only the Putted States Supremo , uni t stood between the people of the country and a dictatorship that had ruthless ideals of government and was using iiii Democratic principles to gain re-election in order to further accentu ate the dictatorship of President Roose velt and the “brain trust." Kuo plank in tin Democratic piat f,.iin as adopted at the 1!»32 national . .invention lias been repudiated, Mr, Meekins emphatically declared, and the repudiation has been of such a ruthless im!m« tlint even the leading Democrats of the M Smith calibre are deserting tlve party ranks, he said. .1. if. is, nian principles have been abandoned and forgotten by the Koose velt-brain trust regime, the state Re publican leader said, and instead there has been set up an alphabetical rule Mint is neither responsible nor practical. Discussing North Carolina political trends. Chairman Meekins said that Governor Eliringhaus was afraid to call .. spveial session of the legislature for f. ,r it would harm the Democratic par ry in the state, and declared further that Sandy Graham, candidate for governor on the Democratic ticket had i ked up two of tlie Republican plat f in planks in his plea for nomination, showing that the now lieutenant-gov . favore! the things for which ■ at was made to secure in September ■ ! l.y the slate- Republican exccu •.mmitt. e. Reduction in automo l,il,i ta fees and spoeial session for P tug suiiaMe legislation to enable late to share in the federal securi ty ua: . a. t were advocated by tlie ex ..Iitive ...mmittee of the Republican pa 11 * in session last September, Meck sai.l, and ns proof of merit of the : ask -I for, he said, would-bc V mine. Graham is now seeking the same two measures. Following the address of Chairman Meekins. resolutions were adopted by the convention endorsing Chairman Me.-kins for re-election as state leader and Judge 1. M. Meekins of the Federal . ourt for president of tlie United States. A. E. Hampton. A. U. Owen and Solo mon Jones composed the resolutions committee. Lewis P. Hamlin, chairman of the Transylvania executive commit tee presided at the meeting. Delegates and alternates to tlie state convention, which is to be held on March 24th. included—L. P. Hamlin, Walter McNeely, Leon English, M. D. Burleson, A. E. Hampton. R. L. Nich olson. Mrs. C. F. Baldwin, R. R. Fisher. V. E. Twlgg. C. R. McNeely, C. R. Clarke. Dan English. H. D. Wyatt, Dr. E. S. English. B. W. Hamlin, Mrs. R R. Fisher. Austin Hogsedt U. Barton, A. B. Owen. Delegates and alternates to the con gressional and senatorial convention elected were: D. L. English. E. O. Ship man Riley Merrill. C. R. McNeely. Aus tin Hogsed, L. P. Hamlin. V. E. Twigg, S. it. Owen, Solomon Jones, Miss Mar jorie Barren, Mrs. Ira D. Galloway. R. L. Nicholson. Leon English. Roland Owen, Virgil McCrary. Virgil Merrill. T. S. Williams, Dewey Moore. Baptist Young Folk Will Meet Sunday Central district B. T. V. meeting will ' ’Id at Carr's Hill Baptist church ay afternoon. March Hist, begin at two o'clock. ■present atives from the following ches are expected to be present at meeting: Blue Ridge, Brevard, r's Hill Cedar Mountain. Catheys • k Hunn'-s Rock, and Glady Branch. Realty Transfers The following real estate transfers iv e been recorded by ltegtster of eeds Jess Galloway during the past week: Mollle .1. Creasman et al to E. J. FMncy and wife; Lillie Jackson to Glo ver Jackson; R. J. Hackney and wife t R. J. Hussey; Brevard Investment Co. to F. D. Clement. Fourteen Schools To Enter Creative Art Contest Here An exhibition of the work done In reative art by school children of Tran sylvania county will be held at the Bre vard elementary school Saturday aft ernoon from three to 6:30 o'clock, and Monday afternoon from three to five o'clock. The creative art contesti sponsored by the Brevard Mathataslan club, has hoen in progress for several weeks and will come to a close on Saturday. Pupils from 14 of the 16 schools In the county are participating in the contest The prize winning entries will be sent to Asheville to the district contest on March 28. The district winners will then be sent to Raleigh to compete for state awards. Separate prizes will be awarded for high school and elementary grade puptls, prizes for both groups however, being the same. The types of work In the creative art contest Include: Drawings or paintings, clay modeling, soap sculpture, wood carving, weaving, basket making, air plane and ship modeling. Speaks Here Tuesday CliYDl-: It. IIOKY. of Shelby, who will deliver the commencement address to the college graduating class at Bre vard Methodist church next Tuesday. Cash Prizes Offered For Poster Drawing Cash prizes will be awarded pupils of Brevard high school Thursday morn ing of this week at 11:30 for the best posters submitted to be used in ad vertising the junior class play. Prizes will be $2.00 for first. $1.00 for second, with third and fourth to bo a ticket eacli to the play, “Kind the Woman" will be staged on the evening of Friday. April 3rd, in tlie high school auditorium, and promis es to be an Interesting affair. Miss Martha Boswell is directing tlie play. MRS. lydaTwTns BIGGEST EGG PRIZE Many Large Eggs Entered In Times Contest; Another Be Staged Soon Sam 1>. McCullough of Brevard was winner of the lust prize for the largest Hen egg brought in last week, and will leceive a year's subscription to The Times. Mrs. Wade I.yday is winner of the grand prize for t ho largest egg brought in during the four weeks which the contest was was conducted. Mrs. I.yday was winner of a one-year subscription the second week of the contest, and also of tlie prize for the largt st egg dur ing '.lie four weeks. The egg submitted by Mrs. I.yday measured 7 7-8 by 0 3-4. Fifteen eggs were brought in during the last week, with A. N. Jenkins of Brevard, Lillie A. West of Balsam Grove, and Mrs. S. Kilpatrick of Pen rose. running close seconds to the large