Only Newspaper 1 Published In Transylvania JLJ County VOL. 41 NO. 17. ^ BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA— i REPUBLICANS WILL MEET ON MAY 2ND AND SELECT TICKET Precinct Delegates Will Be Chosen Day Previous To Cast Ballots I'.epublican ticket will be selected at the bi ennial county convention which will lie held here on the afternoon of May accordiiw: to official call which is hoi in; issued this week by l.ewis |>. Hamlin, chairman of the executive committee. I to!, ,,tes to the county convention winch '• to lie held on Saturday, May - Will be selected at precinct conventions w hi. h ore to be held in the several |>re . aids on I'riday niirht. May i. a eiptht O*. loe'k. Official call tsited by t'halnnau Main lin is as follows: , minty i \ mtnmi m tin- uepim Ulan party of Transylvania county, is !., r, tii . .ill' I t" inert at the county , mirt I" i ■ Brevard. North Carolina, at two thirty o'clock. Saturday. May 2. 1'.;;.; f r the purpose of nominating i undulates for the various county of fi,,perfecting the county organiza Ih.ii and transacting all business that may properly come before tlie conven tion. Meetings of Kepublienns In the sev er;,.! precincts of the county are hereby , all.--: to lie held at eight o'clock p. nv, Friday. May t, 1936. at the following for the respective precincts. 1 avai'd Vos. t and 2, court house, 1 'award: Brevard No. 3. Pisgnh Forest la.,.I house; ltoyd, Knon school house; Cidar Mountain, Cedar Mountain - hoi.l house; Cathey's Creek. Sellea school house; Putins Rook. Connestco school h 'Usi . Kastntoe. Uosman school I ...u ■ Fast Fork, Fast Fork school hmis< . ttlouei ster N'o. t. Silversteen i..... 1 li.ais' . (ilotn ester No. 2. Shoal i' . .k school house; lioghaek No 1, II •' I limts* ; Hogback No. 2. I. Tiixaway school house: Hogback N,, Itehamy school house: l.ltfto l: \,i '.ittle River school house; Old T,,\. y. till Toxaway school houst ; ';,-n a. Uosman seliool house. I'rixpii t meeting's will lie called to , rder l>\ Tie precinct chairmen or some, r of the preelnet executive com mittee Rai'h precinct will elect an ex ♦ culice committee one of whom shall 1„ designate'! as chairman. And a sec retary. Tiny will also elect a vice ■ hairrnan who shall he a woman, one legate and one alternate to the coun ty convention for each fifty votes or fractional part thereof east for th.e lle publican Governor in 1932. The pre i inct chairman is requested to bring the names and addresses of the several precinct committees as elected in their precinct meetings. A full attendance of all Republicans in the several precinct meetings, and their attendance at tho county con vention on May 2. 1936. is requested. Fowls P. Hamlin, Chairman i Transylvania County Repub L Ucnn Executive Committee. Schools Will Close Work In County 15th All schools of the county will close the year's work on Friday. May 15. ac cording to County Superintendent J. P-. .hull's. Fxerc'ses for the various schools will ho announced through The Times as -non as the ir.forma'ion has been giv en out by the principals. Farm Meeting a meeting of tho farmers is called ).y Ram;.ill Fyda.v to he h< Id at tho Kittle River school Friday night of •Ids week .it i audit o'clock. P. Vf. Col vard. agriculture teacher at Brevard College, wilt i.i present and discuss the •uplc. "The place of livestock on the farm." All Inn rested citizens are in vit'd to attend this meeting Friday nigl.t. Fisher Reunion Note r. s. iv>i. :• i Itair.nun of the com iiiiitte!- .1:1 .vrar ' 'avals for the Fisher Heaiitoi' i" aims t-pch member of the sitnmlMt • to !.<• [> resent at a meeting May, April 26, at lrike • list t;st church. The meeting ill he Immediately following: ' an h s.t 1 a - it the church. .VI. T 1 FJfiT.I T.S II. ' Mr Mrs. R, T Kimzcy , s'r l.i* ■ V orris, 0.1 Friday. April •’ • . Mr .1 Mrs. John Hud son . .iinhtt-v Frances itehetsnh, on Frith.■ . A ti: 1" P.'.ia • ■ Mr Mrs. Jack Tran • aiiii a .•• i: ■: y Kuala a ’ rn Fri >■; y. \tiri! 17. 11 of Mi. t-r 1 Ms were in l.y-lav Memorial hnsni'a!. Good Response Here To Red Cross Appeal Voluntary i n-U.'itions to the Red < 'rose relief fund tor the tornado vic tims df the South have been exception ally good, according to .Tos. S. Sllver stcen, chapter chairman at Brevard. Xo direct solicitations have been made, due to the fact that a canvass had just been made for help in the flood catastrophe, but the appeal from the chapter chairman through this pa per was responded to in a very fine manner. The elementary school of Brevard was leader of the group contributors, the teachers and pupils under Professor .7ohn Rufty giving a total of $27.10 to ward relief of the sufferers, fThe money has been forwarded to the itional chapter of the Red Cross and is being distributed In the needy areas for purchase of foods, seeds, and medi cines. Heads Student Body I .1. KDWIN CAItUSI.K. who was I . ha lt’d last week as president of the j I inward College student council for the Ijear 11*36-»7. after :i spirited campaign ! which extended over several days. The new president is a Western North Carolinian. His home is at llostic. lie is active in social and scholastic activities of the college and has been first striny catcher on the baseball S.piad for two years. He entered Itre vard College with the beyinninjr of the second semester in the 31*34-85 term. He lias served on the student council for the past two years, and as a mem ber of the Taylor Hall council. Jack Fishing Season Not Open Until June _ It is a violation of the law to fish for jack or mUsknllunge in the French I!road river before June 10th. according to Information received by The Transyl vania 'rimes front tin* Still1' lh'parl ! nn nt «f Conservation and I'tovcloinnent. I The information was given in direct ro | |.)y to :i letter which was written to the department by The Times last week in I order to clarify the question of wln n I the jack season opens. ! A news story carried in The Times of | \pril It;, slated that tlie- jack season opened at the same time the trout sea ■ son did. which was April if'. This state ment, however, seems to lie incorrect, ns the department specifically says that tin* season is closed until June 10tli. The department also states that fislt | ing license are required to fisli in tlie f French I,toad river, another idea that lias been erroneously prevalent hero. General opinion lias prevailed here that no license was necessary to fisli iu •the French Broad, and likewise, fishing for jack was assumed to be o. k.. at the same time the trout season opened. | Both are incorrect. ! Bulbs and Seeds To Be Planted at B. C. Beautification of the Brevard College campus has boon started by the stu dents and teachers, with Dean W. Col vard supervising the project. Plans now being pushed for planting of flow ers and shrubs in as many vantage points as can be touched by the ma terial on hand. Several people in the community have donated bulbs, seeds, and shrubs for use iu the college campus beautifi i cation project, and donations will be ! accepts I from any one having a sur plus of either bullet, seeds, or shrubs. I The supplies may lie loft with Miss i Mvra Iiinford at Virginia Bodge, or will i lie called for by one of the college pu 11ills if a telephone message is left with j Miss P.iaford. I Food Necessary For School Lunch Rooms — ! An urgent appeal Is made for dona 1 tlons to the school lunch room, cr j the Brevard room will have to . lose idown. Miss Jackie Clayton, supervisor, (states. Anything suitable to be served : as hot lunches to the children or cash ! with which to buy supplies will be I greatly appreciated, it is said, i Those donating cash or supplies dor ling the past week include: Mrs. Julian oilasemr. Mrs. Lillian Speck. Aslie j \ ill. Miss Annie- Jean Gash. Miss i Alma Trow'.rid,re. ! Brevard High School i Commencement Week Exercises Announced i Program for the commencement - v I i-rcises at Brevard high school s a full [unci varied one. Professor Alvin Moot begins the finals by presenting his pupils in a series of two piano recitals, tie first, op Tuesday evening. April 'IS. (r. Mode's second recital follows on May 5. On Sunday evening. May 10. all | cinircT,' s of the community are invited ! to worship together on the occasion of the baccalaureate sermon. Rev. J. TT. ' Brenda it will deliver the message. On Tuesday evening, May 12. the senior class will present a three-act I play. "The Family Upstairs." by Harry I Delf. The graduation exercises or tne ele mentary school will he held in the high school auditorium on Thursday eve ning. May 11. The closing event of commencement weok will be the gradu ation exercises of the senior class of Brevard high school, Friday evening, May 15. The commencement address will be delivered by Professor C. H. Trowbridge. Friends and patrons of the school are invited to attend each of these exer cises, all of which will be held In the high schol auditorium, at eight o’clock in the evening. ELECTION OFFICIALS NAMED AT MEETING Wilson Made Chairman; New Registration To Start On May Ninth _ L. P. Wilson was elected chairman of the Transylvania county hoard of elec tions Saturday afternoon at the organi zation meeting of the board hold in the court house. N. A. Miller and Judge D. R. Knglish are other two members. Miss Kliznbeth Case will serve as stenographer in the office of the board of elections. Registrars and judges were nam'd for each of the IT voting precincts of the county, and official notice given that I lie registration books will lip open on May !Uii for registering voters for the Democratic primary, and alsi for reg istration of Republicans, or Independ ent voters. Republican judges to serve as pre cinct officials were mimed at I lie meet ing of tlie board, the Republicans to serve In tin primary in case there is a contest between Republicans who gen erally select their candidates in county convention. In case there are no Ite I publican primary contests, the primary j will be conducted by all 1 democratie officials, and judges were so named as alternates. while the registration hooks will not he open until May Oth at the polling places, those people who wish to regis ter before that date may do so by ap plying to tlie chairman of the board of elections in person. This rule applies only to those people who will he unable to he in tlie county during the registra- I tion period, Mr. Wilson states, hut who wish to vote in the primary or retain their citizenship In tills county. Tin regular registrars will not he able to take such oaths of registration prior to opening of the hooks on May tub, Mr. Wilson also said. It is necessary Hint any person who wishes in vote In the primary, (or who wishes to vote in tlie general election in the fall) appear in person and register, as a law was passed in the 1(135 legisla ture calling for a new registration, and I setting forth spccifirnlh that there should he no copying of unties from old hooks, or registration oilier than la applying personally for rcgUttration. Following are names of registrars and judges in the various precincts, with the Democratic registrar and Judge, ao. {('onthmrd on Iittck P"