Fhbmhvi Only Newspaper mmumi ®r I Published In Transylvania 9/ Jaunty jffl ■ VOL, 41 f NO, 10. S ADULT EDUCATION IS TO BE SUNDAY TOPIC L Chwrchoti In TrAH»ylvAnU To * Discuss The Program Nok( Sunday Adult lldiicatloit Week will la ole served in Itrevard ami Transylvania county with special services and ptm (grams to be held In the various ehttrehes on Sunday, which is beintr fesueraily observed as adult edueallnn day, Th* ministers In Itrevard churches will re‘o«ut/e the dav In some form, and different pastors and Individuals will conduct the evardses in other churches tltrouyhou! the county The rn|i,mil, schedule of c mos in the different eectjens or tie • minty )n>e I teen announced by Mr* Mlii c \\ iIson countv supeivtsnr of Hie adult tom aiinn mol* Turku t're«l» Maptlst el,nn it s (' Venteri Most h’o'k ami Tosaway Methodist cluiroii, llev, (I, \ Mu* .Middh I’oik I la pi 1st ehureh, i'iiif \v M Hunt. Calvert Maptlst f,tmi'h i|,i M i, l<«wis; Quebec Hap* dot church, lb’ Clyde Met'alll Com neste* Hnpiisi ohiircllt Me\. >1, H Sum m,ms ami ,‘lso >n H'1 Itrevard eoinred church Ti„ to ill* 'Old o ii here will attend itie services ip the different sections of ip, county, \tis Wilson, supervisor, will attend a thr>• lav unetiim In Asheville, Tliurs dav, I’ndai and P.iinroai of tins week r,,p district sup*■!visors Clyde A, M” u in etat* supi Hatchdont of ediieatiou, will lie Utuiinmi either at He h'rlday . »i ssinn k • | Jail On Fire Causei Roftman Excitement |ii >f!\| \ N \H ll IVn(t|i' liSFfl w, ri l> l i'i Uilevn dint dir iipji k niiii Iniii. i H|' I.. lm I <11■ Mile Ml|Sl'l’|lllt>|6 In ril’t), Ii .-, nine in ,i I'lijir of I'olliu Ht|'mii> | i. <| II VI ' i jll.'i II 11II i lllll'MVS Of 1 f.ii,iii i... i ,11.• I. .'I Hi- luiv Ulii'l of ’ . II. I I ! I, II ll III flu 111 pqillh ' I.Iiii ' , I I n 111 .I dll' |1U||I 111 iliu Ml iil> . Iii i. ,i \i In jviii IIihhu wlin 1.. . il ll.. 1.w ll, illillle IIII,I el|l|,lr.V M,i\.i iii due Iihiii'iiHm'iniii mi' lniiiNi.il 'I’li. III.Ill I..i• I i t iiiv ill 111' I iielllllltll Iilii.lt l l|l ,i VI rj ill'lll Whit'' ItSfOFt' 1.1-“1 I'.-illJ ill I Illl i| flint ll|l» )>|’ll l\ limt 11., ..ini; aitltli'iiii'it Midi nil. lit),) tlinl mii , |uii i ii ti, iii in, lit hi. fii.' tliie 111' n nfow tin. nnl nf tin vnliiiine i.f MliinU'' linin', nit; from im rv mnrttipe of dm Itns nmii (ii'i.h jiijl Oha, gmrw being I I-ft, llr, v od, Pair, o 1 ■ cher for llrovard 'o ic i 1 l at, get ting a home m ui I s; out of lour trips. MnniJtjWted ■■ vitli I ,yn fop two P T ■ : . V aft UPTU'V. Dll f > 11< » it In 1 Republican Nominee 'i'l.VHH (I .fAltllHTT, i'f Andrews,* I who is HepiiWienn nominee foe t'ontfi'ess from this dietfiet, Clyde Hoey Leading Candidate In Race For N. C. Governor — Clyde Huey is Hie loading HUheriura tmiiil candidate in Brevard, Judging from it pull ink' ll by The Mini" Mwgira Hue here during the pass ten days, I'ifu fivi- peopla in Brevard vated in He straw vote fur Hie magic/inc, with 8(j fm tiney, in fur llralmm, I? fur •Mm l loi'iild, ftial t fur McKee, One hundred nine postal card bra ouries were mailed to box Imldnrs at Brevard pom office on April tf, and Hi" I above figures were taken fr.nu a re, purl carried in Hi" current tssii" of Hie wi" Uly news magazine published at Him li ielo Talon in a intH over half Ihc coipi ii..- in i|i" state in n ranilooi sort of woy, Th" Hint" pull shows M ..■ 11,imi 11 i, iulitm - Pir in i Ihin for Hoi >, with iii'ist of th" mountain • minti* ■ iillioe up ' of fm iliii'y, in ,, pot I stalled s" vern I days n u Iw doily io wspopi i's, sending a linllm tu eviiy twolftli Democratic voter Ml sii >" of pnstoffice Inis ho!d"i's wtih'h would imtiirally inclitd" )••>(B !heno• era I s and liepubltenits as is tli" wilh the Hnieiidi puldicallon fuill, the western counties show a tittle lietter than two-tiooii" preference I’m lli>v, inn of mi votes uist in Trniisyhnmn county, in were for tiney, a for tli i ham, iiiei i for Mii"ttonald. Civic Club Meeting Monday Afternoon l tegular monthly meeting of the \Vn> men’s Civic cluh will he held next Moira day afternoon In the now home on dura dan street, the program beginning at ,H: a0 o'clock, "Rducailon" will ho topic of study which will follow the business meeting, Mrs, A, It. Harris will have charge of the program, and Professor ,T. It, .Tones, county superintendent, will he speaker, Lime House Put Up By Agriculture Boys A lime house is hniiur I'tilll near the J'uriiy Products plnnt ip Hrevard for the Kinross of hulk hole, which will niitk' the aiuiro|ii.ri!tiit soil rock avail ithiv >i nil times to farmers of this section who join the CO-Operative Pair buying project, The house Is helps constructed by members of the I'rovnrd hind' school vocal Iona] aericulturo class under up poi'vlslou of Handull T.yday, teacher. i/,7i /./:v \\i i,f, hi ia:vxiirt.n Phil. XDICMUli \ 'Sen.i’i.i Alhen W, flnrklev, hum., Nv has been ehos«n io deliver the keynote intdre .-.s hi fore the I'emofOvtic national < fnvoiiiloo u in. i .Mi! Vinyln here June S*ml, Ka tii.ua] nemnernth leaders at Me same time iveoiYTOIf ilded Henstcr Joseph ‘1 ■ Iloiilnsnn, Drtn,. Ark. he mr.de per manent chairman of tne ■ (invention. The select I OOf were mule at a eoriftp’" .are of TNnlior.nl •'!.airman Parley and other party leaders, Fifty-Six Students Will Graduate at Brevard High School with ’36 Class • li . i; ci.is* of Tlrevard ni.u •" . »;! ., I'i l>*R«a lu rarest Class •! in the history or ' .-iii... i ■ - • - hcya and «Mh are ! (o tin’ r ,'.i.lor.it... at tho (dot.e o1' ii iii, , ■ vtmlus, May i*. i'"'i m;i. ■ tiio roster of *6% ttfadti ;■ i1 • t.i- with r.ihcr MwHlImr stn I'kl.Vf> i »i • »t 1 Allison Mnyholl Allison, M u \ t’viieriai nurto'i, Mn hei Idaho i*«.Capos. Eva Ottse, l .a dhy I'. l.uo'.-m Denver- ltuhy l -. e W)uiu Kntherhx KnpUah. Much I’..aster, Pauline Oi(l.-s|ile, James Olna ii'ir, Tan. Hamlin. I.ewis Hnmlin, Mari' II .li,ilek, 1 ’,>lly iinrtsed, Carl Hendricks, Olii.r Hendricks, IUH Huk hlns, lludily Hunt. Betty i.oftis, !ne< T.yday, Sylvia T.y < I. i V, Merle Mlehftel, Henry Miller, Hnrold Mls.-nhelmer, Clifton Moore, i isle Mull, .lack Mm an. l'enrl McCall. Helen Met’rnri Nathan McMlnn, Mai vin MoOnlia Vnuc Norton, Audrey Orr, Holler. Orr, John Orr. O. K. Osborne. Jr., Elsie Perry, Ernestine Kahn, Claud Hickman, Yvonne Robinson. Harold Salt/, Nell Scruws, 1 -ols Ren ew Kenneth Scntell, Sidney Slnlard, ™ rlton Smith, I.ewis Hummey, Oor o'ny Tn’.ley, Malva Tharp, Melrose Ylnsley, Thoo. Williams, Beorher Wal den, < tffnviu of tie si.nkii- dais arr isiiii-r.t, t.oivi:, Hnmtin: v'.ve preel dent. Noil Scruggs; eonsary. Jack Mor an; treasurer. Pm.lino Hansel!, Class fconp. "Hollow the OKam;” . inso colors. pink and preen; class flower, pink rose; class motto, "Per tispora ml ns‘ra;" class mascots, Ma" tkn jays Neely and C. it. McNoely. Honor students are—Valedictorian, Malvn Tharp; snlutatorlan. Dttslan leaver; Lewis Hamlin. Henry Miller, Dorothy Aijjswn, Dorothy Talley, Nell Semites, Essie Mull, Dill Huggins, Hr* Destine: Hahn. Polly Hartsoll, Claud Hickman. Superlatives selected by the class In clude—Prettiest Kathorine English; most handsome, Nathan MoMInn- most athletic Elsie Perry, Harold Mlsen helmor; most artistic, Merle Mlchnol, .Task Morgan; host dressed, Malvn Tharp, Knrold Salts; most attractive, Merle Michael, Nathan MoMInn: host all-round. Merlo Michael, 0, K. Os borne; most versatile, Elsie Perry, l.ucian Denver; wittiest, Elsie Perry, Buddy Hunt; most popular, Polly Hart sell, Buddy Hunt: most Intellectual, Nell Scruggs, T.uelan Dcnvor; most studious, Erncatlijtt Pnhn, Claud Rlok niiin; most dependable. Dorothy Alli son, T.uelan Denver. Republican Convention To Be Held In Court House Saturday Afternoon For Nomination of County Ticket liepuliliemis of Transylvania county will select Hie party nominess at a convention to he held In the Itrevard ctiui’l house on Halurday afternoon of this week, The univenllon will lie t ailed to order iti 2Hill o'clock hy Kewis P, IIrtmllu, uliiiirinai) of Hie llspnhllcen executive i iniiiiiiilee, Nomination of candidates mi,I Hie selection of an esecuttve com mlttee, chairman, and other county parly officers will he special husiness Preiiuii mootinas will to* held on IVidiiv nielli, May I, nt eipht o’clock, m which lime parly precinct officers, ileleyntcs, mid memhers of Hie execii nve committee will he selected, i if fir in I call uf the precinct and county convention wns Issoed Inst week |.y Chairman Hamlin, eallimr for pr< cinct tneelintfs at the fnlbwinif plates on May I, in * p, tn — Hi, Mini N'ns, i and 2, conn house, Brevard; Itrevard No, it, Plsuuli Koresl selieel hansel lioyd, Kmm school hmisi ; Cedar Mountain, t'edo Mmuiiniii school house! Cathey's Creek, Hide a si'hoot house; lninns Ihe k, Cmitieslce trilled house; Knslutoe, Itismaii school House i Past Pork, Last Pork school house; (Gloucester No, 1, Hilversteen school housei (Gloucester No, '{, Hhoul Creek school house; Hogback No, i, yuebec school house; Hogback No, 3, Luke Toxawny school bouse; Hogback No, 3, Mohaney school be use; Little lllver, Little lliver school houses Old Vnxuwuy, old 'i'oxownv school house; Rosmnn, llosman school house, H hits been the custom for years lo name nil parly candidates ai tic* county convention, It will not be known until the convention meets here Hnturdcy afternoon, however, whether nil candidates will la, named In lie* ennvraiPm, as the privilege of enter tim Ha primary on .lone nth Is accord ed any who may file, Nominees are to tie selected for the offices of representative In the general assembly, sheriff, register of deeds, lux collector, three eommlsloneis, cor oner, surveyoi, and precinct offices, No ptiblli announcement of candida cy for ony of the places has been made, Ian severe! names have been proposed by leading Republicans for the places of sheriff and register of deeds, Transylvania Men Well Pleased With Showing Made by Red Polled Cattle — Ityrmers find business men In Trnn sylvnnln county see poinpletoly sold mi tin nii'n of working toward n breed W ju-il I'nlk d cnU!« in this roil in y. lie Kmi I’hIIH being recognised ns Hi" imb sltunlinn ilmil puriinse brned, Nineteen (til(sens of tli« louwy visit ml tin* Ifnynnldn.Lybrook Pmiiiiw innr Wlnston-Holem Insl Nntmdny, nod nn uc cheeking liver the records tin iiitil* Imv nnnln ns milk nod l inti i nrodin pi's, ninl seeing lie- excellent beef fyi■> which I lie I Iillle grow Inin, rime me,* mil till'd d ever tile pr0S| - "(H "f per il’iii tlliM hi i'll lien ] 'In tin it re bolim worked pul h> (,'niiii ty Agent flln/enei’ mid tin- enmity form I'nliiniiHi" III lil'illM S'-verol bend of tied I 'idled mittln lieie doi'ilip Mi y lit which lime lin y will I"' sold m no 'll"ii Hevot'nl hundred Inud of Hie Ibn |'mill d entile III" rolhi d "I" || .. ill" lloyiinldH-l,ylirnok l''»rms, tmit m the held keid for dolry iiiirnoMS, nod ti htuoil lot sold oat’li nor m stock reisers In oil seel Ions of Hie rolled Hlftler for breeding ;mn nmn. As me mime I ini jenles, tlm lied I'nll* ed breed Is red lo eninr md the entile hove poilrd or hornless lends, sos live |stock outhnrli|es ot Wtote College They rmtU high os milk prod uorrs, stnilstli'N show, mnl herds wii'eh hove been selected ntnl bred for milk pi'i dtiellon hove mode exceedingly good ri cords fur hot h milk and buttorfnt production, AM limit'll they are not up to the alnndnril of the strictly l»«f horde, muimriliiH say, they huvo n place on iii< small farm wlmrc tlmy pr'idimi' i v.imli milk for the family nee nml at the snitp Him produce aleera for mar Itrt that arc superior to rcirulur dairy i i,tll" in- href animals, in m-ucrnl, lied I’oiled cattle are me dium In ei'o. Milioim.il Hi" hoijy him not im mucli flesh coverin'- m> Ho st rid lv Poof In-,id rtnlmul, n la will I'ltilicd and Hr 11 ‘ in It a are smooth, Tit" liiad .tuartfi> lack ilo iiiPkn< - and d< pill of iIp' hoof hrocd'i, yet they ure superior to iIiuhu on cuttle of tic strictly dairy l,i'"-d*, Tlmra- troiim 10 the IP yiinlds-l.y brook I’umis Inst Hnturrtny Inchid'"! t'"iintv A'cm (llayci i.r, Itandall I*y* day and It. I. IniiiHford, vocational ag riculture teachers a* Umvard and I Ins maii: Penn t'olvard, agriculture teach er Iticvard College; 13, It, Illshop gnd H. A, ,I,.lies, of Cedar Mountain; A, M I'lisilmi and i-’ii-m O laze per, of Utwmnni M, ii. McCall and Ornnvlllo Klslier, of Queliec; 13, Carl Allison and 13. J. Whim mli". of ciien'yfield; Martin Hlilpmnn and Claud" Hmiford, "f Idttli Uiver; Chillrman W. U Aiken, Clerk of Court i it to Alexander, T. Wilson, John Maxwell and C, M, Dougins, of ltrevanl. “Let John Do It.....” There seem* to bo b. lethar gic feeling in Brevard that "somebody” will operate the golf course this* summer, end that "somebody" will look aft er the Chamber of Commerce work. In the meantime, summer is rapidly approaching, and noth', ing definite has been done about either the golf course or the C. of C.—*both necessary if Brevard is to have any itcm blance of a tourist season this year, Increased Enrollment In Schools For 1937 Transylvania •UkI) schools si at d to • liiiv- tin liu-ivtipcd . tiroUnicrt ftext yut of nearly oho hundred, tirliTlnu from t| i nijtnlii r of juiuiis who took the “ron.1ii yricte examitu.l.on uvn v.vkt llfio. \ to; a I of 1 ?S while pupiL Mid fli ool fired wore irlveo the oxniniiistton with Brevard fuinukinv the largest number, nmj Number of pupils who look the ex amination at tho v.irUme mhooR fol lows! Balsam drove, ,2; Brevard, VI; Oon unites 10; Rnon, Utln Toxnwny, 1J: Little River. 8! Monrvnli ■ |; Rig. Kali I’d re m, 201 Rosman, 27; flollca, *»o; Silversteon. tl, Q\iehdC, 8—Total 178. Brevard colored echoo’ 22; Glade ('red; colored, 4,-—Total 202. New Stage Set Being Built For BHS Play Student carpenters from the senior class at Brevard hlph school nro creot Inp nn entirely now stnpc sot for their class piny, "Tho Family Upstairs," which will bo Klvon on May 5 2. Tho olectrlolans nro worklnp out a llphtlnp nrranpemont whereby the au dience will bo permitted to watch brlpht minlipht fade Into twlllpht In a New York flat. Katherine Knpllsth won the prize for the best poster In a contest held by the senior class. These posters will be usod to advortlse tho senior class piny. "The Family ItpHtnlrs." Katherine’s poster may be scon in the window of ; Loop's Drop Store. College Play* Mar* Hill Here Saturday Mum Hill, arch enemy of Hrevurd •'olii gf In thing* athlotio, will tricot the .lumen mierncailnn on the Hruvanl field Hulurduy afternoon nr StSI) o'clock In what le exported to be tltn boat drowlna < ard of tin- mwojon The rollege e ll) piny Mum Hill there Friday rtfternwj, polnp over tilth u pond string iJPjyli'tcrb'H behind them. Clirldl RrIioi.I, Farm Rohool, PrfRbyte rlnn College, and Tex'.ile (nrUHtto have .fallen before the anftpny Bravanl team in the post few day*. rimed an on# of the bent team* In the eonfi r#nc«, rre«byterton Junior* went down In wid defeat her*' Wetlnewlny af ternoon by r. one sided wore that had n» It* sleit'-r 20 rune to the first two innliiBfi by Hmvurd. JtavMaon FroaWmen on May f. Win gate cn Mnv 7. ntul Balmont Abbey on Moy S, will furnish fans Imre plotWv of I olleg. b.ull next week. P. T. A. Meet Called \ called meeting "f thf, Brevard I I'nrem, Teacher iissonatlau will bo held a*t the flt-i:'- rstnry school buiid'ng on Thursday nftRrmion of this week nt !',"n Matter* of vital Interest to tho nsno^titinr. will be taken tip «t th« "i* ••llj.ir ;,iid the president. Mr*. Ho. lilt.-! Whitmire, r» int-n'.i that VI who ;ti Inti Tested, attend. —-— Puma Recital Will Be Given Here 5th. Rooulid in tho series of j.lnno racitnlu driven by roijpts of the Brevard sehoola v II! bo hold at the Jilgh school nuditorl Uin Tuesday oveninK at 3 o'clock, no. ccrdlna to an announcement of tho teacher, Professor Alvin Moore. The following will appear on the pro gram! A- M. White, -Tr,. Mr.ry Not wood, Alex Kiser, -Tr„ Marie Waldrop, Sylvia Lyday, Fred Olazcnor, Wilma PlokelHlmer, Pauline Hnrtsell, F'runces Walker, Alice Petit, .fane Alexander, Odell Peolt, Ruth Duncan, Etholyn Pic kolslmcr, Bobby Norwood. Nina Lou Ttustin, Paul .Tones, Edward Qlazener, Lillian Zachary, Katherine Phuford, Jcanetto Austin. The first recital, hold Tuesday night at the hiirh school auditorium, was largely attended by pntrons and friends of tho school. The JO or more pupils apron ring on tho program performed well their respective parts, and present ed an onjoyablo program, reflecting credit on themselves and their teacher. Marshals of the two events were; Nina Lou Rustln, chief marshnl; Clara Allison, Jane Tongue, Elsie MeJur.kln, Mary Dermld, Charles Allen, Warren Alexander, Wllllnm Albert and Billy Nicholson. mmM: HiB Seeks Ke-Election 1 " " —• ^ "» ' fgy! ■■5 t'ONOIlKHHMAN XKIt WKaVJ-ilt, who ls seeking nomination nod r* i.|iii't|on mi the Inmiocrntic ti‘k‘t, Sunday School Meet To Be Held Sunday Tic Transylvania Association of Hun■ ilny Hohool workers will meet In the Uri'vnrd liiiiulst (hnnh, Hunday, May 3rd, at 21 HO p, in, All the group superintendents and de< piiriinsntnl siiperlntendonte with any others are requested to attend, Tim lev, I Mill Hnrtsoll lias charge of the study program, Those who have ,f, N. Harnett's hook may rend and study the second chap ter, nev, Mr, Hartsell will discuss this pari of the hook, N, I-. Ponder, Assoclatlonal Hupt, James Grant Charged With Federal Forgery ■init" m T. (Irani, >onng Iln vard man, fairs a severe s-'iiti-nct- in tho federal penitentiary for theft and forgery in ,min,,i iimi with Iwo United Htnto* trciimirv i hooks which bo admittedly itiuk I'pun! tin Hrevnrd posioffldc nnd i,,, hi"l, otter feral tic Urn endorsomonls ,,|' two people oil the chock*, The checks, mw, for two ihlTi rr lit Inmlncss i stnbllshments In Ilicviit'l, and nfier forking the names of the payees, cashed them. Falling In receive the check* on lime, the parlies to whom the chocks were supposed lo have heen paid, Hu gone M, Ornitt and Herman Calvin Omni, notified WPA officials here, who In turn checked with the Asheville office, nnd learned Mint tho checks hud I.. mail' d. Sheriff Tom Wood was called In on tho case, nnd after a quiet Investiga tion, arrested the young man who rnn fiHHid that ho had taken the checks and forged the names, The sheriff turned Grant over to federal officers who came here lust Friday, and after preliminary hoatlcg before U, H. Commissioner Hampton, took the young man to Henderson county Jail where he will he held until the May term of Federal court In Asheville. Hr, far ns can be ascertained this Is 'ho tirst theft of federal chesh* In dm enrnty, and after the crresi and very probable conviction of Grant, It Is be lieved that no more attempt* to de fmttd worker* on a federal project will tie attempted TAX LISTING TUNE ENDS ONSATURDAY Penalty Will B« Addad Un I«m Partonal Property I* Turned In Over a hundred tax payer* In Tran sylvunln stand to pay a ten per cent: hltfher rate this year than ordinary, ot> account of (he fact that they have fall ■ ed to list their proerty for taxes, and In such eases the law provides that t> ten per cent tienalty HUM,I, he added to the tax. Tax Hupervlxnr Halph T.yday has «lv, en repeated winulna and notice of list lea times and places, and of the fact that the law ru'tulros him to add 10 per cent tienalty to non-listers' taxes on personal property, and he made in,, statement Monday that there was no way out of It for him hut. to add the extra penalty, and that the law would see that the penally was collected ninnif with ether taxes, Mr, l.yiiay said that most of the d< lln,picric llsiirs were in Upward town ships, and Mad with few exceptions, those people who live oul In the coun try have listed when the listers were In the various communities, flooke for all townships will he open for lh« Iasi threu days this week In the office of Mr, l,yday for convenience or those who have failed to list, Pisgah Forest Deer Hunt Very Probable official* r Hi" Hint** department of ni.iiarf ■ lie n! will co-operate with tlie Pl'ig.'ili Niiflniiiil l''iirf'Hf officials In Hinging tho iimtiiiil deer hunt More. The hunt was called off Inh! full after state depart nielli III .ids pefliseil to allow III" taking .,r iini in r (,iii of me forest High School Playr Saluda Here Friday Jtrevnrd Ilia'll school will play tho He Pula high Piiseiiull team on the high si lino) field hero Friday aftornoon. tho game to start at .lino. Tills will lie the first mooting of the Urovnrd and Riihida teams, and an !n leri'siiRg game is look'd forward to. A slightly shifted lineup will he put on tho field by Coach Tllson on account of an Injury to Orr, first string catcher. Music Program To Be Given At Rosman Hi — On Friday night, May 1st. at eight o'clock. HuUentlnos "Aristocratic Pigs" will nppoar In person at tho Rosman high school, under tho sponsorship of the Commercial dub. These popular en tertainer* no In great demand with their famous "I.inigh-A-Mlmito" show which lasts far nno hour and a half, with not a dull moment In the entire performance, ’ • The boys nro raid to carry more than $2,CO? worth of fino sj'inical in struments, and play nnyfnfhn from "ffill-nilly" to elnsuloii. Th% art stage aetnrH and romoiPuna of the highest type. Keb, 5teko, Smiling Kd1 in tcrnstiin climax,..".. It iwnWMtt wlfn til.' In*, wit 1c give n vivid rep.-c^uti ttun of Aid'd icon life as the Author now it in on ■ r-M 'i. uUr cdfiimulfty A part of tfco ploi of this play ih taken from an I net-lout that actually pruiw-d rear a |litUt- v llasre along thr 0’c.lo River While the name* are fli't'U-’HJ* Mill j flics sotting Is Imuclttnry. the plot is hosed on u real happening. Mitt. Morklo, it proud mutp.ir and her two daughters live on n term that her dcectiHOtl huiifeaiiil had left under bar management. O.no daughter, .ilta. dostren richoe and social flwvltntt. while Iiitlh, the other, in a tomboy type. The mother diaerlminotcs In favor of Alta, and Rutl:, fcell/ig rids keenly, disappears. An unprinc'ife sitl»»r of Alta gets control of the farm a v! onr rlre on a flourishing Ikium- silll busi ness. Mm. M'-rklc has bwu compelled to sell her form tn the lust oct to sove Alto's husband from the peniten tiary. There Is some good news though In regard to Ruth's disappearance. The antics of the colored servants and the refined comedy scenes of the cook and her sweetheart afford un limited fun. The cast of characters Is ns follows: Mrs. Marian Merkle, n proud moth er, Barbara Henderson: Alta, her daughter, whose doBtre Is to become rich, Louise Higdon: Ruth, Jtwt a plain gtrl, Ruby Love: Kate Van Tylo, a good Matured cook, Lucy Galloway: Dinah Johnslng, a servant, Othaleen Reid; Rastue Johnslng, an honest coon, Edwin Burnmey; Joe Brown, a revenue officer, J. R. Breedlove; Bernard Gul llon, a Jovial young man, Lawrence Panther: Albert Campbell, who plays a crooked game, Fred Gillespie,