j ,n'( ROSMAN EXERCISES BEGIN THURSDAY EVE Final Graduation Exercise Will Be Given By Class May 20 ROSMAN, May 6.—“A Fortunate Ca lamity” is expected to draw a record attendance at Rostrum high school audi torium Thursday night, when the junior class presents its annual play. Doors will open promptly at 7:30 o’clock Thursday evening, with the program to start at S. Miss Louise Williams is coaching the play. Other events of the Itosman schools during tlie commencement exercises will include the following programs: The elementary operetta will he stag ed Friday evening at eight o'clock. Seventh grade graduation exercise.'' will lie held on Thursday afternoon of next week. May M. Junior-senior reception which will tie held in lieu of the banquet, is set for the eve ling of May 15. Haecalaureate sermon will be deliv ered to tlie graduates on Sunday after noon, May 17 at 2:30. The senior class play will In- given on May IS. Class day exercises under sponsorship of Miss I’eatrice Sisk will be given on May io. with "Twenty Years Hence" as theme. Final exercises will be that of gradu ation oa tlie evening of May 20, when a patriotic program will be carried out in keeping with the Declaration of I nd< pendenee signed in Mecklenburg. Mason Meet Friday K pillar communication of Dunn's Cock Masonic kulpo will be held Kri lov night at eight o'clock. Several vis itors from Way in sville and Asheville will attend the meeting aiul talk and discuss ways of taking higher degrees Masonry. Important business will ol* la taken up. At the conclusion of the meeting refreshments will be serv ed. ■ 1 f 1 Miller In Charge Of Rural Rehabilitation I'll,! MtUer of Brevard, lias been • . : as Iliad of tlie ltural Kehnbili tap 'i corporation for Transylvania. IP •> let*• m, and Polk counties, and will • .. r active duties of the office dumcdmtely. Mi Mill. - was in charge of this woik : r ov r a year, and did pood workWith rehabilitating needy farmers In tin counties. The work was turned vi- to the Hi settlement administrator tyear. and was und-r the snpervd n of K A Shoe for several months. Mr Shot ttirneil the records over to headquarters last week, and will con tinue in his capacity of resettlement : Iminlstnitor f"t* the three counties. Mr. Miller will announce setup of his office within a few days. Kiwanis Meet Today Tie underprivileged child committee t tit. Brevard Kiwanis club will have ir: • ..f the program at the meeting " n.rsth.v at 11:16 Dr. II. .1 Bradley •id tin M"V. I P. Simmons are the t.ifttiier* in charge of this phase of the K iwar is .v ark here. It is eypt-vted that the club will be 'ad : adttpl a •■Iti;- brother" plan i ■ tir. itovs of the community v ho have not iiud the opportunities ... id' h t'upv shouM be now enjoying. Grammar Exercises Be Held May 14th <; t' rithin exercises of the Brevard • tn.ioiir school will he held in the ! ;h auditorium Thursday eve j ;• m .v ;; There will be around 00 pii- ii • oe id. ti.ig the Ttli grad< work, v com !•; list of the graduating .t — * md ’ 1 ■ program in full will be v.-n ir. te vt week's paper. “Jeep" Eats Orchids Tulin Sm '! who has particular pride ■ wi' Mower garden. Ih of the r : mien i "i Ip" or 80 eg f id V sltn ul.i < rehids. Mr. Smith , i tyone having a "je»n” lit,, olid off Ins flower Kunzcy Opens Office K n Brevard attorney and ••,te representative. has m in the T'nslfj bultd .1 ■ re»t. Sir. Kiousey will m* .. V.i • II. ii m'ce as office as* SVi' .iinr for sov nl olns ■ . i ;, V 't ru North Carolina r r... years. Mr. Kim. . • offices when htf at • • ■ t■ 1 ■ • 1 the state baiiklr : Summary: Brevard . 230 034 0—12 10 5 Hendersonville .. 021 000 1— 4 2 3 Nelson and Orr; Turner and Drake. List of World War Vets Not For Sale List of Veterans of the World War who will receive bonus bonds Is not available at The Transyl vania Times office, for either love or money. Several people have called at this office during the past two weeks, and asked for a list of the veterans who have filed for bonus bonds. Some of them have in sisted that they "ought to be al lowed to see the list because they are friends of the paper," and others have offered to pay a sub stantial sum for a copy of the names which would make a very timely mailing list right now when the veterans stand to bo paid neat sums. To all who have applied, a deaf ear bus been turned, and public notice is being given here with that neither friend nor fo may secure a list of Transylvania | veterans from this office. Incl I ! dentally The Times goes inlo the homes of !'S per cent of the vet erans, and those who wish to contact the soldiers may do so I through the advertising in The | Times. Mrs. B. D. Franklin Is President PTA Group At a called meeting of the P. T. A. held tilis week, Mrs. B. D. Franklin was elected president of the organiza tion, to fill flic vacancy in this office. Plans were also made at the meeting for the pre-school clinic which will lie I held at the grammar school building I some time next week, the exact date to be announced later. Lunch Room Donations Children of the fourth and seventh grades of the Brevard elementary school pounded the Brevard lunch room with supplies of a varied nature, which furnished lunches for the un derprivileged children. Several individ uals also gave small donations, for all of which appreciation is expressed by the supervisor. Miss Jackie Clayton. Especial thanks is expressed by .Miss Clayton and her workers to S. F. Alli son for his generous donations of soup jhones for several days' supply. It is pointed out that only one more week remains to serve tile free lunches and that unless interested friends con Itribute sufficient supplies the lunch room will have to close before the end of t lie school term. Mrs. Harris’ Father Dies In Tennessee -- Mrs. A. H. Harris was called to Knox ville. Tenn.. last week on account of the I serious illness of her father, C. M. liol jford. who died on Wednesday morning | in that city. Mr. Holfard, S3 years of age, had been ill IP days. The body was removed to his former home in Wolls boro. Pa., where funeral services will lie held. Mrs Harris expected to ac company the body to Pennsylvania for burial. Sims On Vacation Eck I.. Sims, candidate for register of deeds, announces that he has secured n leave of absence from the «tatr hlgli way department, and will devote ills time between now and the primary to his campaign. I CLEAN-UP TAG SALE SCHEDULED SATURDAY ! Saturday will he observed as tap day jsale for benefit of the clean-up lr!v< I to be held the following week, accord ling to an announcement of Mrs. 0. E. Erwin, chairman of the civics depart ment of the Women’s Civic club. Miss Rowetia Orr is chairman of (In tag day sales, and will he assisted bj other young ladies of tiie town, it Is pointed out that In buying one of the little tags the purchaser will be helping to raise funds to be expended on a cleaner and more beautiful town In which to live and to entertain visitors. CHURCH SERVICES IN ! HONOR OF MOTHERS Brevard Congregations Will Join In Paying Fitting Tribute To Mothers | Mfvthbi ’<* i >ay ... i • fittingly ob is* rip.1 m tchurches of Brevard Sun ulay v :li . ortnons ij.v the different pas itors in keeping v ith the occasion and appropriate quisle by t!ie choirs. At the 1I< lhod'st i-huri-h, a change from previously announced plans has been made in the day’s observance, ac j cording to a statement of the pastor, I the Rev. J. H. Brendall. At the eleven I o’clock hour of worship communion I win be held, with special invitation ex j tended to mothers In group. The pas I tor’s sermon subject will be. "What can the modern-day mother do for human ity and what should man’s attitude lie toward womanhood." The regular I f, o’clock vesper sen-ice will be held I with the young people of the church in charge. There will be no Sunday night service, the pastor delivering the baccalaureate sermon to the Brevard high school graduates at that time. At St. Phillips Episcopal church, morning prayer and baptism service will be held at eleven o’clock, with the rector, the Rev. Harry Perry’, delivering a message suitable to the day and to baptism. Appropriate music will also be a part of the sen-ice. Sermons In keeping with Mother's Dav and music appropriate to the theme will feature the services at the Baptist and Presbyterian churches, by the respective pastors, the Rev. Paul Hartsell and the Rev. J. P. Simmons. Interested In Better Livestock For Trans ylvania County Farms \)l0Vt, j.u-jure shows group that visited the Reynolds-Dybrotik Farms near Winston-Salem, where the Bed i'oiled dual purpose cattle herds were inspected. Front row, left to right—E. K. Bishop, Cedar Mountain; A. \l. l’uxton. Bosnian; C. M Douglas, editor ITrunnylvaiiin Times; Julian Glaze no r, County Agent; Kanduil Ly dav, agriculture teacher Brevard schools; B. ( Mil Allison, Cherryfleld; Solomon Jones, Cedar Mountain; iVa'n W. Colvanl. agriculture teacher Brevard College. Back row, left to right—E. J. Whitmire Cherryfleld: I) j Bybrook. Winston-Salem; Claude Slndor-t, Biltle Bivcr: Chairman W. B. Aiken. Brevard; H. B. Buns ]or,l agriculture teacher Bosnian schools; Granville Fisher, Bake Toxaway; B. F. Glazener, Bosman. Otto Alexander, clerk of court, Brevard; T. J. Wilson, Brevard; John Maxwell, North Brevard; M. O. McCall, mu, ii. c; Martin Shipman, Little River; J. I. Arty, extension dairy specialist, State College. Raleigh._ College Team Plays On Thursday, Friday' Brevanl (’allege will play two game hero this week, one Thursday after noon and one Friday afternoon* Full games to he played on the college lie!d and to start at 3:30 o’clock. Thursday afternoon the Winuabi Jan lor college nine will furnish the <»pp" sition to the Jamesmon, and Friday afternoon the Helmont \hl»e> outlii will be iocfinon. The college nine lost one and w< a one last Friday and S.»tunia> Mai Hill being both victor and loser. » »u Friday afternoon the lends went down in defeat at Mars Hill, with Fat ion on the mound. Saturday afternoon. W.i honick let the Hoberts-coa^hed t.ajn down with five hits and llrevard wn winner by a score of 0-1. Tanners Will Play Hazelwood Saturday Brevard Tanners will play (lie llavl wood team of the Western Carolina Industrial league on the Brevard high school grounds Saturday afternoon at 3:30. Tho Brevard team has won one game and lost one game Slic e starting the eight -loop league. Dr. Hardin Improving Ur Carl Hardin of Brevard, via. has been In Oteen Hospital, Asheville, for several weeks undergoing treatment for a fractured hip. has returned t > Brevard very much Improved. Ur. if.u din states that he will be unable to resume Ins practice of dentistry for several days, but hopes to have Ins fire open soon. Field Day Will Be Staged Here Friday Annual field day exercises of tli« Drevurd elementary school wiil be hedd on tho school athletic field Fri day afternoon, beginning at two o'clock, according to an announcement by Prin cipal J. E. Rutty. Contributions from the different grades will be made, including various athletic stunts, sack races, heap races, hobby horse race, 50-yard dash, run ning and standing krona and high jumps. Setting-up exercises, songs and . edge (o the flag will open the > wr Clsos. A novel feature will he a. pet pa rade, with the children and their pets of various assortments dressed it: cos fume. All Patrons ami interested friends are invited to attend. Republican Ticket For General Election Named at Convention All Sections of County Represented In Group of Men Selected To Make Race In Meeting Here Saturday— Executive Ch.airman to Be Selected at Later Date By Executive Committee. 1 iepubUcm: nominees foi the laid general election were chosen at a har monious meeting ot the purt.s 1 onven tlon held in tin Brevard coal house last Saturday afternoon. Ticket as nominated at the convention, follows: For representative In genetal a? - sembly. V. Karl Twigg. Urevar.l; regis- i ter of deeds, Earl Fullbright, liiv\uru; tax colleetor. Newton Ricki lsimer. Lit I tie River; sheriff, Yancey McCrary. ! Fisgah Forest; county commissioners. AV. ,\. AA'ellt of Brevard. Riley A. Mer rill ot Little River, Waiter AV. McNeeiy of Lake Toxaway; coroner. Or. K. S. Englisii, Brevard; surveyor. K. R. Bishop, Cedar Mountain; state s, mr.nr, Leon English, Brevard. Mr. English withdrew from the post and Cte exe cutive committee will seieef a four. for the place. Lewis I1, Htuulin. . imlvnini. of Hie excculive * omntfttw presided nvei the eonvention. which selected Roland Otven as secretftrv. and Judge V. L. English as chairman of the meeting. A '.eeiW'tiou was introduced Imme diately after convening, which moved that selection of the chairman of the eountj execiitiv* committee ha deferred until l;der date. Under the resolution as passed by the convention, the chairman and vice chairwoman, .shall be elected by the executive committee at a sne eia! meeting to he culled by or on the fitst Monday in July, and not later tin,n the first Monday in August. Members of the executive- committee as selected at precinct conventions held prior to the county i .invention in cludes Brevard 1. Jess T. uwen; Bre vard 3. C AV. P:"kok!nier Brevard 3. E. O. Pliipman; Boyd, V, M. Ow. r.by; Catheys Creek, tlarkiess Burton, <>d:tr Mountain, J R. Bishop; I.'unn'i. ' - ' --. it. B. EauLitoe, Rut.ru'd Whitmir- : Bast Fork H B. AVhittj®'<:. Gloucester 1, Arch McCall: Glow.-'*- i ter 3, Ricimra M---Cull: Hogback 1,1 Henry Chapman; Hojjbswlc 3, C. R. i Mark; Hogback 3, George Mil! r: LStffc i River, R. A. Merrill • OU Tmnitvay. j Lewis Morgan: Rosman. Roy Fisher. | Aii. Twiggs, for representative, i • at r-.iilvi. of Mitchell county, but now ’ _ __ _ _ l awner and operator of the Cuntecri cafe in Brevard. I It is also interested in farming litre, ami operates the T. A. English farm near Davidson Hiver. fie was nominated without opposition. 'li. i’ickelslretr. nominee tor tax collector, is a son of LeGrand Pickel sinicr of the Little River section, and Is actively Identified with farming in Ins home community. He was winner of the majority vote on first ballot over B. It. White, of Hosman. Mr. Pullbright. soil of Perry Pull bright of Brevard, won on the first bal let over J. H. Dunn of Selica. He has been connected with the Gloucester I,umber company store at Hosman for several years, and more recently with the Bagwell Company In Brevard. Mr. McCrary, who won the sheriffs nomination after a spirited race be tween W. N Stroup to Rot-man. F. A. Jones of Cedar Mountain, and Lewie Moore of Brevard, has been in buBl P03S in the county for a number of years, both in Brevard wher. he was in the automobile business, nr.d in the county where he has been connecSd with lumber and wood business. In the commissioners race \V. A Wtilt, Brevard business man. K. A. Merrill. Little River farmer, and Wai ter McNcely, Lake Tovawav merchar.l and lumberman, were unopposed. Dr E. 8. English, Brevard physician, was unopposed in the race for coro ners nomination, as was F. R. Bishop, fanner and cattleman, of the Cedar Mountain section, for county surveyor. Leon English, Jr., of Brevard, was high man In a vote count between him and A. G. Hampton cf Brevard, in tin vote count for state senator from the Transylvania, Haywood and Jackson district. However Mr. English later withdrew from the post, and it is c\ peeled that tin- executive committee will name a nominee within the next fe-.v days, tn a leper to Chairman fiuni ile., received Monday, Mr. English stat ed that he would be compelled to de vote hit entire time to study of law in order to take the bar examination in August of this year, and for that rea son iu asked that Ids name be with Are You Interested? Then, meet other interested citizens of Brevard and Transylvania County at the Court House. Friday, May 8-7:30 P.M. No admission will be charged, no collection will be taken, no pledges will be signed, and no political speeches will be made. Plans For Summer Business Will be presented, and approval of the people who make the most out of summer business, those who have an interest in the community, and those few who want to keep the community going forward will be asked on one of the two plans submitted. Don’t Let “John” Do It! BT PRESENT, MAY 8th--7:30 Silversteen School Closes Work May 14 Closing exercises at M.ve-rsteen srlinnl wi'l he held on Thursday eve ning, Maj 14. at eight o’clock, with the following program announced by Miss Flora Allison, principal: Sony, "Vacation:" salutatory' Donna V. Owen: History, Reba Price; giftori an, Vaughn Galloway; resolution of sympathy, Eugene Woodring; song, "Go, Old School Books;” class will Mabel Owen; valedictory, Gladys Owen; address to graduates, Prof. W. SI. Hunt; presentation of displomas; class song, by class; benediction. Dev. H. Broom. --- Little River Group Starts Club Program _ Boys and girls of Little River com munity met on Thursday-. April 30th, at 3:30, with County Agent J. A. Glaz Bner, and organized the club and chose Hi tile River 4-H Club as its name. Twenty-nine members were present and elected the following officers: President, Harold Merrill, vice presi dent, Walter VcHaun; secretary, Kath 2rn Mackey; reporter, Charles Merrill. Another meeting will be called by the president In a few days for the ap pointing of various committees and to ;heck each project. BREVARD HIGH WILL HEAR BREVARD MEN Senior Play Scheduled For Tuesday Evening Of Next Week Commencement exeiclses at Brevard high school will begin on Sunday eve ning, May 10, when the Rev J, H. Brendall, pastor of Brevard Methodist church will deliver the baccalaureate sermon to the graduating class in the high school auditorium. On Tuesday evening, May 12, the senior play, "The Family Upstairs," will be given, and on May ir> the gradua tions exercises will complete the com j mencoment. | Program as announced by Mrs. Kr Iiest Tilson for the baccalaureate ser mon which begins at eight o’clock ! Sunday evening, follows—Processional; I Invocation, the Rev. John P. Simmons-, music, Brevard Music Lover.-.' club; I announcements, Professor R. T. Klni zey; special music, Professor Alvin Moore, accompanied by A. M. White, Jr.; sermon, 'lie Rev. J. H. Brendall; benediction, (he Rev. Harry Perry; re cessional. "The Family 1 pstnlrs, senior Class play which will be given on Tuesday evening of next week, Is a comedy of home life by Harry Delf. It is a play about commonplace people In common place surroundings, and what happens In I heir lives due principally to tho character of the mother. This mother, In her zeul for getting her cider daugh ter married, almost brings tragedy into the daughter’s life, it is only through the common sense and plain wisdom of the father that happiness is restored to the household. The principal comic ef fect of the play Is obtained by the dead seriousness of purpose with which each ohfiracter does his part. The play opens with a glimpse of a middle class family of New- York, the Hellers. There are: Mts. Heller, Anne Norton: Joe Hell er, her husband, John Orr; her elder daughter Ixiuise, Merle Michael; her son, 'A’illie, seventeen and spoiled, Bud dy Hunt; and her baby daughter, An nabels, who detests practicing plum lessons. Polly Hartsell. Other members of the cast include: Charles Grant, C K. Osborne, Jr.: Mrs. Grant, his mother, Mabel Blake; Her bert. his little brother, Henry Miller; Miss Callahan, Sylvia byday; Mrs. Archie Garfield, Buvee Cupps. Professor C. H. Trowbridge, vice president of Brevard College will de liver the literary address to the gradu ating class on Friday evening. May 15. Program for the evening includes—In vocation, the Rev. Paul Hartsell; salu tatorv, Lucian Deaver; music, Brevard Music Lovers’ club; valedictory, Malv* Tharp; address. Professor C. H. Trow bridge; awarding of diplomas, Profes sor R. T. Kimzey; song, "Follow the Gleam," graduates. Operetta At Rosman School Friday Eve. - ROSMAN, May 6.—Tho operetta "Sunny o' Stinnyslde,” will be given by pupils of the Rostrum elementary •school in the high school auditorium j Friday evening, May 8th, at eight ! o’clock. ; Cast of characters: Helen Whitmire ;Billie; E.ina Allison. Leila; Albert Is rael, Reddy; V. B. Waldrop, Amos, Glenn Winchester, Ileck; Glenn Sum mer-, Phil; Jewel Garten, Pauline: Marguerite Reece, Betty; Elizabeth ' Slslc, Rosa, Martha Whitmire, Theo dora; Margaret Whitmire, Leonora: Gladys Clark, Nan; Lois Petit. Sunny; Dan Edens, Paul: Fred Powell, Horace ; Robert Whitmire. Howard; Ruby Green, Harriet, Stanley Winchester, Jimmy; Ruth Rice. Eileen; Billie Nich olson. Tom: Leslie Nicholson. Antonio; Paul Moor-, Slim: Mora Lee Hunt, Jane. The chorus will be composed of— Ltvonnc Nicholson. Lucy McCall, Wtl ] da Reece Lota Mae Cassell. Lttrleene j Lusk, Cornelia Holden, .Vadlen Powell, j Lee Bryson. Elizabeth Morgan, Earl - Galloway, Mae Green, Jcweii Garten, I Loren.'. Galloway. Mae Whitmire, j Charles Lee Moore, fluid Whitmire, I Junior Stroup, Lillian Bryson, Bolce ! Winchester, Hazel Barrett, Barney Sisk, I Alfred O-.v ti Kathryn Hovls, Mildred : Rowley. Marie Galloway Craig Snipes, | Thelma Oliant. Robe it Whit mire, Dor othy Jean Waldrop, J. C. Cassell, Edna Nelson, Christine Morgan. Mrs. John Pale and A. M. White, Jr. ure directors. Sloi-y of the Plot Sunny k< the primp favorite of the other orphans at the Sunny side Home. Returning from the hospital where she has been recoverin';' from Injuries re ceived In saving the life of another or phan, she finds her mates excited over the news that a wealthy patroness of the home, Mrs. Raleigh, ts planning to adopt one of the girl orphans as a com - panion for her niece, Eileen. Each girl hopes she will be the chosen one. gunny thinks little of herself, but is busy reassuring Paul, the new boy, who Is afraid of his big brother. Slim, and trying to comfort Jimmy, the crip pled orphan, who wishes more 'han anything else to be cured of his lame ness. Jimmy steals Mrs. Raleigh's purse containing a large snm of money to try to get himself cured. In remorse he confesses to Sunny that he did it and Sunny shields him shoulders the guilt herself, and thereby imperils her chances of adoption. The purse, stolen In turn from Its hiding place by Amos, finds its way into the hands of the bullying Slim, who Is prowling around outalde the home looking for Paul. Slim's efforts to kidnap his small brother Is thwarted by Sunny, who gets kidnapped her self. Her escape from her captor and her success In clearing her name, re covering the twice stolen money, and finding herself a real home with Mrs. Raleigh and Eileen, complete the stir ring cycle of her adventure*.