$1.00PER YEAR IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY SOLOMON JONES ON REPUBLICAN TICKET FOR SHERIFF PLACE Hampton and McCrary Replace Withdrawals On County Candidate List Solomon A. Jones, of Cedar Mountain, was filed as Republican nominee for sheriff lust Saturday, replacing Y. J. McCrary who was nominated by the convention here May 2, but later with drew. Alfred E. Hampton, Hrevard, was filed as Republican nominee for state senate, filling the place left vacant by withdrawal of Iteon English, Jr. Judson McCrary was filed for county commissioner In place of Walter A. Weilt. who withdrew. Other county nominees who filed on the Republican ticket include— Representative. V, Earl Twigg. Tax Collector—Newton Ptekelslmer. Register of Deeds—Earl Fullbright. Commissioners—Riley A. Merrill and Walter McNcely. Mr. Jones, nominee for sheriff. Is a well known farmer and cattleman of the Cedar Mountain section, and wan one of the men who were In the race at the county convention. Mr. Hampton, nominee for state senate, has bet n in business here for years, being connected with the Wll kins Insurance agency. He has served as I'uited States commissioner for years, and was Republican nominee for state Insurance commissioner four Mr. McCrary is a well known business man of Brevard, tiavimr been in the In surance ami real estate business here for several years, and in addition has farmimr interests in the county. Township officers on tiie Republican ticket include— •histi'-r* of I'race Rovd O. C. Merrill. Brevard Hols'rt K. Orr. Cathey Creek- .lames It. Staton. Crit ter.* Galloway. .T. K. McCall. Bunn's Rock—It. B. Glaze ner. Rasta toe -Frank A. Raines. Gloucester -!. B. Hall. Ho.rhaek II 1’. Chapman, Roy Mc c.,n. C. R. Clark. !attic River I. V. Gosnell. Constables 1. ■ card \V. K. Sprouse. Cathey Creek--.!. tV. Summer, Lloyd 1 iryson. Bunn's Rock—R. N. Nicholson. Gloucester- J. Dillard Owen. Hoe-back V. C. Owen. Ladies Night To Be Staged By Juniors Ladl« s night tml a dutch supper will i . special occasion : the Brevard Junior Ordi'r meiniwrs and their wives on Saturday evening, May 23. accord ing to plans made at the meeting hist Saturday night. X I', echer Mull was appointed chair J( -aan of arrangements committee for th< annual affair which has hereto fore drawn a large number of people. ..ad congdi te announcements will he made in The Times next week. Rosman Elementary Ends Year Thursday RCSMAV May 13.-—Final program of the comm- ■ ment week exercises for l'osuttr. elementary school will he held Thursday afternoon of this week at 2 o'clock when the Rev. J. H. Brendali will deliver the address to the graduat ing class. Eighteen graduates, smallest number ia sev'-ral y hi to enter high school from tin • n-ntary department, com i rises tin > ia--: roll. Thev are—Rex R:.Poway. Rer-v Holden, Rastus Smitii, A”■■ rt W o i,ire. Gladys Clark. Essie i,nner. Rei ■ Gillespie, Alice Olnzener. i I'.ivein . I .urleeno Lusk. Levonne V. ' • W Reece. Ruth Rice, Met■! R. • r Elizabeth Sisk. Dona Mae Snip Mar. h Stewart. Elia Mae Whitmire. Class m: erlatlvos are—Class baby. a ■ v.i, • -: most athletic. Robert \Vl tour ni.e'.h Sisk: prettiest girl. (;lad;.s '"irk: most intelligent. Rastus Smitii Gladys ' lane: best sport. Robert W ' ■ liitl'N Greene; most popular, Robert .* • Wllda Reece; most Vudlous. I.. : Gillespie; most dopetida- j l.h . I.• e■ i■ Me- ..Ison; best all round, j Robert Whitm re. Lttrlcene Lusk; most bashful. R istus Snii’h, Levonne Nlchol fnu; dais flapper Wilda Reece; class •lii' ik R e ' AVhitmlre; woman hater, [ J last u Smith: st eater, Dona Mae I Smith: c !;uth Rice: prettiest i hair. Gladys I' -.rk: prettiest eyes, Eliz abeth Sisk: i-i• st talker, Rex Gallo-1 way; class pest, l'.urley Holden. Organization of Information Group Will Be Perfected Here Monday Night Meeting of all members of the Chamber of Commerce, all prospec tive members, anil any persons inter ested in Brevard and the surrounding community as a tourist center, -will be held in the court house Monday evening, May 18, at 8 o'clock. Plans will tie presented for approval or improvement suggestions at the meeting Monday night by President E. J. Coltrane and the committee in charge of the work, and matter of selection of officers to serve for the year will also be taken up. Membership solicitors made an ex cellent report Wednesday afternoon of the response given by business houses, boarding house people, and In dividuals, and stated that a full re port that would be gratifying would be made at the meeting Monday night. Order has been placed for Brevard booklets, and arrangements are being made for opening of an information bureau at nn early date, possibly ■within the week. Two places are be ing considered for the bureau of in formation, and these two will be pre sented to the meeting Monday night for approval of either, or another place. Preliminary plans that have been made, but not approved by the mem bership wihcli will have final voice in all metters of expenditures of monies for the community, show that operating expenses will be very low tor the summer. Every person interested in the com munity's welfare is invited to attend the meeting. In the meantime. Mrs. Frank McIntosh and Randolph Myers are contacting prospective members. Rosman Exercises For Graduation Announced ROSMAN, May 13.—All exercises of Rosman high school will be held dur ing the week ending Wednesday, May 20, with a varied and interesting pro gram announced for the week. The junior-senior reception which will he held In lieu of the annual ban quet. is scheduled for May 15 in the gymnasium, with Miss Beatrice Sisk In charge. A Gypsy camp idea will bo j carried out. The Rev. .1. 0. Canipe, pastor of the I First Baptist church of Boone, will de liver the baccalaureate sermon to grad uates of the high school ckuss on Sun day afternoon, May 17, at 2:30 o’clock. The senior class play will be given on Monday evening. May 18, at eight o’clock. Miss Louise Williams is di- J reding the senior production, which is j a throe-nct comedy. “Twenty Years lienee" will be theme j of the class day exorcises which will be given on Tuesday evening of next ! week. Miss Beatrice Sisk is sponsoring j this program. Graduation exercises on Wednesday | evening. May 20. at S o'clock, will con clude the commencement exercises, ] when Professor P. I-. Elliott of Western i Carolina Teachers College will deliver the literary address to the senior class. Rehearsals are being held daily on “The Strange Bequest." senior class play which will be given Monday eve ning, and the strange bequest that was left by the deceased Mr. Andrew Owen promises to bring plenty of entertain ment. Cast of characters for the senior j production Includes: Janet Rer.ton, Millie Allison: Robert | Owen, Russell Duncan; Mamie Drew,, Ruby Whitmire; Lincoln Long. Leo Reid; Mrs. Edith Cooke, Mary Morgan; Helen Cooke, Lois Whitmire; Jack Fen way Everetto Whitmire; Tilly Murphy. Mae Owen; Carmel Fenton, Ann Gilles pie; Rene I.ouvre, Earl Whitmire. Miss Whitmire Honored CELLO WHEK, May 13— Miss La Verne Whitmire of Rosman was given the degree of master In a recent meet ing of the 71eta Chapter of ihc Alpha Thi Sigma at Western Carolina Teach ers College. Entrance Into this frater nity is based on scholarship. County Chairmc Place To Be At Meeting S \V. E. Brcese, for the years chairman of the Democratic executive cor now director of the Woi Administration for the wes has resigned his office asr the local executive comma In a letter to Mrs. IlaJ Davidson River, who is I of the committee, Mr. 1 out that his duties as WIm require all his time, until son tenders his resipnatirl Following is a copy ofl Mrs. Byday: "As you know. I am di Works Progress Adminlsti Eighth District of North the duties of the office pr all of my time. It has be advisable that the officers do not. take too active a pi "Realizing as I do, thal (Continued r.n dock --1 Handles Blue Birt The Galloway Cafe annt will bo Brevard agency Bird ice cream product! already well known in Br electrical containers havt at the Galloway Cafe for “Brevard Day” Planned for Junj By College and Leaders of Com! “Brevard Day" is expected to bring near two thousand people to Brevard College on June 10, when a comhincd home-coming, booster, and gradua tion program will he staged. The occasion will be graduation of around 13f> students who have com pleted their two years work at Bre vard College, and plans are to have friends of the college and of Brevard from far and near here for the occa sion. Alumni of Brevard Institute. Weav er College, and Brevard College are being Issued special Invitations to ■ ttend the big event. In addition, min evers from many sections, high Y tool principals and teachers, and other leaders are also being Invited. Dr. J. Henry Highsmlth will be principal speaker of the i^B fact that he is rated as^B h-adinc educators in the S^B pccted to be a drawing can® from many sections who a® ed in educational work. All clubs. civic or^H churches, and individuals c^B tion are being asked to® with the college in making® the biggest ever to have bce^B Brevard. While final details for the® not been worked out, InvIt^B going out, and newspaper® work is being started. Not B the "Brevard Day” be a big B the college, but It will also B community advertising thatB obtain through no other meB Methodists Plan To “Clean Slate” During Thirty-Day Checkup — Interest and enthusiasm are begin ning to prevail in the 30-day mid-year financial drive now in progress at the Brevard Methodist church. The goal as set by the pastor, the Rev. J. H. Brcndall, and the members of the hoard of stewards is to raise $1000 In the coin ing 30 days. The object of tlie drive is to bring the budget up to date ns nearly ns pos sible, in order lo avoid the usual stress and strain on the church members and collectors at the end of the conference year in the fall. The members of the church who have paid one-halt or more of their current assessment will have their names on the tumor roll and the list posted in tin church vestibule as (lie campaign pro u n»ssps. In addition to the cooperation on the part of the church members, several community spirited citizens are also making contributions, for which they will get due recognition, the pastor states. Quarterly conference will he held t next Sunday at the a o'clock v-‘spi r hour, at which time the Rev. V.\ A. Rollins, presiding elder of the Waytu s ville district, will preach. McDonald Will Speak Here Saturday Morn Announcement is made that l>r. Ralph W. McDonald, candidate for governor on the Democratic ticket, wiP speak at the court house in Brevard, on Saturday morning of this week. May lfi. at 11 o'clock. Dr. McDonald is making a tour of the western part of the state in Interest of his campaign, and wiil speak in several Western North Carolina towns this week. Tharp Handling Norge* Announcement is being made In this week's Tunes by K. F. Tharp that, he has taken the Norge refrigerator agon-! ev here and now lias this type electric | appliance in stock at his place on Broad. 2iik_ _ &ttoto &II flJen, Women anb Cfjflbreti Wp Qfieet $hre«ente: THAT, Wherea* the NATIONAL CLEAN UP, PAINT UP AND FIX UP CAMPAIGN ha* retailed in many advantage* to community life throughout the United State*. In Safeguarding HEALTH and SAFETY; In promoting EMPLOYMENT and THRIFT; In furthering FIRE PREVENTION; In promoting BETTER HOUSING; In ttimulating CIVIC PRIDE; and / In making the HOME AND CITY BEAUTIFUL NOW THEREFORE, Be it known that plans have been perfected for a thorough CLEAN-UP CAMPAIGN in Brevard, beginning Friday, May 22, this date to mark the opening of a real campaign of persistent and constructive effort in cleaning up, fixing up and KEEPING IT UP. In this worthy movement of Cleaning, Painting, Planting, Repair ing, and general Rehabilitation and Beautification we urge each and every citizen to do his or her best part to make our community « CLEAN, HEALTHY, THRIFTY - * I SAFE AND BEAUTIFUL 1 (Signed) A. H. HARRIS, i^^****'^] Mayor of Brevard. f ClEAni " | L^iwr pp-fix yfj Services Wednesday For Brevard Resident Funeral services for Mrs. \V. B. F. Wright, 57, who died late Monday after noon at her home in Brevard, were heid Wednesday afternoon at the Brevard Presbyterian church. In the absence of the pastor, the Itev. J. I*. Simmons, the service was In charge of the Itev. W. B. Hutchison, former pastor of the David son Kiver church, the Itev. Paul Hart sell and the Itev. .1. H. Brendall. Inter ment was in Gillespie cemetery. Mrs. Wright had been apparently in her usual health until Monday morn ing. when she complained of slight in disposition and was confined to her room tile mist of the day, but was not sufficiently i 1 for members of her fam ily to be at all alarmed about her condl lion. About six o'clock Monday after noon she passed quietly away suddenly, in what was said to be a heart attack. Mrs. Wright was the iaughtei of the late Mr. and Mrs. J J. Miner, originally from Michigan. Her father was for many years editor of the county paper, then Sylvan Valley Nu_ fluentia) Mrs. Wrinrj was a_/ j Brevard School Won | High Awards at Final Exhibition In Raleigh Brevard was well represented at the final state creative art contest held | recently In Raleigh, when the Brevard I high school won recognition and tlirej I of its pupils were prize winners In thD •different classes. ; The Brevard school was awarded the i honors of distinction In type and variety I for the exhibits submitted in the state icontest. In addition first and thirl I places were won by St Clair Austin | for his soap sculptures of Venus DeMilo and Winged Victory. Jack Morgan won 'third place for his pen and Ink draw ling. Honorable mention was give:i Lewis Hamlin, Jr., for bis typing oul line of a ship. Those awards were made in the final ! elimination contest, following the local | exhibition of school art liey \M._ BROOKS UNOPPOSED IN DEMOCRATIC RACE FOR TAX COLLECTOR Mull and Galloway Additional Aspirant* for Places on County Board W. L. Mull, member of the present board of county commissioners, and M. Wallace Galloway were filed with the board of elections In addition to the list already published for places on the Democratic ticket. Avery B. Gallo way, E. Curl Allison, and John L. Wil son had already been announcced. Names of two other persons for nom ination on the board of commissioners, and six names for the board of educa tion were filed Saturday, but these citizens had their names stricken from the list the first of the week, Chair man Ij. P. Wilson stated, when he turned (he names in for publication. Lein Brooks, tax collector for tile past two years, will have an open field in the Democratic primary, no opposition hav ing been filed against hint. Contest will 1)0 held on June sixth for places on the ticket for all other county offices. The complete list follows: Sheriff—George D. Shuford, T. S. Wood. Register of Deeds—Henry Gillespie, Jess A. Galloway, Eck I,. Sims. Tax Collector— Lem Brooks. County Commissioners—John L. Wil son, Avery B. Galloway, E. Carl Alli son. W. L. Mull, M. W. Galloway. Representative—Pat Kimzey, Cos Paxton. Coroner—C. S. Osborne, John Kilpat rick. Justices 0/ Peace Brevard—F. E. Shuford, S. L. Bar nett''. Marshall Feaster. Cathey's Creek—.1. R. Mahoney. Eastatoe—W. H. Mason. Corstables Brevard—Red Smith. Cathey's Creek—Cecil Hensley, Lon Chapman, C. M. Lance, John K. Jack son, A. D. Rogers. Dunn's Rock—W. W. Mull. Eastatoe—Lawrence Whitmire. Gloucester—Harlos McCall. 'Voters Very Slow To Register For Primary Registration of voters at the several precincts over the county was roport led to be very light on opening day of the registration books last Saturday, despite the fact that a new registration of voters has been called for. I The books will be open at the polling places on Saturday, May 1C, and Sat urday, May 23. and all persons who ex pect to vote In the Democratic primary are required to appear in person before the registrar—no one being allowed, un der the law, to piece the name of any person on a registration book whiyt^)^

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