A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania County 5y^^l^a2lf^g8SI ===== BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA—THURSDA INFORM ION GROUP WILL OPERATE HERE FOR NEXT 4 MONTHS Executive Committee Named and Plans Laid for Open ing Brevard Office Giving official o.k. on descriptive booklets, naming of un executive com mittee. ami adoption of tentative plans for opening the bureau of Information within the next week, were principal matt* rs of business transacted at the unitin'; of the bureau «>r Information group at the court house Monday night. Anoth"! nn' ting "ill be held next Mon da* nn.at at S o'clock In the court lions* for making further plans for the summer. Will !> Gash was named chairman , the i’\i a'ivc committee, with Oliver H oir. Mix Frank McIntosh. Jerry j, rone and F M. noughts ns members. I*iiti*. of iln executive committee ns outlie*' !. will be b make plans and sub mit • , t paid membership for oper li, inn' lla summer of tile bureau of Information. I * la**- "ill I" presented to the mi ' in . next Monday nlglit, and all i" 1*1*1* td. rested in the community are ad*. .| * the executive committee to at • * • I '*. session which is promise*! to j t not over one hour. I- *in rt'ime. the executive com .in". . wa empowered t*> secure the I'.revard tiooklets. select one or more pi a* is for siii mission to the membership fi.i- tin bureau of Information home dur tte iimmi't. and to make up any • er recommendations that are deemed proper. Mix Frank McIntosh and Randolph M . • who have been contacting peo ■ f tin I'onmmnltv for tlio past sev • i*.s n p irted nearly a hundred doil.tr- m cash "ii hand. Others whom - • * nmmittee have contacted have pro . t pa* i n inliership fees within • \t tew da* and tt is felt that the pm r im "ill be able to go forward •V in bout tin' summer without being • mu i d for funds. T.ntnti**' budget presented calls for * ■■. lidituii of around three to three linn I red ft" V dollars for the season. !"• 'ndini" ""st of booklets, postage, sec ■ ial Inre an*: other expenses noces ■ for OT ’i.tnii of the t.ureau of In i' in 11ion through June, July, August ad 8fcp*(in#bcr. Baptist Young People Meet At Little River \ melting of the lower dlstrlr t of tho IV Y. 1’. 1' will be held at the Little Liver Haptist church Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. Karl Hosso. president, will preside over the meeting. An interesting program will lie given, consisting f talks, sours aril special musical features. It is expc ted the* all churehos in *lio lower district will be represented Includ iiu- the county officers. This will be the last meeting before the annual county { ^convention to be held ni Chi rryflold the last Sunday In July, and a full atfnnd , tve is urged. W. O. VV. To Hold Picnic On Monday Members of the Uro\ ard Woodmen and Woodmen Circlo will lie guests of the <nmr at n chicken supper at Whl'e I Pine camp in Pisgah National Forest next Monday evening, the event to dart at 7:3o! Chicken and the accessories that go to make up a chicken suoper will bo served picnic style by the Woodmen < imp officers. Junior Order Dinner Here Saturday Night Family night will bo observed at tho Hit card Junior Order Saturday night of tills wek when members, thotr wives and families will gather for the annual ■•dutch supper.” The pro. ram will start at 7:45 o'clock, and each lie mher of the order Is rc .,11,-sied t ring along his family or such friet es : s he eares to Invite, to I'.'ther with r, basket dinner to spread on Hi" table. Music fm the occasion will be furn ished hv the Calloway string band, and s; . ik will be confined to brief re marks H<- . her Mull Is chairman of tho a movement.' committee. School Leader KATIIKLHKN De LOUIS WILSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, \V. A Wil son, who was valedictorian of tho seventh grade of Brevard Grammar school, and also won the D. A. It. me dal for proficiency in the study of Baited States history. Daily Bible School Starts Here Mon^ The annual vacation Hlble ^ the Davidson Hiver PresbyteriB will be held in a two weekM beftinniUK Monday morning; nH at the church. Robert DuPree. of Owlnas, H agraln conduct the school, a:H Mrs. DuPree with the music, er. Miss Julia Wood and othciH The school Is open to all cfl the community from 6 to lfiH iikp. The daily program wl’H I'.iliic work, memory verses H ftaincs and other features. cS with a special program anil a ■ tlie end of the school. The xcB be in session each week-day I from || to 12 o'llolek. ^ The revival which was annoi take place at Davidson River same time has been postponed later (late, according; to r.n an ment by the pastor, the lie'. .1. molts. U; W Radio Musicians Tf® Be Here Monday® A program of music ami I'rni-B be given ai the Brevard liiyrli auditorium nosl Monday ovenir 25, by ihe Monroe Brothers nnB ('Id Hired Hand." of the OreenvjJ dio station persoufto’.. 9 The program is sponsored by tl9 vard chnptor Future Farmers of I lea. and will consist of guitar andl doiin music, singing, yndcllng, am1! edy acting. REGISTRATION BO(i TO CLOSE SATURD/J Those Who Do Not Regis? Will Not Be Allowed To Vote !n Primary Registration hooks l'or the Democratic primary will close Saturday. May -3. at sundown, and all those people who have not registered will not be able to vote in the Juno 6 primary. Chairman I.. P. Wilson of the board of elections points out that any person who wishes to vote must appear in per son before the registrar n the precinct In which the voter resides, and that he is urab'e to register any cnc. Books will he open again hefoie tin general election this fail. Mr. Wilson said, for the gencal election, hut with a new registration law in effect as passed for Transylvania county by the last legislature, only those people who appear in person and re-register will he permitted to cote In any election. Voters who will be eligible to vote in ihe fall election may register now and Vote in the primary, Mr. Wilson said, hut this registration must he made be fore Saturday night of this week if such voter plans to go into the June fi primary. Reports from the various precincts of the county are to the effect that a large per centago of the eligible voters have not registered. Nine Transylvania Young People Will Graduate In June at Brevard College Nine Transylvania county boys and girls will receive diplomas at the ''Bre vard Day" graduation exercises at Bre vard College on June 10th. The list of Transylvania graduates who will t>e among the class of 135 In cludes David Ashworth, Walter Ash worth. James Deavor, Miss Cnrollna Gray. Miss Catherine McLeod. It. D. McN'eer, Jr„ all of Brevard; Otis Ship man, of Little River; Miss B. ss Pon der, of Enon: Miss Elizabeth Wood, of Brevard B-3. Elaborate plans aro being laid for staging n home-coming day for alumni of Brevard Institute, Weaver College, and Brevard College, In the all-day event which Is expected to draw from two to three thousand people to the .town. i Dr. J. Henry Hlghsmith, director dl f islon of Instructional service of the ' state education system, will be principal speaker of the occasion, and this fact alone Is expected to draw hundreds of school principals and touchers from the state. The Journalism club of Brevard Col lege and The Transylvania Times are sending out news stories to newspapers in various sections where the college has friends, and students registered from. Effort is also being made to bring Hie North Carolina Symphony Orchestra here for the occasion. This organization gave a concert here Tuesday evening and was regarded as the best musical organization ever to perform here. To Confer Second Degree The second degree will bo conferred by Dunn's Rock lodge No. 267, A. P. & A. M.. at the regular communication Fri day night at 8 o’clock. D. P. Barnett, Senior Warden, will confer the degree and will be assisted by Lewis Osborne, senior deacon. The worshipful master urgently requests that all members be present A cordial Invitation Is extended to all visiting masons. Clean-Up Week To Be Observed In Brevard May 22 Through 29 Clean-Up Week will be observed in | Brevard during the week starting Fri day, May 22, and running through Fri day, May 29, with the Women's Civic club, the Town of Brevard, and organ izations and Individuals cooperating to give Brevard a better appearance. Vacant lots, unsightly spots, business places, residences, and other spots are expected to have a new appearance when the week is over. Mrs. O. E. Er win, chairman of the committee for the women’s organization, states that a fine spirit of cooperation is being shown by people In all parts of the town, and tills together with the cooperation of the town in hauling the trash and rubbish without charge, gives promise of mak ing tlu Clean-Up a success, The town has been laid off in zones with Broad and Main streets taken ns dividing lines. Zone 1 is that section of the town cast of Broad street and north ,,f Main street. The truck will take up ! trash In Zone 1 on Saturday, May 22. Zone 2 is that section east of Broad street and youth of Main street. The truck will be available in that zone on Tuesday. May 2fi. Zone S Is that section west and south of Main 11 he Production of HonW Increased Interest Is being shown in the honey industry In Transylvania county, and several people art making plans to raise better class worker bees C. L. Sams, bee specialist from Stati College was bare Monday and gave demonstrations to an Interested group. Proper hiving, re-queening, disease pre vention, and proper handling of honey after extraction, were some of the phases of be.- culture gone Into at ti - lt. K Tharp farm in West Brevmd. where Mr. Tharp and J. W. Dickson have the county's largest apiary. Add ing to the occasion was the sting of bets, lemonade and cake served by Miss Malva Tharp and Miss Margaret Dickson. Following the demonstrations at the Tharp place, Mr. Sams, accompanied by Assistant County Agent Mancss and Agriculture Teacher Lunsford, visited farms of O’Neal Cantrell, James z Dickson. Jr.. F. If. Holden, and C. K. Osborne, each of whom are Interested | In bee culture. Handling bees. Mr. Sams explained to the group, is like handling precious gems, one only needs to be careful and there will bo no ill after effects. Bees sting, the specialist said, only when they are frightened or Injured, and that if one will Just "take It easy.” when handling bees there Is no danger of be ing stung. Mr. Sams could pick hands full of the bees out of the hives and never suffered even one sting. Soil Contracts Need To Be Fixed At Once Farmers of Transylvania county who plan to participate In soil conservation payments under the federal govern ment this year, are requested by County Agents Glazener and Maness to come into their office In Brevard either on Friday or Saturday of this week and sign the work sheets, Tt is pointed out that before any farmer may become eligible for benefit payments under the soil conservation program, the work sheets must be sign ed before crops are all planted. Both Mr, Glazener and Mr. Maness will be In the county agent office on Friday and Saturday to assist farmers In making out their programs. The agents will be away the first three days of next week attending a district meeting at lake Bure, and they would like to have as many work sheets signed and ready for reporting at the meeting there as possible. Zone committees are working with residents of the various sections In getting best results from the Clean-Up drive. They are—Zone one, Miss Row ena Orr, Mrs. Harry Sellers, Mrs. W. W. Duckworth; zone 2, Mrs. J. W. Smith, Miss Rose Shipman, Mrs, J. C. Wlke; zone 8, Mrs. A. H. Harris, Mrs. E. S. English, Mrs. Leonard Simpson; zone 4, Miss Elizabeth Case, Mrs. B. K. Beasley, Mrs. L’lys Merrell. Civic Leader Asks Co-Operation Every one is urged to cooperate in the effort to make Brevard a more cleanly town and to strive to keep it clean. Those owning vacant lots arc asked to clean the premises of weeds and rubbish. Especially is it urged that the proprietors of stores and business houses see that no trash or papers are ywept out and left to be blown on the side walks and streets, and to please place trash in containers until the trucks can remove it. The colored people of the community are urged to unite in the drive by cleaning and keeping their surroundings clean. Any boys nr men who are interested and willing to help clean up are asked to please notify one of the chairmen and the work will be appreciated. A fk^n, all pull together and the cleanest, hcnlthieM^ ^i\tn in the state. j^k ( i . L. Krv. in. ".eaflD were e.TT tion held ..... and a resolution" _ body expressing confidence and national administrations. Meeting of the executive committee was held just prior to the party conven tion, but after a prolonged discussion, selection of a county chairman was postponed until a later date. Pat Kimr.ey, II. L. Gash, and Ralph H Ramsey, Jr., were named as a leso iutloti committee. Delegates to the state convention In June were as follows: W. M. Henry. T. C. Henderson. T. W. Whitmire, Coy Compton, W. C. Gravely, Frank Patton. A. E. England. Harold [Hart, T. FI. Reid. Roy Murrell, John j Kilpatrick, A! Bryson. W. K. Brceno. lit II. Winchester, M. C. Sumernl, Edwin Wlke. Alternates were: T.eo Case, M. O. Mc Call, H P. Whitmire. George Morgan, Sam Allison, C.Y. Patton, Tom Wood, Jr.. G. H. Lyday, D. H. Holliday, Frank Shuford, 11 Plummer. Harrison Case, Erwin Galloway. M. W. Oallowny, Ralph Duckworth. Mrs. G. H. Lyday as vice chairman of the executive committee, presided over the meeting, with S. E. Varner acting as secretary. At Lyday Hospital Patients reported at Lyday Memorial ' hospital on Wednesday were Mrs. George Fortune and infant son, John Enin, born on Friday, May 15, Bill Jones, John Greenwood. Dr. Lynch Will Give Vaccine To Children Dr. G. B. Lynch, county health offi cer, reports that over two hundred children of pre-school age were vac cinated against diphtheria and small pox in Rosman and Brevard schools last Dr. Lynch states that ho still has on hand quite a number of doses of diph theria and small pox vaccine, and that If parents will send their children to his offico Immediately, there will bo no charges for the vaccinations. The vaccine Is given primarily to children who will enter school next fall, Dr. Lynch said, but that Inasmuch as he has the vaccine on hand, children of school age and over will be treated free of charge if they are sent to his office within the next few days. This offer only holds good, the doctor explained, so long as the vaccine which was bought for the pre-school clinics lasts. Prominent In Legion | mr, WILEY M. PICKENS, of Lincolnton. who is being mentioned as probable next state commander of the American Legion for North Carolina. City Swimming Pool Will Open Tuesday Tin- municipal swimming pool will | open for the summer season Tin -in 1 morning at 9 o’clock, and remain op. | every day In the week, according to an ( anrmpnccment of Coach Erin : i Tilaon. Ill again be in char:<|^B^U|^H Ltown of Brevard Tin -)>n,:-.s|..>. . the same as v |,fl' 1 j II. .'l.K'-'J. oiM-rateij c .«w roved ; ‘an.-, the i •"*! ;h one mint f lncrM 11 town. E^hoir To Be At Church Sunday musical program at the ing service of Brevard ft will be given by the ird College. young people have been various churches through allna recently and have praised for their rendi musie. id Candidate >eak In County SSjnm.uwemcnt is made by W. 15. Fish Mcondidate for congress on the "Towr ^Hd Plan" ticket from this district, Bit he will speak twice ir. Transyl ■ nlc (his week-end. B'l'lie Asheville man announces that he Bill sneak at Brevard court house Sat ■inlay night. May 23, at 8 o'clock, and let Rosman high school on the following Way, Sunday, at 2 o'clock In the after Inoon. WMU ASSOCIATION MEETS SATURDAY All Transylvania Churches Ex pected To Send Delegates —Prominent Speakers Tlu.' annual Transylvania county as sociatlonal meeting of the >V. M. IJ. of the Baptist church will ho held at ML Moriah Calvert Baptist church, Satur day of this week In an all-day gather ing. Mrs. X. H. Holliday, superintendent of the association, will preside ovnr the sessions. The Ilev. H- H. McMillan, a returned missionary from China, and Mrs. Edna Harris, of Raleigh, State \V. M. U. secretary, will be the princi pal speakers of the day. The election of officers and annual reports will be eth er features of the day's program. It is expected that representatives from the 25 churches of the association will be present, including the pastors of the various churches. The present officers Include: Super intendent. Mrs. M. H. Holliday, Bre vard: associate superintendent, Mrs. M. C. Shipman, T.ittlc River; sect eta-y treasurer. Mrs. '. E, Oiliespie, Chrr"y field; mission study chairman, Sirs. Seldon .Jones. Cedar Mountain: person al service chairman. Mrs. P. A. Morgan, Culvert: stewardship chairman Mrn. Paul Hartscll, Brevard: young people's leader. Miss Marjorie Oarren, Brevs.rd. ladles of the Calvert church nil! entertain the visitors at lurcheon. BED POLLED CATTLE SALE WILL BE HELD IN BREVARD JUNE 20 Eight Head of Purebred Stock Will Be Sent Here By Reynolde-Lybrook Date for holding tho red polled cattle Be.lo for Transylvania county has been sct for June 20, when six purebred bulls and two purebred heifers will be brought here and sold at public auction. Tho cal tie will he sent here by the Ileynolds-Bybrook fa nr.a near Wineton Hilem. and will bo selected by J. I. Arey and F. rt. Furnham, dairy and beef cat tle specialists of State* College. Mr. Furnham was In Brevard Tuesday conferring with County Agent ttlazcner one! farm lenders In regard to the auc tion, and It was decided that Saturday, June 2u, would be appropriate time for the sale. The red polled 1ms been selected bs the most outstanding dual purpose cat tle In America and records have prov en that ‘lie milk flow and the beef-typo meat combined are fur superior to that of any other breed. - --. JLt. J< y tommanaer at Brevard CCC Camp Meu(('ti..n< M. I Jwwy, of Opi>. 'L Imran, 1 taken uinrnaiul of Camp Sledpo. the CCC outfit at North Mn vard, relieving Lieut. Arthur P. Nesit, who has been In charge there for the pant year. Lieut. Josey comes to Brevard with best of recommendations from tne Fourth Corps Area headquarters, and Is an experienced inun In this line of work. Assoc lated with him tn operation of the camp Is Lieut. Crain, who has been at the camp for several weeks as junior commander. Lieut. Ncsblt plans to stay in Brevard during the summer. He and Mrs. Nestst huve an apartment in tile Bagweli build ing. und have many warm friends in tho community. Connestee 4-H Club In Official Election _ Boys nrd girls of the Connesteo school met tv if n County Agent Julian A. Glazener and organized ft -l-H club. Another meeting was hold last week and officers were elected tc serve dur ing the year. The officers elected were: President, Alice McQaha; vice president, Annie Bell Wilson; secretary-treasurer, Cal vin Baxter; reporter, Evelyn Myers. I Another meeting will be called by the president within a few days for further plans of projects. _— Shooting Gallery Open* Announcement Is made- by Langdon English of the opening of a shooting gallery on Main threat. Brevard, next to the Canteen Cafe. A popular sport In Brevard, a nnocr lng gallery is always well patronized by summer people. C. E. Speakers Will lipl Address Young Folk A special young people’s meeting will be held at the Brevard Presbyterian church Monday evening at 8 o’clock, at which rtme George Wlison. Pixie Field representative for the Christian En deavor, will be the speaker. A cordial invitation t» extended to members of tho local Christian En deavor and to young people of the com munity and of the college to attend this service. Refreshments will be served fol lowing the meeting. 17-Year Locusts Are Reported In County -— Rost dews from several sections of the county have reported hearing the 17 year locusts within the past few daye. It is not expected that there will be but n few of the cicadas or locusts In Transylvania tills summer, but other counties In the state will witness great swarms of them, according to state en tomologists. ROSMAN, May 20.—'The 17-year lo custs are reported In the Old Toxaway section by Rural Mall Carrier A. P. Hell anu Chief of Police AV. N. Stroup. Father and Three Sons Drown While Fishing In Waters of Toxaway River Ben Flshc-r and three of his tons of Reid's Siding, were drowned In Tox away River Saturday night. The fath er and two of tho younger sons lost their lives in attempts to save the life of Raymond, elder son in the party. Bodies of the four men were not re covered until Sunday morning after daylight, when neighbors, relatives, an-1 officers located the bodies with grap pling hooks. The four men who lost their lives were Bon Perry Fisher, 80: Raymond, 35; Odell, 28; and Otis. 19. .V younger son, Ernest, aged 11, was saved from the same watery grave by Bill Fisher. According to Bill Fisher, cousin ol’ the victims, Ben Fisher and four of his sons, together with himself, had gone to Toxaway river Saturday afternoon late to flrsh. Coming to a deep hole, about nine o'clock, near the mouth of Bear Creek which empties Into the Toxaway river, a camp fire was made, and the four men who were drowned were fish ing. Raymond and Odell were In the deep ramfii 9B3nESi9i pool seining, Bill Fisher related, with Ben on the opposite bank fishing with a hook. Bill and the younger son. Ernest were at the camp fir?, and Otis was also on the bank. Raymond was the only member of the party who could not swim, and when bo lost his footing on a sltck rock in the 12 or 15 foot pool and went under, he also evidently lost hold of the seine staff. Odell called for help, and Bill said that he ran from the campfire to the river bank and started swimming to the two men who were about fifteen or tv. , my feet out in the water. He got to them after both Raymond and Odell were strangling, and had gotten hold of Raymond's hair and had Odell place his hand on his shoulder, when he no ticed that Ben who had a light, was al so coming into the water from the oppo site bank. „ Bill said that he called to the father to stay out and tak) care of the light, as he had the situation In hand, but that Ben stufaiblcd or slipped, lost bis (Continued on Back Pnge)

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