sST THE TRAN Y NIA County A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania Corn 41. NQ=lf=:=:============^= "BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA—-THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1936. $1.00 PER YEARJ^TRANSYLVAWIA COUNTY mm In order ihat our summer folk and our home people as well may know just what entertainment programs are book ed in the community, a column under this head will be carried eacb week, and all people ure asked to cooperate in making the calendar worthwhile. In order that the listings may be as complete as possible, It Is suggested that the advance notico of events be turned In at the Bureau of Information office, or if more handy at The Times office. Bequest is also made that any an nouncements for this column be sent to the Bureau of Information not later than Wednesday morning of each week for the following week running from Thursday tc Tuesday. For the coming week, beginning July 2 and ending July 8 the following pub lic entertainment events are scheduled: Thursday, July t 12:1." p. m—Klwanis Club, 'ingland home. f, :00 p. m.—Soft ball, Brevard College field. Friday, July 3 t: p: in. Soft ball, Brevard College field. Saturday, July 4 JO a. in.—Baseball and field day, Bre vard high school field. 2 tv m.—Baseball, Brevard high school field. S p. in.—Junior Order. Sunday, July 5 10 a. m.—Sunday School, all churches. 11 a. na.—Church services, all churches. Monday, luly 6 3: so j>. ni Women's Civic Club, club room, Jordan street. S , m.—Soft ball. Brevard College field. Tuesday, July 7 p ,, ni - Sett Kail. College field. 7:-to to 10 p. m.—Ladles night at Swim ming pool. 8 in.—Community Singing, court house lawn. McDonald Man Speaks At Rosman Thursday Kills C. Jones imminent Asheville attorney is scheduled to speak at the Busman school house on Thursday nisrht of litis week the speaking to start at 8 o'clock. Attorney Jones will speak in behalf of the candidacy of Dr. Ralph McDonald, anti-sales Bin candidate for governor in the second Democratic primary which is to be held in North Carolina on Saturday. July 4th. Ladies Night Tuesday To Draw Fair Ones To Town Swimming Pool Celebrating the opening of the Bre vard swimming pool at night. Coach Tilson announces that “ladies night" will be observed Tuesday evening of next week. July 7. from 7:30 to 10 o'clock. On Tuesday evening, there will be no charge for ladies, and the gentle men will only lie charged the regular rates of 20 cents per gent. Children will not be admitted to the pool on Tuesday evening, age limit for that particular evening being fourteen years and up. for both boys and girls, and those who are tinder 14. and hold season tickets, are requested not to come to the pool on Tuesday night. The pool was opened Wednesday night for after-dinner swimmers, and the regular schedule of hours will now be from 9 o'clock in the morning until 10 o'clock at night. Adequate lighting lias been installed at the pool, and efficient life guards arc on duty ;tt all times. Conch Tilson is planning a water show and beauty contest which will be staged within a short time, complete an nouncements to be made In next week's Times. BIBLE SCHOOL WILL START HERE JULY 9 Ten Day Study Course At Bap tist Church for Young People of Brevard The Brevard Baptist church will hold a Daily Vacation Bible school, begin ning Thursday, July 9. and lasting 10 days. All boys and girls of the commu nity between the ages of six and 17 years are invited to attend. The school will include a variety of activities in its datiy schedule, includ ing: Bible study, story telling, dramati zation. handwork and many other Inter esting activities. A splendid faculty has been secured, with Mrs. Knox DeLong as principal. Bandall I.ydav and Miss Borene Payne will have charge of the handwork pe riod. This is considered an unusual op portunity for the boys and girls, as Miss Payne is a graduate of Cooper Union Art school In New York City, and Mr. Bydoy is teacher of vocational training In the Rrevard high school. Other members of the faculty Include: Mrs. Melvin Gillespie, Alvin Moore. Prof. W. M. Hunt, of Rosman. Mrs. Walter Duckworth. Richard Moore. Mrs. A. J. Beddlngfield. Miss Ruby Whit mire. Mrs. Martin Turbyfill, Mrs. W. C. Hunter. Miss Marie Galloway. Miss Nell Case, Mrs. J. B. Jones. Mrs. E. R. Pendleton, Mrs. A. B. Galloway and Miss Grace Duckworth. The Rev. Paul Hartsell. pastor of the I church, wishes to meet with all Inter F mediate pupils on Friday morning of this week at 9 o’clock to make further plans for the school. Summer Camps Bring Hundreds of Young People To Community A11 of the 10 organized summer camps for boys and girls opening this week and next in Brevard and Transylvania county report the largest enrollment in several years, with a capacity limit reported tn the majority of the camps. Hundreds of young people from vari ous sections of the United States and a few foreign countries will be in attend ance during the eight weeks' sessions. Of ‘he ten camps operating 1n thla county, four are for boys and six are for girls. The camps arc opening at vary ing dates from June 27 to July 10, and all will close during the last week or 10 days of August. The camps accom modate from 50