=ST THE TRANSYLVANIA _ A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of me People of Transylvania County VOL. 41: NO. 28 == BREVARD. NORTH CAROLINA—THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1936. $1.00 PER YEAR IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY TOWN TAX RATE TO BE CUT 30 CENTS ON HUNDRED DOLLARS County Rate Remains at $1.55 —Tentative Budget Filed By Each Unit Tax rates to be assessed in Brevard and Transylvania county for the fiscal year of 1936-37 were tentatively set Monday, with the county rate remain ing at the $1.55 figure, and the town's levy til ing reduced 30 cents on the hun dred dollars, or $1.34. Kxpemlitures of both units wee cut to the very minimum, the tentative budgets which have been filed, show, and in view of the slow payment of taxes during the past twelve-month period, it is regarded as almost miracu lous that rates in both the town and county were not raised. Pact that both town and county a re looking forward to a refinancing program enabled them to keep tfie levy down. Tables of the budget estimates for the two units will be found in this issue of The Times, and detatt copies of the ten tativa budgets are on file for public tn spectli n at the register of deeds offtce for the county, and at the city clerk's office for the town. Pinal adoption of the budget and levy of the rate will not be completed by either unit until the first of next month. Glazener Pleased With Red Polled Cattle Sale (J. .1. Glaxrner. County Agent) 1 should like to express my very deep appreciation to all who helped to moke the Ked I‘oiled cattle sole the success it was reported to have been. The tele gram from lldltor Douglas informing me that nil had gone well and that all tin fine animals were bought by Tran a lvania farmers gave me a thrill of joy and delight. Here is hoping that this event will prove to be just the begin ning of the livestock activities in this county and that cre-long other sections will look to our county as one of tho sources of good cattle. It can be done. The ' utle sale is just one more for ward step in our county planned farm program, namely. Limes, Legumes. Livestock. Trucking and Poultry, based i n Sod Conservation. Tho very fact that twelve cars of lime have already been used on tlie farms in this county this season is sufficient evidence to prove rile farmers Interest in lining tholr -oils in order that they will grow more ■ ml better umee and grasses Good bay and pastures are very essential to successful liv< stock raising. Now is th' ‘ nn for ns to turn our attention to tho i an •" .- and sowing of more gras- - and logum* both for hav and pasture. Therel developing this phase of our farm program as it has never been done before. Junior Officers Are Installed for Council Meeting of the Krevard Junior Order was featured by installation of officers Saturday night, with music and refresh ments following the ceremonies. offa • rs installed Included—Councillor, Vernon Kuilbright: vice councillor. Hur ry s l.oftis past councillor. Lewis P. Hamlin: Chaplain. \V. H. Dentley; ro oidiui S'i rotary. Karl Posse: assistant . ordlng secretary. C. K. Sharpe; fi lia: . 1 secretary. \V. I>. Glazener; con dtt. ’ Lynch Moore; outside sentinel, Jam. s C.arron; Inside sentinel. U. S. Dralo warden. J. K. Glazener: trustee, P. H. Calloway. MAXOXS TO MEET FRIDAY n<-~ i r communication of Dunn's 1k M; nic T.odpe will h© held in the ),:■ : .« S o’clock Friday night. After tic rc.-ular routine business the t,rst d< -rc. will lie conferred. All i ’inu' Masons are cordially in vited to attend. Ralph Fisher Named Chairman Republican Executive Committee K.iij'ii i:. Fisher was elected chair man r.‘* Transylvania County Re . ihli< :i ■ • xeentive committee at a meet ing of » m; rs of the executive com mit*- . *•■. ' in Brevard Monday after noon. Nam if the chairman who will s»-»pvo f • -.V years, was postponed at the r- _ i% convention held several weeks ago. and -the committee members called in on Monday for the election. Mr. Fisher wis ^looted on the first ballot. Flans for r inducting the general elec tion • anv i.:n were discussed by the of ficials of the party following the selec tion of the chairman. The following calendar of events is scheduled in Hrevard for the coming seven day period. The public is asked to co-operate In making this list complete. All entertainment events should be Phoned to The Times office not later l than Wednesday of each week. Thursday, -lull/ fl 6.00 p. m.—Soft ball, College field, s;00 p. m.—Music program, high school. S:00 p. m.—Legion Meeting, County Agent’S office. Friilay, July 10 i;:00 p. m.—-Soft ball, College field. 8:00 p. ni.—Masonic Lodge meeting. S:00 p. in.—Program at Little Theatre. Saturday. July 11 3:30 p. ni.—Baseball, high school field. 8:00 p. m.—-Junior Order meeting. Sunday, -July 12 U a. m.—Sunday School, all churches. It a. m.--Church services, all churches. Monday, duly 13 0:00 p. m.—Soft ball. College field. 8:00 p. ni.—W O. W. Meeting. Tuesday, July 1 i 0:00 p. m.—Soft ball. College field. Osborne Reunion Sunday The annual reunion of the Osborno family will be held at the home of T. E. Osborne, In Mills River, on Sunday. July 12, has been announced by T. Lee Osborne, of Hendersonville, i All members of the family and con nections are invited to attend the re union. Enlargement Campaign Starts Here August 2nd j Interest in the Transylvania Sunday school assoc.iationa! meeting held at Brevard Sunday centered in the address of Rev. Ollin Owens, who presented the plans of the enlargement campaign for the week of August 2-9. The Rev. Mr. Owens was accompanied to Brevard by I). G. Wilkcy. of Tuxedo, superintendent of the Carolina Association, and tho Rev. C. W. Gosnell, of Greer, S. C., who made accordion music for the meeting. Rev. Owens was with the Transylvania folks visiting in several churches last week. At the next meeting, the first Sunday in August, at 2:30 p. m„ State secretary and field worker, L. L. Morgan, will be in Brevard with twenty-five workers to go into the churches, to teach and work in the first program of the kind to be put on in the association. Services at Macedonia LAKE TOXAWAY, July S.—The Rev. II. Broom, of Rosman, is conducting a series of revhal services at Macedonia Baptist church. Services are held each evening at S o'clock. “Piesta” Here July 17 A piesta. or pie festival, will bo held at the Brevard Methodist church Friday evening. July 1". at S o'clock, sponsored by tho Women’s Missionary society. Included in the entertainment fea tures will in- a program, stunts and contests. A pie eating contest will Vie held and a pie will be given to the per son who guesses correctly the different kinds of pies on display. ! I l i Cool Nights Bless Brevardites As West Swelters From Heat Brevard people should he thankful for the privilege of liv ing in a land where Mother Na ture sends eool and refreshing nights ami balmy days for their enjoyment and health. While people in Brevard reach ed for another blanket Monday and Tuesday nights, news reports from the middle west tell the piti ful story of scores dying from effects of excessive heal and drouth, crops parched, and stock dying from thirst. Brevard's high temperature Tuesday was S7. while the ther mometer in North Dakota climb ed to 120, and most of the mid nest communities reported tem ! pernlures ranging above the 100 | mark. Crops are reported doomed I in the midwest section, and thou sands of families are being forced to seek sustenance through feder al agencies. Wheat and other grain prices are beginning to soar to new high levels on account of the shortage caused by the con tinued drouth. ———- , Hoey Named Democratic Nominee By : Large Majority-County Goes 3-to-lj Clyde R. Hoey. Shelby statesman, was nominated by the Democratic sec ond primary last Saturday over Dr. lulph McDonald, anti-sales tax candi date by a majority of 33,931. Mr. Hoey’s vote in the state was 266.813 against McDonald's 212.S79. In Transylvania county Hoey had a wide majority, with the county being Hoey. 13t.8; McDonald. 523. Wilkins P. Horton was named lieu tenant-governor over Paul Clradv by l the count of 217,632 to 206.751. Thad I Kure defeated Stacey W. Wade for nominee as secretary of state by 233.751 to 192,082. In Transylvania county Horton led by the count of 12S-1 to 63S. Eure's vote in this county was 1352 against 385. The election passed off very quietly in most precincts, with one or two minor scraps reported, and a couple of "get-togethers" in Brevard on Satur day night. Protest of the manner in which the election was held in Brevard Number Two box was entered Saturday after noon to Registrar John E. Rufty by McDonald forces, but the election board in session Monday over ruled the protest. Vote count in the county was around five hundred under that of the first primary on .Tune 6th. There was no county contest. FISH REARING POOLS NEARLY COMPLETED Streams Will Be Stocked Each Year By National For est Culture Units Work is nearing completion on the fish rearing pools In Pisgah National Forest, near Brevard, with water hav ing already been turned in some of the concrete basins for "seasoning." The pools when completed will ac commodate 60,000 or more six inch trout, with plans calling for continually grow ing of fingerlings and fry into larger and mature trout before placing them in the national forest streams. The plant on Davidson river will lie one ol the most modern to be found in Eastern America when completed, and output of the pools will be used for re stocking the streams in the Pisgali unit. Bordering as the Pisgah National Forest does on nearly fifty miles of Transylvania farm and mountain lands, the stocking each year by the govern ment will materially aid the streams in this county. W. M. Keil, Pisgah National Forest technical adviser on fisheries, is in charge of the rearing pool constiuction, and will remain here under presetit plans to carry out experiments. The pools will be under the general super vision of Forest Hunger W. P. Duncan. Brevard Broadcast Over W.B.T. Friday Attractions of Brevard and Transyl vania county to the tourist and health seeker will he broadcast over Station WBT. Charlotte, on Friday evening of this week, from 11 to 11:13. Mayor Douglas, of Charlotte, lias con sented to give the broadcast which was prepared by Senator Ralph H. Ramsey, of Brevard. The radio address is one of a series which are being given over sta tions In North and South Carolina. On Wednesday evening of iasl week Mayor Maybank of Charleston delivered the ad dress over WCSC, and the previous Sunday afternoon. Senator Ramsey spoke over station WFBC, Greenville. CMlu-r stations which have been sign ed tip for the broadcast include Raleigh, Columbia and Anderson. American Legion To Meet Thursday Eve The American Region will meet Thursday evening of this week. July 9. at eight o'clock in the county agent’s office. Special business to be transacted will he plans for attending the Region con vention which is to he held in Asheville on July 26, 27, and 2S. A large number of new members which have joined since Institution of the membership drive by the local post arc expected to attend the meeting Thursday night. Noted Musician Will Conduct Convention at Rosman Hi School An old time fiddler’s convention will he held at Rosman high school audito rium on Saturday evening, July IS. ac cording to announcement made by the agriculture class of Rosman school. Bascom Rumar Lunsford, of Asheville, nationally known figure in folk music circles will officiate at the convention, and will also give exhibitions with the several instruments he so ably plays. Cash prizes will be offered for the best single, double, anrl band present ments. as well as for clog and Jig danc ing. The program will Include an hour and a half of enjoyment that only the old time musicians can produce, and the event Is expected to be a drawing card for home folk and summer visitors. Proceeds of the entertainment will go toward defraying expenses of the an nual trip which the agriculture boys tak<* each summer. JURORS DRAWN FOR JULY-AUGUST TERM Judge Hoyle Sink Scheduled To Preside—Criminal Cases 1st Week July-August term of Superior court will convene in Brevard on July 27th, with Judge 71. Hoyle Sink, scheduled to preside. Solicitor Clarence C. Hid ings will appear for the state. First week of court will he given over to hearing of criminal cases, with the civil calendar, which has not been made up at this time, probably start ing toward the last of the first week. The following jurors were selected last week by the jury commission for duty at the term: First Week J. K. Mills. Boy Fisher. R. B. Hog sed, W. R. Merrill, J. 77. Bryson, Frank Wilson, C. R, Clarke, J. J. Patton. M. C. Sumeral Clyde 7Jamllton. Edgar Alexander, Jesse Kilpatrick. G. M. Lof tis. .7. F. Hayes. T. B. Crary. L. D. Gillespie. J. B. Petit. C. E. Eldridge, P. M. Orr. O. O. Morgan. Cecil Whit mire, B. T. Tinsley, D. H, Orr. Free man 77nyes. Alfred G. Galbraith,, Cor nelius Powell. Marvin McCall, R. W. Radford, Charles F. Moore, Joe J. Blythe. Hansel Bentley, Ernest R. Al lison. R. C. Cordell. Noah C. Miller. J. S. Bromfeld, A. C. Price. Second Week E. Carl Allison, T. B. 7,ane. D. F. Barnette. T.owis Moore. J. D. Morgan. .T. V. Gillespie, Randall C. Aiken, H. E. Shipman. Fred Grogan, Rev. Harry Perry, J. E. Galloway, Charlie Lee, F. G. Norton. R. J. Orr, Ranson McCall, T. 1j. Plckelsimer, S. L. Barnette, Paul Stroup. North Carolina’s Next First Citizen --r—--| f’LYDE 1!. HOKY, left, who wnb selected by a Rood majority In the second Democratic Primary last Saturday, and Gild.1AM GRISSOM, riant who is the Republican nominee fc-r Rovernor. These two widely Known Rent lemon and party leaders are both lookinR forward to oc runyiriR the hit'h seat now held bv J. C. B. EhrlnRhaus. 150 REGISTERED IN ! BIBLE STUDY WORK J Ten-Day Course Will Be Held at Brevard Baptist Church Beginning Thursday An enrollment of 150 children is e\ Ipected for the opening of the Daily I Vacation ISible school, sponsored by ■the Brevard Baptist church, which op ines Thursday morning of this week for a 10-day session. The school is for ail children of the community between the ages of six and 17 years. Mrs. Knox DoLong is principal of tin school, assisted by a faculty of 2n or more members. The school starts each week-day morning at 0 o’clock j and closes al noon. The opening feature every morning is the worship session, followed by the different age groups go ling to separate departments for hand iwork study and play activities. Ladies ■nf the Baptist church will serve re j freshnv nts during the morning recess i period. With the ( lose of the Bilde school on Sunday night, duly 1!'. a special com mencement program will be held, at which time the children will give a I demonstration of the things they have lleurned during the 10-dny session. iTwo Plays Slated at Little Theatre Friday Two plays will lie presented by the Little Theatre Friday evening of this week at 8: SO o'clock. "Dolly's Little Bills.’ by Henry Arthur • Jenkins, will be presented by the fol lowing east: Miss Winifred Nicholson, 1). W. Colvnrd and Billy Middleton. Tt promises to be a most entertaining per formance. Since there have been many requests for a repetition of Tchekhov's “The Boor.” Tits play will be repeated on this occasion. It is an amusing play, and much enjoyment was expresed by those j who saw its previous performance. Members of the east of this play are: I Miss Sherrill liromfield, who takes the j place of Miss Charlotte Hatcher. Alvin Moore, in his former role, and Ernest MeFaul. Hamlin On Police Duty Spurgeon Hamlin has been made spe cial policeman for the town of Brevard, and assumed his duties Tuesday after noon. Officer Hamlin will serve during the late afternoon and nights. The official board of the town felt that an extra officer was needed during the months of July and August while the large number of summer visitors are here, in order that traffic and other I police regulations may be enforced. j JOE H. TINSLEY OPENS SHUTTLE BLOCK PLANT Announcement is made by Joe H. Tinsley that he is moving his dogwood shuttle block mill Into the building for merly occupied by the Summcy Mill Works on North Caldwell street, or.po site McCrary Auto company. The concern will employ several men, and manufacturing shuttle blocks from dogwood for use in cotton mills. Pro j ducts of the Tinsley plant are sold In I manv sections of the South. I '_ Attend Convention Davis Glazencr. Harry Loftis. and joe Poole. Brevard rural mail carriers, attended the state convention held in Hickory last week for "Uncle Sam’s Country Delivery Boys." The Brevard men report a royal time. Connestee Cove Camp Opens Season Friday Connestee Cove camp for girls is opening Friday of this week for the regular camp season. This is the last of the 10 organized summer camps in tills county to open for thp 1066 season. Mrs. D. It. Roof, director, states that this will be the banner season for Con nestee Cove, with 100 or more campers and counsellors expected to be enrolled. It has been found necessary to do some additional building and remodeling at the camp in order to take care of the increased enrollment this summer. Mrs. Roof has reported. The Boy Seount camp at Miami. Fla., which has been in a four-week session at Connestee Cove camp, came to a close Wednesday, and the 56 boys in attendance and their directors are leav ing today for Florida. Brevard Tanner* To Play Canton B Team Here Next Saturday Brevard league leaders will play the Canton Blue baseball aggregation here, Saturday afternoon, the game to be called at 3:30 on the high school dia mond. Manager Kyle expects to pitch eithci Barley or Patton in the Saturday after noon affair, with probability of a new rooumlsman to face the Brevard dug ping nine for the Canton Blue team. ! The scheduled game here last Satur day morning with Sayles was called on | account of rain with the beginning of the third inning, and the afternoon exhibition game was also railed or. ac count of wet grounds. The league game will be played at Sayles on August 22. In a double-header affair. Next week the Kyle-men will take a tour through South Carolina, playing at Arcadia Mills near Spartanburg on Monday: Brandon Mills in Greenville, Ion Tuesday; Inman or, Wednesday; and winding up the road trip Thursday when t i)-,\ meet W. P. Howard’s fast Hyman outfit. All games will start at •1:15 in the afternoon. Fifteen men will make the trip. ; Motor Travel Over New Road Increase* Value of the newly paved Henderson ville highway to the Brevard section Is clearly shown in the vastly Increased traffic through Brevard since opening of the improved U. S. route ten days ago. Service stalions and hotels report, greatly improved business from North and South autoisls that are now using the new black top from Hendersonville to Brevard, and routing by way of Lake Tomway, Pickens, and Greenville. Radio Artist* Will Appear Here Tonight Announcement is made by the Wood men Circle that Dirk Hartman and his "Tennessee Ramblers" will present a program of music and other entertain ing features at Brevard high school on Thursday evening at eight o’clock. The Ramblers are heart!, regularly over station WBT, Charlotte, and are rated high as musical entertainer*. East Fork Revival ROSSI AN. July S.—Revival services began at East Fork Methodist church Monday evening, with the Rev. G. A. Hovis. pastor, in charge. Services are being held each evening at i o’clock. More People Should Be Told About Brevard Section Says Captain Jones I Brevntd needs more pres,? agent work for Its own pood as well as for the bene fit of people of file United states who would be favored by knowing just how grand a vacation land tills is, In the opinion of Captain C. C. Jones, of Phil adelphia and Miami, who is spending a month hero with Mrs. Jones. "Of course I knew there was a North Carolina, and of course r had heard of Western North Carolina, and possibly Brevard, but l had had no one teli me just what a beautiful section you have around Brevard, and of the healthful climate which T am now enjoying to the fullest,” the sailing master toM a Transylvania Times reporter. Captain Jones, who is master of the SS Dorchester of tho Merchants and Miners Transportation company of Bal timore, came to Brevard several days ago to recuperate from an attack of pneumonia. He was sent here on advice of Ills physicians. Captain and Mrs. .Tones are stopping at the Plerce-Moore hotel. Stricken suddenly with pneumonia while 150 mtles off the Miami coast. Captain Jones was taken from the Dor chester by a Coast Guard ambulance piano and carried to Miami where he was placed in the City Hospital. After ten days treatment he went to the Florida Everglades section for a couple of weeks, and os soon as he was able to travel came to Brevard. Commenting on the exceptional ser vice which the Coast Guard rendered in his ease, Captain Jones emphatically stated that the Coast Guard service, is a credit to the country, and that it renders multitudinous service to people and business interests along tne sea fronts that are never known of but which are vital to welfare of the int-f esis the service so ably watches over i and assists. Nearing the fifty mark. Captain Jones says that he has never taken a drink of whiskey in his life, and that, he has no Inclination whatsoveer to star; the habit now. Contrary to the usual belief that nit sea-faring men are inveterate smokers. Captain Jones does not smoko, and says that lie never has. The clamour of smoking was taken from him as a youngster, the mariner said, when h is father placed a hex of ci gars and several pipes before him and told him to smoke if he wanted to. smoke all he wished, but smoko only at home. Consjquently, with the "smart ness” of smoking taken away. Captain .Tones said he never had Inclination >o start. Speaking of smoking and drink ing, the sailing master said that tiie captain of his ship, tha Dorchester. like wise had never smoked or drank. Captain Jones went on board ship ns a lad of 14. serving on a tugboat be longing to bis company. He has rounded out 33 years with the Merchants and Miners company; 19 of which has been in the capacity of master. While In Brevard recuperating, the sailing master spends bis time reading, resting, and in taking short automo bile trip3 to many points of interest near Brevard. Captain and Mrs. Jones plan to re main here until the latter part of July, when Mrs. Tones will probably return to their home in Philadelphia, and be will resume bis command at Balti more. ART SHOW EXPECTED TO BRING MANY FINE ARTISTS TO BREVARD Antiques and Curios Will Be Added Features To Annual Event Plans arc being perfected for Bre vard’s second annuul art show, spon sored by the Mathalastun club, which will be held here three days, Friday, .Saturday and Sunday afternoon, July 24, 25, and 28, in the Harris building on West Main street. Present indica tions point to a larger and better ehow than that held la»t summer. In addition to paintings and sculp ture, there will he shown many In ten sting antiques and curios. A 3pccia! feature of the exhibit will bo the pic tures, soap carvings and designs made by Brevard school children who won prizes In the State art contest in Ra leigh. Among the well known artists who have been invited to exhibit their work arc: Mrs. Elizabeth O’Neill Verner, Charleston, S. C.; Mr. Jean Jacques I’fister, Blowing Rock; Mrs. Lillie Haynes McMullen, Danville, Ky.; Mrs. Lewes Hoff mart Kemper, Henderson ville: Miss Beulah Bowden, Mars Hill: Miss Ruth Doris Swett, Southern Pines: Mrs. Jl. King Cor per. Try on; A. Wolf Davis. Clemson. S. C. The department of architecture of Clemson college is also expected to have an exhibit. Those destring to exhibit, paintings or other objects at the show are urged to contact Mrs. J. R. Jones, chairman e.f the nrt committee, or Mrs. C. L. New land president of the Brevard Mathatu sian club. ____ Young Republicans To Meet Tuesday Evening Announcement is made by Walter C. Shipman, president of the Transylvania Voting Republican Club that an organ ization meeting for Brevard 1 and 2 precincts will be held in the county rourt house at Brevard on Tuesday night of next week, at eight o’clock. This meeting will lie the first of a number of such meetings which ar-- (o be held over the county. Mr. Shipman said, for organization of the young Re publicans. Jeff Nelson Dies Jeff L .Nelson, well known figure In Masonic circles, died at his home in ; Morganton last week following a brief illness due to pneumonia which he con tracted In Waynesville while engaged in lecture work for the Masonic lodge there. Mr. Nelson has been in Brevard many times and had a host of friends here, both in the Masonic order and among others. He was a special lecturer for the Masons In this state. AT LYDAY HOSPITAL Patients reporred at Lyday Memorial hospital nr. Wednesday were: Herbert Rice. Perry Greene, John Price, Mrs. Laddie Owen, J. D. Powell, little Edith Johnson, Scott Powers, John Green wood, Lamar Kilgore and Bennie C!oer. Hutches Open Home on Gloucester Road ROSMAN. July 8.—Mr. and M.-s. C. C. Hutches, of Bradenton. Fla., arrived Tuesday of this week, and have opened j their summer home on the Gloucester ! road for the summer, j Lo-Wrn, the Hutches' summer place, is one of the attractive cottages of tho tipper end of the county, and draws hundreds of sightseers each year, who pay visits to the artistically arranged gardens and grounds surrounding the I Hutches home. "Open House” for visit ors is held daily throughout each sum I mer by Mr. and Mrs. Hutches.

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