|W I THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES I IS: _ '_ A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania bounty - VOL. 41: NO. 29. " "' BREVARdT NORTH CAROLINA—THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1936. $1.00 PERJfEARJNJTRANSYL^ANIA COUNTY ART SHOW TO GIVE REVIEW OF STYLES DATING 1856-1936 Artists From Several States Will Have Entries—Baby Pictures Wanted \ t'.ishiou review of styles from 1856 t-» t\.ill be a special feature of tlie ar> show, which the Mathatasiun club is >poiiM'iimr Friday. Saturday and Sun day afternoon, July ?4, and 26, in the Hams building on West Main street. 'I'll- -i- costumes will be modeled by youn-t Italic.- of Brevard Friday evening at S • ;to o'clock. The response from the many well known artists who have been invited to exhibit is very gratifying. Mis. Eliza - belli i> Neill Venter, of Chatbston, S. t\. v d again show some of her etch ing-- Mrs. I.lllie Haynes McMullen and her daug'htcr, Jliss Catherine McMullen, wiil exhihu istel portraits and land si apes A group of mats of arms will 1. displayed by Lewis Hoffman Kemper. Mi's I unlne I'a.vne. of Brevard, who has L- ■ a studying art in New York for th,- •-! four years, will exhibit several f ia r oaintings. Etchings will be shown of tin- North Carolina long leaf pine by Miss mris Swett. wlm has had two of her ‘ t -lings i-urcl ised by tho Library of Cougrt ss. S. -i Lip.-* y. i f Savannah. Oil.. wiU ex hibit English coti mat brass andirons, fir. s- ts fttiilers. etc. Another interesting leaiurv ‘ me e.\ 1111 r will I. • a special s ctlon showing baby pa lures taken years ago of grown persons now living in the community atnlelsi when \ll adults who have baby pictures of themselves are requested to . . mu. t ; . committee m ined below re gnrding exhibiting them. All of the summer camps of Transyl vattia 1 aunty have been asked to display tie work ef their handicraft and art classes Th. amps which have respond ed are Keystone, Transylvania and 1 Korwoode. The original Tom Thumb chair will again V» shown. Among the other in t.'r. stini antiques to be exhibited are a ram old Spade tua set. a ITi-year-oUl bed spread and a medical book publish ed in 1331. Miss Helen Morrow, win has been studying photo- rnph.v in New York, will display some of her work, which in Cludcs local mountain scenes. Among the local cabinet makers who will ex lci.it furmturi tire Henry Carrier, W. T. Hrown and Jules Reynolds. The Rre vard Gift Shop is planning a display of tt. ; . pc at.- se prints and h.ind-hnm mered p'wler. The Maryemma Gift Shop \\ iI' exhibit all types of hand work. embroidery, crocheting, quilting and totting. Members of the art committee will be •at the Harris building all day Thursday. July ;3. to receive objects. Those who desire to exhibit may get in touch with Mrs. J. B. Jones or Mrs. C. L. Newland. The club will be glad to ar range sales. Travel Sign Placed At Travelers Rest By Business Men A sign has been erected at Travelers Best this week, and will be used in directing through traffic from the South over United States highway number 25 by way of Caesar's Mead and Brevard to Asheville and other points North and West. Construction of the sign has been un der the supervision of V. Karl Twiggs, with several business people and indivi duals cooperating in taking care of the eypi use of building and erecting the huge sign which cost a little over $150. and Is one of the most elaborate jobs to 1'C seen in this seefloti of the state. There is a matter of $10 still unpaid on the iob, Mr. Twiggs said Wednesday, and any people in Brevard who have not contributed or who care to make further contributions, are asked to contact Mr. Twiggs. Singing Convention At Little River, 19th A singing convention will be held at T.ittle River church Sunday, July 19. from 2 to i o'clock, conducted by W. L. Ida vis. of Saluda. Quartets and special singers from Greenville. Tryon and other cities will lie present. Alt singers are invited to attend. The following calendar of events Is scheduled la Brevard for the coming seven day period. The public is asked to co-operate In making this list complete. All entertainment events should be phoned to The Times office not later than Wednesday of each week. Thursday, July 16'. 13:15 p. m.—Kiwanis Club meet. C OO p, m—Soft ball, college field. 0:00 p m.—Square dance, City Gym. Friday, July 17, 0:00 p. m.—Soft Kill, college field. s:00 p. m.—".Fiesta" Methodist church, Court house lawn. 3:30 p. m — Donkey baseball, high school field. Saturday, July IS. 8:00 p. m.—Junior Order meeting. 8:0n p. m. —Old Fiddler convention at P osrnan. Sunday, July 19, 10:00 a. no.—Sunday school. at all churches. il:00 a. in.—Church services, at all churches. Monday, July 20. i 6:00 p. no.— Soft ball, college field, s :oo p. in.—W. O. W. meeting Tuesday, July 21. \ | oqio p. m. Soft hall, college field. 8:30 p. m.—Community sing, band stand. Ag. Boys Making Trip to White Lake Monday Around 10 farm boys will leave here Monday morning Cor White Lake for j the annual encampment which will he held in the Eastern Carolina renter for one week. The boys, 20 from Brevard high ! school and 20 from Bosnian school, are members of the Young Tar Heel Farm ers clubs of the two school units, and will be accompanied by their teachers, Professors Handall Lyda.v and 1> L. Lunsford. The trip will he made In a large truck fitted up for the event, and after arrival at White Lake the boys will lie housed in the camp lodges provided for tin pur pose there. Fishing, swimming, boating, and other forms of recreation will be cnjnjed by the boys, and one day will be spent at the beach. This feature will be of especial interest to several of tbo boys who have yet to view the ocean. The party expects to return home Saturday. AT LYDAY IIOSI'ITAh Patients reported at Lyday Memorial hospital on Wednesday were: Mrs. O. It. Johnson. John Greenwood, Scott Powers. J. lb Powell, Hezzle Singletary. Herbert Busha. John Price, Mrs. Laddie Owen. Edith Johnson, Kenneth Holden, Miss Imogene Bnllentine, Ralph Gallo way, Virginia Treadwell, Herbert litre Lamar Kilgore and J. E. Sprouse, Jr. Jazzy Moore Arrested; Tells His Subscribers To Newspaperman James I*. (Jazzy) Moore of Kannapolis, goes the banner for giving his readers Aid. the news. Jazzy, formerly a Brevard resi- I dent where he did fine work for The Times while he was taking a special course at Brevard Col lege. was caught speeding along | the state highway nt about 7a j ; mph last Sunday, and while there 1 were no Kannapolis folk in the neighborhood, the Kannapolis ed itor "came through" with the story on page one of the Tuesday afternoon issue like this— "JAZZY MOORE Ik ARRESTED FOR SPEEDING, CITED James /.. Moore, publisher ol j The hide pendent, and Vcnce Bar | j ton, local baseball planer, were I given tickets by stare patrol nun during the week-end, charged with speeding. Moore was nabbed nr the Char [■ lottc-Gastonia highway, making what Patrolman Smart said was 6k miles an hoar. He was cited to appear before Magistrate C. S. |‘ Denny in Charlotte Red Cross Training Responsible for Saving Life of Lightning Struck Girl The Inestimable value of the Red (Toss national agnatic school which is lirlii • aeh summer at Camp Caro lina near tin card was clearly shown last Sunday afternoon when a gradu ate of the 1936 class saved a young girl's life at Camp Peerwoode. Fifteen minutes of resuscitation sav ed th- dfc of a young girl at Camp Deerwoode Sunday afternoon when the child was strut lc by lightning , during a heavy electrical storm. Rnrbaru Willis, 9-yer.r-old duugn ter of Mrs. Edward Willis, of Lexing ton. was knocked to the floor of her cabin, unconsc ions and severely burn ed about tin head, shoulders and ab domen by a lightning bolt that also shocked three other campers. Miss Dorothy Swain, of Asheville, who is a counselor at Deerwoode, im ^ mediately administered artificial res m piration as taught at the Red Cross g school here this summer, and after fifteen minutes the young girl was revived, and was partly conscious when a doctor arrived at camp from I ire van!. Airs. Georse Swift, director of Camp Dcerwoode, is emphatic in her belief that had not Miss Swain been able to take care of the crisis as she did that the outcome of the child's life would have been very doubtful. Tin' child was later given medical attention by I>r. C. L. Newland, o£ Brevard, and is reported to bo im proving rapidly after the near-escape from death. Mrs. Swift quoted the child as saying that she did not know wltaf had happened, and that she has no recollection whatever of the quar ter-hour span when she was hovering on the verge of eternity. Miss Swain, who‘is a daughter of Clerk of Court J. Kd Swain, of Ashe ville. has been a counselor in girls camps for five years, and received her diploma from the- national aquatic school at Camp Carolina in June of this year. Soco Gap Highway—In The Smokies Soro (Jap Highway—leading to eastern entrance to the Great Smoky .Mountains National Park—15 miles from Waynesville, 55 miles from Iireward. At the Gap going into the Park the ele vation is 4.500 feet high Tins svene is halfway down the mountain from the Gap. This was one of Hu many beauty spots in Western North Carolina vhal was visited by the several hundred newspaper people who held a three-day convention in Waynesville last week. WM. D. PELLEY OUT ! FOR U.S. PRESIDENT One Time Interested In Plan To Establish School In Transylvania - I William Dudley rellcy who was at one time interested in organization of a "new College of Thought” or some similar institution, is reported to he on the wist eoast of tile Culled States when- lie is pushing Ids candidacy for the post of president nt the United States on the Christian Party platform. The Asheville man lias as his running mate, one Willard Kemp, of San Diego, Cal., and reports v'hich the two men have sent back !o North Carolina in re gard to their campaign is that "things are wakening up,” and that the battle orv of "Christ or Chaos" is being herald ed by thousands of recruits. rellcy is the organizer and command er of the Silver Shirt l.egion. and was prominently connected with llallahad College in Asheville a collide of years ago. Following a niixnp with Hie blue sky laws of North Carolina the militant leader was heard of but liltle until he opened his campaign in the far west recently. An interesting group of writers and theorists were connected with the or ganization which had a branch at the Kngadlrie Farms near Pisgali Forest a couple of years ago. hut ver> little of the work the party did while in Tran sylvania was made public. Fiddler Convention at Rosman Saturday Night of This Week liOSMAX, July 15.—Musicians of note from many sections are expected to take part in tlie Old Fiddlers Convention which will lie held at the Rosman high school auditorium Saturday evening of this week. The event is being sponsored by the agriculture ' lass of the high school and Rnscom I-ainar Lunsford, of Asheville, known over the entire I’nitcd States as the "Minstrel of the Appalachians," will have charge of the program, and to gether with Professor and Mrs. r.. L. Lunsford, also musicians of the first order, will play several tunes. Cash prizes are being offered for the best single, double, and band present ments. as well as for clog and jig danc ing. and yodeling. Bishop Gribbin Will Speak at St. Philips llishop Robert L. Gribbin. bishop oif the Asheville diocese, will preach at St. Phillips Episcopal church hero Sunday morning at the eleven o'clock hour. Confirmation services will bo hold with the bishop officiating, following which the morning sermon will he given. Huggins-Sentell Reunion Announcement is made of the Hug gins-Sentell reunion, which will be held at the Crab Creek church In Henderson county on Sunday. July 2d. beginning at in o'clock. All relatives and friends of the two families are urged to attend and to bring well filled lunch baskets. “Piesta” Friday Night The piesta, which was announced to be held at the Methodist church Friday night, will be held on the court house lawn, beginning at 8 o'clock on Friday night of this week. Pie slices and whole pies will lie on sale, pie eating contests and other interesting features will be included in the evening’s entertainment. Home Bakery Opened For Business Here Announcement is being mndc of the opening In Brevard of the Home Bakery, which is located in the Philips building on Jordan street, near the post office. The. new Brevard enterprise is being operated by Louis Vasekou. who comes to Brevard from Kentucky, where he has been engaged in the bakery busi ness for nearly forty years. A complete Is being produced daily in the home line of bread and other bakery products owned and operated bakery, and it is entirely possible that the new concern will soon build up a going business. Xew equipment has been placed in the bakery. NEW PAINT JOB FOR COUNTY BUILDINGS Court House and Jail are Being Retouched by Works Prog ress Workmen Transylvania county court house is to have a new coat of paint inside and out, with workmen already engaged on the project. The work is being done through the Works Progress Administration, which unit of the federal government is taking care of major part of the expenses inci dent to the job. All labor and most of the materials for painting the jail and court house is bring furnished by the WPA, with big gest items of expense to be incurred by tip' county on the job being that of new glass to replace broken window panes, putty, hardware, and scaffolding—the entire cost to the county to he less than one hundred dollars. County Accountant Ralph l.yday said. Avery Case is in charge of the job. Roof on the court house and jail has each been painted, and workmen were ready to start on the exterior of the court house the first of this week. In side of the court house will also be gone over by the painters. Canning Projects To Feed Underprivileged Children Are Started Throe canning projects were started in the county on Wednesday, in Bre vard, Bosnian, and Pisgah Forest. They are all under Ihe general supervision of .Miss Jackie Clayton, who has been ap pointed by the WPA district setup for this work. The object of the canneries is to can vegetables, fruits, soup mixtures and other eatables to be used in the school lunch rooms next winter. It is pointed | out that the WPA pays only the sala ries of tiie workers but does not pro vide funds for food or materials to be used in the project. Miss Clayton states that money do ! nations, vegetables or other foods for 'canning or empty fruit jars will he | greatly appreciated for use in this work, Ten dollars for the purchase of jars has already been donated. Miss Clayton re ports, and other cash donations will be gratefully received. The Brevard can nery will be in the school lunch room In the grammar school building. New Service Place Opened By Standard C. C. Gibbs makes announcement th.r: he will occupy the new Standard Fsso station corner of Broad and Jordan streets on Thursday of this week. The new station is one of the most complete stations of its kind in the county, and was erected on the Zachary lot according to latest plans of the Standard super-station requirements. Temperature 92 Wednesday Old Sol ran the thermometer up to 02 here Wednesday afternoon, accord ing to the official weather station at: the city ball. Some there were who vowed “over 100," but 02 was top. Bicycle Fad Coming Back In Community — "On a bicycle built for two...." And the fad is coming back in Bre vard fast—so fast that Loaliu Tinsley has installed a rent-a-bike system at his barber shop on West Main street near the bank, and Is seemingly having no trouble finding plenty of customers both for the single seatcr "vehicles” and the tandems. . Square Dance Slated For Thursday Evening A square dance Is being given at the City Gym on Main street Thursday (this) evening, beginning at 0 o’clock, and invitations have been issued to the general public to attend. The Fisher string band, of Rosman, will furnish the music for the occasion, and people having summer guests in their homes may safely suggest that the music of the Fisher hoys will be worth while. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McIntosh and Mrs. Ralph Fisher will be chaper ones for the occasion. Bible School Closes Work Sunday Night One of the largest Vacation Bthie schools ever held In Brevard Is that now In a 10-day session at the Baptist church, with 178 children enrolled. The majority of the children In attendance are of the Baptist denomination, but many boys and girls from the other churches are ulso enrolled. The school will come to a close Sun day night, at which time commencement exercises will be held at regular Sun day evening church hour. The parents and friends of the children are request ed to be in their places not later than 7:55 o’clock Sunday night, In order not to Interfere with the program to begin at 8 o'clock. There will bo a young folks' proces sion and demonstration classes by the children. This will be Billowed by "open house" In the Sunday school rooms, where handiwork done by the boys and gfrls will be shown. The faculty and assistants In tho Bible school include: Mrs. Knox Del.ong. principal; Lewis Hamlin, secretory; the Rev. Paul Hart sell, Mrs. E. it. Pendleton, the Rev. Richard Moore. Mrs. A. J. Bedding-field. Mrs. A. B. Galloway, Mrs. Martin Tur t.yfill. Miss Lucille Michael, Miss Eliza beth Trice, Miss Mabel Gillespie, Mrs. John Evans, Mrs. Melvin Gillespie, Miss Margin Ray Snelson. Mrs. W. C. Hunter. Miss Mario Galloway, Mrs. Joe Poole, Mrs. Allison, Miss Ora Holt I-ong, Mrs. George fcMmpson, Mrs J. B. Jones, Mrs. Walter Duckworth, Mrs. Carl Eldridge. Miss Carolyn Ashworth, Miss Essie Mull, Miss Anita Galloway, Miss Grace Duckworth, Miss Lena Allison, Miss Fannie McGehee. Mrs. E. J Coltrane, Randall Lyday, B. D. Franklin. Dr. Bailey Kiwanis Club Speaker Today Dr. Thomas Pear re Bailey will be guest speaker at the meeting of the Brevard Kiwanis club Thursday at 12:15 at the meeting to be held at the England Home. Dr. Hatley, recognized as one of the leading educators and psy chologists of the South, Is connected with Hollins College at Winter Park Fla., and is spending his summer here with Mrs. Bailey at Eagles Nest Camp. Dr. Bailey will discuss Boy Scout work and its bearing on community development. Two nu mbers of the loeal Scout troop which is sponsored by the Kiwanis dub will also be guests of the dub at the luncheon meet. Dogwood Mill Finds Classified Ads Pay A. E. Tinsley, who is operating the dogwood mill opposite the Brevard high school, is another firm believer in using tlie want ads, and believes in the 26 centers after he has proven them. Two weeks ago, A. E. bought out the interest of J. H. Tinsley In the dogwood shuttle block mill which is being oper ated opposlto the Brevard high school, and placed a, want ad In The Times offering to pay *20 per cord for dog wood delivered at his place on Broad street. Mr. Tinsley had such good results from the small ad that he is convinced as he puts it—"Every body must read The Times, and the want ads, too.” Mt. Moriah Cemetery Working on Saturday People who have relatives and friend: buried in the Mt. Moriah cemetery ari requested by officers of the two Mt Moriah churches to assist in cleaning the graveyard on Saturday of thi: week. All who will aid in the work are re quested to be present at 7 o’clock Sat urday morning, and bring tools foi working . MISS BREVARD WILL BE SELECTED HERE NEXT THURSDAY EVE Shirley Temple Doll For Lit tle Girls—Swimming Pool Program The Brevard swimming pool and huu Iness houses of Brevard are sponsoring a beauty show on July 23, to be given at the pool The show will start at 3:30 o’clock. The show will be divided Into two parts—first, a "Shirley Temple" content, for girls between the ages of four and nine years. The winner of this contest will be given a Shirley Temple doll, donated by the Clemson Theatre. The second part will corslet of girls repre senting business houses, anti three prizes wdl be awarded, first prize win ner to be crowned Miss Brevard. Thirty-five firms have already enter ed their beautiful representatives, and it is expected that the number of young ladies will reach the 50-mark. Those ! flints which have not entered a repre isaotallve are requested to see Coach Krnest Tilson immediately. There Is no entry charge, and admission at the beauty show" on July 23 lias been set at a minimum figure of ten rents, tins money to be used in paying for prizes. The following firms have already made entry, and list of their representa tives will be announced In next week's Times: Maofle Drug store. United Variedy store, Gift Shop, Gibbs' Service Station, K. & M. Auto Repair, Hunter's Barbe cue, Hayes Motor Co., Truntham's De partment store. Poinsetto Cafe. Dixie Cleaners, Whiteway Cleaners, Ruth's Beauty Shop, Canteen Cafe, City Mar ket. Ward’s News Stand, Dong's Drug Co., Plummer’s Dept. Store. Dixie Store, Mull's StorC Groceries), Austin’s Stu j dio. Galloway s Cafe. A. & P. Stores. General Electric, Central Market, Me ' Fee Gift Shop, Ray & Williams Grocer ies, B. k B. Feed and Seed Co.. Radford House. Tinsley’s Barber Shop. Simp son's Barber Shop. Tharp’s, Bradley'? Store, Moore Hardware. Patton’s Store, Nobby Shop, Blue Bonnet Beauty Shop. Duckworth Motor Co.. Transylvania Times, McCrary’s Auto Service. The name?: of the entrants will appear In next week’s paper for this contest. I Symphony Orchestra To Play Here Soon Arrangements are being marie by the Bureau of Information to bring the North Carolina Symphony Orchestra to Brevard during the latter pan of July or the first part of August for a con cert. This orchestra is regarded as the out standing organization of Its kind In (lie South, and the more than one thousand Brevard people who heard the 40-ploco unit her several weeks ago are elated over tne prospects of hearing the full orchestra of 71 pieces which will come to Brevard. The orchestra will be sent here through the WFA. which is sponsoring the musical work, and cost of admission for the concert will not be over 25 cents, according to telephone conversation with W. E. Breese. district director, Wednesday. This charge will be made In order to defray expenses cf bringing the orchestra from Asheville to Brevard. Community Sing Will Be Held Tuesday Eve The weekly community singing, spon sored by the Brevard Music Lovers' club will be held at the band stand on tho court house lawn Tuesday evening, be ginning at S:30 o’clock. A. B. Carter land his orchestra will furnsih music, I also special numbers will be featured. Donkey Baseball Friday Night Kiwanis Club VS. Brevard All Stars -LITTLE SELL "BIG UIKF" j Something new in Brevard—donkey baseball—will be tried out here Friday night of this week when members of the Brevurd Kiwants elub will play ar. all star Brevard business men's team oil i ho high school field. The game will start (or rather will be called) at 8:SO o'clock, and the play will be started as soon as the donkeys get going. The event is being sponsored by the Bureau of Information as a part of the summer's entertainment program, and business men of the town and Kl wanis members arc playing for far less than Babe Ruth ever did in order that the event may be worthwhile. Under rules or donkey naseoan— ana there are twelve real donkeys to be used in the game (including "Little Nell" and "Uig Mike" shown above) fielding, base running, and all plays in the game with the exception of the pitching, catching and batting, is done from the backs of the temperamental beasts that “go and come when the notion strikes" rather than when the batter strikes a ball. Floodlights are being erected on the field, and grandstand seats provided, and the hour and one-half entertaining play is expected to draw hundreds of reople. The donkeys for use in the game aro being brought T u i i •* from Asheville where th< iking part in daily game ‘ t*n days. People from 1' "ho have attended the Ashevlll. i- >' baseball games are enthusiastic me pros pects of seeing some of I ri's busi ness leaders endeavor to > donkw around the bases on a heu ' ' A charge of 15 and 25 e : wiP I made, proceeds to go into the I tun u ' Information fund. Listed as players ror tne iw-vum .ui Istar donkcy-ites are Anthonj Tran I tham, A. L. York. Bill Bridges. D. L. Moore, Ruel Hunt, Donald Jenkins. Harold Norwood, J. R. Neill, George Nicholson, Earl Twiggs, Frank Duck worth, Harry Stroud, with several oth er players to be recruited before the game starts Friday night at 3:30. Playing on the Kiwanis clul' mtio (besides the donkeys) will be Willis Brittain. Dr. Harold Bradley, Rev. J. H. Brendall, Brown Carr, E. J. Coitrane, ,T. M. Gaines, Freeman Hayes, Bill Fetzer, Lew s'Hamlin, Rev. Paul Hari ! 3eil, J. B. Jones, Terry Jerome. Pat Klmzey. Robert Kimzey, Dr, C. ,L. New land. Harry Fatton, Ralph Ramsey, Harry Sellers, and Rev. John Simmons.

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