Only Newspaper Published In Transylvania County _____ VOL. 41: NO. 31. BREVARD. NORTH CAROLINA—THURSDAY. JULY 30, 1936. tl.00 PER YEAR lNTRANSYLVAHIA COUNTY SAVANNAH GIRL DIES WHEN HIT BY AUTO _ *r, -- > t Brevard Negro Charged With Death—Trial Set For Thursday Morning Miss Hazel Harvey, attractive 22 year okl daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Harvey, of Savannah, Ga„ was Instantly killed Monday morning about eight o’clock when sh° was sltuck by a car driven by Eddie Young, Brevard negro. The young girl was killed as she walked along the Boylston highway near the home of Captain Bill Fetzer. The young negro driver leaped from his car immediately utter his car struck th" girl and fled. He was captured Tuesday afternoon, and brought to the county jail where he is held on a charge of manslaughter. The negro will be tried in Superior court here Thursday morning before Judge H. Hoyle Sink. Senutor Balph H. Kantsey has been retained by Young in the case. .miss tiarvey nau oecu visiting I O'I aunt. Mrs, B. M. Parker. In Brevard for sometime, and had made a wide circle of friends since coming here. She had ridden down the Boylston highway with some friends early in the morning and was hiking hack along the highway when she was struck from behind by the speeding ear. Her neck was broken, left shoulder crushed, left leg broken, and otherwise bruised about the body. James Barton, truck driver for the Osborne dairy, had just passed the young lady as she walked along the edge of the highway. At a coroner's impost held Monday morning before Coroner C. S. Osborne. Barton testified that the young lady was well off the pavement as his truck passed her. She was walking on the left side of the roan. Carton said that immediately after his truck had passed the girl, he heard a crash and looked back to sec the "id's body just after it had evidently l ecu slammed up on the front of the iar. He said that he stopped his truck and as tie started >aok. lie saw a negro jump cut from under the steering wheel of the movirg car and flee across the pasture and Into the brush nearby. Tin girl was dead. Carton testified at Hie Inquest before he reached her. A young negro man. Walter Smith, of 1!revard, was in the car with Eddie Young when Miss Harvey was killed, and he testified that tie stopped the car after it had gone nearly fifty yards from the spot where Miss Harvey was struck. Carton tes ified that the r.'gro who fled was the one driving the car. Sheriff Tom Wrod was immediately telephoned to from tlie Fetzcr residence, anil went to the one. along with Or. »\ E. Newland. However, the girl was killed instantly, and there was nothing in the way of assistance that could be rendered. Tin body was brought to the Kilpat rick Undertakers in Brevard, and the /Continued o.i Back Pane.) t ... - Typhoid Clinic Will Be Held Friday Morn at Enon School House Dr. e a worker in each church, a sim ultaneous enlargement campaign, as it ! is termed. Bach church or Sunday school to get a worker will meet this group of workers at Brevard Sunday at 2:30 when the workers will be distribut ed and earried to the several churches. [,. B. Morgan is in the Buncombe asso ciation this week with his force. N, L. Ponder, Superintendent. Tax Rates Will Be Taken Up Monday Tax rate for the county of Transyl vania and the town of Brevard will be special business of the two governing boards which are scheduled to meet next Monday and Monday night. The county tax rate will In all proba bility remain at $1.55 on the hundred dollars valuation, while the town rate | will very probably he cut to around j $1.35. Western Carolina To Be Given Publicity August issue of the National Geogra phic magazine contains an elaborate story and colored pictures of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. A full page map of the park, together with 21 pictures go to make up an arti cle of 25 pages length as prepared by a special writer for the Geographic. I Head Named Chief Officer Of Legion M. K. Head was elected commander of Monroe Wilson Post of the American Legion at a meeting held Friday night. Mr. Head, who is connected with Smith's Barber shop, has been active in ex-service men's affairs for years, and served the past year as vice commander. Commander Head succeeds F. Brown Carr in the position. j Other officers selected by the Brevard post include—Professor J. B. Jones, vice commander: Ralph R. Fisher, adjutant; Ralph J. Duckworth, finance officer; I Bert H. Freeman, service officer: Ho ward D. Wyatt, sergeant at arms; Ju lian A. Glazener, chaplain; W. P. Dun can, employment officer: F. Brown Carr, chairman of membership commit tee. ' Other committees and chairmen will lie named by Commander Head to fill the several posts attendant to the Le gion. The local post was reported at the meeting to he in the best shape in a number of years, with a large group of new members having recently been add ed to the membership roll. An active membership campaign is being planned by the post, and it is expected that with the increase in membership activities of the post will be broadened to fill a spe cific place in affairs of the community. Drake Reunion Sunday Annual Drake family reunion will be I held at Pleasant Hill church, next Suni day, according to announcement made | by members of the family. The reunion will be an all-day affair, and those at tending arc requested to bring dinner | baskets. Round Dance To Be Given Here Thursday |. .First public round dance of the season will be given at the City Gym on Thurs day evening of this week, it has been announced by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc Intosh, who have been sponsors at two previous social events which were square dances. The Buccaneers orchestra from Ashe ville will play for the round dance on Thursday night of this week. The Fisher string band has been playing for the square dances that Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh have put on. steadily. Clarence O. Ridings was here Monday and Tuesday to represent the state In criminal cases. A. Emerson Eve of Asheville is acting court stenogra pher. Major case to be tried at the criminal term was that of state against Ed Mackey, Brevard negro who was charg ed with entering the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Holliday on Prcbart street several months ago. Lewis P. Hamlin, represent'ng the defendant submitted a plea of second degree burglary Monday afternoon, whtch was accepted by the state. After hearing evidence in the Mackey case, Judge Sink sentenced the young negro man to not less than fifteen nor more than thirty years in the peniten tiary. A number of lesser Important cases were heard during the two days, most, of them being submissions. Hubert Batson Heads County BTU Groups Hubert Batson of Carrs Hill was elected president of the Transylvania County Baptist Training Union ut the annual convention held last Sunday at Cherryfield Baptist church. Miss Hybernla Shipman of Little Kiver was named associate director. Other officers of the county organiza- j tion Included—Miss Grace Hamilton of Carrs Hill, secretary and treasurer; Miss Ruth Morgan, of Calvert, pianist; Paul Glazener, of Calvert, chorister; Ralph H. Ramsey, Jr„ of Brevard, se nior adult leader; Miss Beatrice Sisk, of Rosman, junior leader; Miss Geneva Taxton, of Calvert, upper district lead er; Miss Frances Bishop, of Cetiar Mountain, center district leader; Valry Carter, of Pisgah Forest, lower district leader. Carrs Hill church was selected as con vention place for the 1937 convention which will meet on the fourth Sunday in July. 1937 in an all day session. An interesting program was held dur ing the day, with various unions taking part. The Rev. M. I* I-ewis. pastor of the Cherryfield church, was speaker at the morning session. At the noon hour a bountiful dinner was served by the people of the Cherry field section, and the afternoon session followed the luncheon with a varied program. Reports, and recognition of the churches represented, and the election of officers took up the ufter I noon session, together with talks by the Rev. C. \V. Hilemon and the district leader from Henderson county. The following resolution was adopted by the convention and request made that it he published in The Times: 1— Resolved. That we strive to obtain at least one BTU organization in each district. 2— We resolve that each church in the three districts report on some mission ary and personal service work done In their church during each quarter. 3— We resolve that each general sec retary from each church send in a re port to the district secretary to be read at the district meeting. 1—We resolve that we shall do more praying to God in order to succeed in these resolutions, and to build up Christ's work. [ McGuire Reunion Is Set For Next Sunday The McGuire family reunion will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. R McGuire in the Penrose section, next Sunday. Around three or four hundred mem bers of the family and friends are ex pected to attend the annual occasion which has been mcetlnp in Jackson county for the past several years. Those who attend are requested to brinp well filled dinnnr baskets. Cathey Creek Church Meets Saturday Night A conprepatlonal session of the Cath ey's Creek Baptist church is called for Saturday evenlnp of this week for elec tion of a pastor. The mcetinp will lie held at eipht o'clock, and officials of the church re quest that ail members he present for the special mcetinp. Hamlin at Kiwanis Lewis T. Hamlin will have charpe of the propram at the weekly mcetinp of Brevard Kiwanis club to lie held at the Knpland Home on West Main street Thursday at noon. "Citizenship” will lie topic of Mr. Hamlin's discussion. -- ■ — Revival Services at Mt. Moriah, Calvert Revival services will continue through the week at Mt. Moriah, Calvert church, conducted by the pastor, Rev. M. I,. Lewis. The singing is in charge of Prof. ,T. W. Ke3terson. of Horse Shoe. Ser vices are held each day at 11 o'clock a. m.. and 8:00 o’clock at night. The public Is cordially Invited. Music Program To Be Given Here Thursday "Piddlin' Art" and his Roamin' Cow boys" will give a concert at the Brevard high school auditorium on Thursday night of this week, the program to start at 8 o’clock. The program Is under the sponsorship of the young men’s class of the Pres byterian church, and was supposed to have been given last Saturday night, but was postponed. FLOWER SHOW WILL BE HELD AUGUST l Ca*h Prizes Will Be Given In Ten Classes—In structions Made The annuel Flower Show will be held Friday, August 7, by the Brevard Civic club <11 the club room two doors below the postoffice on Jordan street. Everyone who raises flowers Is asked by the club officials to exhibit, and re quested to bring the flowers to the club room by 10 o’clock Friday morning, August 7. Those In charge are anxious to have the flowers stay fresh as long as possible, and therefore suggest that the flowers be cut between 5 and 6 o’clock on the morning of the show. instructions are to put the flowers in water up to their necks immediately af ter cutting, and let them stqy there un disturbed for at least two hours. This will lessen wilting. Judging vdll take place around 12 o’clock, and all flowers must be in their respective classes, ready to be Judged by that e awann-u iu»u»b, the classes, style of entry, and the first and second prizes given respectively: Class 1—Petunia; best collection, First prize $1, second prize 50 cents. ClaBS 2—Nasturtium;best bowl. First prize SI, second prize 50 cents. Class 3--Asters; best collection (not less than 6 nor more than 12.) First prize $1. second prize 50 cents. Class 4—Calendulas; best collection. First prize $1. second prize 50 cents. Class 5—Snapdragons; best collection (not less than 6 nor more than 12) First prize $1, second prize 60 cents. Class 6—Marigolds; best collection (not less than 6 nor more than 12). First prize *1. second prize 50 cents. Class 7—Zinnias; Best collection; (a) Giant type (not less than « nor more than 12). First prize 60 cents, se cond prize 25 cents. (t>) Small type (not less than 0 nor more than 12). First prize 50 cents, se cond prize 25 cents. Class 8—Gladiolus; best collection (not less than 0 nor more than 12). First prize $1, second prize 50 cents. Class !)—Dahlias; Best collection: (a) Large type (not less than 6 nor more than 12). First prize $1, second prize 50 cents. (b) Small or Pompons (not less than 6 nor more than 12). First prize $1, sec ond prize 50 cents. Class 10—Miscellaneous: (a) Distinctive variety. First prize 50 cents, second prize 25 cents. (b) Artistic arrangement. First prize 50 cents, second prize 25 cent?;. The flower show will lie open to the public from 1 o'clock until to o'clock p. m., and a silver offering will be taken at the door to help defray expenses. Benefit Party Will Be Held On Tuesday A lienofit party will be held at the Civic club room on Jordan street Tues day evening, August 4. from 8 to It o'clock, sponsored by the flower show committee of the club. Those desiring to make reservations may do so by calling Mrs. David Ward or Mrs. J. S. Si'.versteen. All players a re requested to bring their own cards and games. Many attractive prizes have been donated for ihe affair. A small admission fee will be charged, nnd proceeds from the evening’s enter tainment wili go into the prize fund for the flower show which Is io be staged here on Friday, August 7th. Members cf the civic club will have tickets on sale for the evening on Thursday of this week. Patton Named Head County Grand Jury J. J. Palton was named as foreman of the grand jury In session here this week, and A. P. Stanley made special of ficer. Other members of the grand jury in oTu*ie«l—.1. S. Bromfleld, A, C. Price. R C. Cordell, Frank Wilson. J. K. Mills. J F. Hayes, Alfred G. Galbraith, Charles F. Moore, D. H. Orr, Ilansell Bentley Marvin McCall, Joe Blythe, Ernest R Allison. T. B. Crary. J. B. Petit, Free man Hayes. L. D. Gillespie A. Emerson Eve, of Asheville, well known In Brevard where he has served for many terms of court as stenogra pher, Is again acting In that capacity. — At Lyday Hospital Patients reported at Lyday Memorial hospital on Wednesday were: Mrs. H. R. Hockmuth. Pauline Galloway. Mrs. Jesse Chnpmnn, Mrs. I,addle Owen, Edith Johnson. Kenneth Holden. John Greenwood, Virgil KUpatrlek, Rhett Talley, W. M. Frady, Judge Chns. H. Moorman, Louisville, Ky.. Ralph H. Ramsey. Dr. Thompson Speaker At Morning Service* Dr. W. T. Thompson will preach at the Brevard Presbyterian church Sun day morning at 11 o’clock, according to an announcement of the pastor, the Rev. J. r. Simmons. Dr. Thompson, professor of religious education at Union Theological Semi nary, Richmond, Va.. Is well known in Brevard, being one of the directors of Camp Carolina and having spent a number of summers here. He is widely recognized as an outstanding speaker and preacher. Last Sunday morning the local Pres byterian pulpit was filled by the Rev. Z, T. Piephoff, Presbyterian pastor at NVilliamston, and now in charge of the religious program at Camp Sapphire.