VOL. 42: NO, 15. ^_ TWO FARM SALES GO J)N COUNTY RECORDS Clough Farm, C. F. Woodfin Place Sold To Outside Business Men Two outstanding property ii'.msfc's were recorded In the icmstci nr deeds office last week, entailing ever $.>0,000 ami nearly 2,000 m r>‘s »f farm land. \V. K. Smith, prominent Imsim ss ma n of Marion, and former Brevard furni ture ilealer, purchased th> CNnnrh harm northeast of Brevard, and lying >l<>i - the French Broad riv • ;»r a i1 >' * ■ ’ * 1 ' to I'*1 in excess of $IO.»t»' Mr. Smith has hoi " ! '"s plans for the development , oi me perty. hut he is ex pec t> •’ 1' this tasi of this yeai 1 1'1 '■ IntiM a homo on the : i ;>ul'. , s business connections in I cnen and Marion. The Clough farm i " ' of the best pieces of farmin Western North Paidina an«: '•» a ^ high state of cultivation. P Henrx S. Randolph » :i''1 iai’U School. Swuntmnoa. has purchased to** C. F. Woodfin place at r. r- •* o, i prisimr approximately mo a i»> • lan l* This property also lies well, bordering on the French It road. with excellent water and pasture land. Professor Randolph plans to develop his property, and "ill probnhl> imi 1 several cottages there this year. Mr. Woodfin has moved to rampohello. S. (\ Mrs. Franklin Again Heads Brevard PTA Annual election of Tfl'er* anirel the \prit and last meetlnp for the year of the rnr. nt-Teaehcr a*- elation held Monday afternoon t the elementary school hull'll tip. The followin'-: officers.were elfctrd for the ensuinp year: Ptcsi • .' Mrs P. P. Franklin: vice-president. Mrs. Goode 1 .oftis: secretary. Mi P ( Austin: treasurer, Mrs J. Henon. ks. Included in the business traesictions was the election of Mrs. it. P. htankltn as delegate to the National Conercss ■! Parents and T' C'lous whiiii will met in Kicluuond. Va.. in May. Mrs. Goode t.oftis, representin'- the Fortnlphtly eluh. snonsors of the Tran sylvania cancer cnmpalpn. presented tin aims of the campaign apainst ennoer. The P. T. A. took a membership in th American Society for the Control ol Cancer. An interesting iroaram. presented by Professor Mvin Moore and his music pupils, preceded the business session. The following took part on the pro pram: Fred Glazeuer saxophone solo. "The Old Refrain." accompanied by Mr. Moore; Frances Walker piano solo, "Grown Eyed Susans Nod Their Heads”; Catherine Simpson piano solo. “Amaryllis"; Paul* .Tones, piano sol >. "Danclnp Doll." On WCTC Honor Roll OUI.I.OWUKK. April II Three Transylvania students at Western Caro lina Toa<h*r* (VIUmjp ar> lifted on the winter quarter honor roll hero. They are Janies Denver. Brevard; Thelma Calloway. Bosnian: and Trnett IL nder son. Lake Toxaway. SENIOR CLASS PLAY BE GIVEN FRIDAY EVE Brevard High School Grads Present Annual Drama On April 16th : Tlv- sere-,- vH.s (.f I ’.re vat'! high; school \v:il -e'i■ I' Hearted Her- J hort ’’ a Cfttv f he; *u Friday I evening at *d-!‘t o\ «■ . .t the hi-zh | school auditorium The play. " • I? rwu-wents one of the m<\s junhtti■*•• up !• ttakinvs of th hlch school group, is :h» story of Kliza ’ »th K ilr- - t * 1111 * ' ri fined woman, who went < hlldr* o to have the host of advaptn;:*'*.:. an.] Herbert Kalness, 1 her w« Ithy n a nufa' Mirer-husband. • who he?».*ves that what w is good J enough f«*r him in his poverty-stricken ; ehildh.! is ood * r.-niL’h for his chil dren. Elizabeth has managed through the years to sav> enough from the house morv y to make their home com fortable nd attractive. Herbert, how ever. sn>f n-nlizing these little comforts, believe•• with t v. I That he is living la the sent ■ lain manner of the former yoc rs. The < h'd'* •• .tf> ot umWs*,und their father's mv-erbt' ss nor his tyrannical ways and are unwilling to accept his ultimatum on their future careers. How Eliza b dh brings Herbert to rec ognize and r*-jpect other people's wishes and be more • >? a father and less of a tyrant, is M •' theme of this highly entertaining comedy of character. The cast a < haracters includes: Xin ; Lou Hustin. as Elizabeth Kalucss: Earl Ashworth, as Herbert: Kathryn Fulton, as Alice, their daughter; Roy Carter, as Junior, their son- Lewis Earl Jack son. as Robert, their youngest child; Charles Allen, as Andrew Goodrich. Alice's fiancee: George Souther anl Ruby TVrmid as Andrew’s father an 1 mother;. Jane Tongue as Amy Law rence. Elizabeth's wealthy sister: Rill/ Nicholson as Jim Lawrence. Amy’s hus band; Richard Enloe as Mr. Havens. Herbert’s best customer: Irene Tinsle> as Mrs. Havens; and Mary Hidden as Martha the laundress., who helps Eliz abeth once a week. Alvin Moore. Mrs. Melvin Gillespie and the high school Glee club will ren der musical selections between the acts of the play. * Declines To Run Former Mayoi J. C. WIKE asks The Times to state for him that he is not a candidate at this time for mayor of Brevard. Mr. Wike said that a number of peo ple in Brevard had asked him to make the race, hut that Interests which he is now connected with will necessarily take him tiwaj from Brevard for a con siderable part of his time during the next two years, and further, that he does not want to oppose the re-election of Mayor \ It. Harris, who has an nounced for the office. Mr. Harris served under me as a nu mber of the board of aldermen and mayor pro tem while I was head of the town government in 10.TI and '35." Mr. Wike said, "and l regard him as a highly efficient tnan and especially fitted for the place of mayor.” Further. Mr. Wike said. "I do not want to jeopardize in any way the v r.v favorable debt settlement plan which the mayor and his hoard are working on. 1 appreciate the fact that there arc so large a group of people in Brevard who would like to have me electa l mayor, hut taking all things into con sideration. I think it unwise at this tinu to make a change." Stamp Collectors Meet All those interested in stamps and stamp collections are asked to meet at the home of Harold Norwood, 210 Pro tiart street. Thursday night at 8:15 o'clock. Rosman Boy Will Be Featured Over WAIM A. M. White. Jr., of Rosman, who is a student at Furman University, will bo heard in two piano solos over radio station WAIM. Anderson. S. C.. on Thursday afternoon of this week, at 3:30 o'clock. Mr. White, who is a talented pianist, will play. "Jesn. Joy of Man's Desiring.” iiy llach. and ‘Sursum Corda." by Liszt. The iwo numbers are pnrf of a program being sponsored by Furman University. Tax Listers Working In Brevard Township Tax listing and assessing will start In Brevard township Thursday morning, according to plans of the hoard. Work was finished ii Boyd Township Tuesday of listing ami revaluing real property. The heard, composed of B. W. Tran tl.Am. Carl Talley, and W. M. Henry will list outside of the town of Brevard ibis' v.- ok and possibly part of next week. I" fore starting i:t fhe town limits. 7th Grade Exercises To Be Held April 27 . i Graduation exercises tor the Brevar 1 elementary school will l»e held Tuesday evening. April 27th. at 7:80 o’clock. a<-* < '*rdinur to announcement hy .1. E. Ruf ty. principal. Complete announcement of the* pro gram will be carried In next week’s Times. --— County Agent Urges Corn Contest Entries t.l. .t. r;la.~rnrr. County Aarnt.) As we think of porn planting tini". may we think of planting at least one ac re of prize winning corn. Transylva nia farmers just got too much pride and determination to lose a good thing aft t once they have won it. .lust one way to hold the production corn growing record over nu:* friends in the neighboring county and that is to produce more corn per acre than they do and at a lower cost p< r bushel. The more farmers we have in this contest, the more good we will get out of it: a finer spirit of cooperation will be shown and last but not least, our chances for winning Will be better. Select your best piece of ground, see that a good 3eed bed is prepared. TTse the very best seed corn available of an adapted variety. Fertilize well using tin1 kind and amount recommended by the experiment station for this section. Do a real job of cultivation and if you don't win a production prize, you will greatly profit by your increased yield. At least 100 farmers is the goal that has been sot for Henderson county en tries, according to Information from the county agent, with a targe group al ready signed up. ROSMAN SCHOOL TO GIVE PLAY APRIL 27 Fashion Show and Reception Will Be Held Wednesday Of Next Week KOSMAN. April 14—Senior class play of llosinan high school will he given in the auditorium here on April 27th, at S o’clock. The piano recital of pupils of Miss Elizabeth Whitmire will be given on Thursday evening of next week. April 22nd. The fashion show and reception of the home economics girls will be given on Wednesday of next week, with tip* show to he held in the morning, and the reception will lie held in the after noon. (tirls of 'ho homo economics class under Miss Joan Coleman, have made articles in clothing which they will wear and display at the fashion show in the morning, and the articles will also he on display in the afternoon. The junior class play was given Thursday evening of last week, and was well reeeived by a large aildiene ■. Other events of the commencement exercises will ho announced in next week's Times. Tanner Baseball Nine Will Play 21 Games Transylvania Tanners of the Indus trial leairue will play 21 Karnes duriiiff the season, according to the schedule which has been worked out by At Kyle, local nonlaser and secretary of (lie league. Brevard opens the season here Satur day. April 17. with Enka, and other scheduled games follow. April 21 Brevard at Hazelwood. May 1 Ilcacoi. at Brevard. May S Trvoti ol Brevard. May 1 r, Brevard at Hro' n Itiver. May 22 Sayles at Brevard. May 20 Brevard at Canton. June Brevard at Enka. June 12 Hazelwood at Brevard. June tk -Brevard at Beacon. June 2fi -Brevard at Tryon. .Vccoad Half July S- dreen (liver at Brevard (dou ble-header.) July 10 Brevard at Beason. July 17 Canton at Brevard. July 2 i Enka at Brevard. July .'ll Brevard at Hazelwood. August 7 Tryon at Brevard. August )! Brevard at Sayles. August 21- Sayles at Brevard. August 28 -Brevard at Canton. All County Schools Will End Terms 28th —— , All schools of Transylvania county will close on Wednesday, April 23, ac cording to County Superintendent J. B, Jones. In the graduating classes of the two high schools nre 99 pupils, and In the seventh grade graduating classes 173 white children and 15 colored. Brevard high lends in number In tile graduating class with 93, and Rosrmri has 31. Brevard elementary has the largest number in the seventh grade 95; Bosnian, 29. Other schools and numbers in the seventh grade classes are as follows; Balsam Grove. 3; Connestee. 8; T,it>11 ltiver. I I: l.ake Toxaway. 3; Montvale, 2; Old Toxaway, 2; Penrose, t; Plsguli Forest. 21; Quebec, 7; Selica. 3; Silvcr ! stern. I. Glade Creek colored lias 2 in tla*■ grad uating class, and Rosenwald coloreil n‘ Brevard has 13. A. K. Orr Funeral To Be Held Thursday — A. K. Orr. Sr., for years prominent in [business circles in Transylvania county, died at his Asheville home Wednesday morning after an illness of several yea rs. Funeral services will lie held Thurs day afternoon at 3 o’clock from the Central Methodist church. Mr. Orr who was a brother of the late O. 1*,. Orr spent twelve nr more years in this county having been con nected with the Toxaway company and the Transylvania Railroad company. Tic was secretary-treasurer of the Transyl vania Railroad company while if was an active corporation ami retained that po sition until the time of his death serv ing after the road was merged with the Southern. Air. urr leii itrevuro in i.on ano iouk the position of division freight njfont •villi the Southern, lte was deeply in terested in the premiss and growth of 'T.revitrd and Tninsylvunia county and went our of Ids wuv on many oecaslons to r*-nder assistance in nromotina any thin!; beneficial to thin community. Mr. ore was tviei murrlcd and is survived hy his widow one sou and otic daanhter. It Is ex pet ted that u ntim licr of Ili'-Mird people will attend the j funeral services in Ashevltlo Tliursdny [for ’lie well Jilted man. -—-> Dunn’s Creek Meeting A reorganization of the Ihinn's Ore<*k l’.uptlst church on See Off will he made | next Sunday moraine. All olil members | of tills church and Sunday school are | urged to be present at 10 o'clock and help Iri the reorganization. Summer Visitor Heads Macon Rotary Club JAMES T. McOKHKE. of Macon. Ga., ami Brevard, has been elected president of the Macon Rotary cdub. Mr. McGehee is well known in Brevard where he is a frequent visitor, and where his fam ily spends a part of each year. Mr. McGehee is in business in the Georgia city, as president and treasurer of the Macon Paper company. He plans to visit Nice. France, this summer as a delegate from the Macon Rotary club, und will be accompanied by Mrs. Mc Gehee. They plan to leave about May 22nd. Safety Sabbath To Be Observed In Churches Firemen of the town of Brevard aild other officials have been invited to at tend the special services at Brevard Methodist church Sunday evening. The firemen will be honor guests of the service which will bo In charge of the pastor, who is joining in the state wide "Safety Sabbath" movement. The Carolina Motor Hut, is sponsor of the movement to make people safety consoious, and ministers, newspapers, and other agencies arc- co-operating to bring to the attention of the public the matter of public safety, on the high ways. streets, and other placeB where [accidents are likely. Kev. Vaneev C. Elliott will also stress I "Safely Sabbath" at hoth services Sun Iday at the Baptist church. J , ■ ..a..-. ...— New Postoffice Building NOT Brevard Marion has secured the above beautiful federal building, which was formally opened for business Monday morning of this week. Brevard is still on the “hope ful” list and clings to the promises which'have been given over and over. Kiwanis Meets Today | Thu “Supreme Court" question will jb» explained at the Thursday meeting I of Brevard Kiwanis flub to lie held at the England Home. Ralph II. Ramsey, Jr., has been requested by the program committee to give the everyday high lights of the much-mooted controversy. Commissioners Order Collection of Notes All r< meininp notes, mortgages, and deeds in trust which tne county holds from tlie liquidation of the Brevard Banking company assets which were pledged as collutcval with the county for deposits, have been turned over to County Attorney Bat Kimttcy with in structions to collect same. The enmniiNsioners met Monday and went over the list of paper, and in structed the attorney and County Ae countunt Ralph I.yday to proceed with collections, and instructed the county attorney to take such legal steps as he found necessary for collection. The commissioners issued an order to the effect that any person could fake up their paper by paying ont-half the principal and Interest. However, this offer only holds good until May 15, when and after collections will be forced under the order issued. The county billdtt approximately $150 - 000 of tilt closed bank's paper, rangnig in amounts from a few dollars to sev eral tiiotmand. Farm Meeting Monday Farmers and farm ladies of tlie Little River section are scheduled to meet Monday evening at the school building, with Professor Randal Lyday and MKs Ainslee Alexander as leaders of the two study groups. Last Monday evening about SO ladles and 30 men attended the meeting at Little River. Amateur Night The second annual amateur night ! program will be conducted at Brevard College. Saturday night at eight o'clock | in the college auditorium. Fifteen stu 1 dents will appear in the contest, and I prizes "ill he awarded the first three places. Three feature acts have been arranged for intermissions. The admis sion is ten cents. ***************************************************** t Baseball Holds Three-Day Spotlight Here » ■k * W wTgwwrwwTrwwwwW w WWW w w m w w w « AVIth the high school ending the home season Friday, the Tanners open - lng their season Saturday, and the Col lege nine meeting Mors Hill here Thurs day. Brevard baseball fans will se,- plen ty of action on the htcrh school field this week. Coach Hanson's college crew meets the Mars Hill nine at 3 o'clock on the high school field Thursday, in what promises to he a hard game for the locals. Hendersonville high comes here for the last game of the high school season Friday afternoon at 3:30, and as usual this game is expected to draw a good at tendance Car land or Morris will prob ably start the game for the Tllson men. On Thursday the high school play? at Saluda In a return game. The Bre vard aggregation defeated the same team here Monday afternoon by a score of 22-fl, In a game that was featured by the slugging of Marshall l.oftis who had a perfect day at bat. with a homer, tri ple. double and two singles out of five tries. Teague and Shu ford also hit for the circuit. The high school winds up the season at Hendersonville next Tuesday. At Kyle's Tanners open the Industrial League season on the high school field Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock with the Knka nine 'furnishing the opposition. Probable starting lineup for the Tan ners will be Kilpatrick or Barley, pitch er; Pirtillo, catcher; Lee, 1-b; Deal, 2-b; Fowler, ss; Frye, 3-b; Carson, If: Byrd, sf; Clayton, rf. Misenheimer and Wood will lie on the job as utility infield men, with Vaverly Morris ready to take his place in any position in the field, from pitcher, catch er, infield or outfield. Altogether, this week’s play will be as varied a program as will be seen here this summar. J-'iSM LIQUOR PETITIONS IN THIS COUNTY FAE TO GET SIGNATURES Only Four Names Listed On Two Petitions In Bre vard Wednesday So far as could lie learned by Tho Times late Wednesday afternoon, the movement to call an election on the liquor store question has come to a quick end No contact could he made with lead ers if tic movement who started tho petitions to the board of electicns last week, and the petitions that ever" circu lated last week contain no more names than were listed one week a«o. Two petitions c hecked Wednesday of this week. each had tv.o jinnies listed, same as last Wednesday, and advices from various sections of the county are to the effect that no drive Is bein'! made. Before an election can be called In Transylvania county a total of TL’H r'u Istered voters will be required to skin the petitions, this number bains 15 per cent of those votlnir in the govern or’s election in November, 1936. Transylvania Girls Attending NY A Camp — Five Transylvania county git is who B have been on ib<- National Youth Ad ministration rolls the post winter have been selected to attend the Ki'A camp for girls lit Rutherford college. Flave H. Holden. In charge of the work in this county together with leaders in the various groups, made selections of the girls who are to at tend. arid the fact that the NY A 'n Transylvania county hus been doing outstanding work is given by district leaders as reason for five girls being allowed to go to the encampment from this county. Other small counties have only been allowed one and two girls each. Girls who left here Tuesday for Camp Eleanor, which was named In honor of the nation’s First I.ady, are; Daisy McCall, of Balsam Grove Willa Hue Fisher, of Quebec; Etta Mae Mc Gahn, of Brevard; Annie Neill, of Bre vard. Alice bandreth, of Knott, one of the five girls chosen, was unable to gn at this time. In addition to the girls who will be In camp. Miss Willie Kate Waters, who has been assistant to Mr. Holden for | the past year in the work of the NY V here, has beep appointed assistant pro ject superintendent for the three months school camp. Sponsors for the girls who ate In the camp from this county Include ,f. B. I Jones. Mrs. C. Y. Patton. Mrs. AHfe Harlee, Mrs. T. J. Wilson, and C. !U>; Douglas. Mr. Holden furnished the girls with transportation to the camp, and Ruth’s Beauty parlor of Brevard prs sented the girls each with hatr trims and other beauty work before they left. Miss Clara Barnett, of Pisgnh Forest, has been named assistant to Mr. Holden during the time Miss Waters will ho aiding In conduct of the state camp,. Fire Burns Home of Mr. and Mrs. Varner Fire of an undetermined origin did several thousand dollars damage to the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Varner shortly after noon Sunday. The entire upper section of the la re.' frame house known ns the Jasper Orr place, was damaged by the blaze which had gained considerable headway before the fire men arrived. The fire apparently started from a spark on the west side of the shingled roof, and the wind whipped the Maze ncross the large structure rapidly. The Brevard fire department made a record run to the home, and had water on the Maze exactly four minutes from the time the fire siren Rounded. But for the quick work of the Bre vard fire fighting corps, the entire house would have been destroyed. A Times reporter checked on the time It took the local department to get to the fire and have water going, and when the firat hose threw a stream of water on the building it lacked Just a few second.- of iwlrtf four minutes. As usual, here were many people soon congregat'd at the scene of the fire. While a few people helped the firemen in dragging the hose up the Incline to the house, and others assisted In carrying some of the furnishings from the building, majority of the peo ple were more or less In the way. Chief Brumfield states that he expects to have two deputized firemen cheek car numbers and assist In Identifying the people who rare to the next fire. A town ordinance prohibits going into the block where the firemen are engaged tn fighting a fire. It Is understood that Mr. Varner's loss was covered by insurance. Fishing Season Opens Thursday Morning Trout season opens Thursday (to day) and many of the rod and reel ar tists plan to 'hit the water" at sunrise. Season on small mouth bass and other species does not open until June 11. according to K. R. Galloway, coun ty game warden. Rag limits for trout are—Rainbow, 15 in one day, not less than eight Inches in length; brook or speckled trout, 15 tn one day, not less than 0 Inches in length; brown trout 16 jn one dav. not less than 8 Inches in length.

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