THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES I Ip ^ A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania County - VOL. 42- NO 16 ~ BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAYL_APRIL2211937:__||><_^_<>__^_^$LOO_PERVEARJN^ANSV^^N^O^WTT^ k No Opposition Filed Against Old Officers For Rosman Election ROSMAN, April 21.—Mnyor Alfred M. White and his hoard of aldermen will be unopposed In the primary 01 ;etieral election. Filed for re-election with Mayor White are Austin Hogsed and Claud Stroup. Tom Mahoney, who served the past two years as alderman, will not run. and Grover 11 Woodard hns filed In his place. The primary election, scheduled for Monday of next week, will not be hold, and the general election on May I, "'111 be a formality. Piano Recital Will Be Given Friday Eve Brevard school mush pupils < t Pro fessor Alvin Moore will giv* a piano recital Friday evening of this week at i 8 o'clock. This is the final m the sr {I lies of recitals, to* which the public is invited. Those taking part on tin program will he Helen Ihinean. Odell ScoR. Ruth Duncan. Lois Wilson. Fret! Ola zener. Sylvia Lyday. Mary Norwood. Marie Waldrop. Mary Jane Walker. Norma Hamilton. Hetty Gravy. Wilma Pickelsimer. George Simpson. Edward Olazener. Douglas Wyatt. Janet Jen kins, Frances Walker. Dorothy Gallo way, Jeanette Austin. Mex Kizer. Nina Lou Uustin. Richard Franklin. Hobby Norwood, Paul Jones. Billie Jean Dim can. Marshals will he: Martha Kate Moore. Emma Lou Loft is. Harleston McIntosh. Mary Alice Feaster. Janet Jenkins. Oliver Orr, John Lyday. Vance Jack son and James Bridges. Vocational Ag Boys Spend Day at Clemson Vocational agriculture boys of Bre vard and Rosrnan high schools spent Tuesday at Cletusou College, Forty-four boys from Brevard and 28 from Ros trum made the trip, accompanied by their teachers. Randal l.vdny and 't. L. Lunsford. In addition to the Brevard and Ros trum boys. "2 members of the Hender son county agriculture classes also at tended. The trip was made in trucks, and the hoys returned home Tuesday night about 8 o’clock. During the day the boys visited the large Clemsorr farm, saw a military parade at 12 o'clock, and attended the Clemson-Erskine ball game in the aft ernoon. Little River School Closing Exercises Closing exercises of Little River school will be held on Wednesday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock. April 28. The pro gram will consist of exercises l>y the primary grades, a play b\ the sixth grade, and the seventh grade gradua tion exercises. Rath Fisher Is salutatorian cf thr graduating class and Walter Vellaun. valedictorian. Soft Ball League Is Probable For Brevard Plans are being laid for a softball league here again this summer, with the Presbyterian. Baptist. Episcopal, and Methodist Sunday schools each ex pected to enter teams. Last year the soft ball games fur nished a decided addition to the sum mer entertainment program and many of the visitors Joined In ttie play reg ularly. The league was also responsible for Increased Sunday school attendance, one of the r MUiretricnts for eligibility being attendance at church or Sunday school. Brevard 7th Grade School Leaders frno <;i.axi:xi:h and n.wm FKAX KI.IX (in' 7th made leaders at Brevard schools this year. Fred, a son of Mr. anil Mrs. Julian (Haven er, is cal' diet aria n of the class, and David. son of Mr. and Mrs. II. I). Franklin, is salntatorian. Graduation exercises of thr Brevard elementary school will be held Tuesday night at S o’clock at the Brevard high school auditorium, at which time 61 hoys and girls will receive certificates. The address to the graduation class will be delivered by the Ttev. J. >1. Brendall. pastor of the Brevard Meth odist church. The presentation of cer tificates will be made by Principal .1. E. Rufty. The following program will lie pre sented: Song- "The Son of God Goes Forth to War." class; Invocation. Rev. Yan cey p. Elliott; salutatory. David Frank lin; class history. Mary Alice Hardin; class prophecy. Ethelyn Plckelslmer; class poem. Jack Huggins: class grum bles. Roy McCall: Inst will and testa ment. Bonnie Mae Galloway; valedic tory. Fred Olazcner; song—"Friend* ship." class; address. Rev. .1. H. Bren dall; presentation of D. A. R. history medals. Mrs. Ralph H. Ramsey. Jr.; presentation of certificates. Mr. J. E. Ruftyp?“School Song," class. The class colors are purple and gold, and the class flower is pansy. The class officers Include: David Franklin, president; Maude Onllamore. vice-president; llershcl Galloway, sec retary; Wayne Fullbriglit. treasurer. The following are members of the seventh grade class: Kdpar Aiken. Eleanor Asnwortn. Harrell Bapwell. Una Bishop, Otlio Bo wen. Bertie Brown, Lura Brown, May bell Bryson. Willard Calrnes. Morris Cantrell. Annie Mae Coleman, James Cooper, Joe Cooper, Billy Crary, Torino Dean, Inez Edmundson. Emily Feaster, Wayne Fullbriirht, Pavid Franklin. Maude Gallamore. Ponnie Mae Gallo way. Hersho! Galloway. Carrie Garren. Bonnie Glazener. Fred Glazener. Mary Alice Hardin Roy Head. Jack ltupplns. Helen Jones, Kenneth Kim:, Earl l-nnce, T.lnton Lannlup, ! Jimmy Martin. Betty MeCull, Christine McCall. Roy McCall. Jimmy McCrae. | Grace Mull, Bertie Mae Orr. Zune G:t. Iva Devon. Charlie Button. Dorothy Boole. El holy n Plckelslmer. Katherine. Simpson. Charlie Smith. Ralph Smith. Harry Scrupps, Luelle Snelson. Mildred Sprnua.. Christine Tinsley, Mary Alice Tinsley. Elizabeth Brown Mildred Bo tev, Edna Ward. Eartene Waters. John R. i. Whitmire. Larry Wilson. John York. Eocene Morris. Ephraim Neill. Rosman School Exercises Continue Through April 29 ROSMAN. April 21.—Graduation ex ercises of Rosman high school will hold center of attention here during the next several days, with programs being held Thursday evening of this week and through Thursday evening of next week, when graduation exercises will close the series. All events will take place in the high school auditorium with the exception of the junior-senior reception which will be hold in the gym. 1‘iiinn I'rrltal Thursday The piano recital of pupils of Miss Elizabeth Whitmire will he given Thursday evening of this week. Those taking part on the program are: Mrs. H. O. Muss. Mrs. I!. I,. Luns ford Ruth Lewis. Eva Israel. Helen Fisher. Harbnrn Henderson. Tobitha Waldrop. Mildred Frtce. Addle Owen. Violet McCall. Rav Winchester. There will also Is special selections by the glee club. Marshals are: Margaret White, chief. Margaret Olazener Tobitha Waldron. Ttay Winchester. D. H. Winchester. Ruth Rice Rub' Lov< and W'lda Reece. naccalaurral' Scroti on The Rev. ,'es- (' Owen, of Spruce line, will deliver the baccalaureate address Sunday afternoon at 2:30. The program for the day includes: Prelude: doxology. audience: Invoca tion, Rev. M. E. Sumey; song, gradu ating class; scripture and prayer. Rev. H. O. Huss: sermon. Dr. Owen; bene diction. Rev. Clyde S. McCall; postlude. Junior-Sen lor Reception Class colors of green and orchid in n setting appropriate to the Robin Hood theme will effectively decorate the gymnasium Monday evening at 8 CIO for the junior-senior reception. Miss l.ucile Galloway will be master of cere monies. \V< Iconic will be given by Povio White: response. J. R. Breedlove; Who Stole the "Dear", (Junior). Ray Win chester; Rallad of Mery Men. (Senior). Tommie Reynolds; merry adventures of senior class. (Senior). Annlce Whit mire; merry adventures of faculty, (teacher), Mr. Thomas; music, string band: games. Margaret White. Refreshments of ice cream and cake will lie served by Louise Chastain, Ag nes Woodard, Miriam Stewart. Eva Is rael, W ilia bet h Reid. Mary Whitmire. Senior Plop Tuesday "Here Comes Charlie,” will be pre sented by the senior class on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. The three-act play has been centered on by the class, an 1 promises to be an entertainment of high merit. Following are the characters: N'of.. Malone, cook at the Elliott home. Ora 'da Wilde; Officer Tim Mc Gill. Nora's sweetheart. Harold Mc Neely: Mrs. Fannj Farnham Larry's aunt by marriage. Ruby Elliott, a young business Summey; Ted Hartley, 1 college pal, Frank Chap Smythe-Kersey, Larry’s fl Moses; Uncle Aleck fOontinued on Back Nine Men Filed For Board; Election Be Held Monday Brevard's municipal election holdB center of attention this week, with the primary scheduled to be held Monday, April 20, to select five men as aldermen from the list of ten fil ed for office. Mayor A. H. Harris Is unopposed for his second term as chief execu tive of the town, and his name will , not be on the ticket to be voted in Monday’s primary. The general election will be held on Tuesday. May 1. and will be a matter of form, as the candidates are selected in the primary Monday. Those filed for aldermen are Ralph J. Duckworth, R. P. Kilpat rick, Fred E. Shuford, Anthony A. Trantham, who are seeking re-elec tion; R. H. Plummer, M. W. Gal loway, W. M. Henry, W. L. Mull, and J. E. Waters. Candidates met at the city hall Saturday morning and agreed that there would be no absentee ballots used. The polls will open at 7 o'clock in ltic morning and close at 7 in the afternoon according to ruling of the State Hoard of Elections. C. C. Kil patrick is registrar, with Y. Pat ton and C. F. Mlsenhelmer, judges. College Team To Play Textile Nine Friday Coach Arthur Rankin's Brevard Col lege baseball team v ill meet Its only opponent of the week here on the high school diamond on Friday afternoon at .1 o'clock. The contest with the Tex tHers will not be a Junior college con ference battle, but will be a hard fought contest for the RnnBon men. ■When the two teams met in their first contest of the season at Spartan burg. the Brevard team was defeated by a score of ll-6.\ In all probability Coach Hanson will select Southpaw Lee to perform on the mound In the contest for the Tor nado nine while Ray is scheduled to share the major part of the pitching duties for the Soutli Carolinians. Lineup for the Brevard contest will be as follows: Deal lb; Cnuble 2b: DeShaw ss; Frye 8b: Lee p: Clayton rf; Boats cf: Tweed If. Selica Exercises To Be Held April 23rd The Soiled school will hold Its seventh grade graduation exercises Friday eve ning of this week at 8 o’clock at the school building. The address to the class will be made by H. X. Powell, of Asheville, and the awarding of diplomas and certificates will tie made by Miss Ruth Waters, principal. The following program for the closing exercises will he given: Salutatory. Hazel Miller; Lonely Olork, Vera Ham lin; Our Childhood School, Ross Wil son; last will and testament Dora Bar ren: class prophecy. Nell Wilson; class song; address, H. N. Powell; presenta tion of certificates and awards, Miss Waters; valedictory, DoraGarren; song, Goodbye Schoolmates; toast to teachers. Hazel Miller. Preceding the graduation exercises, a program will be given by members of the school, with the following taking part: Murle Barton, Molly Jane Me Gaha. Doyle Eubanks. Frances Bentley, Curtis Lance, William Bentley. Mar garet Bryson, Junior Sumrney. and song by the entire school. Concluding the commencement exer cises will he a pie supper held at the Sellra school Tuesday night. Features of the entertainment will he a beauty contest and a cake walk. Each girl is asked to bring a pie to be auctioned off. High School Ends Season With Two Wins Over H’ville A glorious final to the Brevard high school baseball sound was the double defeat which Coach Tllson’s men handed their arch-enemy Henderson ville. taking two games In a row, Thu Tilaon men made a big slug ging rally here last week in the seventh Inning to net seven runs and tie up a game that ended 16-P. Cnr land started for Brevard, and was re lieved in the fifth by Lester Brown who handled the visitors excellently, while his teammates slugged out a lop-sided victory. Carland again faced the Henderson vlll*. crew there Tuesday afternoon for the last game of the season, and this time he showed his real pitching ability by holding the team to five scattered hits, and while the score was I--’ It, fnvor of Brevard, no earn ed runs wore chalked up. A couple of mlaeues and a single netted Hendersonville their two tal lies In the first inning, while Brevard played along until ’he fourth frame before scoring. Again in the sixth, and then in the seventh when Shu ford hit for the circuit, and In the ninth, the Brevard hoys scored to take a well-earned victory. Shuford was leading hatter for Brevard with two for three, while Staton led his team with three for five. Tanner* at Hazelwood Brevard Tnnners will play at Hazel wood, Saturday afternoon, the game to start at 3:30. Hazelwood lost Saturday to Tryon. 5-5. while Brevard lost to Enka, 12-5. New Phone Book Will Be Published Soon Work Is going forward on the new telephone directory for Brevard, and will be ready for distribution to sub scribers within the next two weeks. Complete listings of the Citizen's Telephone company will be carried. Esvlth other Information pertaining telephone service. The book will ited by The Times print shop. Pisgah Forest Grads To Hear Rev. Jones Graduation exorcises of the Pisgah Forest school will be held Tuesday eve ning at 8 o’clock at the school, at which time 20 boys and girls will receive cer tificates for completion of the seventh grade work. The Rev. C. M. Jones, pastor of the P.revard-Davldson River Presbyterian church, will be the commencement speaker on this occasion. Miss Annie May Patton, principal, will present the certificates, and Mrs. C. L. Newland will present the It. A. R. history medal. Bob T. Gash will give the valedictory and Billie Jean Duncan the salutatory. Other members of the class taking part on the program Include: Edna Nichol son, class poet: Thelma Daniels, histo rian: Edwin Cheek, prophecy: Alva Sentell. last will and testament. Those receiving certificates : Sidney Barnett. Thelma Daniels, Dixon Lyduy, Harold Norris, Wlllo Mae Cody, Edna Nicholson. Billie Jean Duncan, Maude Alexander, Elsie Marcum, Edwin Cheek. A. J. Parker, Myrtle Norris, Bob T. Gash. Alva Sentell, Ralph Sentell. Rich ard Parker, Otellia Parris. Mary Edith Alexander, Marie Baynard, Dorothy Conley. W. O. W. Members To Attend State Camp Members of the Brevard and Rosman Woodmen of the World camps plan to attend sessions of the state camp which will be held in Hendersonville on April 23. 26, and 27. The sessions will be held In the Sky land hotel on Monday and Tuesday, with the Sunday afternoon session to he held at 3 o'clock In the Henderson ville Methodist church. Governor Clyde R. Hocy of North Carolina, Governor E. J. Rivers of Georgia, Governor Glln Johnson of South Carolina, ard Be E. Bradshaw, president of the Woodmen, will he on the Sunday afternoon pro gram. — Thirty Young Men In CCC From County — Thirty Transylvania county hoys were accepted for service in the CCC Inst Thursday at Asheville, according to Mrs. C. Y. Patton, oertifylrg officer who carried the boys to Asheville for examination. The boys were sent from Asheville to various CCC outfits, some of them coming to P-66 at North Brevard. Each boy will be paid $5 per month for work in the CCC to take care of his Incidental expenses, and $2H will be allotted to his family. Following is a 11s! of the boys who went from Transylvania. Charles G. Andrews. Marvin Allison. Mark Ball, Jesse T. McCall, Starland McCall, J. Janies McTunkln, Eugene Wilson. Brevard: Elzie Chapman. Charles Ralph Jones, William Curley Mann. Eh B. Morgan. Wilhon C. Tor rence. Howard Whitmire. Brevard, route 1; James Carl Lyday, O. Herbert Williams. William Monroe Owenby. Brevard, route 2: Allen Marvin Smith. Frank Murr. Rogers Lee Whitmire, Brevard, route 3: Ernest Galloway, Balsam Grove; Arthur Morris Smith Cedar Mountain; Tolmudgc Kilpatrick. John H. Thomas. Charles E. Whit mire. Lake Toxaway; George Manley Barton, John J. .Johnson. I’lsgah For est ; Lawrence Davis. Clinton E. Green. Virgil Owen, Avery M. Gallo way. Itosman. Shooting Gallery Is Opened By Bagwell Wade Bagwell announces the opening of the Brevard Shooting Gallery, which is located in the old Poinsette Cafe building on W. Main street. There are many excellent marksmen in the community who are patronizing tlie new amusement place, and gal leries heretofore have proven very po pular with tourists. The gallery is large and well lighted. Center District BTU Meet Set For Sunday The meeting of center district of the B. T. TT. will be held at the Brevard Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The following program will be car ried out: Congregational singing: de votlonals, the Rev. Yancey C. Elliott; special song. Cathey’s Creek; playlet, Carr's Hill; talk, "What B. T. U. is do ing for young people of today," Rev. Yates Frady, Cedar Mountain: special music, Glady Branch; poem, Dunn’s Rock; song. Rosman 7th Grade School Leaders EDNA ALLISON and GLENN WINCHESTER are leading student* of the seventh grade at Rosman schools this gear. Miss Allison, who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Carl Allison, of Cherry field, Is valedicto rian of the seventh grade class, and young Winchester, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ixo L. Winchester, of Calvert, is salutatorian. Closing exercises of the Rosman elementary school will be held Tues day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the high school auditorium. Twenty-three boys und girls will receive certificates at this time for completion of work In the seventh grade. The address of the occasion will be delivered by R. M. Lee. aslstunt dean of Mars Hill College. Presentation of certificates of promotion and other awards will be made by Principal W M. Hunt. Tlfe following program will be pre sented: March; song. "Welcome Sweet Springtime." class: salutatory, Glenn Winchester: Who's In the Seventh Grade, Helen Whitmire; valedictory. Edna Allison; class song. Days of Youth; presentment of history D. A. R. medal, Mrs. Thorvald Berg; ad dress. H. M. Lee; presentment of certificates and other awards, W. M. Hunt. The class motto. Climb, Through the Rocks be Rugged; class odors, green and white; class flower, dog wood. Ushers for the event: Dan. Edens, chief, V. B. Waldrop, Edna Nelson, Leslie Nicholson, Josephine Powell. The class roll Includes: Edna Alli son, Craig Snipes, Glenn Winchester, Georg’ Osteen, Helen Whitmire, Ar thur Waldrop, Glenn Summey Eff.o Butler, Lillian Bryson. Looney Sisk, Ruth Lewis. Elzle Raines, Alfred Owen, Jewel Garren, J. C. Cassell, Ora Owen. Fred Powell, Maurice Owen, Hazel Barrett. Rosie Gillespie. Charles Huggins, Jason Gillespie, Berfam Cna mll. Baptist Men Asked To Meet In Brevard For Special Session Meri of the churches In the Transyl vania Baptist Association are invited to attend a special meeting which will be held In the Brevard Baptist church next Sunday, April 25. Professor R. M. Lee, of Mars HIU College will speak at 11 o'clock, and again In the afternoon. Other speakers who will appear on the program aro the Rev. Yancey C. Elliott, pastor; D. P. Martin, outstanding layman of Asheville, and the Rev. Broadus Wall, pastor of the Flist Baptist church at Hendersonville. It Is expected that pastors and a delegation of officers and laymen from each church In the association will at tend. Julian A. Glazoner Is chairman of the mceilng which !h to he in the nature of a ' Fellowship." Improvements Noted In Uptown Sections Decided Improvements In the uptown section of Brevard Imve been made during the week In three Instances. While neither of the threo projects involved a large outlay of cash, they have added materially to appearances, and will in all likelihood be followed by others. Loalia Tinsley has graded the Ptck elslmer lot, corner of Main and Times Arcade, and surfaced It with gravel. He will use It for a taxi stand. The Brevard Shoe Shop has painted out the glarirg red paint on the front of the King building and has It a neat, clean white. Miss Viola Mull has had the Waltermlre building front on Main street and the Interior redecoruted and will vise it for a beauty parlor. Little Theatre Meeting The regular mealing of the Little Theatre will he held at 8:15 o’clock Thursday evening of this week. A dis cussion will he held of the play "Romeo and Juliet." All members are requested to bring a copy. Governor Hoey Asks Vote Against Stores RALEIGH.—With first liquor elec tion under the 1987 act to be held In Dare county on Saturday of this week, Governor Clyde R. IToey took his stand with those opposed to operation of ABC stores In a public statement Tuesday. The governor declared that the "de feat of the liquor stores In the elections soon to be held would be most whole some and beneficial to the whole state.” Elections on th<». local store plan have been called In Durham, next Tuesday: In Columbus, May 4; Allegbaney, May 25; Johnston. May 29: Mecklenburg. June 1: and Wayne, June 1. The state liquor control board will be named by the governor on Friday of this week according to advices from [the office of the chief executive. — Mrs. J. L. Saltz Buys Bryant House Hotel Mrs. J. L. Salt/ has purchased the Rryant House, well known hostelry on King street, and plans to make a num ber nf In.-.roveiiients on the property. The Bryant House has l>een a well patronized olate for a number of years, and with the Improvements Mrs. Saltz plans to make it wi'l be a decided asset to the town's hotel facilities. The pqr chas'i was made from J. Frank Morgan. Graduating oxerciiies on WedneJfeyj evening. April 23, will bring to a close! the activities of the Brevard high | school year. Diplomas will be awarded j to 59 boys and girls, the largest class I to be graduated Ir. the history of the i school. The baccalaureate sermon will be pleached Sunday evening m the high school auditorium with the Res . C. Jones, pastor of Brevard Presbyterian church. delivering the message. Churches of the town will cull in their evening services Sunday for the event. Program for the Sunday evening sendees which will begin at 8 o'clock is as follows; Processional; invocation, the Rev J. II. Brendall; special music, glee club; announcements. Professor II. T. Kim zev; special music by Professor Alvin Moore and Mrs. Melvin Oillespic; ser mon, the Rev. C. M. Jones; benedic tion. the Rev. Harry Perry: recession al. Program announced for graduation exercises on Wednesday. April 28, In1 eludes: Processional; invocation, the Rev. Yancey C. Elliott; salutatory, Charles Allen; valedictory, Nina Don Dustin; introduction of speaker, Professor J. B. Jones; address. Dr. Willis Parker; awarding of diplomas. Professor R. T. Kimzey; song, graduates; recessional. Marshals for the two occasions will be—Martha Kate Moore, chief; Mary Alice Boaster, Janet Jenkins. Harleston McIntosh. Emma I.ou Loftis, James Bridges, John Lyday, Vance Jackson, Oliver Orr. Class officers are: Nina I.ou Ruatln, president; Charles Duckworth, vice president; Charles Allen, secretary; Clara Allison, treasurer. Mascots of the I class are Martha Ann Hampton and | John Bradley. The clans motto la I "Strive tor Higher Ideals;” class colors, 'silver and blue: class flower, rose. | Following H a complete list of the graduates who will receive their dip j lumas on Wednesday evening: ! William Warren Albert, Warren Utts |sell Alexander, Charles Howard Allen, i Clara Allison, Francis Allison, Lave me I Allison. Rachel Marie Arrowood, Earl [Ashworth, Mary Mathilda Barnette. Gladys Margaret Baynard, Riley E. Beddlngfleld. Rachel Bowen, Roy Ed ward Carter. Kathryn Case, Wllllum M. Cnse. Dwight Elmo Collins, Mary Josephine Dormid. Ruby Celina Dermid. Charles England Duckworth, Edna T-avonne Duncan, Edna Evelyn Edmundson, Richard ,T. Enloe, Terrell Fricks, Kath ryn Charlotte Fulton, Mae Sue Gatla more. Dorothy Helen Galloway, Ivr.n Galloway, Clara Belle Garren. Henry Edgar Garren, Norma Hamilton. Mildred Elizabeth Henderson, Ada Mary Holden, William Andrew Lydny. Edward Henry Mackey, Jennie Marie Meece. Harold Rivers Merrill, Lucille Thelma Michael, Clifton Moore, Mary Louise Moore. Pearl Angelina Mull, Ed na Jane McCrary. Mary Carolyn Mc Intosh. Elsie Mc.Iunkin, Banks E. Nich olson, Reba Elizabeth Nicholson. D. S. Orr. Mary Elizabeth Osborne, Ruth Smlthers Owen, Nina Lon Rustln, Cecile Elizabeth Simpson. Lillie Eliza beth .Slnlnrd. Mary Marie Smith, George Robert Souther. Helen Melissa Summey, Marl ha Irene Tinsley, Florence Tipton, Helen Grace VeHaun. Albert M. Wil liam:!, Jane Mackey Tongue. Following the presentment of diplo mas. the following medals will be awarded—scholarship, journalistic, ath tetlcii. citizenship, and vocational. I

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