"£ST I THE TRANSYLVANIA ?#T Ment I A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvan - ^ vm 4?. no; 17. ~ BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1937. $1.00 PER YEAR IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY ROSMAN SCHOOL TO > END TERM THURSDAY Dr. Frank Fool Will Address Graduates Tonight—Other Exercises Over ROSMAN. April 28 l'inftl exorcises of the Rosnian high scliool will be held Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in the auditorium when Dr. I- rank K Pool of Eurman university will ad dress the graduatin class. Diplomas will I" presented to the 28 graduates by Professor W. M. Hunt, principal, during the evening. Complete program for the evenin', follows: Processional. Priests March. H’1 ci liainvocation. Rev. C. S. Mcta.l. salutatory. P.aibara Henderson: ad dress. Dr. Pool: pr> sentatum f diplo mas. Mr. W. M. Hunt: awards. Mr. J. R. Jones: valedictory. J. R Rreod love: I'cnediction, Rev. M. R. Sum d may; recessional, march. * Other exercises of the K'\smnn schools that have been held during the week included the piano recital on Thursday evening by pupils of Miss Elizabeth Whitmire: baccalaure ate sermon Sunday afternoon by tic Rev. J. C. Owen: junior-senior re ception Monday evening: elementary graduation exercises Tuesday after noon. with an address by Dean U. -i Lee of Mars Mill college: play. "Here Comes Charlie,” by the senior class Tuesday evening; 'lass day Wednes day. 1,1st of awards and certificates will be announced in next week's Times. Veterans Urged To Register Discharges All ex-service men in ihe county are urg'd to briu; th'ir discharges to the register of d.Is off- <■ - i have them recorded. Register of D- • ds R k I.. Sims, state i that about 25 veterans have broach their d'seha :".cs m since notice "as Carried in The Times a few weeks ago. but that in his esi-mation there ar fr-vii 50 to 75 r: i-s who have not had. their dlschar--. s • ut on record. There *.« no cost for re- ax-ring II* t-nar--.- certifies ■■ it is pointed out by Mr. Sims, and In even! a discharge is lc.-t or destroyed permanent record nip he in the register's office when proper registration Is made. School Committees Named For County Tin pc changes were made In the local s'hool committees for the county by the board of education !n meeting here Friday evening. The Brevard committee Is composed of Fred Miller of Brevard, and Mrs. O. H. T.yday of Davidson River. both r» appointed; and Madison (Tati \lllson. of the Rock'-wok community. The Rosman "ommittee is composed I of vrthur Whitmire of Cherrjfield. re appointed. and Granville Fishe r of Lake Toxaway, R-L and Marlon Glazener of Rosman. Editor Enjoys Fish The Times editor enjoyed two good meals over tin week-end with the piece de resistance being furnished by Earl Twiggs, who is spending the winter in Florida. Mr. Twiggs, echo won first prize' in the West Palm Beach pompano fishing circles sent its fish all packed in tee, express prepaid, and everything, and to say th it they were enjoyed Is putting mildly. Music Week Event To Be Given Sunday Eve At Methodist Church The Itiw.iril Mm.' overs' e'ub wilt celebrate National Music Week with a concert of s:wrrd mu dc to no given at the Method)-f e-bur h Sunday eve ning a: S o’clock. \ cordial invitation • s extended every one to attend this service. Members of tin i'• and all those assisting on the progr.' in are asked »o meet ret the Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock for rehearsal. The program is as follows: Organ prelude Fugue In E flat major. Bach. Mrs. [.con English: chorus. Trust in the Lore!, Handel, music cli.b; trio. Like us a Father. Cherubim. Irene Play. Harrie t Klltough. John P - ii. tt: baritone solo, to be selected. Alvin Moore; Scripture reading. Rev. M o ey c. Elliott; music club collect: quartet, to be selected, Ki wunis quartet: or an and piano duet, Rhapsody. Demon st. Irene Clay an i Mrs. Leon la-gl li; tenor solo. The Holy City. Rev. C. M. .Tones: euphoni um solo, Adelaide. Beethoven. Donald Leo Moore: contralto solo. Mrs. Nat Townsend: anthem. Listen to the Lambs; selection, college choir; bene diction. Rev. Harry Perry: organ post hole. M's. Leon English. Thanks To Voters Wo wish to thank our friends and supporters for their active Interest In our behalf in last Monday’s primary election. We hope that onr future ser vice, (those who were elected and the one. who failed to poll sufficient votes), will be meritorious of the confidence you expressed in us. R. J. Duckworth, R. P. Kilpatrick. R. H. Plummer, P. E. Shuford, A. A. Trantham. Heads Student Body FRANK Al-SRAND, of Winston- j Salem, was elected president of tlie Bre vard College student council in a spirit ed contest held last week. Ausbund won in the final vote count over Rill Hackney, of Charlotte, by 171 to 123. The new student council head will take office next fall at the opening of the college term. Ho Is n son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ausbund and will succeed Eddie Carlisle. Members of the student council who Will serve with President Ausband were selected Tuesday, and include Ralph Galloway. Hrcvard; Stuart Black. Con cord; Claude I.ove, Asheville: Helen Parish. Walkerton: Thelma Hubbard. Bill Hackney, and Rill Landreth, all of Charlotte. Three members of next year’s Fresh man class will also be elected in Sep tember tis representatives of the fresh men i'n the council. COTTON MILL STRIKE LASTS BUT ONE PAY Satisfactory Settlement Is Ef fected—Workers Lost No Time While Out After being out on strike f >r one day, workers at Pisgah Cotton Mills In Bre vard returned to their pin cos last Fri day. with settlement of the strike being arranged satisfactorily. The workers left their posts Thurs day morning of last work at S o'clock, with practically all of the iftO employe•; Joining together in the walkout, and returned on Friday night, after settle ment had horn made between the of ficials and the workers. A petition was presented to the offi cials of die mill the first of last week by workers requesting a wage Increase of eight cents an hour. The manage ment replied to the effect that a con ference would be held shortly and that a wage increase was expected to be made. On Thursday morning the workers shut off the motors, and with excep tion of a few. all workers went out. \ conference of the mill officials was held on Thursday, and notification of a wage increase of 1" per cent was given. The day shift went on Friday morn ing. and the night shift returned Fri day evening. There was no disorder of any kind and no attempt by the work ers to ust "sit-down” tactics. No union organizer was brought m by the em ployes. and nltoi’t thcr it was an orderly and peaceable strike Following the return of workers to ! their i csts. officials posted a bulletin m id effect that workers would be | paid for the day the mill was closed. _ Bishops Crusade Supper Friday Eve A ijsii fiy supper will he held at tin1 Methodist church Friday evening from .; to S o'cln. k. sponsored hy the ladi' 1 i.'1 tli* . luiroh for benefit of the Bishop •-itsade Indebtedness fund. Featuring the evening’s entertain : k at will lie a program, including a play, a male quartet. "Bill of Fare.’ hy the" Brevard College students, and other numbers. It is expected hy the sponsors that at least 100 tickets will he sold for the • vent, tlie proceeds from which will .go toward reimbursing the hoard of m of the Southern Methodist church for Its indebtedness incurred in the Operation of Brevard Institute in its later years and the present operation of Brevard College. In view of the local interest. In the movement, the benefit supper Is geu 11 rally iv< opnized as one that should i concern and receive the support of i very eilizen of Brevard. At Lyday Hospital Patients reported at 1 ,ydny Memorial hospital the past week include: Mrs. T. .!. Woods. M. T„ I.ewis. Charles Kin :. I last ns Mcullev. F. .1. Cutter -T. R Whitmire. Tits. Fred Honeycutt, Elsie Wilson. Mrs, Carl Norris and Mrs. O. H. Moses. WOW Meeting To Be Held Here May 27th Plans are beinp made by local TV. O. W. members for holrilnp the T.op Holl inp Association of the western district In Brevard, on Thursday, May 27th. Twenty-two counties will he repre sented at the association, which will meet here In an all-day session, brinpinp several hundred Woodmen to the town. Complete details of the proprams will be announced later. HARRIS TICKET WON 4 ALDERMEN POSTS Shuford, Duckworth, Waters, Trantham, Kilpatrick Are Elected In Primary Tuesday’s primary election was one of the closest seen here In many a day, and saw more people actively interest ed on both sides than at any time of record. F. E. Shuford, R. J. Duckworth, A, A. Trantham, J, E. Waters, and R. P. Kilpatrick were high men out of (ho nine in the race, with Shuford leading the ticket. Election will be held on Tuesday. May 4, but this will be more of a formality, as the primary decide 1 I lie officials. Mayor A. H. Harris was unoppose I in the primary, and will be re-elected for another two-year term. Official vote rount showed the follow ing results: F. E. Shuford . 378 R. J. Duckworth . 375 A. A. Trantham . 345 J. E. Waters . 311 R. P. Kilpatrick . 30!) R. H. Plummer . 302 W. M. Henry . 270 M. tv. Galloway . 274 W. L. Mull . 265 Five men were filed on the Harris ticket, with only four being filed on the opposition. Two Cup Awards At August Dahlia Show Two cups will be awarded in the annual dahlia show which is to be hold here in August it was decided at a meeting of the Transylvania Dahlia Association held last week. In addition to the usual cup award In the sweepstakes, a cup will also be given in the class-1’, section which is opt u to Transylvania growers only, for the largest and most perfect dahlia. Winner of the Transylvania growers cup will keep the trophy for one year. Name of the winner will he engraved on ;h<- cup. and three wins in snecessiv ■■ years will be given the award perma nently. Dr. Cl. !!. l.ynch, president of the as sociation. state ! following the meeting that the cup was Vicing offered ia an effort to stimulate interest ip growing of dahlias in the county, and t lie hot' ' is expressed that numbei of entries will be doubled this year. V/.’ir A ll/’ll'AL Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Sizemore, of French IS road avenue, announce tlf birth of a son. Dewey Columbus. Jr., on Sunday. BENNY LEE FRADY DEATH IS MYSTERY Blantyre Lad Lying In High way When Struck By Car of Harry Pickelsimer Benny I,ee (Dick) Frady, lB-year-okl son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Frady, of Blantyre. died Saturday morning about 3 o'clock at Lvday Memorial hospital where he was brought shortly after having been run over with a car driv en by Harry Pickelsimer of Brevard. Mr. Pickelsimer, who delivers morn ing papers here, was enroute to Hen dersonville when his car ran over the body of the young lad. Frady was ly ing in the highway near Penrose, and Pickelsimer failed to see the body in time to miss striking it. he said. The young man was picked up and rushed to Lyday hospital in a car driv en by C. A. Ragland, of Louisburg, who was passing, hut he died shortly after [arriving at the hospital, without re gaining consciousness. •I. F, Morgan, of Cherryfield, had just | passed the body lying in the road when the TMekclsimer car struck him. Mr. Morgan passed on his side of the road as he came toward Brevard from Hen dersonville, and seeing the body stop ped to investigate. He said that he no ticed the lights of the ear coming to meet him but did not have time to get |out of hip car and flag Plckelsimer In time to avoid the accident. < Mr. Piekelstacr said that just as he came out of the glare of lights from the Morgan car lie saw the body in the road, hut that he could not swerve his car quick enough to miss it. and that lie was sure the two wheels on the left of the car ran over some part of the boy's body. Mr. I’ickelsimer immediately stopped his car. and assisted the passing Rag land Construction official in bringing Brady to Brevard. N'o blame has ripen (( 'nntinuid on Hack Page.) New Phone Directory Plans ar to close the listings of | names for the telephone directory on 'Thursday of lie.' Week 'lay fi. The new j.lii'cctnry will ire printed by The Tim' -, (and any person wishing to have a tele 11 hum installed before listing date on (the new directory ends are reiiuested Ito call .Terry Jerome, or leave word i n The Times office. Negro Baseball Game The Brevard Sluggers, local colored ! baseball nine, will [day the Asheville I Black Tourists here Monday afternoon j at 3:30. The game is to be played on the high school fieid. Agriculture Leader D. a. COLTRANE, brother of Pres ident E. J. Coltrane of Brevard Col lege, is making an enviable record as assistant to the state commissioner of agriculture. Joe Crary Reported Drowned Last Sunday j Joe Crary, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. | Crary of North Brevard, Is reported to [have been drowned Sunday night near i Culpepper, Va„ when the car In which j lie and three companions were riding : plunged Into a swollen stream. | Mr. Crary, a graduate of Rrevnr! 'high school, ana a young man of fine ! character, had been working in Cul ] pepper, Va„ for the past several years. ! Reports received here were to the I effect that Mr. Crary, another young i man and two Indies were riding in the ! car that is believed to have gone ! through a damaged bridge and into 'the Robinson river. I Reports that Carlton Parker, aisc, of |Brevard was in the accident, were- un , founded. I Search Is being made for the car and the Indies but no trace of either had ' been reported here Wednesday after j noon, Mr. Crary, father of the 23-year jold Brevard man. ’eft Washington Monday for Culpepper to assist In the I search. Report from the Ohio Valley is to the effect that several deaths have been I recorded and thousands homeless from | the flooded river. In Virginia. West j Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, con I slderable damage has been done during the past three days by flood waters. Open Fish Rearing Station In Pisgah National Forest Vi. «■ the new fish cultural station just completed in the I’isgih Forest federal game preserve of tin Pi anli National Forest, near the head of Davidson River. The station will provide a continuous restocking supply for the streams of the game preserve. The concrete canal at the 1--ft of !!:<• photograph Is a distribut ing raceway which empties hundreds of gallons of water daily into the numerous circular and rectangular 1;,. , v ;ly.s where fishes are kept. The tent-sliapcd frames are used to provide protection for the 'ishes from tin sun. The larger building near the center of tiic picture houses a workshop, storage space, a refrigeration unit, a feed room and a research laboratory. ^.oger Jewelry Store Buys Clement Stock Announcement is made that Reo Iioos of the Cincinnati Wholesale Jew elry company has purchased the F. D. Clement store equipment and stock, and that the new firm is to be known as Roger Jewelry Store, is now operat ing in the Clernson building. Harry Payne, of TTnion. S. C.. will be manager nf the Roger Store. He is an experienced watch and jewelry re pair man. having been connected with the Tayne storo which has operated In TTnion for over 70 years by the same family. Mr. Payne is stopping at the Summey home. Mr Rons plans to move his family to Hrevnrd In the near fu ture, and will also be connected with the store. The new concern Is an inde pendent -company, and announces that a complete stock will be on display shortly. Thanks Voters To Our Friends: We wish to adopt this means of ex pressing our sincere thanks and appre ciation for the loyal support given us in Monday's primary election. With no organization whatever and with so short a time in which to apprize the public of our intentions if elected, and with the well organized and highly ef ficient political forces we had to op pose, we lacked only 02 voles of cap turing control of the city government. With one of our number elected and the others defeated by such narrow margins is highly significant and af fords ample grounds for congratulations to all those who worked in our behalf. Again wc thank you most sincerely. Respectfully, W. M. Henry, J. E. Waters, W. L. Mull, M. W. Galloway. Brevard Clubs Join Cancer Drive Move All clubs and organizations having contributed a membership in the local cancer campaign of the American So ciety for the Control of Cancer are requested to leave the dollar member ship fee at The Times office as soon as possible, unless previously paid. The campaign In Brevard and Tran sylvania county is meeting with good response from the various organiza tions, and it is expected that a hundred percent enrollment will be made before the close of the drive. The campaign Is sponsored locally j by the Fortnightly club. If notified, !any member of the following cancer committee will call for the unpaid membership dues; Mrs. B. D. Franklin, chairman, Mrs. J. F. Zachary, Mrs. G. H. Lyday, Miss Alma Trowbridge, Mrs. J. C. Wlke. BREVARD SCHOOLS END YEAR’S WORK Graduation Exercuea Held On Wednesday for Largest Class In History Commencement exercises of the Bre vard high school came to a close Wed nesday night, when the address to the graduates was delivered by Dr. Willis Parker, of Western Carolina Teachers college, Cullowbee. Diplomas were awarded by Principal It. T. Kimzey to the 5!> boys and girls of the senior class, the largest class ever to graduate hero. The baccalaureate sermon on Sunday evening was delivered by Rev. C. M. Jones, pastor of the Brevard Presbyte rian church. The elementary school closing exer cises were held Tuesday nigl t at the high school auditorium, at which time the address to the seventh grade class was given by the Rev. J. H. Brendall, pastor of Brevard Methodist church. The certificates of promotion were pre sented to the fit hoys and girls of the class by Principal J. E. Rufty. A complete list of studentB awarded other certificates, honors and medals at the commencement exercises will be given In next week's Issue of this pa Tax Listers Announce Township Schedules Listing of personal property In sev eral townships will begin next week, with listers starting work in Cathey's Creek, Dunn's Ttoek. Hogback, and Lit tle River. The following week, listing will start In Gloucester township. Boyd township listing !s nearly comnlofc, according to Ralph Lyday, tax supervisor. Listing of personal property In Brevard town ship will not hogln unili about the last week in May. as the lister. W. M. Hen ry. is assisting the hoard of assessors in revaluation work of real estate in this township. Complete schedule of persona! pro pony listing dates are carried or. an other page in this paper. Tanners Will Play Beacon Team Here Sat’day Afternoon The Tanners will play the Beaeon Mills baseball outfit here Saturday aft ernoon at 3:30, the game to be called, on the high school field. Although the Tanners have lost two [games this season, the team in showing [decided improvements, and a good con test Is looked forward to here Saturday afternoon. Manager A1 Kyle has not announced his starting lineup for the game, but It is expected that it will be shifted slightly from the one used Tuesday. Attendance at the first game played here two weeks ago was exceptionally good, all things considered, and going against the top-position Blanket-Mak ers Saturday, another good gate Is to be expected. Lost To TTaxehvooii The Tanners lost to Hazelwood there Tuesday afternoon by the score of lB-ti ir. t. game that was featured by the slugging of Lee. Byrd, and Frye. Lee. playing first base for the Tanners faced the box five times and collected' a triple, two doubles, a single and a free pass for a perfect day. Ray Byrd collected a triple and a single and two free passes out of five trips >o tty plate; Frye received a base on error, went out at first, and had a double and fw singles for five. Wyatt for Hazel wood was high for his team with four for fire. Adult Education To Show Progress Made In All-Day Program Transylvania County day of the adult education urogram of the \VP\ will lie ’ 'I <»n Saturday, at the T-.it tie Thea.tP buiidln" oil Jordan .street. in Brevard. beginning at 10 o'clock in the morning. The event is n part of Adult Education Week which will ho observed the week of May 1-9 throughout the fifth district of the WPA. The public is invited to attend the exhibit. Exhibits of work done by students In the adult community schools of Bio county will be on display. The host ex hibits will be taken to Asheville to bo shown at the annual dramatized exhibit to lie held (here on May 4. The week will he further observed a^ Education Bay In the Brevard churches on Sunday. During the remaining days of th» [week a special effort will be made to 'secure members to the Guild. The Tran sylvania school guild was organized In December 193(1 by the advisory commit tee. to meet the definlnte need of pro viding an income for support of the local work. Plans are underway ror zrei ni un Transylvania county adult students to attend the Asheville exhibit of the fifth district on Tuesday, accompanied by all of the group teachers and the county supervisor, Mrs. Vllle C. Wilson. The event will be held at Recreation Park all day. from 10:30 to 4 o’clock. The morning session will feature a program of songs, address, messages, greetings and a skit, "Adult Education In Action,” given by students of the district. The afternoon will be devoted to a visit to the zoo, games, songs and enjoying the park attractions. At 4 o’clock the students wl'l leave the park and be escorted by motorcycle patrol on a sightseeing tour of Asheville. ■