IWlI THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES Ment 1 A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania County__ - "" BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1937. $1.00 PER YEAR IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY PROMINENT LEADERS TO SPEAK AT MEET W. M. U. Association WU1 Be Held at Cedar Mountain Church Wednesday The annual tneetinp of the W. M T ■ Transylvania Baptist association "ill he held at the Cedar Moinraln Baptist church Wednesday la an all-day meet ing. heninnlnir at 1" o’clock.. Mrs. M. H. Holliday, county superintendent, w'll preside. The main speakers «■’ tde day will A'rs Edna R. Harris. State AY M. V. secretary, of Raleich: Hr .1 >scph ( lark, returned mlsslonaty from Japan. and the Rev. Yancey C Fll'ott. pastor el the Brevard Baptist church. The following procram will he curried ont for the day: IVvotlonn!. Mrs A 1». Galloway: welcom* . Airs. Sadi* .Allison: response. Airs. .Toe Hall: iss*** intlnaal AY. AT. r. report. Mrs. M. 'll. Holliday: messace Mrs Kdna K. Harris: mes sage. nr. Joseph Clark. Afternoon ses sion. Mrs. .Alcovia McCall, .^soclatlonal voltnc people's leader, presldlnc: de votional. "Youth Filled with His Spirit." Mrs A', c. KlITntt; young people's re. port. Mrs. .Alcovia McCall: messace. "Christ's Call Youth's .Answer.' the Rev v. c. Elliott: Stewardship play. "Prove Me." Brevard A*. AA. A, girls. Joe Crary Drowned In Virginia Flood Funeral servic s I'm' .lee Crary. II. were bold Tuesday nf'i moor. at “1* Brevard Methndrst church, with the pastor. the Rev. Y. H Brendall. con ducting the service. Tnterment was in Oak Grove cemetery. The body of Mr. Crary. who was drowned two weeks at" In the flooded river waters near Culpepoer. la, was recovered on Sunday and the hod v reached nrevurd M" RiJ night. Mr. Clary and three .oinpanlons wro drowned when the car in which they were riding went through a bridg" railing. Bodies "f the other three occu pants and lie' automobile were recov ..i several days after the accident Surviving are ;>is father and step mother. Mr. nod Mrs. T. R. Crary. two rot hers and on. sister. Ro> Crary. of Washington. P. C.. Charles Crary. > f Michigan, an 1 Miss May Crary. of Asheville, and three half-brothers and sister. Billie. Jack and David Crary an 1 Betty Crary. all of Brevard. Dallbeafera were Thomas Mitchell. Thomas Grogan. Walter Olazener, Har old Kilpatrick Rowell Basse, and a Mr. Clark of Virginia. The board of stewards of the Meth c Pst church were honorary pallbearers Young Mr. Crary was a native of Brevard where he lived until reaching manhood and secured employment else where. Ho was porulnr among a wide circle -'f friend* and was held in high esteem 1 v all who knew him. Moore und Trantham funeral dlroc tois were In charge of arrangements. Rosman Girl Honored iTI.T.OWBEE May II.— (Special.! — Miss Thelma Galloway, of Rosman. has been appointed by President H. T. Tur ner to serve on tlie student senate at Western Carolina Teachers College for the year 11*37-1 BSK. This appointment was made In accordance with a provi sion of the student government consti tution. Charles Holloman, of Hookerton, has been elected president of the student body. Little Theatre Meet The t.lttle Theatre will hold its resru ’ar meeting on Thursday evonlnff. May IS. at S:lf>. A one-act play will he pre sented entitled. "Moonshine." by Arthur Hopkins. The eharaeters are: I.Uke llazy. played by Ahin Moore, and the Stratum'. played by Hilly Middleton The meeting will hi in the form of a party for the active and associate mem bers' I Here and There Over the County l i ‘ Jli/ J. .t. C.lai' nrr. Countll .\nnit I'_I Sunny Side Puiry lias just added to their herd ton fine purebred Guernsey cows. These cows were purchased from Mr. Will Shelton of Wayncsvillc, and were a choice selection from his Guern sey herd, made hy Mr. W. P. Glazencr. Lewis Osborne informs me that East View Farm Pairv has purchased twelve fitie purebred Jersi y rows. Six of these cows have already been delivered and that he is expecting to get the other six any day. T.onks encouraging to see our dairymen expanding and here is wish ing for them the very’ best of success. Mr. E. o. Shipmnn. manager of the En wllne farm has just recently pur chased fifty head of purhred Aberdeen Angus cattle. In the herd are ten very fine registered young cows and one good registered hull. \ll the heifers and cows arc purebred and a ereilit to anv farm. Mr. Shipman is now laying the foundation for breeding up a good herd of Angus cattle. This should and will no doubt he an encouragement to the beef Industry in this county. On the Engndine farm this year. If plans are perfected, there will he about 400 acres In rorn, 40 acres in soybeans for hay and ?5 acres have already been seeded to a good pasture mixture. Mr. Shipman plans to seed soybeans in the corn on a very large per cent < f the corn acreage at the last working. These will be turned for soli building before adding another crop of corn. In terest In farming In Transylvania coun ty Is Increasing every day. State Highway Commission Will Give Hearty Support To W. N. C. On Parkway I Parkway Funds Are Endangered By Move WA^IIIN'OTi'N. 1'. <’•. May | \ n'i'otmner.iliMl f»0 per cent 1*0 ,|tu-tion In’low lnulp't rstltnat"' i in the toss construction appro- | prlntion for the lllue Uldgc Park- , J way today disheartened support | ers' of the proposed' 177-milo sce nio highway between the Shen andoah and (treat Smoky Moun tains National Park. The House appropriations com mittee. in reporting the annn it j Interior department supply hill, reduced the budget recommenda tion for parkway construction from $5,000,000 to $3,000,000. specifying the smaller sum in cluded $500,000 for the Natchez Trace highway In Mississippi. Members of the Western Caro lina Advisory committee were in contact with state officials it Raleigh Wednesday looking to ward plans for pressing the re quest for additional funds for the parkway. The committee an nounc'd Wednesday morning that definite plans of precedin', would be mapped out at cnee. Glazener Going To Meet ; Con i-y Agent Julian A. Glazener Is] loavln Saturday with n group of other , county agents of Western North Cor.)- I Una to attend a conference of count v .tits t.. tv hold at Manteo on Itoa noke Island next week. Mr. Ol izem '.' • expects to ho away from his office all | next week. Two Roads Added To List By State Group * Two short lines of unimproved roads have been taken over by the state and added to the county list, according to advices from the Slate Highway and Public Works Commission to Register of Heeds Pick Sims. The two links are that road leading from the Greenville highway near the Huey Orr place to the Ka«t Fork--road that leads off the highway near Tow ell's Store; also the link from the over head hrldge at the top of Rocky Hill on the Rosmun road to X.ake Sega. Presbyterian Services Xn the second series of sermons on . "You and Yourself." the pastor of tho j Presbyterian church, the Rev. 0. M I •Jones. wiM preach on the subject. "You and Your Commonplace S"lf." nl th 1 11 o'-lock service Sunday morning. Al x in Moore will sing. Stamp Club Meeting The Brevard Stamp club will meet Thursday night of this week at 8:15, at the home of Mr. Jakob Ttoliwer. on the Country Club road. All charter members and all prospective members are asked to lie present. RALEIGH. May 12. (Special).—First major official act of tlie newly organ ized Stall- Highway Commission In meeting here Tuesday was to pledge its co-operation to Wostern North Carolina interests in securing early completion of tlie section of tlio Blue Ridge Park way west of Asheville. Chairman Frank Dunlap pledged lc in arty support of the movement which was started at Waynesvtiie on Thum day of last week to induce the t'nibd States Park Service to begin work on Hint section of tlie parkway between Wagon Rond flap and Balsam Gap. Following presentation of tile matter by members of tlie Western North Car olina Advisory committee in a two hour session in which the new commission showed a derided interest, a resolution was adopted by the commission desig nating Chairman Dunlap and such oth er members of Hie board as lie saw' fit to use. to go to Washington to confer with Secretary Iekes and other officials In regard to carrying out the wishes of lbe advisory committee. Commissioner Johnson moved that "(lie Commission expresses Its Interest In the early completion of the Bine Ridge Parkway as already adopted, and ti nt the chairman and any others that be might designate he Instructed to a to Washington at his earliest con venience and confer with Secret a r\ Iekes and others In authority with a view to facilitating the early comple tion of the rnrkwny. and particularly to the definlnte lorntlon of it west t.f Asheville.” Action of tlie highway commission j was unanimous, and the interest which the new board took in the matter wa highly gratifying to the members of the advisory rommittee who were a stated in t resenting the situation bv I;. Oettys Browning, rhlef locntltcr [engineer for tlie commission, and one who has been vitally interested in *h" parkway since its start several yent ago. CJuirlov K. Ray, Jr., rlmlrmnn of tlv advisory 101111111(100 was presented -o | the commission by E. T.. MeKee. ,nf | Silva, eoinmlssioner from the western district who was asked by Chairman Dunlap to preside at the meeting which wu* more or less informal. Mr. Ray stated briefly the purpose of the western delegates appearing before the meeting, and after Introducing th" several county representatives, said that his section was alarmed over the pos sibility that the parkway might bo re located from the original routing after It passed Asheville on Its way west to tiu Great Pmokj Mountains National park. lie explained that more than forty civic lenders of the section affected had men In Waynesvllle, and that after due consideration of all facts In hand, bad elected the delegation present at the Raleigh office of the highway eommls slcn to represent the ten counties. Mr. Ray told the commission that the parkway was not a sectional project but that It was one of vital importance i to the whole state of North Carolina fConlinurd on Pori: J'ar/r) Crippled Children Here Are i Being Aided By Rotary Clinic | Transylvania children are heinp crreat ly in nefit.-.l through a clinic belns tic!.! on the fourth Saturday . f each month i the Parish House of All Souls Kpisont.al church in Biltmore. This cli nic i one of the two in Western North Carolina, the other one heincr located at Bryson City. The chief physician and silicon is Hr. John S. Saunders of Asheville. This clinic was started about two yic auo and is sponsored to the Ro ta I . I'll, of Asheville and the North Carolina state Board of Health. The clinic furnishes free examination and ti'c itment to the cripple children of this section of the state. When hospitaliza tion Is necessary it is provided by the State Board of Health at Biltmore hos pital. Transportation of the children to arid front the clinic is provided by Inter ested citizens. Since .July, IBSC. thirteen children from Transylvania have received treat mcnt at the P.iltmore clinic awl five i have received1 hospital treatment. Plans are helm: worked out for even more) children to lie treated this yenr. When the clinic first started Mrs. P. Y. Pat- 1 ton was Instrumental In getting treat- j meat for the crippled children of Tran sylvania county and since last Jnlv this work has been In charge of Miss flrnce Williams, child welfare worker for this county. Cases treated in (ltis clinic include: congenital deformities from accidents, club feet, paralysis and other diseases, plastic surgery, skin graft, flat foot stabilization, traction of legs and hips, deformities of ankles and such bone diseases as asteomyelltls and daeylitis. The Tiiltmore clinic enables children who would never be able to afford tlw expensive treatment necessary to reme dy any hone deformity to have 1 lie care and treatment that will make them .10 longer helpless cripples but able bodlel men and women. College Drama Will Be Presented 18th Xcxt Tuesday night at right o’clock the Dramatic chib of Brevard Col lege will present as the commence ment may "Come Out of the Kitchen" In tilt College auditorium. Tills noted play Is a delightful, fas cinating. and stirring three-act com edy. Miss Doris Thorne who has been featured in several productions this year Is again playing the leading feminine role, Deighton Presson. Who played the leading role in the op eretta "The Willow Plate" Is playing opposite Miss Thorne. Miss Lucile Smith, director of th" Dramatic club and active member of the Brevard Uttle Theatre Is directing this production. Those in tho assisting cast are Misses Satenlk Nlhlklan, Jean Mangum and Midge Cogdlll. Messrs. Eddie Carllslle, Revls Fry. Frank Craven. Russell Andrews and Oriffin Campbell. Free Talking Movie Here On Tuesday Eve "Hidden Harvest," an education'll talklnp movie will lie plven at the Bre vard hiph school auditorium next Tues day cvcninp, May 1R. at S o'clock, with the B X- B Feed compnny as hosts for tho evening The picture denis with farming of a better type, and at the same time weaves an interestinp story on the talklnp screen that runs for an hour and a tialf. Along with the story' is wo ven In practical methods of feeding and handling livestock and poultry. There will tie no charge for admit tance. and Manager Willis Brittain states that seating capacity for 1,000 people has been provided for. New Arrival Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Scruggs an nounce the arrival of- a son, Stanley Hampton, on Tuesday, May 4th. Transylvania County Mayors Re-Elected Al.FKKP M. WHITK, of Itosman, a ml A. H. HARRIS, of Brevard, shown wi re each re-elected to office of mayor in their respective towns. Neither of the two popular men had opposition in the election. i Soft Ball League To Start Play Here Soon Plans are being worked out to have four teams entered in the Brevard soft hall league this summer, and hoys of the several Sunday schools of the town are asked to take 1he mutter up at their class meetings Sunday morning. Tentative plans are to have a team from the Methodist Sunday school, one from the Baptist, one from the Episco pal and Presbyterian combined, and one from Bio college. Local A & P Manager Wins National Prize Harry Sellers, manager of the Broad street A & P store, won third prize of $25 in a contest held by the Atlantic and 1 aclfte Tea Co., for its employees. The contest consisted of 13 questions based on tne quality and sales of the A & P product and suggestions for in creasing sales. There arc 16.000 V A P stores in the- United States, and the employees of all stores were eligible for the contest. Clean-Up Week Be Staged In Brevard May 17th-20th r.rovurds annual "Clonn-l p » an;- , paipn” will get under way early Mou- | (lay morning. May 17. and an intensive drive will continue through Thursday. May 10. The "C'lean-l:p Campaign' is spon sored every year by the Women's Civic clnli with Mrs. O L. Erwin as chair man of the campaign. The town has 1„ . ii divided Into four zones with n chairman for each zone. The zones and chairmen are as follows: 7.one one. south of Main street and east of Broad street, chairman. Mrs. John Smith: Zone two. North of Main street and east of Broad street, chairman, Mrs. Thoi vald Berg: Zone three, south of main street and went of Broad street chair man Mrs. A. H. Harris: Zone four, north of Main street and west of Broad street, chairman. Mrs. K. it. Pendleton. The town truck will call In each of the rones to collect the trash. It Is asked that the trash be put beside the street it) front of each home and busi ness house. The following is the sched ule for the truck to collect trash: Mon day, Zone one: Tuesday, Zone two; Wednesday. Zone three. Thursday, Zone four. _ Federal Streams Open to Sportsmen Saturday Four new streams and nine of the old ! ones will be opened for fishinp in T *s* yah National Forest for nine days be ylnnlny Saturday, May 15. The streams to be opened to 'he puh lie are: Davidson river from th> entrance at National Forest boundary to mouth cf Daniel Rldye creek, just above the f sh rearing station. Avery creek from the mouth of Avery ,-reek to 1 lie falls above the mouth of Clawhammer cove. Ronkinyylass crook from the mouth of T.ookinyylass creek to Headwaters road. (Troyan creek from the mouth to the first la rye falls. Cove creek to the mouth of the left prony and thence up the left prone to I the falls. North Fork French Frond nver from (tie National Forest boundary to the falls on Klossee creek. Courthouse crook from the month to i the end of the Courthouse road. | Mills Htatlon creek from (he mouth j to the old fields. South Mills River from RiPrh Fal s to Its source in the Pink Reds. Thompson creek from the mouth to the Yellow flap road. Poplar creek from the mouth to the Yellow Gap road. Rower South Mills river from Turkey Pen Guard Station to the Forest bonl ary. Bradley creek from the mouth to the Hendersonville water Intake. North Mills River from the Forest boundary to the Hendersonville water intake at the mouth of Big Creek. All the tributaries of North Mill? river be low the Intake. Bent creek from the Forest boundary to the mouth of Chestnut ccve branch. Charges for permits will be one dollar per dav for men and HO cents fnr wo men. Also this year It Is required that sportsmen have county or state license before they will bo Issued permits by the ranger tn charge. Those desiring to buy permits should buy postoffico money orders for tho j number of days they desire to fish. I making them payable to the regional | fiscal agent of the United States Forest service, Atlanta. On. No forest officer will he allowed to accept cash In pay ment for a permit. Arrangements have beer made. by County Game Warden E. ft- Galloway to have county and state licenses on sale at the ranger station at Plsgah j Forest. Fishermen may ramp at White Pines campground on Davidson river, on , South Mt)ls river near Turkey Pen guard station or along South Mills river under camp fire permit. Pink Beds campground, at North Mills river campground and Bent Creek camp ground. SPELLING BEE WILL BE HELD ON FRIDAY Blue Back Speller Will. Be Used-Children Portrait Contest Scheduled An old time spelling bee and child's portrait contest will be held in the court house Friday night at 8 o'clock The spoiling contest will be between men and women, with Mrs, B. D. Franklin captain for the women and S. K. Varner captain of the men’s side. \ prize of 82.50 will be awarded the best speller, and a prize of $1.00 to the sec ond iiest. One feature of the entertainment, which promises to be of especial inter est. is the life size portrait contest of [small children under school age. The 'children will he posed to resemble pic tures in a frame, with their dolls or pi ts. A prize of $2.50 will lie awarded to tin- child adjudged the best, with ori ginality to count the most in judging, and a prize of $1.00 to the second best chilil. All children wishing to enter this contest are asked to get in touch with Mrs. Fred Zachary. String music will he furnished during the entertainment. The event is sponsored by Circle No. 1 of the Mothodi church. A silver offering will he taken at the dcor. Kiwanis Official Coming K. K. Price, of Rutherfordton. lieu tenant-governor of the First District, will make liis official visit to the Bre vard Kiwanis club on Thursday of this week at 12:15. Mr. Price, who Is editor of The Rutherfordton News, is a force ful speaker, and has been very active in civic, public, and church affairs for years. American Legion Meet A meeting of the American Region will be held Thursday night of this week at 7:30 o'clock in the county agent’s office. Plans will be made for decorating the graves of deceased World War veterans on Decoration day. All members are urged to be on hand promptly. At Lyday Hospital Patients reported at J.ydav Memorial Hospital on Wednesday were: Wm. McK. Fetzor, Mrs. John Patton, B. D Franklin. Markley Jones, William Met calf. Mrs. Fred Honeycutt. George Whit aker, Oscar McGee. Missionary To Speak Dr. Joseph Clark, a missionary in Japan, will deliver an illustrated talk at the Baptist church Tuesday evening at g o’clock, showing slides of Japan an! other sections and points of interest. The public is Invited. HOSPITAL BENEFIT DAY SET FOR 14TH Friends of Duke Endowment Institution Are Invited To Visit Lyday Hospital Plans for the tea and miscellaneous shower to be held at By day Memorial hospital from 1 to 6, Friday, May 14, are being completed. Hospital day Is sponsored by the Womens Civic club with Mrs. Thor void Berg, chairman of the event. Many patents have signified their Intentions to be on hand with tho babies who wore born at the hospital, and it is hoped that the roll call may be answered 100 per cent • Byday Memorial hospital has achiev ed a very fine record In its work, and Brevard Is fortunate to have such a well managed hospital. Tt is hoped that all those In the community who are in terested in the hospital and the fino work it lias done will he present at tho tea and shower on Friday afternoon. A list of artieles needed for the hospi tal and which will be greatly appreci ated are: Pillow cases, glasses, china, dresser scarfs, kitchen utensils, cur tains, baby-haslnets, bed spreads, to wels, wash cloths, hath mats, vases, mirrors (for bathroom), doormats, small trays, canned foods, staples, and cash donations. Mrs. Alice Bridges Buried Wednesday Mrs. Alice C. Bridges, r,i). died at her home here Tuesday afternoon at 5 o’i loci;, following an illness of several months. Funeral services were held at the Brevard Baptist church Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock, with the pastor, the Rev Yancey C. Elliott, officiating. Interment was in Cathey’s Creek ceme tery. Mrs. Bridges was a member of ti e Baptist church. Her husband. A A. Bridges, died 11 years ago. She was a woman of genuine qualities and was highly esteemed by a large number of friends in the community. Surviving are three sens and on., daughter. Frank. .lames and Bill Bridges and Mrs. Hugh IfoBlfMd all of Bre vard. and two step-daughters. Mrs T H. Wilson and Mrs. TO. E. Brown, of Sylva. Pallbearers were Edwin Morgan, George Justus. Berry Lankford. Bceeh er Mull. G. M. Morgan and J. F. Mor gan. Moore and Trantham funeral direc tors had charge of arrangements. Attend Federal Court Four Transylvania citizens were sum moned to serve as jurors at the spring term of federal court which convened in Asheville Monday morning. Carr Owen, of Selica; G. C. Se.ntoll, of Pisgah Forest; Albert Price, of Tgike Tosaway, and R. I.. Capps, of Boylston, were summoned as jurors. Transylva nia cases were scheduled for hearing on Wednesday of this week. Several cases were on the docket for violations of the federal prohibition laws. Asking For Furniture Sirs. T. J. Wilson, Transylvania county supervisor of the WPA, asks that those who have old furniture which they no longer use to donate it for the county home. Shrubbery Is also desired. The WPA proup of the county is notv working on improving the inte rior and grounds of the county home. Electric lights have recently been in stalled in the county home making it much more attractive and livable. Dr. Coltrane To Preach President E. J. Coltrane, of Brevard College, will deliver the message at ‘lie 11 o’clock hour of worship at the Bre vard Baptist church Sunday morning, in the absence of the pastor, the Rev. Yancey C. Elliott. Mr. Elliott is attending the meeting of the Southern Baptist convention In Yew Orleans this week, and will not return to Brevard until the first of the week. Number, Please Subscribers of the Citizens Telephone company will each receive a new di rectory this week, and along with the directory will go the request that num bers be used when calling central, and not names. Hereafter, so officers cf the telephone company say, there will be no more calling by names. Instead, if one wants Bill Smith’s store, one looks in the di rectory. finds the number, picks up the receiver, and when central says "Num ber. Please,” the correct way will be to give the number of Bill's phone. In fact, the only way to get Smith's store will be to give the number. The new directories are being printed in The Times print shop and will bo ready for distribution the last of this week. To Confer Second Degree Second degree will lie conferred by Dunn's Hock Masonic lodge No. 267 at the regular communication which will be held Friday night at 8 o'clock In the lodge hall on Broad street. At conclusion of the degree work re freshments will be served. A cordial Invitation Is extended to visiting Ma sons.