THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania County_ -■===- rrfvard, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1937. $1.00 PER YEAR IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY VOL. 42: NO. 20._ " BIBLE SCHOOL WILL START AT BREVARD CHURCH MONDAY Young People of Community Invited to Attend Re vival Services Vacation Bible for -vo"'^ people will start at Bre'atd •U' • church Monday m.-mitt a* ' JM ' ami continue for two wc ^ * 0 ',“‘ through Friday. The Hev. Yancey Kill " ' ’ n corps of 20 or more b acln is " i ■'‘1' charge of the classes "hi i ' 1 each morning at 0 o'clock fm hour sessions, and all chiMi"’ 'i community are invited bj ’1 os o s and ehurch to attend. Miss Catherine l.ois Martin "t west Baptist Seminary. Fon Texas, and the Rev. James Wilder, of Raleigh, together with a -ro},,‘ nf teachers and chureli leaders of Bre vnrd. will have charge of 'he classes. Young people of from I years ol ag, through 16 are especially invited to the classes, and provisions are being made to adequately rare for the 1-jear Olds, as well as all departmental ages In connection with the Pally 'ac®' tion Rible school a youth revival will b . hold, with services beginning Mon day evening of next week. May :t. at S o'clock. ,, The Rev. James Wild, r who will en ter the Baptist Seminal> at Louisville this fall, will be in (hare of the youth revival servicer .ad Miss Mar tin wilt have charge of the music. This series of serve • ■■ - exclusive':. for voting people, the Rev. Mr. Llhott announces, with all voUl g unmarried people urged to attend. Special ser vicer to which older people are to he Invited will bo announced later. "We are trying b r< .-u h the young unmarried people of Mu community through this special series of services. Mr. Rlllott said In announcing the ser vices. "and white wo expect the pa rents to take enough Interest in the services to the extent of urging young people with whom they come In con tact *n attend, we do not think It ad visable to have ti e older '-roup In this special series of services." Both the Hev. Mr. Wilder and Miss Martin are experienced in young peo ple's work, the pastor sail, and with • he excellent corps of Hitchers which the local church affords, a successful Bible school is looked forward to. as well as the special series of services In the evening for the young people. Declamation Contest At College on Friday The annual declamation contest wtU be staged at Brevard College on Friday evening of this week In the college au ditorium. with tin program to start at 8 o'clock. One girl and five boys will enter the contest which is sponsored by the Clio sophic Literary society. A gold medal, which Is donated by the members of th > ‘ society and citizens of the community, will be awarded the winner. The Times editor had a man-sized breakfast Wednesday morning, with the chief article being a man-sized egg which was brought In by LeRoy Davis, of Enon. The egg was laid by a Game hen. and measured 7 5-8 by 5 8-4 inches. Local Girl With Light Opera Group Miss Adelaide Van Wry. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Sllversteen. just finished her first engagement with the Sulllberts. a light opera company. She appeared In the part if "Inez" In the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta. "The • Gondoliers." The production ivas directed by Mr. Alan Hinckley, formerly of the Metro politan Opera company, and was given at the Tattle Theatre. 14th street, West of Broadway. Both Mr. and Mrs. Sil versteen were present at the first per formance. National Aquatic To Open School June 3rd Plans are being made by Rumone S. Eaton and Harry V. Kenning for tit ’ annual Red Cross Gift- Saving Institute which will be held nt Camp Carolina. June 3-14. Indications now point to an increas ed enrollment over last year, which was n record-breaking school for the TTntted States Camp Carolina lake, buildings and grounds are being put In shape for the large school that is expected. Fresh Paint Big Aid To Uptown Business Application of fresh paint to business fronts in the uptown section is addins materially to Improved appearances in Brevard. Galloway's cafe went In for some thing fancy and used silver and olive gray very effectively, while the Main street and Broad street A &• P stores each used a bright red. Ordinarily black paint is a rather doleful thing to use on a building but three grocers on East Main street seem to have used it to good advantage. Waters’ Market used black and red to decorate their front; the Buy-Rite used black, white and red; and the Turn>r Williams grocery used cream and black. Whether one likes the color of black or no—the new paint Is better than the old. Heads W. N. C. Group CHAKBE3 K. hay, of Waynesvlllo, who is chairman of the A\ < stent North ’•jirollna Advisory committee, which was recently formed with representa tives from scveial counties who will he (harped with tin responsibility of <r,r vel.'itimr plans of the various communi ties for the benefit of all concerned. Immediate activities of the AVNC ad visory croup Is to press for work on the Pine Rldpo Parkway west of Ashe ville with effort belnp made to have a rk started on that link between \Va pnn P.oad Gap and Balsam Gap. Members of the committee, in aildi • to Chnlrman Rav are: AY. .1. Pant toft Canton. G T., Houck, Franklin; c M pouplus. Brevard: W. E. Elmore Brvson City: Harry P.uchanan. Hender sonvlll* . A. J. Pills, Sylva: Verne Rhoades Asheville. Friends and Visitors Make Hospital Day at Brevard Fine Event Annual Hospital Dnv, observed nt I.vday Memorial hospital Friday after noon' with a tea aod miscellaneous shower, proved a highly enjoyable and successful event, sponsored by the Women’s Civic cluh. Seventy-two visitors registered dur ing the reception hours of 4 to *. and others who were unable to be present sent donations for the hospital. A spe cial feature of Interest was the pres ence of TO babies and children who were ',,rn in the hospital. In addition to the local children, many In attendance were from other sections of Western North Carolina. The large reception room was it tractlvcly arranged with iris, dogwood, azalea and wild cral<apple blossoms. Interesting posters provided by the hospital Staff gave evidence of the splendid record made by the hospital, showing detailed information concern ing Its work of the past year. Those In terested in seeing the equipment and the patients’ rooms were directed over the building by the nurses. Tee cream tups for the children and fruit punch and cookies for the older ones were served during the afternoon. Many use ful and valuable articles were received by the hospital on this occasion, there by attesting to the wide-spread Inter est in and appreciation of this commun ity Institution. Mrs Thorvald Berg, as general chair man of the hospital committee of the cluh. supervised the event. Others as sisting on the various committees were Decoration, Mrs. H. .1. Bradley. Mrs. T. H Shipman. Mrs. Fil Orr. Mrs. John Maxwell; refreshments. Mrs. David Ward. Mrs. O. L. Frwin. Mrs. F. K. Pendleton; registration. Mrs. Beulah Zachary; publicity. Mrs. Coleman Gal loway. Mrs. Harry Sellers. Mrs. John Smith; donations. Mrs. B F. Benslev. Mrs \. B. Galloway; serving. Miss Ora Holt Long. Miss Rachel Orr. Assisting in rir.ivim were: Mrs. O. H. Orr. duo president. Mrs. A. H. Harris. Mrs. C. !-. Newlnnd. Mrs. A. R. Gillespie. The hoard of trustees, with their wives and husbands, were specially in vited nests. Members of the hoard are: R H. Ramsey. Jr., chairman. Thorvald A. Berg', Rev. J. H. Brendall. W. M. Hunt. F. Brown Carr. Mrs. A. H. Har ris and Mrs. P. P. Vornor. Realty Transactions Several real estate transactions have been compil'd 1 in Brevard during the pas* week, with several desirable pieces of property changing hands. Harry t.oftis has purchased the for mer M. P. Foxman place on Maple street: W, r. Maness has purchased the It F. Beasley place on S'outh Broad: and Miss Anne Ashe, o? Ridgeway. S. O. has bought the P. M. Mocfle place on Caldwell. The sales were made j through Judson McCrary's office. Soft Ball Meeting To Be Held Monday Managers and leaders in the soft ball league In Brevard are asked to meet at The Transylvania Times office on Mon day evening of next week. May 24, at 8 o’clock for discussion of rules and regulations pertaining to operation of the four-team league this summer. Tentative plans are to have a team from the Baptist, Methodist, Presbyte rian-Episcopal Sunday schools, and one from the college. TAX LISTER TO BE IN BREVARD TOWNSHIP Assessors To Work In Cath ey’s Creek During Com ing Week Personal property tax listing has been completed In all townships ex cept Brevard, and W. M. Henry list taker, will be in Brevard township next week. On Monday. May 24, Mr. Henry will be at the Plsgali Forest post office to b n for tlie lower end of the town ship. and will lie unlisted in the listing by Ralph \V. I.yday, who will be at the P.iit I,umber company store on -bo same date. The hoard of assessors for revaluation of real properly is expected to com plete Its work in Brevard township this week, and will go to Cathey’s Creek township next week. Personal property listing in the va rious townships (except Brevard) has been completed, but Supervisor I.yday states that listers still have the books and any persons who failed to list on the scheduled dates may yet go to the lister and avoid paying penalty, if they aot at once. Boyd township Is listed one hundred percent, Mr. I.yday said. New Arrivals Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. Dortch Langston, of Goldsboro, a son, William Dortch Jr., on Sunday, May 16. Mrs. I.augston is the former Miss Annie Vongtie, of Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Gray of West Brevard, announce the birtli of a daughter, Dorothy Mary Jane, on May 14th. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hol combe, on May lf>th, a son, Robert O’Dell. Pisgah Forest Bible School Starts 24th Preparations arc being completed for the annual Vacation Bible school, which will he held at the Davidson River Presbyterian church In a two weeks' session, beginning Monday morning. The school will operate under the aus pices of the Brevard-Davldson River churches. The pastor the Rev. C, M. Jones, and Miss bucilla White, of Staunton. Va.. will he In charge of the school, assisted by members of the Davidson River and the Brevard Sunday schools. The school will open promptly at :> o'clock each week day morning, except Saturday. Included In the daily program will be hymn study, Bible study story telling and games. CAMP ILLAHEE Will. BE OPERATED AGAIN Short Term Groups Wili Be Catered To—Jewish Boys and Girls Camp lllnhee has been leased for the summer and will be operated as a camp for Jewish boys and girls, on a short camp term basis this summer. Rabbi S, Wrube), of Asheville, to gether with Mrs. Wruhel and a corns of experienced counselors will hate charge of the camp, which will open on June 13 and continue in operation for ten or more weeks. Rabbi Wruhel, who is from Asheville, of the Bikur Cholin Congregation, stat ed Hint campers would be recruited from Florida. Georgia, North and South Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee. The camp will be operated on short term basis, with groups of campers be ing accepted for periods of one and two weeks. Uncle Sam Built This At Roxboro Down at Iloxboro. N. C„ the people wanted a noiv postoffice building, and by concerted effort the above picture shows the fine now building that was erected by Uncle Sant for the Person county seat town that Is just a mite large!- than llrevard. The adequate post office building is being opened this week for serving the patrons who wanted a postoffice building bad enough to go after it. Frady Inquest Will Be Completed Soon Inquest in tiit matter of the death of Bennie Frudy, who died early on the morning of April 24. after hav ing been struck by an automobile, will be completed sometime this week, ac cording to Coroner John S. Kilpatrick. The young man died after an auto mobile driven by Harry Pickeialmer, struck him as lie was lying In the high way near Penrose. Mysterious circum stances surrounding the death of the 10-year-old boy caused Coroner Kil patrick and Sheriff Oeorgc- Shuford to delay the Inquest unttl investigation as to cause of the young man's lying in the road at an early hour in the morning could be conducted The young lad's stomach was sent to a chemist at Slnte College, Hnleigh, for examination, and the report came back Tuesday to the effect that there was no trace of either liquor or poison In the stomach. Appearances of the hoy's vital or gans were such as lo lead doctors to believe Unit lie was struck by moro [than one car. Sharpe and Orr Are. Re-Named Commission c. R. Sharpe, of Sellca, and Oliver H. Orr. of Brevard, have been reap pointed as members of the Transyl vania Jury commission by Judge .1. Will Pless. Jr., of Marion, resident Judge. Mr. Sharpe. Mr. Orr. and Clerk of Court Otto Alexander constitute the commission, with Mr. Alexander serv ing as third lerm member by virtue of his office as clerk. The Jury commission was set up by an act of the legislature of 1935, and the three men then named to the board. Upon expiration of their term the act [provides that the resident Judge shall I fill the posts upon recommendation of the Brevard Bar Association. Transylvania County Put in 10th District RAEEIOH.—Transylvania county Is in the tenth administrative unit of the new state highway and public works set-up. announced by the commission last week. E. L. McKee, of Sylva. is commis sioner for the tenth district, and In ad dition each district will have an ent,'i neer and assistant. Eater each district will he divided into three divisions. Counties eompoxinpr the tenth district nro as follows: Avery. Mitchell. Madison. Tanccy, Ihincombe, Henderson, Transylvania, Haywood. Macon. Jackson. Swain, Cherokee, Clay, and Graham. W. N. C. Woodmen Will Hold District Convention In Brevard Woodmen and Woodmen Circle mem bers from 21 western counties will as semble in Brevard next Thursday, May 27. for the annual “Bop Rolling Asso ciation," Over 200 delegates are expected to i be here for the occasion which starts at 10 o'clock in the morning, with ses sions to be bold In the county court house. Members of the Rervnrd and Rosrnan camps and groves will be joint hosts to the delegates, with ladies from the two circles to provide luncheon at the noon hour for the delegates. F. B. Reatherwood. of Waynesvtlle, president of the district association, will preside at the meeting, and addresses will l>e made in the afternoon by T. E. Newton, of Kinston, State Manager of the Woodmen, and by Mrs. Effie Ro gers, of Raleigh, state manager of the Woodmen Cirele. The Woodmen and ladies of the cir cles will be welcomed by Mayor A. H. Harris on behalf of the town of Bre vard, and by A. It. Galloway, district manager, on behalf of the Brevard and Bosnian camps and groves. Following the business sessions in the afternoon, a baseball game between the Marshall W. O. W. team and the Bre vard Tanners will be held on the Bre vard high school field, which will com plete the day’s program. The following program has been an nounced: Call to Order . President F. L. Leatherwood Invocation . Rcv- Brendall Welcome Address . Mayor A. H. Harris Response . Sovereign L. C. Davis Welcome on Behalf of Brevard and Rosman Camps . A. B. Galloway Reports ... Delegates Reports from all Camps and Groves in Western District; reports of Field Workers from their respective districts. Appointment of Committees . President Resolutions. Good of Order, Uniform flank RECESS FOR LUNCHEON J Reports of Committees. Address . Mrs. Effie Rogers State Manager W. O. W. Circle Address.T.‘E. Newton, State Manager W. O. W. Address . Judge Barrington T. Hill Miscellaneous Business—Invitation for Next Convention Baseball Game .'.. Brevard High School Field Between Marshall WT. O. W. Team and Brevard Tanners Adjournment. i Rearing Pools Are Stocked With Trout From Va. Hatchery Approximately 75,000 rainbow and speckled flngerllng trout were placed In the Pisgah National Forest rearing pools near Brevard Wednesday after noon The trout were shipped here from the federal hatchery at Wytheville, Va.. In a specially constructed railway car that Is owned by the Bureau of Fisheries. The cur was placed on the sidetrack ut Pisgah Forest station and the 270 cans of flngerling fish transferred to the pools where they will very prob ably remain until next spring when (hey are destined to be turned looose In the streams of the forest. T. IC. Chamberlain, of Brevard, fish < ulturist. was in charge of the transfer, using several of the CCC trucks from P-Gfi, and having members of the camp and forestry' workers to assist him in the transfer. Two hundred cans contained rain bcw trout, and 70 were filled with brook or speckled. The fingerlirgs were of a large size, and should be good sized healthy fellows by next spring1 after being eared for at the modern rearing station on Davidson River until next spring. Here For Summer Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Scott, of St. Cloud, Fla., have arrived for the summer and have rented the Mrs. Elzora Simpson (rodchaujc house in North Brevard for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Scotf are spending their third season here—and with them the season Is from May to Oct ob'.T. At Lyday Hospital Paiients reported at Lyday Memorial hospital the past week include: Wm. MoK. Fetzcr. Mrs. Rosooe McCall. Mrs Verdey Blythe, Miss Clifford Middleton. Clyde Shuford. Run Smith, Revls Frye, Oscar McGee. George Whitaker, George Ellington, John Burleson. C. 0. Benson, j Foch Waldroup. Baptist Young Folk To Meet At Blantyre Rower District BTC convention will be held Sunday afternoon. May 23, with Blantyre Baptist church. The program will start at 2:30 o’clock. Members from Pisgah Forest, Enon, Rittle River, and Blantyre. unions wtll take part on the program, as well as others who will assist in the special music. Theme of the afternoon’s program will be "Riving For Jesus,” and officers of the district invite all young people to attend. Dentist To Locate Dr. C. .1. Goodwin, of Elizabethtown. N. C.. announces that he will open of fices for the practice of dentistry in Brevard nbout June 15. Dr. Goodwin will have his offices In the Pickelsimcr building on Broad street. Maness At Manteo W. C. Maness. assistant county agent. ] is leaving Saturday for Manteo on Roanoke Island, to attend a meeting of county agents and assistant agents to lie held there next week. Mr. Maness will go with a group of other assistant agents and county agents of Western (North Carolina. Adult Teachers Are Going To State Meet — Practically all of the teachers of the j adult education group of Transylvania 'county and the county supervisor, Mrs. Mile C. Wilson, are making plans to attend the state dramatized exhibit of adult education to be held in Raleigh on Friday. After attending the state meet ing in Raleigh, the group plans to go to Carolina Beach on Saturday, return ing to their homes here late that night or the following day. A meeting of the teachers of the adult education program was held Fri day at the home of Mrs. Allie C. Wll. son, supervisor for Transylvania and Henderson counties, who presided over the meeting. Special guests at the all-day meeting were Mrs. Edith Morgan, district super visor, Mrs. Louise Liner, Haywood county supervisor, and Mrs. Clay, Bun combe county supervisor. A plate luncheon, provided by the teachers and Mrs. Wilson, was served at noon. The June meeting of the two counties will be held at Hendersonville. 79 STUDENTS WILL RECEIVE DIPLOMAS AT BREVARD JUNE 3 Plans Being Made For Hold ing Home-Coming Event at Same Time Seventy-nine students of Brevard Col lege will receive diplomas at the end of the spring term. June 3rd, according to announcement by President E. J. Col trane. First of the series of graduation events will be held Wednesday morn ing. June 2nd. at It o’clock, when Dr. A. W. Plyler. editor of the North Car olina Christian Advocate, will preach the graduation sermon. The servlco will be held in the college auditorium. On the same evening, in the West. Hall dining room, at 7:30, a banquet for alumni of Brevard Institute, Brevard College and Weaver College will be held, with the Rev. C. M. Pickens, pas tor of the First Methodist church, of Thomasvillc, serving as toastmaster. The Rev. Mr. Pickens Is a graduate of Weaver College, and is a member of the board of trustees of Brevard Col lege. The Rev. Dr. J. W. Shackford. pastor of the Washington street Methodist church. Columbia, R. C„ wiil deliver the commencement address to the gradu ates on Thursday morning, June 3rd, at 11 o'clock, following which diplomas to the 79 graduates will be presented by President Coltrane. A picnic luncheon will be served to the elurrnl, graduates, students, an! friends of the college following the commencement exorcises. This will be in the nature of a get-together dinner, a time for renewing former friendships and looking over rhe buildings and campus. Prof. C. H. Trowbridge will !>e host at the picnic. Approximately 1.200 letters of invita tlon to the picnic luncheon and banquer have been lssiioq to former students of the. three institutions, Brevard Imrii tute. Brevf-.rd College and Weaver College. A cordial Invitation is extend ed all interested friends to attend the Homecoming day picnic and other com mencement. exercises. Summer Camps Report Fine Season Expected Reports from directors of the several summer camps about Itrevard are to the effect that an excellent season Is expected, and that Increased enroll ments In each of the It Transylvania organized camps is assured. t'arap Oonnesteo reports that their ! registration is closed with more appli cations on hand than can he cared for. WMO OFFICERS ARE RENAMED TO POSTS Little 1 River Church Selected As Meeting Place By Baptist Ladies Mrs. M. H. Holliday was re-elected superintendent of the W. M. U. Tran sylvania Baptist association at the an nual meeting of this organization held Wednesday In an all-day session at the Cedar Mountain church. Other officers were elected for the ensuing year, as follows: Assistant superintendent. Mrs. E. R. Pendleton; young people's superintendent. Mrs. Alvocia McCall; secretary-treasurer Mrs. Julian A. Glazener; mission study chairman. Mrs. J. B. Jones; personal service chairman, Mrs. P. A. Morgan; stewardship chairman, Mrs. M. C. Ship man. Around 100 representatives were pre sent from the seven women’s mission ary societies and the 14 young people's societies in the association. Selection of I.ittle River was made as the place for the annual meeting next May. Prominent speakers on the day's pro gram were Mrs. Edna R. Harris, State W. M. L. secretary, Raleigh: Dr. Jos eph Clark, returned missionary from Japan: Mrs. J. R. Morgan, divisional superintendent. Waynesville; the Rev. Yancey C. Elliott, pastor of the Brevard Baptist church. Mrs. Holliday presided over the morning program. Included In the morning session were dcvotlonals by Mrs. A. B. Galloway; welcome, Miss Sadie Allison; response, Mrs. Joe Hall; associational W. M. U. report, Mrs. M. H. Holliday; message, Mrs. Edna R. Harris. The afternoon session was given over to the young people’s work, with the following taking part: Devotional, Mrs. Y. C. Elliott; young people’s report, Mrs. Alcovia McCall, superintendent; message, Rev. Y. C. Elliott; steward shit) play. "Prove Me,” Brevard Y. W. A- girls. Mrs. McCall presided over the afternoon session. Luncheon was served at noon by la dies of the Cedar Mountain church. Rural Electrification Meets Next Thursday Citizens interested in rural electrifi cation in the Rostnan and Little River communities will meet next Thursday. May 27. at which time a representa tive of State College. Raleigh, will be present A meeting is being called at Rosman at 10 o'clock in the morning of the 27th, and at Little River at 1:30 in the afternoon. D, E. Jones, extension rural electrification engineer will attend che meetings for the state, and Professor Randall Lyday of Brevard high school will preside.

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