fW" THE TRANSYLVANIA '■MES Ment A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania County V TTL " ” BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1937._$1.00 PER YEAR IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY Spelling ‘Bee’ Here Tonight There'll be no courtesy shown the ladles Thursday night by Chaps who ordinarily are suave courtesy itself. Fact is, it appears from a preview ot the scene as it will take place at 8 o'clock in the court house Thursday evening, that the men are going up with the determination to he as un gentlemanly as possible. However, the rudeness will only ap ply to spelling words witli long ban dies, silent vowels, and unintelligible consonants. The men who are able to start off spelling such words ns ABAC - US. and go right through to '/A MUll OY, without miscalling a single letter while they will lie hoping (silently of course) that the ladies miss AARON, spell "cat" with a K and “bee with an I. The event will be a spelling match between the ladies and tlie men, spon sored by one of the circles of the Bre vard Methodist church and is to give ttic men a chance to redeem them selves in the eyes of the public for the ignoble defeat suffered a few weeks ago when three ladies were still spell ing merrily and accurately along w-hen the last two gentlemen "sat down’ on I’ORBHYRY. All ladies of the community are In vited to attend and take part in the spelling match, and the men are ur gently requested, prayed, and,implored to Ik* present, and are gently reminded that it would not he amiss to check up on sonic of the hard words that may be "given out" by the master of cere monies. No admission will he charged, and all who will, are asked to take part in the spelling match, and others are also in vited to come as spectators. Frizes for test spellers will be home-made cakes. A stiver offering will be taken at the door. Dahlia Meet Tuesday Members of the Transylvania Dahlia Association will meet Tuesday evening of next week at 8 o'clock In the offices of Fred Shuford at Brevard. Business pertaining to the annual dahlia show on August 28 will be discussed at the meeting. New Arrival Mr. and Mrs. Noah Miller announce the birth of a son. David Fielding, on June 7tb. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gray announco the birth of a son. Melvin Eugene, on Sunday. June 6. Presbyterian Bible School In Session Thirty children were enrolled Mon day morning In the daily .vacation Bible school which is in a two-weeks' ses sion at the Brevard Presbyterlai church. Miss Lucilla White and the pastor. Rev. C. M. Jones, arc assisted In the staff operation by Miss Elizabeth Ship man and Miss Dorothy Dean. The school will close on Friday of next week. Highway Offices Will Continue Under Webb Brevard will continue to be district headquarters for the state highway, according to tentative plans announce 1 by Commissioner E. L*. McKee last week, and Ernest H. Webb of Brevard will remain as district engineer. T. (5. Moody will continue in the of fice as district supervisor, and T. H. Leverette as superintendent of the Cal vert Prison camp. W. E. Swift, prison superintendent of Haywood Prison camp, and D. It. Lyday, superintendent of Henderson Prison camp. The district Is to be composed of Transylvania, Henderson and Haywood counties. John C. Walker, of Asheville, will remain its division engineer. Head quarters will he in Asheville with dis trict offices at Brevard and Sylva. W. N. C. Committee Opposing Closing Of Main Park Highways Members of the Western North Car olina Advisory committee meeting In Canton Wednesday, voted to oppose li cense fees for travel on main highways in the Great Smoky Mountains Nation al Park, and by resolution so Informed the state highway commission. The committee took the position that in as much as the park was to he a publicly-owned playground, and the further fact that two highways—107 and 284—were already practically con structed and were maintained by the State of North Carolina as main thor oughfares of traffic, that these two roads at least should not come under the fee system. The committee heard reports from the president and secretary to the ef fect that Ambassador Josephus Dan iels was now In Washington conferring with Secretary lekes of the Interior Department, anil President Roosevelt in regard to starting work on that por tion of the Blue Ridge Parkway which lies between Wagon Road Gap and Bal sam Gap. Ambassador Daniels, who Is home from Mexico City on vacation, assured the advisory committee last week that he would do all In his power to assist in securing early work on the parkway west of Asheville, and has spent sev eral days in Raleigh conferring with Chairman Frank Dunlap of the state highway commission, and the governor on the matter, before going to Wash ington. Members attending the meeting Wed nesday Included, Charles E. Ray. jf Waynesvllle, W. J. Damtoft. of Canton. Verne Rhodes, of Asheville. Harry E. Buchanan of Hendersonville, A. J. Dills of Sylva, Lewis P. Hamlin and |C. M. Douglas of Brevard. W. E. El ! more of Bryson City, Frank E. Patton I of Franklin. To Confer First Degree Regular communication of Dunn’s i Rock Masonic Lodge will meet in the 1 lodge hall on Broad street Friday night | at 8 o'clock. 1 After the regular routine of business the first degree will be conferred. Re freshments will be served at the con clusion of the degree work. A cordial invitation is extended to all visiting Masons. Chamber Commerce Meet Is Set for Friday Evening All interested citizens of Brevard and the surrounding community are asked to meet Friday evening at S o’clock in the Civic club rooms on Jordan street, to adopt plans for operating the Bureau of Informa tion this summer. Space may lie had for the bureau in the C. IX l\ library or in the of fice of Mrs. Mary Jane McCrary, and neither of the places will costly to the community in the way of rent. Mrs. McCrary has offered the use of her office at a very nominal sum, and the U. IX C. library is available at no cost other than for lights and telephone, and care of the building. Some of the community leaders desire to hire an experienced work er for the summer, and it is under stood that a college student (local boy) may be had without cost as to salary to the community. In either event, there will be some cost attached to operating the information bureau and those who are interested sufficiently to lie willing to help in the cost, will be asked to make selection of the place and the secretary for the summer. Sufficient descriptive booklets were lithographed last year to care for this year's needs, and with the small additional cost of printing leaflets, postage, telephone, and in cidental expenses, the bureau may bo operated at a very nominal cost to the community. The citizens arc asked to be pre sent Friday evening, as the infor mation bureau must be opened the first of the coming week. Brevard Woodmen to Hold Memorial For Deceased Members Annual memorial services will be held by the llrevard Woodmen camp Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at Bre vard Presbyterian church for deceased members. The Rev. C. M. Jones, pastor of the church, will preach the memorial ser mon, and both Woodmen and Wood men Circle members will attend the service as special guests of the church. Members of the local camp will meet promptly at 10:30 in the Woodmen hall and march in a body to the church. While the sendee is a special one for Woodmen, a general invitation is ex tended the public to attend. Only one member of the Balsam camp which has a total enrollment of nearly two hundred, has died during the past year, W. M. Cloud. The Woodmen will again meet in the hall at 2:30 in the afternoon and from there proceed by committees to deco rate graves of deceased members. Pre-Season Camp Opened at Sapphire A girls’ pre-season camp opened at Camp Sapphire in a three-weeks’ ses sion before the regular camp season at Sapphire. Seventy girls from the ages of 8 to 17. representing many states from the midwest to the Carollnas and Georgia, are enrolled In the present camp. Mrs. Bernard Fetzer, of Concord, and Mrs. Wm. McK. Fetzer, of Brevard, are directing the camp, assisted by a staff of 15 counselors and instructors. The encampment is from June 8 to 29. The camp is operated according to the regulation schedule and Is for recrea tion merely. The daily features Include, swimming, canoeing, life saving, danc ing. archery, tennis and other recrea tional activities. Coltrane at Kiwanis • Dr. E. J. Coltrane, of Brevard Col lege, will have charge of the program at the Brevard Kiwanis meeting to be held Thursday at the England Home. ALDERMEN SELECT EMPLOYES OF TOWN Harry Patton Resigns Post of City Clerk; A. H. Kizer Named To Place Practically no changes were made In the town of Brevard employe liet by the hoard of aldermen In meeting here Monday night, with exception of city clerk’s post. Alex H. Kizer was elected to the place of city clerk to succeed Harry H. Patten, who was not a candidate for re-election. Mr. Patton, who ha* served as clerk for the past number of years, told the board some time ago that he would be unable to serve longer, and only one application was made for the post. New terms of office will become ef fective July 1. Other officers re-electel by the board Include; Ralph H. Ramsey, Jr., city attorney; B. H. Freeman, chief of police and supervisor of streets and water; C. C. Morris, night policeman; J. P. Deavor. watershed patrolman; J. S. Bromfield. chief fire department; Dan Merrill, fir* truck driver; A. M. Case, building in spector; Harold 13. Norwood, electrical Inspector. Committee members from the board of aldermen were named as follows: Streets—Aldermen Shuford, Duck wortn, and Waters; water and sewer— Aldermen Kilpatrick. Trantham, and Waters; sanitation—Aldermen Waters. Duckworth, and Trantham: lights— Aldermen Trantham, Kilpatrick, and Shuford: finance—Aldermen Duck worth, Shuford, and Kilpatrick; Aider men Trantham and Kilpatrick and the city clerk were designated as park committee. SCHOOL BUS DRIVER LIST FOR ’37 TERM Board of Education Renames Majority of Last Year . Transport Men Drivers for the school bus routes in the county have been named by the boar! of education for the 1937-38 term. The board met here Monday, and after adopting a budget for the coming fiscal year, named the bus drivers and transacted other routine matters. Drivers named are: Brevard District Cedar Mountain—Joseph Jone«; Lit tle River, Merrimon Shuford; Pynrose, H. R Talley: Boylston. Robert Tay lor; Carson Creek, G. F. Rains: Rird Include Gaston Whitmire of Cherry field, and F. Brown Carr, of 1’lsgnh Forest. Only two applications were presenimi to the Joint session Monday for super intendent of welfare, that of Mrs. Pat ton, and M W. Galloway, also of Bre vard. Chairman A. B. Galloway, who was asked to preside at the joint ses sion, explained that there could be nominations from any member present aside from the two applications, but there were no other suggestions. The board, In the minutes of the meeting, pointed out that inasmuch as Mrs. Patton was the more qualified, ac cording to the state regulations which had to be as nearly as possible follow ed, was given the post, Requirements as set out by the state for eligibility as superintendent are: (a) The candidate should have a bachelor's degree from an accredited college. In exceptional cases a minimum of the completion of two years in an accredited college may l>c accepted. (h) One year or more in an accredit ed school of social work. (c) A minimum of one year’s experi ence in a social agency as a paid mem ber of the staff. The candidate may he provisionally approved on condition that he obtain the one year of training in an accredit ed school of social work by 1940. pro vided he has a minimum of two years In an accredited college and two yean of experience as a paid worker In a so cial agency. The superintendent, together with the welfare tsiard. and the commission ers will have charge of distributing the social security (old age assistance and (Continued on Back Page) New Paint Up-Town New green paint on I he front of the Ward-Smith place on Main street Is another added spot of ireshness In the uptown section. From week to week, a more summer-time neatness is taking place. Cooking School Be Held Three Days A three-day cooking school and dem onstration will be held at the court house Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoons of this week from 2 to f o’clock. The event, sponsored by the Women's Missionary society of the Methodist church, is free to all ladles of the community. Mrs. R. L. Allison, a trained and ex perienced food demonstrator and die titian. will conduct the classes. Fifty prizes will be awarded at each session. In addition to these valuable prizes, grand prizes will be awarded at the end of the series on Saturday. President Coltrane Gets Doctor Degree An honorary degree ot D. Ed., doctor of education, was conferred upon Pres ident E. J. Coltrane. of Brevard Col lege. by High Point College on May 31. duripg the commencement exercises of that institution. President Coltrane was deemed wor thy of the high honorary degree be cause of outstanding work in the field of education, and many other qualifi cations which entitled him to this hon or. College Summer School Starts With 100 Students Enrolled Term Will Continue Through August 25—High School Work Offered Registrations for Brevard College summer school on Wednesday showed an enrollment of around 100 students, according to an announcement of Dean C. E. Buckner, director of the summer school. Regular class work will begin on Thursday, and the school will continue through August 25. Practically all of the regular college faculty are remain ing to assist In the operation of the summer school. High school work is a special feature of the summer quarter, and Is not of fered during the regular school year. Work in the 10th and 11th grades In high school will be offered to those de siring such courses this summer. • The summer schbol enrollment in cludes students who are beginning their college work writh this quarter, as well as those who are remaining to complete the work for graduation and those who are taking merely high school work. Bus Schedule To Give Better Service Here Change in Greyhound Bus schedule has been put Into effect at Brevard, with the bus going straight through to Asheville via Hendersonville instead of a change being necessary as hereto fore. The Greyhound bus leaves Brevard at 6:50 in the morning and at 1:45 in the afternoon, arriving at Brevard from Asheville and Hendersonville at 1:30 and 6:50 in the afternoon. No change has been made in the Smoky Mountain line—leaving here at 9:50 in the morning and 4:30 in the afternoon, and arriving from Asheville at 9:30 In the morning and 7 in the afternoon. At Lyday Hospital Patients reported at Lyday Memorial hospital on Wednesday were: Mrs. Koseoe McCall, Miss Clifford Middle ton, Mrs. Verda Blythe, Mrs. Frank Woife. Miss Inez Lyday, Miss Anna Patton, Ed Mills.